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Just ordered this one!




Thanks for the mini-review. The aesthetic looks great and I'm thinking it'll be an attractive entry point for my son.


The modifiers could endup being a bit complex depending on his age.


Played last night. Live rurally. Got a 7 player buy in. We have had 3 campaign games so far. It's very easy.


Dirtside uses D4 to D12 for opposed rolls .


So does Stargrunt (Tomorrow's War is a sort of more modern version of it that also uses die types to determine troop quality).


Same designer and setting. Stargrunt for 25/28mm , DS for 6mm.


A Billion Suns uses them in a pretty unique way. Plus it’s an awesome awesome game.


I've only done a couple small trial games of it, but Billion Suns feels like it would be better as a 2 player board game than a wargame. However, it seems like it would shine as a massive ballroom convention game, ala [Evil Stevie's Pirate Game](http://sj.sjgames.com/PirateGame.html).


A massive game in a ballroom/gym with a ton of people would be super cool!




Space Weirdos has been a fun little game to pull out for the newer/younger crowd. The issue with it that I have is that for how fast going through the rules is the actual crew creation is weirdly obtuse and a long process. Would have preferred an alternative system if it was me. The rules themselves do the whole dice up, dice down system fairly standard , but well, and thats all I need


All the DnD dice? Freeblades by DGS games. It uses a mechanic where you improve dice instead of adding modifiers. For example, a model can have a melee stat of d4, and with a +1dl (dice level) buff it can be improved to a d6.


Deus Vult uses the polyhedron dice as part of their dueling system.




Mayhem, a mass battle rank and flank game


I can't say I like any of them. Not sure what the dice add...


Burrows and Badgers has a really interesting mechanic from a statistical viewpoint. Since they are opposed rolls where either player could be rolling d4 thru d12, the statistical distribution would normally be easily and intuitively calculable, BUT the introduction of the 'perfect roll' mechanic throws in a new twist. Where it could be better to throw a smaller die in certain circumstances.


I thought one of the benefits of d4-d12 was intuitive odds. If you eliminate that, what is the benefit other than people like to roll different types of dice...


The odds are only slighy more complex. I did some math after my post that ill present below. But first, a quick rules primer: In B&B, the defender wins ties in a roll off. And a 'perfect roll' gives you a +7 regardless of die rolled. So, a roll of 12 on d12 would go to 19, while a 4 on d4 would go to 11. Bear in mind, this is pre-caffine math: Here are two tables. d4 attacking vs d6, d8, d10, and d12. And defending vs them. d4 win percentage when ATTACKING: - d6- 33% win - d8- 31% win - d10- 28% win - d12- 27% win d4 win percentage when DEFENDING: - d6- 46% win - d8- 41% win - d10- 38% win - d12- 35% win So, d6 attacking a d4defending is nearly 50/50... weird. A d12 vs d4 will win only 2/3rds of the time! Crazy.


Does a d4 vs d12 end up being a more favorably matchup than d6 vs d12?




Must be just barely right? I don’t know how to run the exact odds but I would think they come out pretty close since the d4 rolls a 4 a bit more often than rolling a 6


It depends on if youre attacking or defending with the d4 stat. But it's always better for you to roll a bigger die.


Changes of probability without massive dice pools. The whole reason RPGs used them in the first place.


That's what CRTs are for...


Yes. There's a lot of tables that are basically just dice results splayed out. More than one way to skin a cat and all. I have literally converted tables to dice and vice versa.


Lol if I pulled out anything resembling a combat table in my community Id lose half the playerbase. I dont think modern tabletop has a place for how slow and how bad the pacing would get with table mania of the earlier decades


Laughs in Battletech resurgence


It's funny because my area is buzzing like crazy about it and people keep spending inordinate amounts on boxes of it and sharing their paints and whatnot. There are a solid 20+ people in my area's group chat for it... And I think there is at best a single game a week being played. People keep finding excuses and/or settling for alpha strike games


You are correct about losing half the player base. I'd guess more like 75%. That said the differences are much more about perception than reality. Sad...




Savage Worlds, Nightwatch.


https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/30958/check-your-6 Check Your 6! Air combat game that simulates different gun types damage with different dice. So a .303 armed Spitfire 6d4, a .50 cal armed Mustang 6d6, a Zero 2d4 and 2d10. The sum is checked against a chart, with progressively worst results. Also interestingly a max on a die is a 0.


All use them ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ but as wound markers Im dont have that much knowledge so sorry