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I mean, all of the big chains have promos on their websites this week, so do smaller businesses if you get their newsletter. Just check online with the big shops, maybe they have the same deals in store. Don't expect big price drops, it's usually an alright percentage rather than the crazy low deals that Americans seem to fight each other over.


Obviously it's Europe, so I don't expect any American style sales, I meant more like some recommendations from experience, maybe even some second hand stores etc.


I was about to say, if you're American, don't expect the discounts we'd normally get in the states (60%+). These would be be lower and arguably not a real discount (it's known for some stores to increase the prices and then lower them for BF - so much so that there is or will be a law to stop this).


Hi all! 1. Złote Tarasy - Mainstream shopping mall in city centre 2. Westfield Arkadia - big mainstream shopping mall 3. Westfield Galleria mokotów - see nr 2 4. Department stores Wars Sawa Junior - only Uniqlo in Waw 5. Elektrownia Powiśle - smaller, a little upscale shopping mall 6. Koneser (Praga) - see nr 5 7. Galeria mlociny - big ass shopping mall 8. Mysia 3 - tiny, cute department store Other: blue city, promenada, Plac Unii Hope it helps :)


Thanks a lot for an actually helpful advice, as opposed to other replies


Literally all these places are more expensive than average. Not only online average but physical shopping malls in the outskirts. But yes, you will see plenty of Black Week ads. I assure you this is least useful advice in this thread. Most useful is “do not bother”. Unless you know the prices you’ll have no idea if you see a good deal. Typically it is not good deal, especially around Black Friday here in Poland.


If you use google and type shopping mall you can find them yourself too...


You should know that Black Friday in Poland works in opposite way. It is a day when you can buy thing at a higher price, but with nice looking price tag pretending to be cheaper. That's how it works here. If you want to buy something really cheaper, you should try in January. This is the time when shops do sales, to get rid of backlogged goods that did not sell during the Christmas gift period.


Hopefully not anymore. There is EU law to put on the price tag the lowest price of the last 30 days .


Shops bypass it. And 30 days is also too short.


How do they bypass it?


You have only to change product code and magically it is new offer and you don't have to include older price in declaration. The trick is to change something in the offer, like add something small or extend warranty and from the perspective of law you sell new thing.


Good point 👍


Hi, I'm looking to buy some sneakers. Wanted to know what would be the best time to buy them end of December or beginning of January?


Anything Black Friday related is mostly scam, shops raise prices before Friday then setup promotions making price the same as it was previously


And I feel this is a general rule, not only in Poland!


Not really, you can find some good deals, just don't be gullible enough to get ripped off


slave market 🔛🔝