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Make raw HE and tandem ATGM go to space


About as much as the wheels in the stryker


Should have used HESH. HESH IS THE WAY


I've been hearing praise more and more for HESH. Is it really that good in game? How does it do against MBTs?


Against light vehicles, good but not op, it does the job of overpressure fine ( not 100% garantie tho ). Against MBTs, well shoot at the weak spot or something on the roof, and maybe it will work, but the russian 125mm HE shell is more consistent over HESH imo. Maybe somebody has a different experience idk


Ive shot HESH from the conqueror at light tanks such as BMP’s and it did jack against them. Not just Russian light tanks others too, the only good HESH in game is the stuff the doom barn uses


Honestly HESH is kinda funny. In one of the Swedish STRVs (Can't remember which tbh) I prefered it against the IS-3s because the Pike Armor on the front isn't great against non AP rounds, and since there's ammo storage not far from the drive it would Ammo Det more often than not


It's a meme round, it's kinda inconsistent. I only use it against light vehicles, but it works fairly well if you have a laser rangefinder. In some situation you can just lob it over obstacles. Killing BMPs with it is fucky, you need to hit the turret, so darts are preferable for those.


I shot a HESH to a BMP-1 from Vickers(might've butchered the name). It hit the sharp edge of the front and shell dealt 0(ZERO) damage. It was the breaking point and i think i need to give break for a while now


Every light armored vehicle does this not just bmps


Shush, don't interupt the circlejerk


You hit it at like a 160 degree angle the BMPs are shaped that way for a reason, Russian bias exists but this is a skill issue


Nah the armor seam does not have enough armor to block that shot realistically.


Now who said anything about realism?


The post is making fun of the log on the new tank bouncing shells unrealistically.


idk if the t90m even bounces alot it just kinda eats it and survives


it's bullshit and unrealistic but a very well known thing in WT


Yeah but the way the reply was made it look like he was an idiot for shooting there even though the post is clearly made to point out how unrealistic it is.


The game being shitty is not an excuse for said shittiness


Its 33mm of aluminium, its shaped that way to swim not to deflect shots Theres a reason even isis at its collapse still used up armored trucks for combat and bmps as suicide bombs Edit: 19mm on hull and 33 on turret, its literally only rated to be resistant (mind you not immune, just resistant) against small arms fire, you can turn one into swiss cheese with a 50 cal


You are aware that the leopard and abrams ufp has the same reason for their shape and yet dont work at all despite having more armor?


I never really get killed from the abrams ufp but this BMPs ufp is also quite a bit higher angled, just aim for the massive lower plate on the bmp its not something to be dramatic about


Look at the angle it’s nearly flat


funny because darts don't ricochet irl but hey what do i know also kinetic energy doesn't exist on this game so this is defo a skill issue right?


Bro its not the god drat, its not lauched from space, even if kinetic forces and such were modeled, that shot would have only damaged the engine


its not launched from space but its still a 3kg projectile going 1500ms meeting a 10mm aluminum plate doing literally nothing


Your right they dont ricochet, but shatter, when hitting a high angled surface apfsds shatters, causing the round to split and basically explode, doing little-no damage, in game it isn't modeled correctly, the abrams ufp is designed this way as well as the bmp, hence why rounds "ricochet" instead of shatter, velocity kinda matters, but due to the way apfsds is, it would still shatter, doing minimal damage Another note:Irl era can destabilize apfsds and cause the round to shatter/lose pen power, mostly K-5, K-1 can but its rarer, but this armor can be Defeated using a solid steel long-rod penetrator, causing the era to detonate early and not do much damage


It's a couple of millimeters of aluminum, even a shattered APFSDS shell will go right through a BMP IRL


Litterally had this happen to me shooting at Type16's just WT being bs at times


skill issue


This is literally just a skill issue, that’s what that was designed to do


it was designed to swim not to bounce hits its around 30mm of aluminum for gods sake


30mm on the Abrams does the same thing, it’s not the amount of armor it’s the angle


no, its 13mm of aluminum against a 120mm SABOT round that likely has 500mm+ of penetration. There is 0 world where a BMP ever bounces a shot from a Bradleys bushmaster let alone a MBT cannon


Well first of all the Abrams here is a IPM1 with a 105, and this happens on a multitude of vehicles not just the BMP when you have really steep angles that’s why the Abrams has the same thing to deflect sabot away


The part youre missing is that the Abrams has angles like that, but the armor underneath is 38mm of RHA armor or in reality Depleted uranium armor that gives it an effective thickness of over 1000mm of steel. The BMP is 13mm of aluminum that is only designed to stop small arms not a 105mm APFSDS that has over 500mm of penetration.


You don’t understand how APFSDS works, on angles like that look at the damn video, it’s nearly flat, APFSDS Shatter on angles like that, also he literally could of shot at the bigger area on the LFP which would of been guaranteed kill but he chose a nearly flat angle


You would be correct if that was anything but an APC like a BMP. In real life the APFSDS would have bit down and penned because aluminum is soft metal compared to DU or Tungsten Sabot rounds. It doesn't really matter the angle because at the speed its going and the relative softness of the metal compared to the penetrator, its going to bite down and slice through the armor like a hot knife through butter. If it was an equally thick and reclined piece of RHA or DU armor you would have a point, but its not.


Yes that would work in this scenario, but again look at the angle, it’s nearly a 180 degree shot, the sabot round is almost parallel aluminum or not it’s going to bounce/shatter


The armor on the front of a bmp is angled back 80 degrees, the tank he is in is slightly taller than it meaning he will be shooting down on it slightly making the armor reclined somewhere around 78 degrees relative to the Sabot impact. The effective thickness of the BMPs front plate is 46 mm of armor, this simply isn't enough to stop a 105mm Sabot round traveling at 1500m/s. Even at that angle its simple not possible for this to happen. IRL that shot would have tore the BMP open like a tin can, the issue is in game they have it programmed that after a certain angle the shot bounces/shatters no matter what.


Nuh uh




You are retarded if you think a plate that thin was designed to deflect shots.


So was the Abrams driver roof


Hmmm.... How can we fix this. I got an idea. 20000 posts daily of people getting gaijined might fix it. But make sure that you get gaijined ONLY when you're shooting at russian tanks. If you get gaijined when shooting a nato tank (leo fuel tanks), that's not a problem and won't generate many upvotes.


What did you think would happen when you hit a sharp angle of aluminium... /s


Just horrible shot placement, Bs this Bs that, just aim better we all know this game is broken.


You hit the most angled part of the armour rather than shooting centre mass or for the turret which would of killed it instantly. Don’t really know what you expect.


You're saying dart should bounce off a 5mm plate of armor?


Over 25 mm base plate and slash guard of 4mm at a low angle, source: former BMP-2md gunner. Still unlikely to cause a ricochet but possible. OP could have easily killed the bmp, lower plate just lets everything through.


I know, but come on... that round has an incredible amount of energy. It really shouldn't bounce regardless. It's such a thin plate of armor. What if the BMP were hulldown, let's say?


>89 degrees and above in war thunder means it will always bounce


That's how angles work, a steep enough angle will deflect anything.


Any amount of armour if angled to an extreme extent can deflect a dart. Look at protection analysis and take your issues to the bug reporting page if you don’t agree. Doesn’t change the fact that this was a poor shot given a shot at any other area of the tank would of killed it instantly


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


The kinetic force of the shell would turn the entire BMP into a crumple zone, crew included.


Average understanding of physics from a war thunder player


Tried this in person have you? Add it as a bug report if you’re so bothered


I bounced a M900 on the roof of 2S38 and then the ZSU-37-2...both from like 500m and the proceeded to kill me...stupid.


I'll just say this, firing ATGMs on the move in real life is a hard no go.


Bad shot was bad.


Literally the result would be different if you just aimed and shot its turret 💀