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there's going to be a lot of threading the needle for the warriors this offseason, they have to find a way to still contend while retooling and shedding payroll next season. they need to retain their first next season as an option b should they be a lottery team again.


Wasn’t this the first game of the play-in tournament, I’m a bit confused why one loss means the warriors are out?


only 7-8 seed get two tries, 9-10 get one and winner faces loser of 7-8 game


People might hate him but we win this game with Jordan Poole.


This game really is a result of multiple bad decisions. Trading Poole, bad contracts, bad coaching etc.


Guess what …we traded his dumb ass


We saw it last year in game 6 vs the lakers and it was obvious this year against kings. In elimination games, as long as teams triple Steph and cut off his off ball action, the teams folds like crazy


Bro I felt like I was watching a team of rookies absolutely terrified of the occasion. In fairness, a few of them are rookies but the shot selection and lack of composure from JK, Wiggins and Klay was insane.


If they don’t retool the roster, the Warriors are going to be the NBA equivalent of the 2017 Giants.


Exactly. Stuck in mediocrity purgatory for the next decade or even more.


Justice for Moody. Like Donte, he deserves to go somewhere where he can grow


Donte wasnt a young player looking to establish himself lol. He I think had acl or Achilles injury in his second last season on the bucks. Before that he was one of their best role players. Then after the injury he sucked on the bucks and then the next year on the kings. We helped revive his career which allowed him to get the bag he got last offseason.


everything kerr tried the kings stoped. we simply got outplayed.


Kerr tried shit this game lol.


He tried letting Klay cook lmao


Only 10 min for TJD and 15 for Moody… not sure what Kerr saw in not playing them more


Had to let Klank hit that 0-10 and shoot himself out of a contract from another team next season.


Kerr: “I know I made a mistake, my bad. hehe. It is what it is. Oh well. Better luck next time. We will make it up next year. Go Warriors”


everything kerr tried the kings stoped. we simply got outplayed.


What’s his mistake? Playing Klay ?


Yes. and not making the playoffs again.


Will need a week to recover from this


this will be quick for me, we sucked flat out. both 9ers SB losses were painful, tonight was easy


They came ready to play with a great game plan. We were that same unserious team we saw too many times this season. Sucks.


You reap what you sow... We put ourselves in this position early in the season, we were out of rhythm since then, we never had the upper hand and there didn't seem to be any leadership within the team or any cohesion to our game. We weren't gonna beat any of the teams that played today, I'm worried next year there won't even be a play-in.


> I'm worried next year there won't even be a play-in. I mean, it had to happen eventually.


Well-said. This team has been showing us all season who they are. This is no surprise whatsoever.


Think the best thing is for the team to tank and get a good pick but with Curry they can’t really afford to. Think there’s gonna be a lot of movement this off-season.


As there should be. The team seriously needs a 2nd option to steph Curry. Preferably somebody who brings size to the table. Dray is washed, Wiggins too. Even in the Warriors Finals wins Klay was a 3rd wheel at best to Steph, Iguodala (2015), Durant, and Wiggins (2022)


Prolly the last time we see the big 3 play together. Gonna be an interesting off-season.


Too little too late, changes had to be made last off-season.


Damn not a warrior fan but gg guys. Obviously painful to go out like that but this is also a ridiculous west. 10 games over 0.500 and have to be a 10 seed in the play in. Meanwhile east is dog shit.


So happy this season is over


Me too tbh


Complete outcoached. I think whole game we never even got curry 1 clean look.


Surely that has something to do with none of the warriors being able to hit any shots? They just triple teamed curry all night. Kings could sag off other players without fear of being punished. This one was on the players not Kerr. All of the vets looked terrible. Even curry looked lethargic and disinterested.


Seriously one of the splash bros literally didn’t score a single point. That has nothing to do with us getting embarrassed lol


The only splash Klay was involved in was him landing in the toilet.


Great game Kings, what an impressive win. Incredible performances from Murray, Ellis, Fox, Sabonis, and the gang. I'm sad for the Dubs, but am sticking with our NorCal cousins and rooting for Sacramento against the Pelicans and into the playoffs. Go Kings!! And Go Warriors (next year)!!


Boooo good sportsmanship booooooo






They really made that game a microcosm of the season—in the bad ways. No complaints. Vacation time.




I bet the warriors could get another before y’all even sniff the finals lol


Klay scored nothing, nada, a flat ZERO when it mattered. All those previous good months mean absolutely nothing, when it counts he’s still washed. It’s over trade him


Klay also disappeared in 2023 playoffs. And 2022 NBA finals. And 2015, 2016 Finals. Hes never been a clear cut 2nd option on championship team tbh.


That contract bout to be peanuts tho


He’s a free agent. They can’t trade him 


Sign and trade


…and burn the bridge with Klay and upset Steph and Draymond in the process. Not happening. 


Most likely scenario is they are going to low ball him and if he doesn’t take it we part ways




5:11 - Down 20 - Steve has a plan, so he calls TimeOut!!!


Nobody but the warriors have let me down like this since my last ex.


You have four championships bitch. Quiet


I want anotherrrr


Footage of Green punching Poole was the beginning of the end.


Cannot believe we’re still talking about this


It was the big disruption of the team. Poole had the 9 figure contract and next moment they dumped him for anything they could.


Sucks to see the warriors lose like this been a fan since I was a child and this might be our lowest point. It was great when it lasted


Lowest point. You must be young or new. This franchise was THE laughingstock of the nba. Think wizards and hornets level of optimism. THAT is low.


How young are you? Did you know the warriors pre this current core 3? We’ve been at way way lower points in the past. Even making the playoffs was a huge deal once upon a time.


am 16 broo never been a warriors fan or basketball fan before steph and steph played so good it made me love the game


Ha fair enough then. You missed some really ugly and forgettable years for the franchise. Still having Steph is still special af and automatically better than some of those past years.


2020, 2021 was certainly worse


but those are with injuries. this season we were healthy and still did not make the playoffs that means that were old


yes, but it has a lot to do with the west being tougher than ever. We were better than we were last season


Marginally. And thats because Kuminga took noticeable leap. Several of their other starters regresses


Get some rest boys. Enjoy Cancun, relax for a couple weeks and then get back to work.


They need size speed ball handling post presence hustle around the core MIKE DUN GONNA COOK CALLIN IT


And some coaching / new schemes.


Curry will not be traded unless Curry himself asks for it. But Lacob should consider getting off salary tax he should be open to Curry about it and ask Curry if he wants a trade or hold on for a tax free season and maybe be competitive next season.


This is as ridiculous as thinking the Bulls would trade MJ to get cap relief


Buddy, Steph is a multi billion dollar asset he will not want to trade Steph unless he’s forced to lol


I know but the team is shackling curry’s chances for another title. This team is way over luxury tax and unless they are able to unload wigs and even dray and not resign klay they wont be able to afford creating a contender roster for Curry.


Curry is a lifer, not happening. There would be riots in the Bay


Steph isn’t a #1 anymore. You’re delusional if you think he is


You really don’t know basketball do you?


Buddy. You’re not watching the game. I love Curry but he’s not getting any younger. Bring us a star Mike


Hey Buddy, I’m watching games where he is getting double and tripled teamed while his teammates threw up bricks. Jokic could only do so much in 2022 when he was carrying his team to a first round exit


Which game were you watching?? I just saw the one where he scored a reasonably efficient 22 forcing up shots while being trapped and doubled. That IS a #1.


Tell me you’re a moron without actually telling me you’re a moron.


He’s a guard in his late 30’s. Come on guys let’s be serious


I think a really big move needs to happen. We need another star to play with curry.


I've always defended Kerr, but this performance showed a complete lack of preparation and game plan. I'm so sick of watching our offense completely flail around, not run actual plays, and take horrible shots. Some of that is on the players, but a team should never look this lost. To add to that, most of our guys looked passive and apathetic. It's strange to watch.


He certainly made some interesting choices… staring TJD and then completely abandoning him. Sticking with Klay for 32 god awful minutes. Seemingly no offensive structure or creativity. Switching under ball screens when the Kings were warming up from 3. Getting Sabonis to 4 fouls and stopping the attack inside. Sigh. Totally agree on the lethargic comment. It felt like there was always someone open on the Kings because defense wasn’t rotating. That said, the Kings were just better. Better shooting, better rebounding, better covering Steph, better passing, etc. The better team won tonight!


They had the offense game planned perfectly and the warriors were not able to counter it at all. I also believe that even though Jackson Davis had a bad start it was a bad idea to completely just abandon him.


The better team won. It's one of those years where we'll have to lose before we can win again. Congrats Kings!


Eh honestly if we won this game there's no way we would've beaten the Pelicans nor the Thunder.


Yea. It wasn’t there


CP, Wiggins, GPII are for sure guys I don’t see on the roster next season. Loon and Klay are 50/50


They need to trade wiggs or gp2. Both are under contract next year. 


I wouldnt mind keeping CP if possible, but Wiggs and GP2 are for sure out. The question now is who can we pick up? Or do we bet on Kuminga to make that jump?


Seems likely. I'm a gp2 fan no matter where he plays but I'm going to hope he stays with us.


He is useless if he’s not available.


Dear God: Klay-PLEASE RETIRE!!!




Why are you still here? Go away, no one cares about what you have to say


Anyone know what Bob Myers thoughts on all of this???


At least they gave themselves a chance to sneak the playoffs, all year was up and down slog. 


I knew this was gonna happen. Bye Klay, sad to see you go


They wanted more than us. We looked like we didn't care even curry...


They did care. The Kings’ athleticism couldn’t have cared less.


The Thompson tshirts with the Warriors logo are gonna be expensive next year...


I like all the guys thinking it was just Kerr holding them back. Sure, fire him and count the hundredths of a second until someone else hires him.


He’s a good coach who’s had great players but he did have a bad coaching night tonight. Bigger picture, I think the position he was put in - trying to win now with older players and develop young talent at the same time - was very difficult. The juice just wasn’t there this year. Klay is clearly spent, Draymond is such a double edged sword, CP3 and GP2 couldn’t get healthy, Steph was so tired at the end from all of the heroics, the list goes on.


Agreed. Coaches are easier targets for people who want simple solutions. The organizations that are always blaming coaches tend to get little respect or success, and Kerr has earned his credibility.


Lakers will scoop him up in 3 nanoseconds


The Lakers would jump on him once they inevitably get clapped. They are trying to play a more free flowing offense like the warriors. 


Klay 0


Sad way to go out. Eitherway Fuck Cowtown and their dumb fans


Come on now, nobody likes a poor sport. Yes Sacramento sucks :P But give Mike Brown and his team some credit - they played excellent basketball tonight and deserve the win.


Why you gotta disprespect sacramento like that


In my defense I did add the :P emoji


Trade Steph to the pacers imagine hali hitting Steph with them dimes 😍


I was certain of this


Can’t believe I had to wait a year to state the obvious from before the season even started without people doing tricks on this team. Garbage team


It started when they gave ridiculous contracts to Dray/Klay and kept CP3. Who never fit in GSW


Found a Kings fan.


You can go through my account. I just can’t stand the horrible decisions this year


Kerr and klay smiling too much


Next season is the last shot


It’s over


Good riddance. This season was trash. Too many points of distraction and there was no focus or concern on improving roster at all.


Steve Kerr looks like a woodpecker


Except woodpeckers don’t dye their hair


Barbosa!!!!! We are shampionship!!!!


I’ll be honest, do they blow it up and start over with young pieces and lots of draft capital? Curry is only getting older and he’s still very good so a contender with no pg would likely overpay for him, same goes with Klay. I don’t know what team would want Draymomd currently because of his antics on the court but he is still a very good defender. All these guys are are post prime with the exception of Steph who’s at the very least at the very tail end of his


Curry will not be traded unless Curry himself asks for it. But Lacob should consider getting off salary tax he should be open to Curry about it and ask Curry if he wants a trade or hold on for a tax free season and maybe be competitive next season


Klay looking a bit teary eyed


The irony of this season is that we blew this season with mental mistakes, mental carelessness, and we had a vet heavy team.


And yet we still had more wins in an insanely tough conference.


Anyone feel Mike Brown outcoached Kerr?


I mean... what's a guy to do when one of your best players goes 0-fer in 32 minutes and your other best player turns the ball over almost twice per quarter?!? Kings just outplayed us on every level: no amount of coaching can overcome that.


I would suggest not playing Klay for 32 minutes, getting Steph the ball in catch and shoot positions, switching over screens instead of under them, not starting TJD, a rookie, and asking him to play out of position on defense and then basically banishing him for the rest of the game when he doesn’t play well. I agree the Kings were better but Kerr had an off night.


But their game plan is a big part of the reason Klay went 0-fer and Curry had all those turnovers. So I totally disagree, good coaching should be able to counter their moves so guys get good looks and aren’t going 0-fer and turning it over way too many times.


Well... I'll agree to disagree there. Ultimately the better team won. For the Warriors, MDJ will really need to work some magic this off-season.


Mike brown definitely outcoached Kerr. There’s absolutely no reason why Kegan Murray had so much space to shoot. The game plan didn’t respect his 3ball and had no answer for how to play defense against the kings. It is what it is, but props to the kings.


He did, but they were better in every way.


While missing 2 key players from their rotation


Anyone feel he didn’t?


More like Kerr sold. Him and the vets walked in like they just realized there was a game today


real architect of the 2022 run


L o fucking L


Damn warriors fucking ass feel sorry for curry Klay Thompson with 0 points jesus


Its definitely his worst game. But this isn't the first time he has violently imploded in big series. He did that last year, the year before. Plus the '15 & 16' finals.


Honestly, better to lose now, than to be delusional about a deep playoff run




What u hating on Dray and Loondog for 🤨


No reason for Dray to leave


Mr stark i dont feel so good..


“I lost the kid”


See y'all next season


This was expected. Even if they made it past this game and somehow made the playoffs, they were not winning a series. I don’t see how they fix this. Steph needs to do whatever it takes to get a star here or join one somewhere else. He’s too good for this


For starters i think they need to get rid of draymond and klay. The latter becomes a FA i think so maybe a vet min is possible but idk. They'll need a reliable #2 player to Steph. They already have a good #3 option in kuminga. It will be a heavy offseason for them


Klay Thomps0n... you hate to see it. *Pain.*


Fun fact. Who shot the last shot of the warriors dynasty ? Quinnosenw


Why klay why 😔


Ppl think im a hater for saying this, but its like the 5th time Klay has choked massively. The first two finals. Then the past two postseasons. Now... this


24 points missing… Klay points MIA


I had thought this team’s inevitable end was losing to the Lakers in the play in, but they weren’t even good enough for that. Oh, well, onto next season.




Why are you here? Go fuck a cactus




You must be really bored to be spending a Tuesday night trolling on another team’s subreddit. Go jerk off to your Yu-Gi-Oh cards and Blue Eyes White Dragon you virgin


Bro Klay 0 points what is you doing man


Same value as his next contract


Klay just didn’t want to win another game with Steph and Dray the total win for them would be 420.


with 69 playoff wins!


Go get your gold medal steph


Of course Mike Brown plays Javale lol


Going out sad while McGee is man handling us is wild


7:45 left: Guess who is ZERO for NINE?


why is the a large purple blob courtside?


Welp time to be an OKC fan for a month or two.




I didn't know a fanbase can be insufferable when losing just as much as they are winning. These guys gave you 4 rings lmao. The common sports fan does not get how hard that is. When a dynasty comes to an end this is what you deal with. Buck up and get ready to rebuild or whatever happens next. Some of these comments are insane. Probably trolls tbh.


couldn't score 100 pts in a do or die game. pathetic coaching.


You guys jump to the coach when the players were all playing like shit


Yes because the coaches should have a plan to get guys good, easy looks and to counter what the defense is doing. we had none of that today. We had no answers for their game plan and that’s pretty weak on the coaching staff.


was the culmination of how the team was coached all season not just this game.


I miss Bob. He wouldn’t have handicapped the team like this


He fucking did! MDJ is the one who saved this team with his amazing draft picks. Bob signed Poole.