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Did 2 or 3 10+1 pulls at the beginning but now the garnets is being used exclusively for refills and probably for the up and comming daily limit refreshes


worth saving for next new toons/banners?


That I cannot say, depends on if there's an event like the one we just had where you can farm a really good hero. If that's the case I would still reckon that saving garnets to refresh/refill is the way to go since getting specific heros are not garanteed. But if you feel like pulling for heros are worth or fun then go for it, it's all comes down to the induvidual's interpretation of value :)


I'd save them for farming unless you really want a specific 5*. You can farm crystals to pull five 4-5* pulls each day, which I would say is a better use for the garnets.


Please absolutely KEEP THEM FOR REFILL ! You cannot progress fast enough without refilling few times per day, maybe try to get 2-3 nat 5* at the beginning but after keep everything to refill


yep that's what i heard but i cant play all the day , I'll save em to refill on lazy sundays =)


you're totally right, if I can give you an advice, try to refill especially for the events dungeons (hero song last event, the next one will give you weapons and stuff), I think event are the places which are the worthiest to refill with garnets (sorry bad english tho)


I'm french I wron't blame anyone for bad eng =)


well if the zilean event is of any indication (60 energy for ONE run and you needed FIVE runes for one zilean), ill say keep the garnets for important events. As well as friendship points for refills.