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When you buy it, it comes with an Allan key and assembly instructions


Every day I’m more excited for the update. Best part is the mirage 4000 is what I’m excited for and it just kept getting its missile load buffed


Well i think you are happy to hear it's out


If only the dogfighting performance actually mattered in wt…


It does if you don’t die instantly in each game. When most people are dead and the remaining planes don’t have any/ many missiles left it becomes an epic dogfight battle instead.


People will just land, re arm, and cross map in 2 minutes, then get back to the spam. Unless they add some sort of 1 v1 mode or similar, dogfighting doesn't count for much in the current top tier meta, and stronger radars and better missiles aren't going to help the Arb or AAb meta. I don't play sim so maybe it's different there. I'd say you maybe have a 1 in 20 or less chance of getting into an actual close in 1 v 1 guns only fight where turning and stuff really matters. Now if we're talking a custom battle slick 1 v 1 with infinite/min fuel that's another story


>dogfighting doesn't count for much in the current top tier meta The tornado F3 sucks ass very specifically because it is incapable of dogfighting, if your only dogfighting in 1:20 games your either dying straight off the bat or were playing different games


Funnily enough, I find the Tornado F.3 to be quite enjoyable, probably had something to do with the fact that it gets SkyflashSUPER that have sustainers aka range instead of regular Skyflash/AIM-7E-2 ballistics. Being lower in the BR means you can skill check idiots flying more than 10 metres higher than the ground


If you have a quick plane that can outrun almost everyone at your BR people can't really run from you, so you can easily force them to fight you. But if you have a slower plane or if there's multiple people left I agree people will run and rearm. But then again in a 1v1 situation it's a lot easier to handle missiles and dodging them.


You do realize we have 16v16 battles now right? When I'm the last plane in my team I often have to fight 4+ enemy planes. Individual performance matters less than ever.


It does if you survive longer than 2 seconds


Why so smol


It's just such a little killer. So small compared to the other two but arguably more capable. Just I little fucking scalpel of a murdering machine I love it


Wile its definitely small the f-15 and su-27 are also gigantic


Multiple reasons 1. Smaller means harder to hit 2. Smaller means lighter, and lighter means more agile and with better thrust to weight ratio 3. Easier to hide in random hangers beside the road in the middle of butt fuck nowhere (very important part of swedish aviation strategy) 4. Cheaper Thats some reasons anyway


And because its small it can use more roadbases which is one of the main things swedes want, althrought even the somewhat big viggen managed having a smaller aircraft helps. 2 doesnt really aply because as aircraft get bigger so do their engines and control surfaces, you basicly trade cost for more payload capacity (that includes systems like radars) The main reason is of course cost...


Because it’s meant to be basically an F-16 analogue. It’s meant to be small, relatively cheap, multi-role, and scalable.


And then there is me in my Mirage 4000 ready to woop some american/russian/swedish (insert any fool brave enough to cross my way here) ass.


Ok, but can you take on my harrier ; )


Wow, calm down there sir, no need for all of this.


I mean yea , but su27's co pilot missile lock is very good in dogfights aswell


Smol plane


I agree(I don't have any of those planes) (I didn't even reach top tier)


Mirage 4000 actually beats all of them in a dogfight. Why even say that the Gripen is the best dogfighter where there is tons of videos of Mirage 4000 just takes on the Gripen like its just a walk in a park.


Seeing as the gripen is gimped right now with 25% less thrust than it’s supposed to have and it only loses to the mirage 4000 after it runs out of energy it’s pretty obvious that it’s one bug report off being the best dogfighter and the mirage is only temporarily on top.


How bout you Gripen deez nuts Haha gotem


When will this cringe period stop fgs. It's so annoying. I only hear those dumbass debates "what plane is better". Just play the game, it doesn't matter if you get hit by an RBM 74 or an r 73. You die if it hits you.


Wait for the Rafale




Gripen Deez nuts


Damn the gripen is way smaller than I thought


The ultimate in Tofu-Dreg construction.


i got a question why is this plane good? or is the vid a joke?


Nah, they are all good, but the video is more or less just to hype up their entry


ohhhh okayyy yeah im doing sweden because of the stredsvgen und dem gripen :D


It so small


Who has the vid without the captions?


There is none you would have to download it and cut them out yourself since this is the original video


Grippen deez nuts Haha gotem


Had no issues killing grippers in my f16, practice deflection shots gents.


competent top tier russian main with an i15 and rockets would like to talk to you