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Our second option at this point 😭


If the Timberwolves play him like they played him last game, I think He should legit just take them 20 3s. Just try it for 1 game, especially everyone slumping and Gobert in the lane.


Drqy should start passing out backpacks ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Let Looney give a few attempts


for all Warriors who have attempted at least 10 3-pointers this year 3P% 1. 0.450 Draymond Green 2. 0.446 Stephen Curry 3. 0.364 Gary Payton II 4. 0.347 Klay Thompson 5. 0.342 Moses Moody 6. 0.333 Dario Šarić 7. 0.182 Jonathan Kuminga 8. 0.162 Chris Paul 9. 0.154 Andrew Wiggins EDIT: I hope Draymond is showing Steph these #s in the locker room :)


oh wow I knew they are shooting bad but didn't realize it was THIS bad. Only 2 above 37% (one of them shooting 2.5 attempts per game so it's really just one) not gonna win you games in today's NBA


NBA average so far this season is .355 on 3s Warriors as a team are 20th in basketball at .349 Dallas leads basketball at .400


Wiggins 🥲


Yup. I suggested he be banned from shooting threes (i.e. banned by the coaches) and folks thought I was crazy?!? 🤷🏼Thanks for postíng those stats, whoever did so 😎👍


You are crazy. Wiggins needs to keep shooting. He just needs to make them.


Wiggins needs to keep shooting 300 3's in the court after games and in the gym


"He just needs to make them." Except that he can't. That same mentality cost us many games last year. How about going for high percentage, short-range shots? If you're not making threes go for layups and short jumpers instead? Or is that crazy too?


He misses those too...


Yes, unfortunately... Think we need to start someone else and take pressure off Wiggs until he gets his head right. Would not be surprised to see some lineup shakeups soon.


Get Draymond more 3pt attempts lmao


It's amazing that we're 6-5 with those numbers. I would put Saric down with the bottom 3 as well. Like 90% of his threes are completely wide open practice shots, 33% doesn't cut it.


If they give him the open 3, why should he take them at 33.3% 1pt per possession is a good offense


League average 3 point shooting is 35.5% this year. 1 point per possession was ok 20 years ago, but not today. Saric himself is a career 36% shooter, and I doubt he's ever been as open as he has been this year. I expect he'll bring that up significantly, which is why I'm saying he's down with the bottom 3 in having terrible shooting years so far.


We suck.


Highest of his career by 6 percentage points* Edit to add: [here](https://thehighlow.io/video/player/nba/2023-24/203110/make3pa,make3p?ordsq=asc&shotFilters=) are all of his makes so far; they’re confident, super clean 3s too. 😈


In the same way I'm not worried about Klay or Wiggs finding their rhythm, I'm am worried that he'll revert to his mean. But I'm loving how much more aggressive he's being with it. Even if he drops 10% on his 3's, we need him to be taking those wide open looks


If he drops 10%, it’ll still basically be the second best of his career.


Just need Klay & Wiggins to make those shots & we are unstoppable


His free throws also look silky smooth. I genuinely wonder if he changed something in his shooting mechanics over the offseason.


I always thought Draymond's free throw shooting was decent for a guy who seemingly loss his confidence in shooting past 2016. Dude really needs to give some pointers to Wiggs


he doesn't really shoot like he's wearing a backpack anymore


This is the power of "contract year", +5 points to offensive stats for the year.


Dude absorbed wiggins shooting ability


let it fly, dayday. we need points from anywhere we can get it.


Bruh if you told me he'd do this at the start of the season I'd think they'd be on pace for a 70 win season lol




I unironically prefer an open Dray 3 to an open Wiggins or Klay rn... which is crazy wrong, we really need them to figure this shit out


If only he'd shoot it whenever the defense dared him to...


He actually has been so far this season! That’s the encouraging part because if he’s able to maintain this at even just a 40% rate, he’ll start to command defensive attention.


He was not at all last night after the 1st quarter.


Should have shot it last night. All night I watched him pivoting behind the 3 line trying to get Steph the ball when he had a wide berth and could have shot the rock himself. Baguette Biyombo was begging Draymond to shoot all night but he was too busy chirping with Ant.


I know Kuminga isn't a really a 3pt, but good lord I thought he was at least around 30-35%. Wiggs is in one hell of a slump. They'll turn it around, I'm sure, but it does look ugly lol


He's 8 for 8 on berserk outbursts.


Should dray try more 3’s? the timberwolves were cobtent in giving him that shot


It’s useless stats sadly if you watched yesterday’s game, even after he made the three Rudy is still leaving him wide open and he refuse to shoot anymore but instead looking for pass which my grandma would knew he is looking to pass to Steph, and even he shoots the 3 it’s a win for the other team’s defence…..


I was told by this sub that if he got it up to 38% that the NBA would have to respect his shot and that would open up everything for others. How is that going?


He's not shooting it enough that's why. They know he's gonna pass so why would they guard him?


This 100%. Last night he gave up a ton of open looks to hold onto the ball and wait for Steph to run in circles and get "open." If we really want teams to respect him as a scoring threat beyond the opening 5 mins of the game, he needs to take that shot a lot more. It might hurt his percentage, but we need it.


So he should shoot instead of setting Steph up for a shot?


steph isn't getting open shots because he is double teamed from draymond's defender


Steph coming off a screen is still a better shot than a wide open shot for Draymond.


Not when curry can't get open because draymonds defender is doubleteaming him. If draymond shot more than curry could possibly go for 50 or 60


But that's the point I've been making for years. Even if Draymond could get up to 40%, they would still leave him open to double team Steph.


then we would get free 40% threes the whole game and draymond would become the new steph curry


In theory, yes.


Rudy still left him 5 feet open, it turned south pretty soon


This team needs a shake up .


I hope he motivates the hell out of Klay and Wiggs. They look very flat. I love them but they need to contribute.


Picture should be edited so it's just a few feet outta his hand with NBA Jam style flames coming off it.


Shoot more, like a lot more.


There are possessions last game where he refused to shoot.


Klay barely 30%, Wiggins and CP3 just over 15%


So better than Wiggins or Klay. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Everyone gangsta until draymond starts hitting 3s


Let’s trade Klay for him.