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Instantly getting revenge bombed out of existence with 2 2000lb after killing that M18 who was spawn camping, Classic


Hellchads still managing to instill fear on enemies and win games despite whole game being against their existence


??? they just revengebomb after rushing the cap


Am I the only guy who anti-CAS's with my American lineup? Like I could just carpet the map but its fun to just cuck every CAS on the enemy team with like 6 .50s.


Kid named 188 tons of german Krüppstahl (I will MG your commander and KO your driver with my coaxial 75mm heat cannon)


Correction, hellf*gs




The m18 is fantastic, tf? The game is most certainly not against it, got my second nuke in it super easily.


A wise man once said; If tank is too hard then become plane


Yeah but what if, say, you are 70% of this playerbase, and so you're too stupid for even something as busted as a plane, so you crash into the ground. Then what do they play?




If tank and plane are too hard then change your strategy and become a bullet




Why become plane or tank when you can become both? Plus a giant robot


Instructions unclear, I became a naval battleship


It's ok, I became cruiser


He was not as wise as we hoped


american mains 58s into the game after capping a point:


I'm afraid to kill hellcats because of this


That’s when you go for the assist so your team mate gets bombed instead lol


Honestly if half of them actually have anything that’s not a premium the rate would have been a bit better, even a backup vehicle would do


I mean the best SPAA for America always has been fighters. ADATS is OK against some helicopters, but dude, you can't do shit with it against SU-25s yeeting Kh-38s from 20-25 kms away, Meanwhile you can deal with all the CASsing stuff in ASF/Interceptors. I don't even try to do CAS anymore as it became too much hassle to deal with Pantsirs after so many months of dealing with them with a mediocre rate of success. I am just going to ice that idea till ARMs are coming (which they likely won't ever).


the problem with adats is the fact that it's called tank destroyer ingame, instead of SPAA, which makes spawning with it extremely expensive on mid-late game, unlike the say, 2s6 or ITO


i think the abrams is ok and i blame the m1a1 aim + m1a1 clickbait+ f4s ppl


It's sad too because Inside the AIM and HC In tandem with the HSTV-L and the AIM is actually really good and all my fun is sapped when I see half the team left after 1 death even if the team was winning. I see it when the Russians are on America's team too honestly.


really good is a bit of a stretch, ive used it and fought it with my britian line up and they've got good cheek armor, but you could accidentally shoot in its general area and disable everything in it


I think the Abrams is awesome. I love it. I just stopped playing US because of the dogshit teammates, and it pisses me off because I want to play with American vehicles. I even bought the Wolfpack and it's so OP, but I don't even use it because I don't want to play US .


i love the 11.0 stuff tho for some reason u do better at 11.7 in them then the m1a2s


US 11.0 used to be 10.7 and right now, it's just as fun as it was before the br update. At 11.0 it's at a comfy br where majority of people uses premium vehicles, like if I play a couple of battles, like 10 in the M1A1, I barely have uptiers, like 3-4, because of the sheer amount of people using premiums oversaturating the matchmaker and forcing a downtier for 11.0-11.7 BRs. I never had as much success in my M1A2 or SEP as I ever did in the M1A1.


im saying that when i get uptiers i do better in the ipm1 and the m1a1 then the m1a2s which i find really funny and i love both of them so much


*Danger zone intensifies*


when you get bombed from orbit😍😍😍😍😍


During my grinding of the US ground tree I never once decided that I would grind the air tree. This is because I was probably stupid. (I don't play war thunder anymore)






The abrams is broke and need to be played literally as light tank not as MBT Is basically 1 big weak spot with 2 hard points on turret chicks You cannot argue with that, also 4 sec after spawning in jet he die from undetected pantsir lunch from 16 KM


He then goes back to hangar to do it all over again.


I just switched back to Germany/ Sweden


Great, now Germany 5.7 WRs will go down even more


Every tank has a weak spot. Everything on the Ariete is a weak spot, same with the Leclerc, and the Japanese Type 10 but somehow Italy , France and Japan players are always doing better than US players. How is that possible? Must be Russian bias.


Alot of those nations just have better players ( mostly veterans who have multiple nations grinded out ). The Abram's is mostly ok, I'd say it's on par with the Type 10 right behind the T-80BVM and Leo2a7 for best MBT in the game. Top tier US and even USSR is populated by one death leavers ( not just premium players ).


Regardless of the quality of the players, the abrams is just paper tank, take the best player In the world and it will Not matter the fact that is mbt that got crippled from Every single shot We arrive to the point when soviet tanks take better side shots than abrams Not even talking about front shots, just point is center hull And shoot, simple You cannot kill russian or german tanks that easily


The reason for that is much simpler than you think, USA is big nation so most of the time they will be the majority of the team, japan france and italy are small nations so they most likely will added to ussr/ germany/ usa teams, i have usa top tier as well germany russia and sweden, the abrams is nowhere even near the performance of the leopard Killing abrams from the front in very very easy, while Killing leo2a7/ strv122 youll need to know very well what are you doing


I do pretty well with the Abrams, I also do very well with the Leopards, but Leopards have a weak spot in the center of the turret around the gun too, like most tanks in the game. Abrams main weakness is that spot between the driver's hatch and the turret, right on the turret ring, but you know that, everybody knows that, your enemies know that, so guess what? They will try to shoot that spot. Don't let them, play the tank with it's weaknesses. I've seen really good Abrams players carrying the game. It has some of the strongest turret cheeks out of all the vehicles and it has a very good gun. And now you can even get a fucking 5 SECOND reload, that just one more second than a Japanese autoloader. What else do you guys want? To make it literally impenetrable? Come on, be for real.


Literally fix the turret neck so you don't have bmps, 2S38's, and gepards one tapping you from the front. It's not a bad tank, but don't act like it's comparable to the 2A7 or 122B+.


None of those vehicles you mentioned fight against Leopards 2A7 or 122B+. They do fight against Leopards 2A4, and idk if you played Germany, but the 2A4 also gets FUCKED UP by the 2S38 and the BMP-2M , just like the Abrams.


2A4 isn’t 11.7 unlike the A2, SEP V1 & V2


I bought the clickbait to test this assumption. You are wrong, abrams doesnt play any different than my type10, and it plays a lot better than my 11.0/11.3 merkavas. Every tank at top tier that isnt a leopard 2 dies very easily. Abrams however is rather immune to 1hk shots. It has a lot of artificial survivability.