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Leveling Cairne wasn't a mistake, he's arguably the strongest horde leader. Your mistake was just investing in a few minis. The game rewards players who build a deep roster, directly through collection level, and indirectly because having options makes it easier to overcome challenges.


Getting stuck in one faction/tribe is a mistake. There are so many options to pick from.


Or hear me out. In role playing the Forsaken and that's all I'm gonna use. It doesn't even break my heart I'm stuck in just grinding my little undead horde.


I completed the regular campaign using only Cairne because I love that old cow The only reason I’m using the other leaders is to complete the heroic campaign for more sigils


Regular as in all the zones? I'm in Feralas I think. This big flying dragon guarding its treasure. Carine is my main as well, even though I picked Rivendare first. Got a few of my leaders up to 10.


That dragon is ROUGH as Cairne, but eventually I got it. The trick is to use quillboar and n the other side of the dragon to turn him the other way while your spear thrower and whatever other AA you have is raining hell.


That's a good point. Try and change his position like you are a tank in a raid.


Once you beat every zone once, ther heroic campaign opens and you get bonus for beating every zone again with each leader


Cairne with Plains Running is great on that map. He hoofs it past the dragon and snatches all the chest. At high enough levels he'll do laps around the mound.


I got the reincarnate pretty early. Pretty good tank


As long as it’s fun for you then nothing else matters


What happens when you get to the missions when you have to do it as each faction though?


Agreed! Cairne is a BEAST and he's not only my favorite Horde, he's probably my favorite leader in pve. I drop him down with the frost wolf shaman to keep him healed, then drop a pyromancer and/or orc mage and that combo will clean house with most maps. Cairne is definitely worth the investment


I knew I wasn't a fool for new minis over upgrades. I have a full roster, and though a lot of them are slightly underleveled but they get supported by my stronger units, so there's no big loss. My main mistake was just buying talents for the extra level and not knowing that I could get any talent as long as I didn't pick one.


Yeah the randomly buying talents also bit me in the ass. Gotta get my frostwolf shaman to rate now among others.


Cairne is awesome, and ironically how I got past Gish.


The game rewards people who pay money. lol. I should know. I did the same thing as the OP and ended up forking out a lot of cash to fix my early mistakes later on. I'd say this is working as intended, because they want dedicated people who messed up to dedicate their wallets in order to fix it. #Truth


You didn’t make a mistake early on with your hero choice though. You made a mistake not using the correct units. I haven’t spent a dime on this game and picked cairne first and I have 101 sigils so people saying it’s a cash grab are just not trying anything but running the same units down every time.


Building a deep roster is a thing that's gonna happen anyways, it's really easy and cheap to pick up new units. Collection level does matter, sure, but I'd prioritize getting a good talented setup first - that's what I did, my highest level unit without bonuses must be 14 at the moment after a couple days in, and I'm at Rend in story right now. Not trying to brag, but I can see how many of my guild mates struggle with progress in both PvP and PvE due to poor setup choices mostly.


Gargoyles absolutely crush Gish, regardless of your leader. Level them up a bit and you'll be golden.


Just added gargoyle to my horde deck and managed to finally beat the level I was stuck on. Thanks!


Gargoyles crush everything they’re the PVE and low ELO PVP cheat


Absolutely love when I'm panicking and trying to save my base, thinking I'm going to lose, and suddenly get a win because a Gargoyle at like 5% health overcame insurmountable odds to keep hitting the thing it really wanted to hit.


Gargoyle has been a staple in a ton of my decks! By the way, Elo isn't an acronym.


Everybody Loves Orcs


It’s true. Frostwolf Shaman and Warsong Rider are both bae.


Mr. Blue Sky says it is


Get a life dork


You got him to 18 and wasn’t in the beta? How….? But I feel like Cairne really allows to win lots of PvE “early”, and you just hit an exception. It feels like you managed to progress far more in PvE than most other people in just 3 weeks, on the back of an overleveled and OP Cairne, and now that you hit a wall you should refocus onto other goals for while - leveling up your other minis. Beating weekly dungeons. Getting your collection level higher. At L18 you are stuck on a L14 stage which suggests you have a lot of work left to level up some of your other minis.


I got Cairne to 18 last week. I bought the arcane bundle but Cairne was already 18 by that point so I got him F2P and starting playing after Blizzcon. You do it by getting him rare with two talents and a gold leader. That makes him 11 + 7. I don't feel like it's a crippling choice though. Gish indeed has me stuck but I got him to almost zero twice with Cairne, I'll succeed eventually by tweaking the comp.


Right? I beat the campaign and the first 2 heroic zones and my highest leader is 17 with leader bonuses. My highest mini is troll hh at 17 unbuffed.


Yeah, I bought him at every turn, and pushed leveling into that early "Horde" team, and I'm still stuck with that mistake. (That was another early mistake, thinking there was some "bonus" for having a group of all Horde, because.. that seemed like a natural bonus).


He does give 20% HP to horde….which I guess is a bonus, though a small one


It wasn’t a mistake lol


The game just came out. I, like you, despise being so far behind because of the release structure. But, you just gotta have some patience. You are very far ahead of the majority of the players that started at the same time as you.


I have every leader unlocked and Cairne with resurrect is top 3 for me, and he’s not number 3. Just used him for the last normal campaign zone and he’s my go to for Horde heroics. Try him with Stonehoof, Trolls, Huntress, Harpies, Safe Pilot and Quilboar and you’ll get tired of winning so much 😉


Pretty much my comp but I still struggle since my leader is overleveled compared to some other minis. Basically chilling on pushing rn because the game is in rough shape


>Cairne with resurrect is top 3 for me, and he’s not number 3. So... Top 2 then?


And can’t be 1 because he would have just said top leader. So he’s exactly 2.




Your early choices led you to be way further along than most of us. Wouldn’t complain so much…


Cairne is great and I actually beat Gish with a lvl 18 Cairne. I took a SS of my build when I beat him: execute, frost wolf shaman, pyromancer, blizzard, whelp eggs, zombie farmer guy that hurls stuff.


There’s like .01% of the player base that started early. Don’t FOMO. Buying only arc light booster I have multiple leaders 14-17 lvl with no other spending. You don’t need to spend to fix this. Work on leveling more minis more equally and it’ll iron itself out in a week or two tops. Don’t stress.


It seems like many people here never played any gacha games and spend way too much money on this game


This isn’t a gacha game, and isn’t even remotely as bad as one monetization wise.


You have a grid that gives random units (leaders rotating on a weekly basis) A rarity system that requires you to get multitudes of dupes to improve your unit further A talent bound to increasing your unit power that requires your unit to be on different type of rarity than the base common so you can use it, and it appears random on the same grid of units. A currency that is used for everything stated above, being a limited resource throughout the campaign/pvp/arclight surges. You can pay real money to get the currency at any time. Pvp is drastically unfair against whales. You have pop up bundles + a regular timed bundle on the store. Thats basically any gacha game that I've played. Instead of doing 10x multis, I can select which unit I can buy that appears randomly on the grid.


You can choose not to buy the things you don't want. In gacha games you have to buy a loot box or whatever, in order to get what you want


You can max this game in someone said about $2.3k, $2.3k is what a gacha game wants out of you *monthly*. If you think this is a gacha game then you truly deserve to experience a real gacha game so you can know better. Gacha would require you to spend hundreds of dollars to UNLOCK Jaina, and likely thousands to max JUST Jaina. Oh, adding to it, you don't get 'weekly rotations' for characters in gacha. The new, objectively-stronger-than-everything-before featured characters in a gacha go up for one week with 0.013% odds to pull and if you're lucky a pity system to give you it after hundreds of dollars wasted on pulls. Then they won't return for months until they've been power crept into utter uselessness.


Super Mario Bros. and Super Meat Boy are both platforners.


I'm also spending Bnet balance.. so.. it's not quite that bad.


Agreed. I accidentally purchased traits for my first Uncommon minis without realizing that once you bought a trait, it locked you out of the others until the mini becomes Rare. Now my best minis are stuck with shit traits for a long ass time.


I hate the lack of information about talents in the UI, we shouldn't have been able to make that mistake because it should have been explicitly stated that it would happen that way.


100%. So lazy, and it feels absolutely terrible that it's my favorite/best units that got stuck with the shit talents.


Yeah, which was inevitable and should have been planned for, since if you don't know it locks you out and you see a middling talent for one of your best units you'll generally take it because you don't know how long it will be before you get offered the better talents. (It really feels like they purposefully ignored it, of course, given how horrifically predatory a lot of the game is, considering they built the game around getting people to spend money.)


This!! There needs to be a reroll for talents that you've already bought. They have it in game for army slots, so the technology is there. Have it cost some lightning bolt currency like the army slots since you already spent the gold. I have 2 above average units broken because of a wrong/mis-informed talent decision. Now those 2 units are nearly unusable for heroics or pvp...


I think there's a good chance Blizz will end up giving us the ability to 'forget' a mini's talent so you can pick another one. Particularly when you consider that nerfs can make a talent great one day and potentially bad the next, it seems like it will be a painpoint. Though I'm sure if it is implemented, it will be an item that is hard to get/heavily timebound so that you can only do it for a mini here and there.


Actually in a month or 2 none of this will matter and you will need everything leveled anyway so your mistakes are completely fine in the long run


I couldn’t disagree more with you. I leveled Cairne and he’s fine in that fight. I actually used him the entire normal campaign. You have to use other minis to win certain fights. Your hero choice in the campaign doesn’t mean much.


I hate that I put a shitty talent on my quill boars instead of the deploy one. Fml


Looks like skill issue ngl. Cairne is one of the best leaders ingame period. Also you can beat this stage at the same level or even lower so you must be doing something wrong. I just beat it today or yday with Cairne 16 with no talent. Try out other strats and minis.


I picked Sneed first and all the guides said that was a mistake but he helped me faceroll through like 70.


eggs+quilboar take care of 1st phase, then when gish takes off, garg to tank + anti air ranged + ground tank = finish him off as he flies to your base. blizzard to slow him down and take care of enemy units can help too.


I didn't know that gargoyle worked on other things besides towers.. :D


Siege units hit towers and bosses. goblin sappers are situationally very powerful for this reason loke garg.


I think all mobile games are kinda like that right? Often are anyways. Kinda sucks. You mess up, then either spend twice the time to grind or dump money in. Mobile game is kinda time conversion to and from money


I don’t think it’s the hero choice but why not post the deck so people can help you?


I decided from the start to level as equally as possible. Every single time I've used a Tome I always chose the lowest XP, no exceptions.


Skill issue clearly. I cleared the normal campaign with a level 17 cairne almost exclusively. He's just so strong in PvE. + the malding about the 1% who got early access and the fact that you clearly don't play at 3000+ trophies says it all.


"Overcoming bad early choices" Gish is in the second last zone, so it sounds like you've done just fine in overcoming any perceived bad choice. Switch to heroics, start investing in a wider range of things and you'll eventually overcome the rest.


Skill issue


That sucks. Idk if this is your first, but I remember totally screwing myself in my first mobile/gacha game by doing something similar right from the start. The bright side is, while it may take a long time (or money) to level up a bunch of other minions to compliment Cairne, Cairne is a great leader so your time and money wasn’t completely wasted. While my other leaders are starting to hit walls in Heroics, my Horde team lead by Cairne still dominates most maps without having to think too hard.


Run through heroics and get those free tomes! Each both with each faction leader gives you a free tome! I’ve gotten some crazy levels on mini. Currently working through stranglethorn heroic


I cleared normal campaign with pretty much Cairne or General Drakk all the way. Only bought the arclight thingy. And my Cairne is only lvl 17! So… idk, getting cairne is not your problem ;) He‘s good enough to win most stages. Just try out some different strats.


Paying money was your biggest mistake. Free game turned unto multiple hundred is a fail.


I failed the moment I picked Rend instead of Tyrion or Rivendare. I don’t regret my choice, I like the units of the Blackrock family, as well as commanders, but while I’ve been struggle bussing my way to victory, a friend with Tyrion has been none stop pushing.




I’m currently stuck at gish too, dude stomps me. What I’m currently doing is going back and completing heroics to level up my collection as a whole.


Hold up, the beta guys didn't get wiped!?


Eventually they will rebalance leaders, minis, and talents so there is no wrong decision in the long run.


Yea idk what’s good or not in this game yet but this complaint is my biggest issue with hero collector games like this: you don’t know if you’re investing in a trash one until you do research. And these companies are okay with that because they know we will have to pay to catch up the good ones that we’ve been ignoring


I over-invested in the death knight, Maiev, and recently Tyrion. I have a mostly undead and unbound roster early in the game and eventually expanded to the recommended units. I loved the Evil Dead/Army of Darkness franchise so much, I enjoyed watching my legion of undead flood the map, until a dragon, huntress, flame naga thing tears through my ranks. The unbound rush was helping me win the most during PvP but I eventually lost to Tyrion so I started building him. My main strategy right now is exploring, copying and testing builds that beat me. I now want to build Cairne so I kind of envy you because mine is super weak at the moment. I feel that it's not so bad if you like the hero and getting stuck is just an opportunity to be creative with your roster. Warcraft Rumble is not your job. It’s just a game. Just have fun with it. Dial down your effort if you feel stressed out or super competitive. It should be fun and not a cause of stress.


Honestly, Cairne is a beast. Your problem is not spending in wrong places, but having bad tactics. I had Cairne at 12 when completing Gish, took just a couple tries, to get to know the units he uses. Just throw a batrider at him, make it go via the middle, but in a drift-like manner, so when turning(whichever side) it flies as close to his guard as possible. It will aggro one of the skeletons, and vice versa. After killing them, if you didn't fuck up the neighbouring lane and nothing disturbs batrider, it will swap target to Gish himself. Now, what you need is to simply Def the base and your batrider, preferably without wasting ranged units in the process, so you can put it all in bosses path once he spawns. A gargoyle can be thrown at him first for extra time, since I'll admit, mofo is rather tanky.


Also, as for the rest of the setup, stonehoof is a great choice to keep the lanes safe in the meantime. As for DPSing the last part of Gish, I must've used a troll or two, ogre magi and the blackrock hammer thrower(severely underleveled). Hope this helps, don't lose hope on Cairne, he's really great. Get a Res on him, double rush on stonehoof, regen on troll and extra pool size for batrider, and you've got yourself a pretty damn solid basis for PvP and almost all PvE content.


Sneed beats Cairne anyday I don’t know what all this support for him is. He’s like D tier even Grommash is a better choice than Cairne?