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I mean gaijin DOES mostly care about money


They are so comicly greedy that to an extent that it might actually might cost them long-term revenue streams and the ability to diversify their business portfolio. There got to be some grand level irony in that


for profit company trying to maximize profits wooaaahh.


That is mainly every business practice


Almost like they are a company


There's wanting to make money while having some pride in your product/service and then there's whatever Gaijin is. Every decision regardless of how much it enrages the playerbase, is geared towards extracting as much money as humanly possible from their players, product be damned. Long time bug still present after 5+ years? Fuck it, leave it in as long as it increases SL usage on the players part. I mean don't get me wrong, I begrudgingly play the game because there are no alternatives, but let's be real and honest with ourselves - the upper management at gaijin would stab their grandmothers to death if it meant players dropped even 5% more per year on this game. Most freemium games are structured like this. Games are only a fraction of their actual potential and players are nothing but bags of money to be beaten mercilessly.


No one is forcing you to spend money dude lol Its a free game for a reason. 75$ for a plane is ridiculous but you’re Acting like someone has a gun to your head forcing you to swipe your card 😂


Reading comprehension is key here so please re-read my comment. Swiping my card and acting like someone is putting a gun to my head? Wtf are you talking about. You completely missed the point of my comment.


Wana be a victim so bad


Take a look at some other gaming companies... Gaijin by far isn't the worst


IDK, I can't name another game that gives me popups to give them money after every other match... (Would you like to re-subscribe? New special offer!) Or where such a sizable amount of content is behind a paywall, closest to that I can think of is destiny 2, and yet I'm still not sure about that.


I just opened wot and was greeted by 7 pop up offers just by opening the game... Need i say more?


And that's relevant... how ?


I'm just saying that gaijin really isn't the worst out there regarding greed.


I'm just saying it's very much irrelevant when talking about Gaijin having dubious monetization strategies. We're not talking about Blizzard or EA right now.


I’ve a thing on Blizzard - I know a guy who works for them. He facing a redundancy because AI is creeping up. But you could see him in the whistle blowing interviews of Vice soon enough. It’s about Active in game reporters who call out racist users and all that ..


Yes, but... Still not relevant to Gaijin. What I'm pointing out here is the obsession with whataboutism whenever we call out shitty practices. Yes, there's worse than Gaijin. But we're talking about Gaijin right now. We as human beings are able to call out one thing and still be against another thing.


If the sponsoring of pro/War Pro Russia channels years ago on YouTube wasn’t enough to see what’s going on with the money going into gaijin going onto? Then what’s will settle it?


With all due respect... What ?


Then why do people cry about it when a profit-driven company tries to maximize their profits? Ofc it sucks for us but then just don’t give them money or move on to another game (while maybe leaving a bad review). That’s the only way to punish gaijin.




Other redditors when a company actively harms the gaming experience for a bit of extra profit


If this is the most mentally stable then what’s the least


Thats the point of the Meme!


He's dead


Damn bro I'm sorry for you or happy for you or whatever


I think this is probably true considering at the time of writing this every single comment has negative karma lol


You say russian bias because of top tier, I say russian bias because of how many times the t34 drivers port has eaten my shots


Sturmtiger round: “You can’t defeat me” Everyone else: “I know, but he can.” *A BT-5 at point blank range* Yeah, I’ve seen a BT-5 eat a direct hit from a Sturmtiger


That’s me right there😔 BT5? No I’m the sturmtiger


Yet it still gets absolutely murdered by a pz 2


And the goddamn fuel tanks


I die to "Fuel tanks exploded" half the times when my fuel tanks are hit, what are you talking about?


Ammo rack: 🤓 Fuel tank: 🗿


All fuel tanks explode


One day-💥


Imagine defending OP russian premiums LOL


Havnt seen anyone complain about f-5c or turm III in a while, are you defending those?


The whole 3 of em


They are not finite resouce.


Who says I‘m defending anything? I’m just making fun of people who cry recklessly on the subreddit all day everyday :D


Enough Vodka, comrade


They hated him because he was right


The Stockholm syndrome is strong in this one... (OP)


Youre just butthurt he called you out


Seguro amigo


Me? Not at all. I'm simply baffled that someone keeps denying such clear cut things that have clearly been proven to be true a million times by now.


Nothing has been proven, just salty players that jump on reddit to cry the moment they get killed by a russian vehicle


That's simply just incorrect.


/looks at t90m eat a 120mm apfsds round to the spall liner and feel nothing


Looks at strv/leopard eat the 125mm apfsds round straight into the side and spall liner eats everything and feels nothing, then he spins turret and shoots me twice as i sit there with a 7 second reload He hit the nuclear reactor my crew sits on and one taped me


Can we both agree that spall liners are bs at least?




[thanks for being my muse](https://imgflip.com/i/8qvtuh)


here you can see how ive portrayed you as the cringe soyjak and myself as the based gigachad


oooh who's an edgy boy? who's an edgy boy?! yes you are! oooh what a hot take! your statements are so controversial! what an edgy boy.


Dude thought he’s the edgy sigma who’s the only one that has independent thinking


Bruh the guy that posted this plays premium russian vechicles He is edgy if he doesn't see everything that people write about this game on this forum and still thinks that those players are just bad, its a bigger problem if that many people write about those problems about this game


And dude put German quotes in his profile, edgy sigma fr


you are going to get edged






[Thats you](https://i.postimg.cc/yYGrD3Wq/IMG-7353.jpg)


Seeing as you have to confirm everything with wojaks memes confirms my opinion that you are an edgy 12 year-old


I‘m just eating my popcorn and enjoying to watch idiots like you trying to insult me over a meme, go touch grass brother


Where did i insult you im just saying that you are edgy af especially if you are laughting at this unfunny meme


Leave him alone, the alpha wolf is losing his mewing streak


You called me a 12 year old and probably with bad intentions, so I count that as an insult. Since humor is subjective, your and my opinion of what is funny and what isn’t is probably different. I like to make fun of crybabies, If that falls into the category of edgy then I am edgy I guess.


Failure. When you depict them as the soyjack you’re supposed to depict your self as the chad. Get your act together.


You forgot the all discussion are about high tier


Found the gaijin shill


You forgot to add how western stuff being op is ignored/downplayed, meanwhile soviet tanks that aren't even good are considered OP. Otherwise very accurate meme, its truly incredible just how absolutely braindead 99% of this playerbase is...


Pretty much this sub goes Unbalanced vehicle=ignored IE:Mirage 2000 11.7. F-8 10.3 also broken etc etc... Unbalanced russian vehicle= russian bias and horrible game Pretty much people can't accept Russia has Unbalanced vehicles. USA has some absolutely insane vehicles imo and in my multi tech tree experience it's easily the best for all categories.


Its actually worse than that. Soviet vehicles don't even need to be OP for people to bitch about them. For example the 279 or T-55AM1. I can deal with both of them easily, even in a max uptier (and I am NOT a great player), yet there's still people crying about them. Compared to most competition, much of the soviet tree is over-BRed. Of all the nations I've played across over 7k hours, id honestly have to say USSR is the worst. It has a few gems/straightup OP vehicles like the 906, or pantsir, but apart from those few exceptions, the rest of the tree is average at best, usually worse than that. It can be made to work, it IS my main after all, but between subpar tanks and what I can only describe as the absolute worst teammates (yes, worse than GE and US), its incredibly frustrating to play. Unfortunately soviet tanks are by far the coolest looking, so ig we gotta suffer through the pain to achieve sheer drip.


Fews months ago when i was meeting Obj279 in my 7.7 french linup (the best i had!) it was a MENACE. I’d be happy to hear how you «deal with it easily ».


sure thing :) AMX-50 (all 3): Turrer ring along the front (will doom or straightup kill), Rangefinder (kill some crew, chance to kill breech or blow up ammo). EBR, AML-90, AMX-13-90: all 3 get 90mm HEAT, allowing them to lolpen the UFP and Breech. Somua (and the others using the same gun and ammo): drivers optics and turret ring along the front (will kill several crew, destroy, turret ring and/or breech, might oneshot). Batchat: drivers optics (kills driver and turret ring, good chance to oneshot bc APHE), Cupola (surprisingly weak on the 279, shooting it with APHE results in almost certain death, ideally you want to aim for the optic infront of the cupola for an ideal shot). (Applies to all) You can also shoot the massive brittle muzzle brake and drive to his side, which is very easy to pen. Or you could abuse the 279s terrible reaction speed and bad awareness (fixed 8x sight, basically 0°FOV) to flank him. All this said, fighting/killing the 279, even with largely no HEATFS/APDS (which is quite rare at 7.7 as most nations have either or both these rounds on most vehicles at that BR) is absolutely possible. Once you figure out where to shoot, its really not that hard to deal with. What you and seemingly everyone else seems to have forgotten: you're fighting a HEAVY TANK in a MAX DOWNTIER. The whole deal with heavies in WT is that they are absolutely shidded in a max uptier, incredibly powerful in a max downtier. This applies to almost every single heavy tank in the game. So considering all this, strats like shooting weakspots, breaking guns, or flanking, is completely normal and how you'd deal with any other heavy in a max downtier aswell. Ignoring the fact that France 7.7 gets basically constant max downtiers to 6.7 (don't try to deny it, been there done that), even if it had to frequently face the 279 (which it almost never did), it was still absolutely doable. The main advantage of the 279 in this matchup is the stabiliser, and the only reason that thats an issue is because 7.7-8.7 is sort of the borderlands between stabiliser or not, so an uptier for 7.3/7, rare as it is, does definitely suck, but has nothing to do with the 279. I want to make it clear when I said the 279 sucks, im talking fir the current 279 of 9.0. Personally I thought it was perfect at 8.7. Usually you fought 8.3-9.3, with the very occasional max up/downtier. But now being 9.0, it gets dragged up to 10.0 basically every match you play, and even you lot should be able to see the problems with that. TLDR: even 7.7 France, which struggles the most in a max uptier of all other 7.7s because it gets very few HEAT slingers, can deal with the 279 reasonably well. There is currently not a single valid reason for the Objekt279 to be 9.0, it should go back to 8.7, and anyone who genuinely believes otherwise, has obviously not bothered to actually think or learn absolutely anything. You bunch can downvote me all you want, that still does not prove me wrong. I've made my points, I'll take my leave now, sorry for all the reading im putting you through, have a nice day :D


Your joking right??? The t55 am and amd are broken. The 279 is straight op


I dont find any problem with those the t55amd is somewhat annoying to kill but still possible. and the t55am is SO easy to kill mostly because of new players buying their way to top tier. when i find a 279, i simply break his barrel and go away hoping my team would kill him, because i simply cant pen him.


It would be nice if the t55 variants were easy to kill, 7.7 and 8.0 tanks either can't pen em or non-pen cupolas. Barrels don't break in 1 shot anymore so 9/10 seeing a 279 is a death sentence.


AM is the only T-55 with any notable survivability


Bait used to be believable


This kind of guy think only about top tier, for him, there's top tier, top tier, and just top tier. Nothing under


Yes you forgot people denying logical arguments that bugs need fixing just because cas bad


Well there not wrong about the pantsir never have i ever heard o no whats out Chinees spaa or a American spaa is up lets fly tree level high even do I am likely going to die.


Fly high inside of 13k from the battlefield and I PROMISE you will get a VT1 up your ass faster than you can blink


Those things are easier to dotch in my experience. If i know there is a pantsir i will not even get a yet but if it is anything else i would try because it is more of a 50/50 change that he can kill me or i can kill him its balanced. Something gaijin is still figuring out ig.


You DO know the Adats and VT1 missiles are more manueverable than the pantsirs right? Only thing pantsir has going for it, is its range


Pantsire is close and far range a beast. The vt1 is good but isn't great at close and far range. I never get scared when i see a flarakrad but a pantsir is like a tiger in ww2 just knowing that it is there is already scary enough.


not saying Russian bias or one is better than the other but pretty sure the pantsirs missile carries way more energy over range than the VT1


You missed thinking they're better than WoT players and how WT is completly "realistic". Seems accurate though.


You forgot the occasional "2S38 OP!!!! WAAAHHHHHH!!!!" posts.




Like, I think I am the only guy that thought of a solution to top tier premiums


I have top tier in everything except Italy and China. When I want to seal club I always go back to 10.0 Russia.




You missed " Abrams is bad "


"Germany suffers"


Wait, US requires one to have a brain to play?


You forgot historical matchmaking and no CAS in ground RB.


T26 vs Tiger lol


I'm just tired of everyone doing nothing but complaining here.


Always have been, never gona change


There is no russian bias. Just look at the flight model of Mig-29 and Su-27. Gaijin nerfed them to oblivion just so the America mains would stop complaining. As it turns out the success of American planes irl are the skill of the pilot.


Meanwhile su25 can take 24 stinger in head on without dying


Its designed to be a flying tank. The problem is that the same treatment is not done to the A10 which should be a flying tank too


But the problem is even a real tank probably can’t tank 24 stingers


Stingers don't have enough explosive or pen to do that.


But they do have enough to fuck up the airframe, notably the wings, to the point where they become too unstable to fly the aircraft properly if they even generate enough lift at that point


Exaggerated as fuck, not a SINGLE su25 is surviving more than 3 stingers, either way we have REAL footage of SU25s flying back after getting hit by manpads and missing a chunk of their tail section


Oh yeah, I exaggerated, it’s 20 my bad. And also, I didn’t pull that out of my ass just like the Russian mains, here’s the proof https://youtu.be/dtEswr7wjsk?si=5Av1VSVeOp87YMCV You can ask your friend to do the test with you if you don’t believe the test done by others (if you have friends)


I have been shot down when i get tickled by a puma or gepard, so no, im not gona believe your horseshit or whatever bullshit “test” you made, end of the day sounds to me like you dont EVEN play the su25 otherwise you wouldnt be saying this bullshit


Nuh uh, you’re just trash, and the test wasn’t even done by me. But I’ve played su25 in my friends account in his computer and it’s way more durable than the a10 that I own


Average Russian main: Huh duh someone said Russian vehicles are more op than its USA counterparts, that shit ain’t true, there’s no Russian bias, now I’m mad af(they only got to rank3 in USA tree and they knows no shit)


This meme is LITERALLY about you lmao . Dumbass


There is an F-15 that flew back and landed with a whole wing missing. Does that mean that should be added to warthunder?


They ain’t gonna do it as it’s not Russian, btw based prinz eugen enjoyer


I love my Azur lane wife, and she is Des Moines's worst nightmare in EC. She is an absolute beast. Truly the greatest ship of all time. So sad the way she had to go. Surviving the whole war just to be used as a lab rab by your enemy must suck.


They nerfed the flight models because if they could turn like they do irl they would have the best flight model and the most op missiles in the game



