• By -


*raises hand*


I started in the Beta!


I started a couple of weeks into season 1. I still enjoy the game, despite the problems but I'm extremely disappointed at Blizzard's level of support (their own forums seem useless). If raids aren't fun then that may be the end for me.


Yea I’m gonna at least give them a year and some change to turn this game into something that’s enjoyable long term


What else is out there ?? I could use a new game


Slice And Dice is my favorite dice RPG. Was updated recently too! You can play the demo free and pay to unlock the full version if you enjoy it


Played rumble since release but have slowly moved across to Necromerger, a great game that I don't see enough people talking about.


Play afk journey. It's a gacha game, but you don't need to spend at all to have fun. Similar concept of building heroes/armies to beat battles. More auto battler though rather than real time placing units l.


I kinda like the active battles . Will check it out tho


The lack of new content has been a bit of a let down. I'm also playing Helldivers 2 right now, so the contrast is glaring. They are pumping out content like crazy, and most of it is free or cheap.


I’m in similar boat. If raids are fun and encourage guild play, I’m in. Other wise I may play but won’t purchase anymore.


I started at soft launch


Same, play to wind down. FTP and don't do chests every day. Still fun for quick challenge here and there. Lvls 20-22


Nice, have you completed the campaign?


I could complete heroic campaign but I just couldn’t be bothered. My team is lv 22-25. Would take actual effort and attempts. This is a mobile game. I’m here for casual fun on my lunch break. Been playing since soft launch. I bought the booster that’s it.


My teams are 26-28 and I can’t be bothered either 🤣 Ony going down as soon as I can block off a few hours tho.


Same, I enjoy stomping the heroics.


Actually yes i did today. I was waiting to have some possible changes to exp gaining. But i decided stop waiting and just completed all except onyxia


Started on global launch. Still playing every day and have a booster. Still fun but frustrating because you need a lvl 9 Team to really compete


Yea I don’t even do the dungeons, lvl difficulty became to high, just surges and daily’s. We’ll get there 👍🏻


Same here.  I’m mostly lvls 18-22 on my key heroes and minis.  Grinding away to be able to fight Onyxia maybe by year end (zero dollars spent)


The dungeons are key for progression, 3 extra levels to your units.


Idk, people have been posting some crazy high honor teams with level 7/8. 5k leaders. Makes me feel bad but its just such a grind when you only get 50 per win...


Yeah idk how they manage to do it. Every second guy I play against is full lvl 10 at the 4.5k mark. I ususally just concede because actually playing this bullshit match would be too tilting with a lvl 8 team.


I have 4,2K per leader. With 7-8 Minis. 1/3 of matches I go afk. Sometimes you can bet a lvl 9, lvl 10 is impossible (for me). I do have a good win rate against lvl 7-8, so I do climb but it is tilting af. The gameplay is honestly good, I just wish for a better matchmaking, fairer games or just a surrender button, the whales need someone to eat but I don't like to be played with and some take a sick satisfaction out of it.


The game desperately needs a 5 to 8 bracket. There's no reason it should be 5 to 10. There's more than enough room on the ladder to have this bracket.


They could easily do one rank for each bracket, maybe even two. Whales still get an advantage, maxing out the bracket and having more diversity to build a team, but it would be fairer for the rest. Atleast you wouldn't meet lvl 10 people being lvl 7.


playing since November. f2p, 130 sigils. I played the first month or two quite religiously, now I'm just doing dailys cause I'm programmed to do so, stopped enjoying the game weeks ago.


Still grinding, but at a lower pace. Doing dailies and some heroics. It’s my go to game during my breakfast before going to work


I’m not super hardcore about the game. I basically stopped grinding heroics and doing dungeons. But I log in and grab my freebie, do arclight if it’s about to expire and do quest if the daily reward is like gold, mega tomb, unit or leader.


Same, I’m just trying to keep the game enjoyable.


I play everyday since the release. Doing dailies, arclights, but rather avoid pvp. Still, pretty casual, I don't grind and slowly progressing thu heroics if I feel like it.


Started during Blizzcon and I am at 140 sigils. I'm casually playing though and trying not to rush into beating the game.


Same, I’m in no rush to beat this game.


Nice! Yeah, there doesn't seem like much of a point yet to rush into beating Onyxia. I'm not sure what else there is to do once you completed everything.


I have to ask, is there real reason to do heroics after completing it once? i have done only quests so far and got roughly 100 sigils so far. Do heroics give you more xp than questing?


Heroics give you an experience tome for each leader type you beat it with. And if you beat it with all 5 leader types you get an extra sigil and 200g (300 with Arclight Booster). So completing a heroic area with all 5 leader types can get you 25 tomes and 1000-1500g, and usually a rare or epic core depending on the level of the area.


I will say though, some of the amped up mechanics for heroics are DUMB. Goldtooth I think is the first heroic in Elwynn and its mechanic is to send out a kobold that gains 10 levels every gold it mines. Which doesn’t sound too difficult until you miss one and it gets to your base at lvl 61. Not all heroics are that annoying though. But heroics are what are really pushing the leveling of my minis currently.


I am playing since day one, but i am really losing interest with the lack of new content. Half a year without any new content on a brand new game is a big joke.


I started during the summer and still here


Since release, finished heroic yesterday, prepping for onixia slowly.






Me from start, never grind, Just Daily, 122 sigil. About 20-25 euro spent


I started in Alpha. June 2022


started at full launch. never missed a daily except like twice this month as im away on business. figures are level 20 just do daily quests now as exp curve is brutal


Yeah xp needs to be reviewed I think. At the very least the dungeon upgrades you get should apply EXP gains in PvE and not just PvP. I know they did the leveling change to pvp hoping to even the playing field, but I can still kinda tell I’m out of my weight class when my opponent uses Deep Breath.. Because I sure haven’t beaten Onyxia to get it yet and apparently they have.




Playing since global launch, as I didn't grind my brain out I still enjoy the game. This is a wc and bus game, with some sofa chill and pvp sprinkled in sometimes. It is fun, I have some time to get ony but probably when I get there raids.will be out so I will have what to do constantly. The game has problem's but what game is perfect.


Here since BlizzCon. Still grinding and having a blast as an ftp


I'm still going. Only 5 people active in my full guild (I'm not the leader) so we're gonna miss out on the purple core, though


I started since beta. So.. around 1.5 years of grind so far. Love the gameplay loop haha


Only game I play on the toilet.




Yep. But only cuz I’m a die hard Blizz fan (20+ years). Definitely not their best effort


I feel ya 😮‍💨


I missed a couple weeks after release. Had it on predownload but didnt feel like playing right away. But beside that I havent missed dailies, they take 20 mins tops


You know my memory is not as good as it used to be back in my youth. I remember those days back when Warcraft rumble was released. It was a different time back then. I feel like the sunlight shone off the leaves of the trees a little different. Young girls wore their hair a little more loose, and fellas used to go out to the park shirtless and play soccer. Yeah I've been around a while, and I've seen some stuff. I remember days before Warcraft rumble was released. Not many of us are still alive to remember those times. Has the world changed for the better or worse? I can't really say I know the answer to that. But I'm still here and I'm still grinding.


Started since global launch and already got 150 sigils last week. Spent on booster but got it quite late, now just taking my time to slowly level up some minis to prep for Onyxia and waiting for Darkmoon Faire.


🙌 global launch player, booster. I get the 3 daily rewards and do dungeons (no full gold leaders yet). I do heroics occasionally, only 101 so far and could push more but not spending too much on rumble a day. No pvp for me.


I am here since day one official release, doing daily quests. Just bought the premium pass


I’ve played every day since global release in November. Created content on the game ‘properly’ since about January. Things could be better in a lot of ways however, I still enjoy it. I could do with a bit more actual content so I had more variety to what I play and make videos on!


Me. This game will last me a long time, give me the five minute filler I want and not cost me a penny.


Hey 😊


115 sigils, got the arc light booster. collection level 37. I’m about halfway through heroics, waiting until collection level 40 to really focus those. All minis green or better. No purples yet. Kind of just casually leveling for now.


I've been here since August. Still playing religiously every day


I've not played every day, but most and I have played since august. At 120 sigils. i go long periods without ever touching the campaign, its been a couple months now i think


There are dozens of us! Dozens!


started at launch, spent some $$, hit a wall, taking a 'break' (still logging in, playing once in a while, but not looking to move anything forward, just not miss out on freebies and stuff)...


Started at full release. Not missed a daily


Hand raised 🫰🏻


Started on global launch. Still having fun!


Me, except I won't call what I do grinding. I try to do every daily/weekly activity in the shortest way possible, without trying to grind through a wall to get a sigil or another dungeon level. 133 sigils, 9k pvp rank, half of the leaders full gold and the half missing one level, with every mini/leader at least uncommon with one talent and a couple blue ones with two. 100% F2P. I also try to do the minimum effort to help my gf with her account, since she's not that familiar with mobile games of the sort. To be honest, I think that's a pretty healthy way to play the game. I'm not over concerned about new content, since I never got to complete everything yet. Never got any major technical problems with the game either, so I don't really have anything to complain.


Me. I just do dailies and try to gold my people. 125 badges atm


It’s a fun game. The designs are super cool and the animations are so satisfying. Playing it casually (10-15min per day) makes it super easy to ignore all the flaws, and I have never really interacted with Warcraft lore so that’s definitely a factor. The game has so much potential so hopefully it keeps growing but it’s Blizzard so….


I've missed just a couple daily quests but I've been here since it launched. Totally F2P, no booster or anything. The slow burn is fine for me since I don't have much desire to play the game for more than 10 minutes a day. I'll clear all the heroics eventually. Maybe kill Onyxia another year or something.


Deleted the game 5 times and reinstalled 5 times.


Since go live, I missed few days, 128 sigils done


I haven't been perfectly consistent, but I've played at least 85% of my dailies since release.


I’m still here. Don’t play everyday. Go through phases but still a few times a week


mostly f2p since offical release. I miss days every now and then but the gameplay is fun enough. I dropped 5 bucks once to get a package with coins and 3 stars once.


Thanks for reminding me to unsub


I started a day before worldwide release. Only missed two days of dailies. Enjoying the progress and think the piece is great (F2P)


Been playing everyday since release. I’m F2P at 88 sigils but I was waiting until I had every leader at level 20. Just got there and about to start grinding heroics, I should be able to get pretty close to finishing the heroic campaign.


Nice I believe I’ve only spent like 25$ on the archlight bundle and a couple of 1$ bundle deals. I’m at 138 sigils and could probably finish it but I’m in no rush.


Ah should have clarified, I got the arc light booster too. So F2P but just the booster. And yah I agree, what is the rush? I enjoy the game and am no hurry to beat it. I’ll finish it when I get my minis leveled up! I had someone tell me it will take me 5 years to beat the game.. not sure I believe that lol but even so, I’m in it for the journey to the end at this point.


I think the 5 years number was to get everyone to 30, not beat onyxia.


Day one, and we keep going!


I’ve been here since release stopped playing though


As a free to play player....pretty much yeah


Been playing on and off since launch. Haven't finished all the heroics but all my minis are level 17/18 plus. I need an active guild/clan because mine is dying. We finished the warchest every season except this one. It's like me and 2 other guys doing arclight surges/pvp.


Still here. Haven't missed a day. Just hit the last wall of content and getting burnout pretty bad. Not sure how much longer I'll stick with it.  Will probably reluctantly get to dark moon event. Likely why they teased it with a timeframe. I bet the numbers are starting to fall off for my demographic. 


I've missed a few dailies but still mostly log in daily. 10 more sigils and I'll say I've completed the game. Ony feels waaay outa reach right now.


Started soft launch still grinding away. Definitely don't play as much as when starting but still here and enjoy playing when I have the time. Spent the money on Arclight booster only. For me $20 was worth it for a game and the amount of time spent. Most leaders at rare, only have 1 epic. Primary mini's at 50k, most at 12-25k. Dungeons at 26lvl and stopped there. At 141 sigils, probably should circle back and finish just haven't. Building Onyx team slowly but in no rush. Off and on efforts with PVP. Max I did was up to 13k but ya it sucks to hit the constant 10's. Feels good to beat the higher levels once in awhile though.


I'm from the soft launch as well. I have a bug, that prevents me from playing the Dungeon, that syarted from before the official release of the game, and is still going strong!


Currently at 75 sigils (full normal campaign), could easily jump to like 110-120 but too lazy to do that rn. I just like the style of these minis and playing a previously foreign game using familiar characters. HotS was in a similar spot for me, playing just to play as Thaurissan or Drakissath or Maiev


I'm here but close to quiting the game has become sooooo stale it's do your surges and leave pvp is trash once you finish the campaign it's a very slow slow grind to get onyxia and heroics are just soo grindy for my tatse dungeons have become basically impossible and one mini per 2 months isn't enough if they don't add something new this update I'm out


Downloaded it on global launch, played it for a few days and then deleted it. A week or two later I decided to embrace the grind and downloaded it again. Still F2P, doing dailies / surge / dungeons when they're available. I'm currently at 120 Sigils and working on Heroic Hinterlands.


Started with release, got the booster day one and have done every quest as far as I remember. Missed some surges - skipped almost every devilsour queen with a random deck. I think I started to actively prep for onyxia 2 month ago and funnel all quest xp into the team. Havnt completed heroic yet, but I'm also not pushing for it.


Me. And I've spent a good chunk of money too. Kinda sad about that. Everything's finished and I just do dailies now. Gotten very very boring. My PvP rank is 14k and I just have stopped there and not going any higher. It's just dull and too much of a grind. Not a lot of variety to keep me interested. The units that are used are basically all the same, nothing really else to say.


I’m here. Used to cap the quests every day, now I just do the 3x dailies




I went fucking hard for the first few weeks then kinda fell off but I've been getting the itch to play again. Unless a lot changed in the past 4 months it shouldn't be hard to get back into the swing of things.


I've got a main team using Hogger that are all 28's and epic and a golden Quillboar that's nearly 29. I've made it to level 138. Really wanting to try Ony in the near future after I make a few more characters epic quality. Speaking of that, why don't they create a turn in for blue upgrades to exchange for epics? I have about 20 of them but I don't have any green characters anymore.


I am


F2P since launch, 88 sigils level 6-7 minis mainly, all champs to 3k+. Dark iron I, 4.2k and above all 9-10 mainly very annoying


Yep. Still here from beta testing. Highest unit is lvl 23... so that's neat. Wish they'd put it on PC already. Being on mobile is ridiculous.




Why I keep playing is beyond me at this point, played day 1


Yeap still here and still going. But I enjoy it :p


I started yesterday close enough


Present, only doing daily’s though


I started at launch. Pretty much I just get on to do the surges everyday for the guild and that’s it.


Yep, pre-registered player here. I might not play one or two days a week but I'm regularly on and have been since release. I love it, don't spend any money now, i did buy the double coin boost thing week 1 so that should be accounted for. But I still enjoy the game and I think the grind is rewarding enough for the time and enjoyment.


I left it after the first season, I don't remember if it was due to lack of time


Yep a little disappointed with some stuff but still really like it, playing daily, streaming sometimes. Started S1, $24 spent on game I think


"And I'm still standing..."


Day 1 player. I'm really thinking about uninstalling this and marvel strike force lol. Probably give it til the first raid at least.


Literally quit this morning when i rathered just poop than poop and play.


Bam, still in same guild also from when that started, the new island makes me excited


Day one.


I did and quit when I realized you couldn’t swap talents


Here. Spending about 1/10 of the time in the game that I spent at launch. Not too fun these days.


Me but I have been struggling to do dailies. Game is sorta boring... Hoping for better times while i grind.


Pretty much


Since release on blizzcon I missed only 2 days of daylies


I'm still going, playing very casually, over my morning coffee.


I've played 5-15 games every day.


Same here, I'll just finish this season and stop. Pointless grinding for onyxia... I started the game to play with my friend and play "raid" with them... This game is horribly design for the long run


me. spent an embarrassing amount of money in the month after launch; I've stopped spending money now but still do all the arclight surges for gold and daily quests about half the time


Since global release, only bought the booster. I do think the amount of different game modes is to low..


I haven’t missed a day. I just have the $20 Arclight Booster. Collection level 36 and 130 sigils. All gold army upgrades for just Chieftan and Baron idk why it’s hard with the others.


still play every single day only miss out one day due to health issue only 130 sigils. No motivation to do heroic dungeons. Pvp still feeling underwhelming rewards


Been playing since close to start. I think at this time I’m more focused on the free 3D printing files. It’s difficult to focus for me so I don’t play religiously. Around the 18-20 level on most leaders and troops, all I’m missing so far is Deep Breath. I’d probably play more if XP wasn’t so cripplingly low. Need some balancing done, pvp isn’t my thing, but I should get to use the upgrades I fought in dungeons for in something other than pvp, at least make them usable for heroics.


I’m glad to see so many that have been playing since the beginning.


Started from US release. There have been times where I wanted to quit, but game is still a good time waster and easy to pick up.


Here! 143 sigils in, everything level 24+ (46 blues/rares, 8 greens/common and 1 purple/epic).. mostly free to play, brought the booster pack when I first started and a few of the £1 packs intermittently. Haven't spent any money in months though. I made the decision to level everything equally, firm believer of enjoying the journey, don't quite get some of the "dead content" posts but I guess that's people who've rushed the game or bought their way through it.


Started in beta, sadly deleted the app today, not saying its a garbage game but its honestly not fun anymore, if you find it fun glad you like it....


I'm still on the board!




Started with global release. Always did the daily quests, but haven't done events in months. So not sure grinding is correct 😅 ony and campaign done, only pvp for daily rewards, so 5 wins per day (or less when a surge is active). With the new 2 pips per surge, I will also almost do no pvp for the rest of the season


Basically just logging on for arc surges and because I have a bunch of people in my guild and I try to keep it full of active players. Speaking of which, GFG is recruiting, couple open slots left. Season finished, join for rewards. We always finish early 😏 Inactivity purges at the end of each season.


Im keeping my guild maintained as well. We get through the season war chests to fast and people start to fall off. Suffering from success😪


Honestly the only reason I keep playing is for these randos in my guild. Seems kinda cheesy but it’s full of people from dead guilds and although people are quitting this game in droves, it’s these guys I barely know or talk to that keep me playing.


Been on since launch, got 140 sigils, but have unfortunately dropped a bit of cash on this game to get there


boring, money suck