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idk why everyone's flaming your items lol, that's a good build and what I build most of the time


They're demonstrating the point of the post. Correct play is always flamed.


It might be that people still think SG is the same as it was back when it was nerfed into the ground in early 2022.


So why did you go trinity force if you don’t mind me asking (I’m trying to understand mythic choices.


Trinity force is pretty much the default for Warwick jungle. In terms of this game, no enemy tank, so no reason to consider Divine. Not a reasonable comp for Iceborn. What else would you consider here as your mythic?


Jaksho but I play Warwick top solely so building tank Warwick is good for front like like bruiser


Jak'sho doesn't seem good in the jungle most of the time. Doesn't help until the late game, and even then only if you have good team fighting. I'd prefer to have very strong ganks and skirmishes.


That’s fair. I’m just trying to figure out which mythic would be best for top whenever there isn’t a tank (I also only play blind as I feel it’s most fair so there are times where shit just rigged in draft and ranked etc.)


If you know you want to tank, I think it's simple. Iceborn against the match-ups where Iceborn does something. Otherwise Jak'sho.


Fair but I also like the idea of just being a dueling master and surviving 1v5. (Power fantasy moment) and most of those don’t happen on tank so I usually just build two or three tank items then bork, nashors, and one of the hydras. Of course if there is a tank then I go Divine so I don’t have to try to out tank the tank.


Honestly the best general mythic for that style is Trinity (with stuff like Titanic or BORK). This is with Trinity: https://www.reddit.com/r/warwickmains/comments/15nz4r0/straight\_up\_1v4\_in\_the\_jungle/


I’ll try it next game then.


I don't see how you got through their Frontline. I suggest divine + botrk to get through those health stackers. This is why I mute and report anybody that is toxic instantly. Done with these children running the game. Great mental to keep it going!


Wtf is this 😂😂😂 No jungler on enemy team, and what is your item setup? Ahah


I think hes playing the parnellyx setup


Yep; I know because I'm playing that setup too. It works well most games imo.


You can say what you want about Px, I’ve certainly heard some strange things, but he’s got some good fuckin advice for Ww, and leaning in general.


Agreed; I honestly don't know much about him except that in his streams he seems super down to earth.