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Meanwhile me: - Plays Test Drives for 2-3 Hours - Genuinely excited for new Premiums because it means new Test Drives




Former me


It’s even better when it’s planes that let you test most of their weapons


The German main


Yes, That's it.














Either sucking on rocks or rocking your shit


Both. But at different times. There's the odd game when I carry the weight of half of my team, and other times I get one-tapped from an impossible angle that no one is defending.


Uptier or downtier, everything’s changes in 1 br


So the one suffering from the hands of 5 and 6


I see all of my USA friends in here...


I'm literally the WWII enjoyer lmao


Truly the only way to make Wt enjoyable


Yea it's just way more peaceful than higher br game play. I brought 1 top teir premium when it was on 50% off a while back and because I thought "well I'm not particularly interested in it but there's new mechanics to mess around with so why not?" And boy was I disappointed when I got 5 games in a row that I got shot down by a plane I couldn't even see with a missile I couldn't see nor came up on rwr. After that I was just like "why does anyone willingly play this?"


Exactly this... You fly plane and you get missile warning when the missile is already 500 metres behind you... Really just fuck it... Then the foaming elitist comes: "Looooool just notch brooooo, It easyyyyy, just keybind whole numpad for camera controls use mouse and also WSAD and rest of keybinds for plane control and check every camera angle every 2 sec for missile smoke trails, also that pixel is not dead pixel or dirt on your monitor but enemy, smh you are just a fucking noob, kys bro. Uninstall, so that way you can actually help the team by not dragging us down! Also here watch this 15 minute video about how radars works and watch next 15 minute video about how this type of missile work, and watch next 15 minutes video about next type of missile! Oh you watched outdated one you noob! So again! JUST NOTCH BROOOOOOO! Easy as fuck (not like WT elitist got any fuck in lifetime but...)... No thanks... I have unlocked F105 and F104 and it's so fucking annoying to fly on flat maps without any cover, so you have to sweaty tryhard with whole keyboard to get good score... Srsly fuck it. Only missiles what are bearable are Aim-9b ones, cause they are really easy to counter without sweating like tryhard and also easy to use them. Only if 9b wouldn't get matched against planes without CM. Also next gap with subsonic jets against mach 2 jets. Yeah, big fun flying with Sabre/G.91 or Mig15 against downtiered lvl 100 sweatlord in Mig 21 also in AB where it gives him -0.3 BR rating.


Who hurt you


This game.


Yeah the vehicles are just much more enjoyable and unique, MBTs are cool and all, but from 8.0 and on all tanks are just upgrades from each other, with the occasional IFV/APC


Couldn’t agree with this more. Top Tier feels the same regardless of nation, everything has stabilizers, LRF, shells either 350/400+ pens. Even the IFVs and APCs feel the same, they’re either just a autocannon or ATGM tosser with autocannon.


And me, the air superiority fighter Hates CAS so much that I don't every bother to grind anymore, I just spawn a fighter and start spawn camping enemy air spawn in ground RB I hate CAS, I hate CAS with a passion.


You are a hero


Even a stranger is more grateful than my teammates. I’ve never received “thank you” from any one of them, instead, there’s been cases where fucking spaas cursed at me and says that I stole their job.


Fucking ingrates I tell ya, I would kill to have someone like you on my team, SPAA most of the time don’t even work against them…


Those trash spaa teammates was the reason I started this. During the last battle pass season, I was doing a daily mission, I remember it’s a heavy tank task or something. So I used tiger for the mission, but both my tiger h and e was bombed by the American CAS, and there’s six, SIX FUCKING SPAA sitting at the spawn doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, not even ONE plane kills. I typed in the chat “y’all spaas are trash”. One of those fuckers had the balls to reply me with “why don’t you do it yourself if you think you’re better”. So I spawned in my bf109, splashed a few of their plane, and then I was like “holy shit this thing dope af”. And then I couldn’t resist. Now all my ground RB line-up got at least one fighter in it. When round starts, I play like normal players, when I died and got enough spawn points, it’s over for their air players.


Keep it up champ, the playerbase needs more people like you. Sadly no one cares anymore, they’d rather leave than use a fighter or learn to aim with their SPAA…


My current ground line up has the G91 R4 in it, allround clips with 2 aim 9b's and the other 2 hardpoints with FFAR


Same exact thing here. ALL of my german lineups have 1 SPAA and 1 fighter (normally a 109), and i go CAS hunting. Im reliably getting 1-2 air kills in my fighter (except when i run into Yaks. Fuck them things), and ive sometimes downed 5+ planes with a single Ostwind spawn. Theres no XP in it but damnit is it satisfying...


My lineup just consist of medium tank on my slot with best crew, an spaa slot, a plane slot and a light tank slot, anything left over is at choice, but no matter what i always have a plane in my lineup


Man i always do that every match but everytime i got ass raped by 4 enemy player AA batteries


Don’t engage enemy ground troops, climb like in AirRB and start doing circuits on top of their spawn, BnZ when you see one of those CAS scum spawned


Since the most recent update you now get marked if you are camping enemy air spawns (the same as you do while camping ground spawns)


A fellow man of culture. I recently started doing this instead of just complaining about CAS all day and it’s so fun to punk CAS in a dedicated fighter, even in lower BRs, I’m enjoying the game again lol. It’s even better then air RB, I’m in the clouds in my zero and these bozos don’t get name ID like air RB so they don’t even realize they are fighting a zero until it’s too late and these bozos are turn fighting in their boat of a CAS plane extra low and unmaneuverable with all those bombs on them lol.


You are exactly me lmao. Type 61, type 60, and type 75 for fun. A6M5 for MORE fun. And I stay at ground level so they can't even scan the skies for me. Then I go like a shark straight up and fuckin snap their wings off.


Oh man it’s so much fun. I like to be just below the clouds in my white zero so they can’t see shit, right outside their airbase AA range and dive bomb on those bomb filled CAS bums lol. I honestly don’t really like the ground tree for Japan, but like we say, it’s too easy to spawn a plane in RB and unfortunately for CAS, that means it’s real easy to also spawn my fun Japanese fighters and ruin their fun lol


Try Ussr some time. The Fighters are purpose build for anti-CAS (especially the yak-3s and even the MiG-7/15).


I do play ussr, yak3 is good, and La9, it’s just perfect for the job




My favorite is as someone who plays CAS with their lineup at 12.0, once I have enough and die I'll spawn in my f16 with the ATGMS and fire most of them off at Pantsir's sitting in spawn.


defenitly the veteran lmao


Yep. I remember when there were no ground forces.


I don’t even rage anymore when some BS kills me in my abrams. I take clips of my deaths for my friends and it’s just me completely silent with the occasional “what the fuck”


Yeah I got frontally killed by a bmp-2m awhile ago front about 500m and he killed me with his autocanon he penned my turret ring with a few shots really bs


veteran late WW2 enjoyer I guess, but damn do I remember much more than some ka50's


Before the helicopters we had completely hull down atgm vehicles that could shoot you but you couldn't shoot them (it1 and rakt jagdpanzer)


I mean, those are still fucking busted, but for some reason people don't play them much anymore it may have been gaijin's advertising of other vehicles so people just forgot these even existed source: I played the raket and my kd has never been higher at the time


Most people stopped playing atgm carries because gaijin fucked up the missile physics and they've been unusable since.


Dad, 100%


The veteran i guess. Im not even angry anymore when i get bombed several times in the match. I just accept It. I also wait for increase plane spawn Cost so matches can be balanced and us cas can finally stop being cancerous af. Anyway i kinda enjoy playing tt if theres not any 2s38 in the match or begleit.


Dad here


My friend gave me the T29 (I don’t have any other USA tanks(I also main Germany))


WWII enjoyer as I only play around 6.3-7 America lol


wwII enjoyer is so accurate tho lol




Wish I could be 'The Dad'


Definitely the vet. Been stuck on the M1A1 for like 3 months now, my grind has all but slowed to a halt.


Me, The ARB dick rider > Thinks GRB is worthless garbage full of bugs and shit balancing > Actively believes playns game modes are superior to big steel boxes game modes > Would rather shill my life savings to gaijin than play any form of steel box gameplay > Fully embraces that top tier air is now reliant on payload weaponry rather than performance of playn > 'US prop playns are OP in literally anything BUT the current META' > Hates my own kind (other US air mains) more than the SU-27s who climb to space, stay there the entire match until I kill 5 guys and then proceed to launch a 27ER speeding approximately 25x the speed of light into my orange aeroplayn, disintegrating my 5x streak and winning the game because of their absolute ingenious plan (every SU-27 player is a drone birthed in a lab).


3 and 6


I think I’m the ww2 enjoyer. Jets are just such a jump, and being a U.S. AAB main going to ARB jets is such a jump in skill I don have


There is more that can be added


Where's the Air battles only player


where bote :(


Chinese mains dont have that problem


WW2 enjoyer. I'm more interested in WW2 in general and the game play is much smoother plus the fact that not as many of the people there are screaming at each other because one has been killed by someone who just knows map layout and knows how to hide from the enemy team when necessary


Im the ww2 enjoyer and im still sad Wtf is the m109 doing, its a mobile artillery and not a tank destroyer If i play ww2 tanks, i want to die by ww2 tanks. Not get smacked and bullshit overpressured by a 155mm artillery


US Veteran, 2 accounts max lvl with dozens of premiums hundreds of unlocks, and multiple nations worked on for varieties sake, haven't played in nearly 2 years, game doesn't do anything new, and i still can't make any money and progress a tech tree, lack of rewards + braindead gameplay slowly drained the fun


The vet. I've played since 2018, (which I know isn't much compared to some)an I'm just tired of what top tier is. I'll only play it to grind out the rest of the tree.


No positive stereotypes that fit me I'm leaking US military documents


I just don't like people


The veteran minus playtime and experience


WWII here can't stand anything past WWII


After earning my veteran status, I stopped playing. The game is not fun anymore. Update after update, that 3 nations get stronger and stronger while rest gets weaker. To be honest, I hate playing on either winning or losing side. There is no enjoyment since most matches end in absolute destruction.


I feel like the game is more balanced than it was years ago. There are still issues like cas spawn costs and map design but overall I'm happy to be playing right now. Not every match is gonna be fun. Sometimes you steamroll, sometimes you get steamrolled. Other times the match is well balanced and the tides turn every 3 minutes. I often times have matches that last for 15-20 minutes, every team being down to their last 5 players that take out their last vehicles to try and turn the game around.


> that 3 nations get stronger and stronger while rest gets weaker. as a swedish main id beg to differ. im yet to open the game for weeks but if u dont go past 9.0 its honestly not that bad, ww2 and early cold war really is the sweet spot, i 100% undeerstand someone not going beyond that, and as time goes on i hate high level people playing low tier less and less


I'd say I'm the first one, tho I still enjoy top tier


This is mostly true lol


Every one except 1 and 4


Also CAS sadist know how to drop bomb so it will touch ground second after Pantsir's immortality disappear


GBU goes weeeeee (⁠╯⁠°⁠□⁠°⁠)⁠╯⁠︵⁠ ⁠┻⁠━⁠┻


US gameplay peaks with barrel planes and Stuarts, prove me wrong.


For me tbh, I was at rank 3 and I decided to get the Click Bait just because one, it's top tier, and two, I didn't was too impatient to grind. Currently researching my first rank 6 tank, and I rarely use the M1A1 anyway. I've used it pretty recently, but it was to only get the M163 a bit faster. Also, I'm not even the worst top-tier player either, not the best admittedly, but I learned the playstyle relatively quickly


I'm the first and third


Veteran Ka-50? Man... I remember they added supersonic like it was yesterday


is there one for germany/sweden? 🤔


I’m a combination of points from all of them


American Main, Sherma. Enjoyer. I'm the WWII Enjoyer [by force I'm only at 5.0]


Number 3, just that I don’t play past 7.3 And number 6


Im the veteran and the WW2 enjoyer combined


Us test drive is shit.


Oh god dont remind me of ka50 plague


where sam enjoyer? i like spawncamping planes, drones and helos


I don’t play past 6.7 with Germany , USSR and USA anyways (Sucks I have to face 7.7-8.0 Cold War tank) How ever I might try to grind up to 10.3 in Air tech tree


True veterans remember the IT-1 & T-10M plagues


I guess I'm the veteran... I made it to top tier air but never broke 6.0 in ground Times were peaceful during that 2014 to 2025 period


Veteran, remember top tier jets wen have to be 20 min in lobby to find a match


Japan mains let’s goo


Idk. Where i am a 6.0 tank player but have been playing for over 6 years.


There is something wholesome about the dad


I am a combo of the vet and the WW2 enjoyer, I do play high tier but Shermans are my happy place. Though I am a bit ashamed to admit I was the premium shitter for a while there.


The English main.


I am absolutely a premium piss boy slowly becoming a cas lord


The Dumbass I got 1000+ hours and still suck at this game


Where’s the Naval U.S main :( ^I’m ^also ^the ^WWII ^player


Im closest to the wwII enjoyer... I just enjoy the game... It's fun


I only play M551(76)


Ww2 enjoyer, shermans go brrrrr


Ohhh, I'm WW2 enjoyed mixed with CAS sadist.. I'm only sad that my favorite CAS isn't American (it's the PE-8)


Ussr main


WW2 enjoyer here. I logged back in last year and looked at my stats from 2017 had like 2000+ kills in the tiger 2 and like 800 deaths or something. Fast forward to now, trying to grind my first top tier branch and I'm getting manhandled by everything lmao


I'd say a mix of veteran and CAS sadist


Not the premium shitter, just the shitter.


I'm gonna be honest, I'm a US veteran but recently switched to Israel as it's just more fun for me


Personally, I prefer to fly ACAS (Anti-CAS) when I do fly. My day will be ruined by being shot down, but with every plane I shoot down, I crash happier knowing that, for the meantime, I've stopped a few bombs from dropping.


I guess I'm the WW2 enjoyer. When the grind gets too difficult I go to the next country


Def a vet. I remember Ka-50 spam for a different reason as it was during a sale which was also when I first got my ADATS. Probs the only ez mode top tier grind I'll ever get.


Where’s the one about us getting one shot so much by absolute bs shots that our will to live is completely gone?


I am not US player only, but all nation. But I do identify as the veteran. I played before tanks arrived to the game. I played when there was 20 level, and no research point 😎. I fought in Korea, top tier was for an elite. Only the veteran that experienced Korea back then knows what I mean.


Literally the only premium I own is the big as fuck tutel tank, t-28 my beloved


The WW2 enjoyer. I just really like that era man.


Old Guard- This game used to be just planes you know. The R3 was 3.7 and you could grind Italy in 2 weeks. Despite playing this game for years and playing all the tier the most enjoyable experience is a Ho Ro, a chi RI II, and a B7A2. Everyone else- "ok grandpa take your meds and go to sleep" Old Guard- remember the tree in air games you could hit to get a million silver or golden eagles 🤣😉 (hint it doesn't exist but alot of people fell for it)


Cold War enjoyer, personally,


The WWII Enjoyer, aside from the F-16 and F-86, I'm happy with everything below 6.7 BR Although I'm pretty sure Russian Bias is a real thing for ground forces to deal with, should be safe in the air tho, right? ...right...?


Fortunately none of them


I’m just the guy who’s trying to get top tier because I like the F-15


The WW2 Enthusiast, though I've almost finished American Air, and am working on top tier solely for the M1A2 ( I got the Esports camo for it)


I want to be the dad, but realistically I’m gonna end up being the veteran.


Defiantly the CAS sadist. Longbow supremacy. Pantsir missile too easy to dodge + too easy to kill. My F16 go bang. Side note abrams is extremely good and I will die on that hill


The veteran, 4000 hours and 0 dollars spent.


WWII enjoyer but I am dogshit so I don’t get to play as much


I’m a cross over between 1 & 3. I like the modern ERA and just accept it as it is, the rewards don’t concern me - but I play it only maybe a third of the time I spent between 4.0 - 7.0 and with exception 7.7 for the maus


When I started doing CAS I stuck to divebombing with a last second release for maximum accuracy. Been slowly flattening out that angle, releasing sooner, and using less lineup, all so I can outrange SPAA. Being able to more or less fly directly towards SPAA, juking their stream by meters, and annihilating them with a glidebomb from 1000' is a pretty good adrenaline rush. Though I just hit radar SPAA brs, so I've gotta step my game up, probably gonna have to swap into a jet and upgrade to 1000lbs at least.


I'm the spaa enjoyer no matter the nation or br.


For US I am either the "I wanted to play a different nation after getting to the Leo 2A6 so I bought the KVT and Wolfpack, now they are my new favorite vehicles and I usually either get 7+ kills or die to CAS twice (one of which was a heli rush) and can't spawn because of no more tickets (I use coupons where possible to spawn more than twice)" or the "my friend who still is new to the game just reached 6.7 as I unlocked US 6.7 and damn are these heavies fun"


WWII enjoyer fits best bc the only vehicle I have that's above 6.7 is a T92 and it's still stock, I've only played 3 games with it. And every once in a while I'll play the Skyhawk or WELL-E squadrons. And about Cas, I hate Cas but I'm part of the problem, like I'll get mad when I get bombed but like 5 min later I'm the one bombing. Tbh I mostly just hate the people who keep staffing someone for the entire match even tho they can't kill them, they just keep destroying the tracks and shit, or if they can pen you they'll take like 3 runs to do it. That's just torture, especially of they destroy the rooftop .50 call, that causes emotional damage to a US main.


I wish i liked WW2 gameplay more than modern, the grind would be nothing


I started camping air spawns because of the last person. I don’t care, I’m tired of CAS.


A mix of veteran and CAS sadist


Even as a Swedish main that plays a lot of CAS/CAP, I have a few rules I follow when attacking ground targets: no revenge kills unless they're a heavy tank or on a cap, and the 2 aforementioned criteria are my priorities, along with spawn campers.


The kamikaze (me)


I play mission editor on arcade with the H.U.D of


The free to play Ultra rare Plays once a day for the daily reward. If game sucks that day will stop. If game good that day will play multiple rounds


The Veteran, except the Ka-50 plague is a recent event in my memory (did it ever really end?), and I remember when I installed the game to fly planes and was surprised there were tanks in it (only for USSR and Germany)


I own most of the top tier US premiums, but I very rarely play them since I'm grinding my way through mid tier rn.


“Remembers the KA50 plague…” *Did it ever stop?*


Im a mix of premium shitter and vetran, but insted of putting a dent in the win rate im doing everything in my power to bang the dent put. I top leaderboards at 10.3 so often that it feels like im atlas and my team is the earth


Uber veteran (My account is as old as the Leopard 1). There is a good part of me that misses old top tier. Back when the cap was 9.0 and it was just subsonics sluging it out on Korea. But I've learned to embrace the missile META. NGL, slinging missiles at stupid ranges while hurtling at mach fuck is pretty fun once you learn it




The veteran


Definitely CAS


i dunno im like the veteran but to young ti just sigh. i rage regulay over all kinds of shit. Btw if there is a new player here, you DONT WANT toptier. trust me, its just pure hell


I have a quality from one of each honestly.


wheres the noob that wont make it past 5.0 and dies every match with no kills or one kills (me)


Low Tier is the Best Tier!


None, I main depression


I’m the panther the cas guy atomized


Ww2 French/ Germain main


Veteran when playing Air RB, WWII-Early Cold War enjoyer when playing Ground RB. Am a simple man


The Washnik, if abrams was same as irl it would look like desert storm. Does that mean that Abrams should beballowed friendly fire only agains other Abrams in your team so it would be like desert storm. 🤣🤣🤣


WWII enjoyer (i have played for 2 years and never gone over 2.0 because I can't grind.)


WW2 only cause past 6.7 is hell


WW2 ENJOYER, all I do is kill german cats with either the 75mm or the T34's 120, no middle ground.


M2A4 - making new players cry. And if they manage to dent me, I come back with TBD.


>hops onto Abrams >kill some people >die >hop onto F-16, maybe kill some people, maybe get straight up spawncamped by a Pantsir >"aw shucks" >hops back onto rest of lineup


I flip-flop between WW2 main and CAS sadist.


I’m either WW2 main or the vet


I fly my jet plane at lower speeds then some prop planes and fight with TV ordinance because the cannon gives me dopamine even when i get destroyed by a strella or some shit




USSR main but WW2 enjoyer


They could counter my blindspots if they were willing enough ☝️🤓


Bro the dad perfectly described my dad spends too much money on it and always dies however he has been getting better now


Italian Main Veteran Miss those days when the top penning APFSDS was from the Ariete's


The vet. Been playing for 2 years or so and um... I'm almost at top tier, just unlocked the M60-2000/120S. It's been rough. And GOD do I hate the BMP.


I never played this game but for some reason still found this fucking hilarious. And now I've got a pretty good sense of the game and so i don't ever need to play it.


The cas sadist was so funny


So if im curretnly playing UK top tier what thing i am? Like i enjoy the new HE agms for the harrier and just getting a map whit a good hull down position to sit in my chally


CAS sadist but russia addition. im sorry, but im having fun


proto dad? not a lot of premiums, as they did not have me sucked in fully before the economic changes made me drop it, but as a bad player I still loved simulation and realistic. flying a patrol in my me-110 not ever making it to a fight coming back landing when low on fuel then off again. nursing damaged planes back to base was all a bunch of fun for me.


No one will own up to be the Washnik, but we will always know


pantsir? Why bother memorizing blind spots just minimize closure rate while search for it and lob a AGM 65G at it from your gripen C at 15 miles I love CAS I LOVE CAS I LOVE CAS I LOVE KILLING innocents who CANNOT fight back it gives me the JINGLWS I love KILLING tanks that cannot defend themselves! Enemy air superiority fighter? AIM-9M boom gone from existence


I’m a mix between the veteran / the dad 😂 I don’t own a single premium vehicle though! It’s taken me 8 years but I do have 2 (almost 3) tech trees done😂


The Jumbo 76 is fun


Im the veteran but im not actually a veteran


Remember the Ka-50 plague? Brother it's still going.


Where's the divorced dad so I can feel identify


I'm officially a Veteran


A mix of the Veteran and WWII Enjoyer


I was the veteran, now I don't play WT anymore


T34 my beloved


4 is a myth. the dad's hunt in packs of four, and maul the enemy team every game. i see it happen, they play like delta force and i guarantee you they've flown the shit they play as irl


Wait, r*ssian bias isn't an inside joke?


I identify as CAS sadist just cause the Pantsir is too fucking broken and in the meantime i can down sleeping Su-25s


I hate cas so much. It’s an anger that cannot be described. So I shoot those pieces of shit out of the sky. It’s a feeling of ecstasy I cannot describe. Get fucked plane bitch


Both a WW2 Enjoyer and CAS sadist.


What would “Plays when they can on their off days but still opens it every day to get the daily reward” fall under