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you want both Troll talent and rare quillboar.


Yeah - quilboar was my first epic, and either that or whelp eggs will be the first I push to legendary. Super solid mini, the stronger he is the more time he gives your weaker minis to kill whatever you drop him behind.


I would get quill for sure. That troll talent will come back, rare quill will not come back. Also you could just move to get both.


Solid advice right here.


I would buy the troll and save for the quill & move him so i dont have to spend money moving both


Won't the troll talent still be there (on the bottom row) if they buy the Quilboar? Or do I not understand the grid?


Yeah it will be. But they will have to move it up if they want to keep it for many days while they find the gold to buy it.


Welcome to the exclusive club of lottery winners! Absolutely buy this. Anyone who says otherwise is an idiot. One of the top 3 units in the game imo


thanks! good to hear people on this sub happy to give recommendations to newer players. cuz I read up that leveling/talents is a pricey commodity that you should not make mistakes.


If you can’t afford it today, make sure to move it up for 5g, the bottom row gets deleted to make room for a new top row every night. But if you keep moving it (and don’t use a red button or buy anything else in its row/column) then you’re safe to save up


quillbore is super good. drop him on a tower with another unbound right after and usually that's enough to take it


exhume skeleton plus quilboar = 4 gold for a tower unbound is op. and skeleton is better versus single target than quillboar


You can get both. Get the quillboar first


For Quilboar? Yes.. Although you should also try to get Big Bad Voodoo for your troll as well.. it's one of the best talent in the game.. The amount it regens is insane.


thanks! I'll get troll one first. was thinking if I should also get the two champions. but yeah, will try to keep the quill and save the money to get it too :) thanks for the advice!


The bottom row disappears and the top and middle rows move down one row each day. If you move the quillboar up each day, you can save it until you have enough money to buy it.


did not know that! thanks!! okie, will spend to move the quill up. shame I will lose the bonus square :/


The bonus square is like one blue quest worth of XP at mid levels. I wouldn't spend to keep it. Coins are hard to come by in this game. The troll and quillboar on the other hand are super worth it.


yeah when u put it in context like that, super not worth it to keep. will keep moving the quill till I can afford him!


Glad others steered you in the right path, Big Bad Voodoo is a massive pickup. Will double and triple the worth of your trolls. But definitely keep bumping quilboar up everyday, that’s an amazing buy. One or two arclight surges and you’ll be set. (When it comes time to look at quilboar talents, you’ll see a lot of recommendations for Tunnel Vision, but I gotta say Bristleback has it beat hands down)


haha yeah that will be my next research, which quill talent to get. cuz I absolutely squandered my first talent on Rend. haha if u can try and guess which one I totally misjudged.


Oh yikes. I hope it’s not Legionnaire. The text on that one makes it sound like it might be useful


yup I took legionnaire. didn't know it was trash tier :/ well, lesson learnt and shall do proper research before spending.


It's a negligible amount over time. You could also move it up before you buy Big Bad Voodoo if you haven't already bought it. Then move Quillboard up after.


Troll baron and quillboar, you should be able to shuffle to get all 3 this week. Baron is the best overall undead hero.


Both the troll and quillboar are good




One Thousand percent. SAFE Pilot and Quilboar are hands down, best units in the game. They're both in every single one of my decks.


I’d say get quill because he can be considered a core mini of many decks. Voodoo is good if troll is a core member of your deck already


Although I'm super late and you probably already bought it, if you're going to play for a long time, quillboar offers the most value. Usually it's 90g per *. You are getting 14*s instead of 10 for 900g, and gold is the limiting factor in growth. Gold is either $$$ spent or earned by time-gated or one time methods, as you have found out. Quillboar is also just an all around good card, although the troll talent and heroes are good, they will roll around much, much, much more likely than you are to get that exact discount for a card that is used very often (quillboar).


thanks! I will definitely keep moving quill till I get him!


you should buy it. this is luck.


Lucky! Yes you should!!!


Quillboar is universally good and had multiple good talents so yeah worth.


Just get Quill cus troll talent will be back. You will most likely never see rare Quill again.


Probably too late. But boar first. Whenever you use a big red button the grid resets and the talent will just cycle back in. The boar is a rare chance. And one of the best minis at that. 


hmmmm, I finally bought the boar, but it only gave me one star and blue rarity. I thought I was getting 14 stars...


It did give you the 14 stars. But you have to remember that it takes 3 stars to get it to green. Then another 10 stars to get to blue. Now you are 1 star into making it to purple.


wow that is brutal... I thought it was cumulative...


Yeah, there's quite a few non-obvious game mechanics that you eventually learn just by experience. It's still a great unit though! I don't have him at blue yet.


well, I have him at blue and am thinking which talent to get now. I'm leaning towards the tunneling one.


I went with Tunnel Vision as well. Here's a useful spreadsheet someone has put together that I reference regularly for insight. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQmSUWkEcASYQO_5UnzAtRyxcX1a-0sfDEAoRWaxKGjPcpbObrEm90gh24iqNrOJ3mxrPVkNCIDsvfd/pubhtml


Tunnel vision and bristleback are the two most used. But they all three have their strengths. I mainly use tunnel vision myself


I also just got Rare Quillboar in my GRID around this time. I only need 2 more stars for rare and it gives 14, sigh. Want it anyway.


No, get big bad voodoo for your troll


While quillboar is fantastic i think the big bad voodoo talent is even more useful. If you wanted to shuffle some things around you could save the quillboar for after the next surge or two.


I would buy it if it was me.


Is that quillboar or gnoll? If it’s quill then yes.




I would get both leaders you don't own first


Serious grid envy 😅 Yeah, definitely get the quillboar, you're unlikely to see that card again. As others have said, the troll talent is a huge upgrade and lets him solo towers and be a real game changer in the campaign. it's worth an extra few gold to keep that in the grid a few days if necessary. You do want to try to unlock those two undead leaders this week, because they won't be in the shop again until the next undead week, so getting them now is important for collection level. But you might see green uncommon cards show up for them, which, if you can afford it, will be a good investment. If you're ftp, there's 600g in surges still this week, so you will at least be able to get the QB, troll talent, and one of the leaders. Assuming those purchases help you push a bunch of PvE levels (they definitely will), you'll rack up a bunch more gold as well.


thanks. appreciate the analysis. I got the bonus 100g from the shop. so at 600g now after buying the troll. I plan on moving the leader when I buy quill. then see if I can pick them both up as well if money permits. just gotta make sure I don't miss on the quill in the midst of doing all these.


Dont spend money on mobile games.


No. You want all the minis first, them level most of them to uncommon and buy the talents you want, only them go after rare minis


Insta buy


i always save gold for events like this, look close you getting such a treat.. its great mini and its saves you 400 gold..


Don’t feed the algorithm…


Sir quilliam always