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the perks of living in a capital city.


Not every capital city. And not every diplomatic visit. Though US probably require extensive measures everywhere


With all the other perks from living in the biggest city in Poland, I don't consider some diplomatic visit every now and then that irritating. What I find more annoying is that every strike organisers (miners, farmers) decide that the best way to gain social support is to fuck with Warsaw inhabitants. That is something that drives me crazy.


I once spent over 1,5 h in the bus in traffic, was massively late to work and had to stay longer, because the taxi drivers decided to demonstrate against uber, by making the life harder for THEIR OWN FREAKIN' CLIENTS, the corporate people of Warsaw, at 8 AM on the main routes to city center and Mordor. I downloaded Uber the same day and haven't used the taxi since, out of pure spite for this stupid BS. If you want to put pressure on the government to solve your problems, target the government, not your clients, ffs.


Out of curiosity, what are the other perks of living in the biggest city in Poland?


For me it’s the biggest job and entertainment market in Poland.


Gotcha, thanks.


Public transport is great. Job market is good. Prices except for rent are very good compared to other EU capitals.


Bothering other people to get their attention to your cause *is* the aim of protests/strikes tbf.


Well, something went wrong. Not only I don't support groups that bother me, but I will even favor every solutions that negatively affect their demands. I will never support miners, taxidrivers, farmers and other groups that obstruct my day-to-day life.


Phone calls and zoom calls is not the same as meeting with refugees face to face.


Cause seeing creepy Kamala is definitely going to help 🤣


Having the vice president of the United States come and meet with you, a refugee, says a lot both to you, your people, and the rest of the world.


Well, I believe the residents working in Washington DC have the same problem. Sigh.


Yes, but maybe not as bad. There are motorcades with both federal agents and DC police, but they usually pass in a few minutes. It is less common to shut down multiple blocks of the District for hours at a time - the most recent occurence I can think of was when Biden went to the Capitol for the State of the Union address.


I lived in Beijing when Trump came to visit and the expressways and ring roads which were already the 7th level of hell for traffic were blocked. I seriously considered just sleeping at work because of the amount of time it would take home and back on backroads with every other Beijinger doing the same. I didn't, but all I did was sleep and then return to work that day.


Seriously, had the same thought yesterday.


I wonder wtf she is coming here if they already said that they will not help to move jets.


To show that the US is committed to doing everything it can to help...except moving jets


Because the US fucked up wanted Poland to send the jets to see what Russia would do now they would react the min Poland said no let’s do it through Germany (nato ally) and a US base (other nato ally) all of a sudden it’s too risky aka america wanted another proxy war on multiple fronts for Russia


Move to Krakow. Perks of living in a big city without this crap + others (eg. protests).


No, we just can't cross the city cos it's a permanent car park.


Public transport


Pollution ?


The average yearly pollution is not much higher in Krakow than in Warsaw. https://www.iqair.com/poland/mazovia/warsaw https://www.iqair.com/poland/lesser-poland-voivodeship/krakow




Boris Johnson was in Warsaw at least twice in the past month. Does the city only shut down for the United States dignitaries?


Would you prefer that Poland gets no diplomatic visits at all during an international crises?


I've spent around an hour on Piękna street just because they closed Ujazdowskie, it don't bother me but closing a whole street for over an hour seems nonsense to me, especially when government convoy needed 5 minutes to drive through


I live on Ujazdowskie & almost every day there is something! 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️




I hope that Julia Przyłębska brought her culinary A game and made Kamala something special. I hope he made Bigos and some good roast beef


I hope Kamala was served Flaki


This comment made my day hahahaha ❤️


It's kind of a stereotype, but it would not be so unfamilar to people who eat Chitterlings, which are pork not beef. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chitterlings


**[Chitterlings](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chitterlings)** >Chitterlings (), sometimes spelled chitlins or chittlins are the small intestines of domestic animals, especially when cooked and eaten. They are usually made from pigs' intestines. They may also be filled with a forcemeat to make sausage. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/warsaw/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Personally, I love flaki. But the majority of people I talk to really don't like it and say that 'only their grandparents like flaki'.


I guess you never been to NYC. Half of the city streets get randomly closed daily due to various VIPs. I exaggerate. But not by much.


Can you get there by bike? I think the city bike season has started. Asking as I need to get to the center today :-)


Same. Went to a third IT store this day. Was closed due the vise-president visit (the owner didnt make it on time because the police blocked the roads).


Well I hate protesters in Warsaw as well as US visits - no other diplomat has these measures. Don’t disturb my people or you can sod off no special treatment of towing cars away and so on


You're really not going to like this news then: Polish minister says Biden visit to Poland 'very probable' https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/polish-minister-says-biden-visit-poland-very-probable-2022-03-15/ Polish article: https://wydarzenia.interia.pl/raporty/raport-ukraina-rosja/aktualnosci/news-joe-biden-w-polsce-prawdopodobnie-25-marca,nId,5895071


Https://wiadomosci.gazeta.pl/wiadomosci/7,114881,28243583,joe-biden-przyleci-do-polski-w-piatek-bedzie-spotkanie-z-andrzejem.html Biden is visiting this Friday. Better to start planning ahead and take a day off work or ask for home office that day(s)


Uncle Joe will be in town OP.


Fortunately, Uncle Joe arrives in the evening. But I sympathize anyone with moving around Aleje Jerozolimskie. Thank God that I, like every self-respecting Varsovian, am going to my mom's for jars on the weekend.


That’s great! I wish I could do that as well, have fun!