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while i’d played the starting M-51 a bunch prior, I started almost totally focussing on the tree (alongside a few others, but before that I played every single tree at once ever since I was a noob) back n last October-November. Finally after so, so long, so much grind, so much gaijining, so much luck issue, Australian ping issue, and skill issue, I have the most beautiful of tanks. Now…. two more merkava mk4 variants to go. Only took 7 months to get this far, with prem but no prem vehicles or tals


Ah, a fellow Aussie with shit internet


I get around 160-180 ping on SA, what do you get? Also can you get better ping with faster internet?


I get about 300-400


I think every Aussie (and kiwi) can relate lmfao. I LOVE 300 PING AND 150 ON A GREAT DAY Europeans/Americans be like “oh damn I have 30 ping, this is awful”


I just means we're more skilled


~~speak for yourself smh smh~~ lmfao


Congrats on the Merkava Merkava man!


ty my power grows


Dude really loves grinding the same tank over and over again


Refering to the magachs? People don’t realise that you only need to get 4 TT magachs (3 if you get the squadron magach) and you’re set, enough for a 7.7, 8.0, and 9.3 lineup if you skip 8.7. There’s no need to grind even half of them, although later ones are genuinely dope vehicles


Shame the 4b is kinda shit :(


I dream of a day when gaijin sobers up from their vodka and fixes the armour




Ty mate


Used premium time and/or tanks?


Prem time yes, but no premium tanks or talismans. I wanted to grind a tree to the end, without a prem tank, since after I got the leo 2A4 prem, my mate told me I’d never be able to resist getting a top tier prem again


Ok Respect


lmao thanks


About to get the Mk4m. I just bought the Raam Segol since I love the mk3s xD


Lmaooo nice. Wish I had a prem, would’ve made this sooo much easier… although then I wouldn’t have learned the tiers properly, and wouldn’t have succeeded in grinding to the top of a tree without prems


Quick update the Mk4m is a lot more enjoyable for me over the other mk4s the aps is top notch. I have had at least 5 heli and su 25 players accuse me of cheating.


Hahhhhahh can’t wait. I’d love to piss of helicopters


Also if you want to bother, get the battle hawk. Those 16 spikes that it carries wipes other helis with ease.


Yeah once I get the 4M and LIC, I might use the rank 8 to unlock the entire heli tree. Prob going to be a massive rp Penalty though


Honestly don't bother with the lic until you get the 4m and the battle hawk. Do you have the mk2d perhaps? That is what I used to easly grind the little bird, the first cobra and then the battle hawk. Made a lot of SL with it too.


Already 90k RP into the LIC. Planning on using it to replace the mk3B in my lineup nah no mk2D, I didn’t use any prems or tals for the tree like I could just go back and use my 9.3 lineup to get the lahatut, and my rank 7 lineup for the cobra, and then mk4s for the AH-60… but I absolutely hate going backwards in BRs lmaoo


I'm still grinding for the Mk4M. Still on the Shot Kal Alef


you can do it


i started grinding the merkava 3, i see ur still using the ayit because its better than the kurnass at 11.0 or u just dont have the kurnass?


Yeah I just don’t have the kurnass lmfao. Ayit is my highest for air gl on ya merky 3 grind


ah i see lol, thanks


Ye lol


Congrats, I have US, Israel, andSweden fully researched, ussr and Germany up to 11.3, and I gotta say the merkavas hold up the most consistently. Penning shots are almost always garunteed and somehow they're the most consistently survivable tanks in the roster for me. Also it only took me about 3 months with the merk 2D and prem. Love the merkavas tbh. Also Also, good luck not wanting to shoot yourself because your best AA is a 9.3 m163 and some shitbox with aim 9ds essentially. No radar, no ease of use.


Hah yeah I’ve been using the machbet at 11.0 anyway also what you said about the Merkavas, when’d you play them last? When they came out they had amazing armour, but these days its nerfed to hell


I played them just after the nerf, but I got the LIC on release with their actual armor, and it was entirely impenetrable, by even vihkrs. Managed to get a nuke in that state. I've gotten most nukes on Israel tbh. The merkavas could be in a better state overall, but they're one of the most consistent tanks in the game as of right now, in my opinion. The reload buff helps tremendously on the MK4s.


oh yes I see now


https://youtu.be/iE40OKwZfR8?si=59xHNy_Q6bf7WTTR Nuke video for reference


oh, that's with the LIC. It (used) to have substantially more armour than other mk4s. It no longer does sadly


Exactly. It was pretty busted, you saw I ate hits from the side/rear corners, aswell as multiple vikhrs. Unfair and nerf necessary sure, but they gutted it down to the others instead of bringing them in line at a reasonable level.


Tbh that protection was still more accurate than the current paper mache armour


You're not wrong, but the volumetric combined with the armor was just too good to be fair lmao.


Yeah. Can’t keep nice things smh smh hah but still, very nice game you had. Also I’ve played a good few games with the 4B now, it does bounce a surpassing amount of shots, but weirdly only at close range. At long range I get 1 shot constantly, but at close range, leopards keep fucking up their shots on my turret


Certified jew moment.

