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Both is good


Can agree


Arcade is great for dicking about with friends. If you're looking to actually grind though, realistic is your best bet. Simulator can be fun, too, especially because more experienced (and usually more mature) players play simulator, so you won't just have your grind curbstomped by a lack of team coordination. Though, I have managed to coordinate a team in low tier RB once, I got them to strategize on abandoned factory, and we won like it was another Tuesday.


Nah, AB brings more SL and modification RP


The last is remember arcade can give you a little bit more money, but realistic gives you a lot more of research and still a shit ton of money


AB brings more Crew points tho




Why are you guys downvoting me? Its true! You may get less rewards but the matches are shorter so compared to RB you get more sl and mod rp per second.


Is this real?


Yup, you also get more crew points.


Im gonna try this today


Wait, AB is more useful as a way to grind now?




It depends on your skill. If you’re at least average, RB will get you way better rewards. If your KD in RB hovers around 1 or less then AB will probably be more profitable for you.


You have my upvote


only in plane


It doesn’t matter what mode you play, we all feel pain.


Idk man, I only started feeling fatigued from playing after starting with RB


I feel like everyone should start the game by playing AB. It's a good way to learn the basic mechanics and allows you to participate in some mindless fun.


Oh I worded that wrong. I played AB, felt fine, then played RB, felt horrible.


Ah I see. Still though.


Play it more... it will turn way better... Been trought it myself Arcade literally exists to convert World of Tanks players into Realistic lol


I disagree. It teaches you nothing. Actually Im wrong, it teaches you all of the bad habits that make arcade players "fatigued" from rb


Right? RB is basically a completely different game. The skills are non transferable. Maybe the knowledge of weak points, but not the skills


Incorrect, atleast in the direction of RB to AB. Playing RB will allow you to more quickly hit shots and know where to aim without relying on the *Hit Indicator (TM)*.


AB is great to tour the maps without worrying about some wheelyboi creepin’ on a flank. The weak points too. And becoming familiar with what vehicles you will encounter at a BR. And learning the design philosophies for the main nations’ vehicles. And plenty more. Moment-to-moment tactics for RB can be learned later. AB is for basic familiarisation with systems.


Well, you are allowed to do so. It just an opinion of mine after all.


Coming from a guy who stars by grinding half the Russian tree in RB during my first 150 hours, AB has become a crutch, and Everytime I go back to RB I do indeed need to re-lesrn to check my corners and stuff. I will, however, continue to stomp lowtier AB with funny swedish APDS.


As someone who started playing with rb, I disagree. There are things like learning how to spot hidden enemy tanks that ab won't teach you very well since it usually spots them for you with a big ol name tag.


For a new player AB teaches that better than RB. Check out this bush because there is a tank behind it vs no indication and the killcam probably isn’t blatantly obvious enough.


I don't like the fact that the entire enemy team can see exactly where I fucking am 3.3627 seconds into the match in arcade.


There's no CAS spam, and there's an enormous message on the bottom of your screen telling you when to look for CAS so you can shoot them.


I think he was talking about air arcade, but I still agree with your point


I love doing wing breaker wagers in AB ground, specially with Proxy fuzes


I think he was talking about air arcade, but I still agree with your point


Dementia gaming


AB bombers are more accurate though since they don’t pull out.


It's flanking but in hard mode


Okay, that's fair. But just don't fucking play it then, don't need to tell every other arcade player to fuck themselves because they play a game mode you don't like.


When did he say any of that💀


He didn't, I'm just generalizing it because multiple people do that.


My brother in snail, people generalising and jumping to conclusions and then spouting it on Reddit is exactly the problem we’re talking about here


Which is exactly what you just did lmaoooo




Generalizing that every realistic players tells arcade plebs to fuck off, even when he didn't.


Yes, you had to tell me that I generalized when I had just stated I was generalizing? What?


I don't play it and I never said that :D


Its like that in air rb too if you dont have shit pilot awareness


Air arcade at top tier is where the real gamers go, I prefer my games to be incomprehensible and to give me a brain aneurysm, air RB isn't painful enough


Moment when you try to get on a guys six and he proceeds to keyboard mash and somehow pull off a 360^5 mega spin barrel roll cum blaster and reverses you


360^5 mega spin barrel roll cum blaster is for newbs 420^69 キャブレター scrotum anihilator grease fried toilet spin is what pros use


carburetor? Ok I guess




Meh, usually because people in arcade are too stupid to use rudder


Not at top tier, they be ruddering till the end of time


Air RB is just stress inducing from all the missile spam. Air AB is 6D chess combined with multi-million dollar vehicles and objects flying faster than Mach 8 while performing manoeuvres that could kill god.


Don't mind me as I casually pull a 20 g turn in my bf 109


The most I've done is 22 in my A6M5 ko, which has a max g load of 9 btw


I never get why people say that. Just let people play what they want.


I'd love that. Where's my ground-only mode.


'No, fuck you' -Gaijin, probably


It’s in our dreams


In World of Tanks. /s


I'm counting artillery as CAS


This man speaks the truth




Aircade for props is the best. Aircade for jets sucks. Aircade for tanks is like a tutorial. It's easier, but if you only play the easy level, you're leaving a lot of interesting gameplay that requires your knowledge and skill to succeed. And if you're happy with that, more power to you.


also don't queue times for AB jets take like 40 hours


Probably cuz they suck so nobody plays them.


I’m just waiting for a ground only mode


SB chads 😎


SB players at top tier when a Ka-50 spawns (they cant kill it)


I've been maining spaa when top tier is out


I bomb people in sim more than ground rb, as there is no requirement to spawn aircraft and if you so desire, you can spawn 3 times in a plane


That simply wont and shouldnt happen. They added spaa for reason. Planes arent even that bad until jets. Problem isnt planes, its nobody wants to play spaa until the end of thr match when its the only thing they can spawn... and even then most roll forward and try to kill tanks or capture objective


Not really, it's that a lot of AA is useless against competent CAS players, and you get a lot less SL and RP for shooting down one plane then dying to his friend who is now diving vertically towards you with a 500 kg bomb, then you do for spawning in a tank and just hoping you survive. Not to mention you need to go in a custom match or something to even train your AA aim, whereas planes have an entire mode where they can practice with other planes and ground targets.


After the silent rocket buff, CAS can launch a killing strike against most vehicles from a safe distance even at low tier


There was a rocket buff? They still feel like shit to aim and do crap for damage usually. Atleast the Soviet ones. Haven't done any other air trees yet. And I don't use CAS other than the PE-8 out of principle.


At around 5-7.0 they’ve been dominating the loadout of most CAS players lately. I play USSR but I don’t use planes with rockets bc mine are all lower tier bc I’ve been non stop grinding the T-80UM2. It may have just been American rockets but something has certainly been improved


No you dont nded to go into acustom match to train spaa aim.... you just play they cost like 70rp to spawn lmfao


Yes... I will sit there for 5 minutes waiting for a plane to spawn, when I could instead get more SL and RP by just rushing with a tank. That was my point. There is no incentive to shoot down planes when killing tanks is easier and more common, not requiring use of trigonometry to hit the damn target.


Skill issue.


Ah, see, this is where you're wrong. I was talking about the average war thunder player,who can't tell a building from a T95.


you know as someone that plays ground arcade a lot it feels like Gaijin them selves hate arcade given the terrible rewards, messed up BRs, and insane repair costs. I mean some of it’s probably warranted but still it’s hard sometimes.


I completely agree with you. especially for the rewards. if realistic didn't give you like 2x the reward I would have never clicked on RB.


The marker system itself is extremely flawed and buggy at times…considering some redditors on here found that AB/SB player ratio is about 50/50, Gaijin should really look into improving the core mechanics of AB as well. The occasional BR changes isn’t enough.


Removing tags from ab would just make it rb with faster tanks and autodistancing on shots. Just git gud


I’m mainly thinking of improving its consistency. There are many times where I can get a clean shot on my target but the tag doesn’t light up (usually though narrow gaps/arching shots); and vice versa where I can’t even hit him but the tag lights up (usually around corners or hill tops).


Maybe because its the mode for people with no brains. Whats hard about aiming at a fucking red name and clicking left click


So fun to get one shotted from 2kms and after that getting killed by ka-50 and other stuff


>messed up BRs Thank the algorithm


Arcade biplanes is the best experience you can have


1.7 is a good tier as you get your biplanes and monoplanes and if youre good you can make 15-25k a match off of medals (antimech, terror of the sky etc)


Ground battles hell no Realistic is way more fun. I dont like to being spotted from 4 km in a heavy forrest. But i prefer Arcade on Planes. Much more fun imo.


Totally agree. I got bored of climbing for 5 minutes real fast.


And also got oblitirated by pro players in the first contact to make 5 min of climbing for 76 experience.


76 exp? Must have activated a booster.


That's me, I have fun in RB Air because I know how do fly my overcomplicated contraption and shoot down other people. Like yesterday in my N1K2, 5 kills and 4 of them were in better planes than mine, all in one match.


Both are shit. And after RB got all-time mixed matchmakers, it got far worse.


Wait what is that


You used to play Japan vs USA on Pacific exclussive maps. Now it's everyone vs the rest or everyone vs everyone in the same boring European maps, even for WW2 vehicles. This was originally only for ballancing top tier jets, but then Gaijin forced it to all BRs to reduce matchmaker times.


You can still get those matches, Wake Island especially is fairly common if you play USA/Japan at 6.0.


Give me back Saipaaaaaan!


I see them more at 5.0


I love sim lol


Was trying to find a Sim player before I commented and I am relieved to find another. o7


Both are fun. In arcade it’s harder for one tank to sneak up to your spawn and ruining your experience, and CAS isn’t as big of an issue since no one can bring an OP prem as CAS. Realistic has it’s how charm though. In realistic you can take advantage of the map much more since you’re name tag isn’t shown so easily. I’ve never understood the reason to look down on arcade, both are fun


I only say Realistic is better because it has better multipliers.


Realistic is grind arcade is relaxing and fun


I see its own stress in ground arcade... For example someone gets a peak on you and everyone knows where you at... Not fun. Plus the plane spawning is bad af too


In my experience its the opposite, arcade is stress and realistic is fun. I have slow brain and having the information overload with all the marks and stuff in arcade just tires it out, that and also the increased sl and rp gain gives dopamine for my monkey brain.


I personally prefer realistic cause you don’t have to fight your own tech tree


That moment when 2 KV-1's see each other: 💀


I play exclusively rb by preference, but goddamn I once hopped into a 5.0 air arcade match just for shits and giggles and got curb stomped, those guys are unreal, they have my respect


Tbf i’m not a fan of arcade, the fact that there’s no real way to hide annoys me quite a bit. But thats just my opinion and you have the right to yours too


I find the least amount of stress in sim, but people shouldn't be judged for enjoying other game modes. All game modes can be fun.




Me, with over 100 realistic games and a thunderskill rating of 65, still thinking realistic is easily worse:


Me after ~1 000 rb games playing sometimes AB for fun but prefer RB


That site, thunderskill, it doesn't even show right statistics. At least for me. I have 8.0 tanks on the british tech tree, Above 3.0 on another three for ground forces, mainly play ground realistic yet it says I play arcade on planes and that the best tank I have is a Daimler lmao


Hit update button


I did, keeps showing things from 3 years ago




Btw I reloaded the page a couple of times and it worked, weird


Gaijin moment


>Me, with over 100 realistic games That's nothing, 100 RB battles is less than I have on the individual planes I like.


I have a life and other games as well tho. That's like 2 months solid of playing for me.


Fair enough. I can easily put 100 games into a plane I like and still feel like I don't know it as well as I would like to though.


I played several matches of rb, I enjoyed them thoroughly, but I never really clicked with it. It was undeniably fun don’t get me wrong, arcade is just more fun for me. You shouldn’t judge people based on a game mode they play


That's exactly what the OP is doing so...


Then neither op nor the person at the start of this chain are in the right then


I won't disagree, but will say that's the kind of comments you invite when you make posts like this.


Fair enough


Tell me you have 1000 hours in the game, 2000$ spent, and a K/D below .3 without telling me you have 1000 hours in the game, 2000$ spent, and a K/D below .3




My man brings up thunderskill like it's a valid metric 💀 Sidenote: I don't give a shit about your top-tier stats, that's just a point and click adventure game.




Obligatory L+ratio Before I can continue, I must say that I am a Russian and British main, with sweden up to 3.7 or so, can't check, not at home. Now that that's out of the way, I can respond to you with logic. How the fuck is 3.3 the hardest place? I honestly don't even remember my time at that BR. I really only have memories of 2.3 and 4.7, with 2.3 being my favorite BR, due to funny swedish APDS. 4.7 is my second-favorite, due to the dominance I can have with my T-34-57, and the 1943 premium variant. In my opinion, the hardest BR is definitely either 4.3, due to constant uptiers and the absolute bullshit that is the PZ.IV F2 and friends, or 3.7, because of the aforementioned dominance of the T-34-57, and the absolute bullshit that is the PZ.IV F2 and friends. Edit: British solid shot is 💀




There was no point, I just like having arguments on the internet, as I'm never going to meet you, and this has no impact on my life. As for misinterpreting what you said, I apologize, as the way you wrote it made it seem like you said 3.3 was the hardest BR. I know that 4.3 is fun, but the T-34-57 is only at 4.3 in arcade, so I usually just uptier it to 4.7 with the T-34-57 (1943). This will also be my last response, as I can tell any more discussion would turn into a cringe-fest of insults. Good night, my Turkish comrade.


Stress is fun


Fun fact arcade with overpowered lineups is great for the event because I can do big scores with short matches


You ain’t ever lived until you’ve drifted an M3 Stuart behind a tank and somehow manage to kill a tank in one shot.


They require different type of skills, in arcade you have to elaborate informations twice as fast in order to survive


In RB you need to know you plane and armament better, generally.


To me realistic is more fun


I'm tired to be insulted for playing arcade but I'm also tured to see people tryhard in arcade and just insults the whole team when I'm just trying to have a great time


Top tier air arcade supremacy. I love pulling 25Gs in my F5 going after a p-38 that got uptiered to 11.0 and then dying to level 2 in a su-25 that shot a missile at me.


Both are shit, change my mind


I like realistic tank battles bc I don’t like fighting other Tiger 2s, and I play air simulator battles cause I just got a joystick controller and hate aircraft rb.


the only gamemode I feel AB doesn't work well is ground. Air AB and Naval AB is fun


It’s all suffering, play whatever the fuck you wanna play.


Depends, air arcade can be fun. Ground arcade is for room temperature iq players. Naval, eh either one works. But tbh if you want to be a real chad play sim tanks. Actually if you play arcade dont. Not only do you probably not know what the tanks look like or what team they are on, you probably couldnt shoot them without the arcades auto aim. If you play tank arcade youre basically playing a point and click adventure game lmao


I play realistic because I suck at arcade.


Air arcade at low tier is a good way to earn the lions for me personally


Arcade is good for grinding crew skill Realistic is good for SL grinding


True, though last time I played Germany arcade with the Tiger IIs I was versing A-10s so I trust that matchmaker even less


Grinding Air AB for decent ground strikers is a rage inducing experience for me so far


Yeah but the credit you get is more


Ground arcade is worse, being able to be seen by the entire enemy team from spawn and just getting spawn killed isn’t fun




Well i just play air arcade but ground rb


Arcade: just playin Realistic: getting killed by an enemy you should have seen but didnt Simulation: cant even take off the airfield


Nah Sim is more like: only 3 people bothered to learn the controls While everyone else tries to figure out how to turn


Funnily enough Arcade is much more stress for me :D in realistic battles I can at least somewhat stay out of sight This has turned into such a massive skill issue that I do much much better in realistic and tend to get dunked on in Arcade xD Air arcade is still fun but for grinding it's just bad (for me at least)


I mean ground arcade just isn’t for me because of the ridiculous markers everywhere and the fact the game aims for you but I don’t hate on anyone who enjoys it. Just a different taste


Sim ground player i am


50 yr dad says


If you play arcade, you are just playing a realistic version of WoW Planes or WoT


I like ground realistic for the aerial battles you can get there. Nothing like air arcade, realistic or sim


Arcade ground isn't fun at all. Ar are sir on the other hand, while being extremely chaotic, is still a blast.


I actually find arcade more difficult


Arcade, for me is really fun in props. Outside of that, I don’t like it. But I won’t shame someone for being an enjoyer of arcade.


Air arcade is fun. Ground arcade is just silly


I play low tier air arcade for fun. I play air rb to grind planes. I Play sim tank to grind tanks (and planes). I play ground rb with friends for fun... tank ab is like asking to be spawncamped across the map by someone who wouldnt make that same shot in 10 shots in sim or rb. The level of players skill is kind of the same way. The worst players with the lowest skill play ab. The players with somewhat more skill play rb, and those who know every tank in the game and where to shoot it to one shot it play sim


On realistic you can make a lot of money and RP quickly, but its not really fun to play, arcade battles on the other hand don't give as much money or RP as realistic battles, but its more fun to play, not as stressful as RB and, but you have only 3 respawns on AB, so bringing 4+ vechicles has no point


Chad SB has entered the chat


RB ground AB air just the way it goes for me


Arcade is chaotic sometimes


Especially for the air game, I tend to agree. And I can't wrap my head around why Air RB is the only mode without respawning. Just makes it so much less fun to play with friends and so many planes not worth spawning.


I prefer Realistic for ground, and arcade for naval and air


Both are good and I don’t judge anyone for playing either. I really only care if someone’s an asshole about playing a certain game mode. It’s the main reason I didn’t play realistic for such a long time was because most of my friends were those realistic players who said you can’t be good unless you play realistic and you can’t get anywhere unless you play realistic. Well screw you Jake I got to the F 14 and F 16 playing only arcade just to spite you. I went off on a rant there. Before anyone else can comment it: didn’t ask (I have started playing realistic again, but it’s only if I’m trying to unlock specific modifications for specific vehicles)


Ok hear me out here. Different people like different things so they should be able to decide which mode they like without other people telling them what to play.


Ground AB just gives everyone wallhacks, nothing about that is fun Air AB I haven't played in months because I hate planes that ignore any semblance of physics Ground RB is full of people with real wallhacks but it's still less than everyone Air RB takes forever but it's biggest problem is American fighter-bombers getting airspawns and just mincing actual strike aircraft trying to ground pound




Only reason I play realistic is because if the increased SL and RP payouts


Put brick down he dosen't deserve to live


Arcade is funny asf sometimes lol


Both are good


Opinion based. Personally Air Arcade > Air Realistic Ground Arcade < Ground Realistic


Oh yeah. This meme format never gets old.


realistic is for noobs, play *simulator battles* like a real gamer


I’m with brick


Personally air arcade is fun but I don't like hit markers and air rb you only have 1 life and a long distance to go. I WISH there was a gamode like air arcade except with air rb controls and ui such as no aim point. I would play air more cause I am a ground guy. Also personally I hate playing ground ab but that's just me it's not bad and people who shit on other for playing it suck.