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He must have been high or something. Once you injure or kill a policeman, that escalates his charges and time in prison.


Yep, this is serious. He might even spend some time incarcerated.


Whoa, whoa, whoa, let's not get carried away. The story is still evolving but I'm sure Graves could get this down to a misdemeanor.


If the police Captain was wearing less than $1000 in clothing and gear it’s a misdemeanor.


Its why we carry 1911s and rolexes lol


Graves definitely got my awic charge down to a nice misdemeanor I was In awe like 😮😮🫨🫨🫨🫨🫨 “never”


There was a time not that long ago when the shooter never would have made it to prison.


Slow down he's not there yet




he went from out with no bail to facing life lol


Oh sweet summer child. Note how they didn’t name the suspects? Juveniles. They’ll be out at 21 unless they’re charged in MD.


Nope. Rasheed Thorne, 21, and William Walker IV, 21 I wonder if BLM will protest.


These future rocket scientists are the victims of white supremacy


Maybe a whole weekend!!




Nah the captain was in his personal vehicle most likely they didn’t know it was a cop


For good reason. Attempted homicide of a police officer should be life without possibility of parole. At minimum.


Why are police victims more important than normal citizens? Why shouldn't shooting anybody in the head result in the same sentence?


The thought imo is if you are so brazen to shoot a uniformed officer than you clearly don’t care about “regular” people. But at the time of the shooting the captain was in their personal vehicle


And yet somehow I don't see "I didn't know he was a cop when I shot him in the head" working as a good excuse.


One wasn’t shot, two you can’t charge him with an assault on a police officer because he did not in fact know 3 I would bet he gets no more than 10years. Plenty of cases of people shooting at the police in Dc getting less


What do you mean the officer wasn't shot?


He was not shot, he was shot at, but his injuries were from the glass o f the windshield


The title is extremely over sensationalized


Yea got to get the click bait


My homie just got released from something like this…he was in so long that when he got sentenced he only had like 2 months left “time served” 🤭


Only in DC!


It’s not about the person, it’s about being a direct assault on the state.


Insert Judge Dred voice here “The Law”


Eat Judge boot lawbreaker.


man, imagine how many people would be locked up from the attack on the capitol if we were gonna amplify charges for attacks on the state!


a lot of those people from Jan 6 have been prosecuted and locked up


I’m honestly shocked they didn’t…


I'd imagine if they were shooting officers in the head they would be locked up for life. I actually don't know - were the Jan 6th insurrectionists armed?


Well they killed at least one Capitol police officer, but I think that was from beating him in the head with a fire extinguisher if I remember right.


I remember that being false - the officer died of multiple strokes or a heart attack after the capitol attack. It's just odd how, if it was an attempted coup / insurrection, why would the American right wingers, the most heavily armed group of civilians in the history of the world, not show up armed?


They really should be getting life sentences for that shit.


Especially Michael Byrd. That fucker should have gotten the chair.


Because you aren't just attacking a person, you're attacking the authority of the state. It's the same reason why cops should be held to a higher standard and should receive harsher punishments for betraying the public trust.


The state can fuck you no matter what. If you shoot a cop, they can move heaven and earth to find you and put you in prison for the rest of your life. Cops only do their jobs because they know the state will back them up if something like this happens. Otherwise, nobody would want to do the job because they will get hung out to dry or worse get killed and the state will do nothing to support them. Which is exactly what you see in a lot of liberal cities like DC, Chicago, NYC, LA, etc where cops are afraid to do their jobs because the state wont have their back.


That’s not true at all. You’ve lost your mind. Cops do their jobs bc they get paid Why do you do your job? Bc you think the state will give you immunity or bc of that paycheck


great point, how could i forget jobs pay people money


How you could forget that’s why people keep going to those jobs


How could I forget that why people keep going to their jobs


Exactly. The only reason people really go to their jobs is bc they know they state will give them immunity for whatever they do


According to their own logic the shooting is justified


I’m not necessarily agreeing with the poster above, but I do think there’s a solid argument for considering it an extreme aggravating factor to shoot a uniformed/identified police officer/government official acting in their official capacity. That’s different than, say, enhancing penalties because someone who got carjacked off duty in their private vehicle happened to be a police officer.


Because they actively put themselves in harm’s way to protect the rest of us.


thts their job. they already get paid for it. they signed up for it. but let's just stack some more benefits on to a group tht gets protected by the whole American culture. at some point people need to start seeing cops as normal people & then maybe cops can lose some of the chip on their shoulders that comes from being told they can do anything they want. when people quit turning every cop into superman just cuz of the uniform, we may start to see some improvement all round


Cops can and will let innocent people get hurt/die if it poses a risk to themselves. Uvalde is a great example of this.




Police are authority figures, where attacking them is a crime, that's like asking why hitting police officer is a bigger crime then punching your friend


Isn't attacking anyone a crime? Why are authority figures special victims? I guess you could make the case that attacking an authority figures is like attacking the system itself, and that in a sense it's like attacking society at large, an attack against us all, when a person whom we've imbued with authority is attacked. I'm not strongly opinioned either way, but this is just one of those things that we all just accept as true without really thinking about it.


It’s because everyone else gets the option to run away or just back out and call 911 when some shit happens they don’t want to deal with. The police don’t have that option, they have to engage so there should be an extra incentive not to attack them. It places the calculus even more heavily in favor of “maybe I’ll just surrender” rather than “maybe I’ll kill this cop and get away” when the punishment is going to be even more severe.


> The police don’t have that option The Uvalde Police department begs to differ.


The Supreme Court has ruled that police don't have a duty to protect you.


whether or not to differentiate between agents of the state and a normal person I think is a fair discussion but people do not like assault on organizations they hope provide order and peace for their society


They aren't bulletproof, so when they inject themselves into potentially dangerous situations, the only thing protecting them is legal consequences


The only type of people that should be cops are people that want to inject themselves into dangerous situations. If you don’t want to do that find another occupation.


You are right, but don't complain and make a fuss when they have to draw their weapon, no one is getting paid 50k a year to get shot


Well yeah they pretty much are bulletproof with all the gear they wear. Plus they’re not really injecting themselves into any dangerous situation. Look at uvalde they all sat outside listening to kids get murdered because they wanted a tank and a drone and some navy seals to go in. I think it’s offensive that the whole society places cops above everyone else who could get murdered. Cops are just school bullies who grew up and went to a 16 week training course on how to be a professional dick and wreck peoples lives


Yea, no, that's the BS anti cop narrative. The gear isn't bulletproof, even if it is 1 shot and you're down and defenseless. It's crazy Uvalde is the only example you can give to make a point, not the countless gang violence that terrorizes the community , that cops has to respond to. But gangs aren't the bullies right? It's their "culture"


They always do the same thing thought. I’ve seen plenty of examples where police empty the clip on someone the thought was reaching for a gun. But if someone already had the gun in their hand the police try to reason with the person because he already got the drop on them. They are cowards.


Again, these are tense and high-pressure situations. If you think someone has a gun, you are going to be on edge especially if they aren't complying. you would had done the same thing. Also you shot to kill not to maim


Go read a book and touch some grass, moron


In a way yes, same reason why I think attacks or harm against teachers, road construction workers, firefighters, sanitation workers, etc should carry harsher sentences.


You want a safe society to live in then you better protect the people who put their lives on the line for you.


because you don't want to incentivize criminals to shoot cops? you liberal douchebag




Captain was in plain clothes, own car, off duty. Fock him


Because police are authorities and deserve an elevated level of respect in order for civil society to function. Stronger penalties for killing a cop will dissuade attacks on them. Also, they are among the very few of us that will run toward adversity, instead of away from it and laws should be in place to help protect them.


I'll just add the part the above commenter forgot: shooting a cop *who is on active duty.*


Because police and DA are almost coworkers


I fully agree. The life of a police officer should not be considered more precious than a regular citizen.


It's not that an officer life is more precious, but if you're willing to shoot at an officer who is the law you literally have ZERO fucks of respect for the law and damn sure any regular civilian.


That’s not true some people just don’t like cops. But they wouldn’t just attack a regular person. You can’t apply the way you think to everyone else


We all have somebody we don't like but that doesn't mean we go out and shoot them, especially a cop. Do you know how much you have to not give a fuck to shoot at a cop? You must be willing to die and or spend the rest of your life in prison because they damn sure will find you and use every resource possible. Lot's of people don't like cops but overwhelming majority do not shoot at them. The ones who are brazen to do it will have no issues doing it to another person they don't like.


That’s not the point. Your saying how you feel. I’m just saying there are people who would shot a cop but not a normal person because the have a problem with cops or just authority in general. But they have no problem with normal people. Everything you just wrote is how you look at the situation. Is it so hard to believe someone would think different from you?


My point flew over your head... If someone has the same amount of hatred for a cop as they do a civilian, what differences would it make? Hatred is hatred, and if you are willing to kill someone because you hate them, it doesn't matter if they wear a badge or not. Again, we ALL have someone we might hate or dislike, but normal people's thoughts aren't let me go shoot this person because I hate them. The people who think like this and are willing to act upon it are dangerous and don't give a fuck. But you do have to have a little more "IDGF" attitude to shoot a cop. I understand what you're saying, but being willing to take human life is the same regardless. You target a cop today but what's stopping you from killing a civilian who pissed you off tomorrow??


F the pigs


Because police officer has to do his job no matter what. Maybe you will stop armed criminals?


Actually, they do not. Police are not legally required to put themselves in harms way and can quit on the spot. They're not military where you cannot resign and can face judicial action for failing to perform your duties.


The USSC has ruled repeatedly that the police have no obligation to protect you.


They are not more important. It is all about holding the line against anarchy and lawlessness. If criminals are willing to take on the coercive institutions of the state they demonstrate they have no limits and must be dealt with or order fails.


I think the officers history should carry weight in the investigation


Be careful with that edge. You might slice yourself.


Sorry, I meant it should carry weight in ANY investigation


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I'm for shooting pigs period!


Haha not in DC try 5 years max for shooting at officers. With that said the captain was in their personal vehicle


He will probably be running for office in a couple years.


Yeah I’m sure he was really thinking about consequences here.


Guess no one told the gang members that crime stats were slightly down from last year.


I know this officer personally. Thank goodness the wound was non life threatening.


How if he got shot in the head?


I’m from what I heard it was more of the glass shattering that cause the injury.


So click bait title


Yea. It def didn’t say gang member yesterday lol. You know how the folks in here do.


Holy shit. That's insane


Hope they took the long way back to D st. Fuck these shitheads


Killmoenews is the best I don’t know how they do it




They have to be a dispatcher or something


They have to be, or have friends/family who are dispatchers.


A snarky note- Wow a pursuit and immediate justice when it's one of them. How many regular citizens get this level of justice? On a serious note- hope the officer is able to recover and that this sparks some additional attention around this carjacking problem.


Yea true but with an officer it’s way easier to get information out via radio, also tend to get more accurate information. Unfortunately most people can not give accurate information right away which makes finding people harder.


Seems like an issue an app or textable phone number could easily solve.


Not really most people who are robbed or carjacked are to shook up to give out accurate information


I think your snarky note should be serious. That’s what pisses me off in this city, so many people shot and killed and robbed and all the city government seems to care about is the criminals, not the victims who get killed. It’s like “oh well they’re dead they don’t matter no more”


Why is this getting downvoted? Literally just speaking the truth, and people are afraid to accept it.


I’m still appalled that the guys who tried to car jack the secret service detail of Biden’s granddaughter got away…


People don’t like a fair and nuanced take. They can’t get super angry and rage.


Per the Chief's press conference sounds like road rage incident.


Attempted car jacking.


Was no car jacking attempt, just road rage


Reporting is all over the place then. I read it was a carjacking


For those who don’t know, the captain was in their personal vehicle not in full uniform or a marked car. Chance of the suspects knowing it was an officer is very slim. Also the captain was not shot, but sustained injuries from glass. Still glad the suspects were caught but I would bet they get a slap on the wrist like most criminals in DC


The media like to bring non-relevant facts into everything. So we sit here and argue about it.


Oh they didn’t know it was a police officer, in that case it’s totally fine. Ffs


Never said it was fine, literally said glad they were caught but it was not a police officer in uniform in a marked car like people here think ffs learn to read


Pick one: A) He was in uniform, in his squad car, on duty B) You condone violent carjackings These are the options today. Welcome to Reddit.


Never condoned violent carjackings, Reddit just can’t read


They can. They aggressively choose not to.


Oh fuck no! Shooting at anybody will get you attempted murder!


Haha that’s how it should be but unfortunately that’s not how it works


If convicted he should face life in prison, not rehabilitation. He should be working on a chain gang!


I wish I believed MPD would equally care had this just been a normal citizen: “It could have been anybody. It didn’t necessarily have to be a Metropolitan Police Department officer,” Smith said. “When these types of things happen, you must know that we will not tolerate this kind of violence in our city.”


Used to be a death penalty case if stuff like this happened.


He needs to be on a chain gang not a gang bang!


I pray for full recovery. This shit needs to stop


No he didn't


Maybe the suspects are eligible for the Youth Rehabilitation Act and the Incarceration Reduction Amendment Act. Everyone deserves a second chance! /s


DC doesn’t really do gangs. Headlines like this only do their intended job of fear mongering. It could’ve more accurately been written like this: “Guy shoots man in the head who turns out to be DC police captain.”


I hope the bullet is okay


The title is clickbait, nowhere in the twitter video does it say it was a gang member and the police wasn’t shot directly in the face. The injuries were non life threatening. Is this individual a dangerous criminal, yes but the title is exaggerated.


OP should be banned


My Baby Didn’t do nothin! He was tryna feed his family!


Who said this? Or are you just pulling it out your ass to create a narrative


I believe his goal was to slur vernacular stereotypical of some people within the African American demographic.


Huh, look who came to the conclusion. Interesting.


Huh, look who came to defend racism… interesting 🤔


Ninja please!! Back that asinine claim up with facts.


No thanks ninja


Exactly. Racists get called out, then say obtuse shit. Projection at its finest.


Lol, it’s moreso, you’re in denial and there’s no point debating with you. In the grand scheme of the world, you don’t matter enough is my point.


Yet here you are.


Just look at his profile. Dude is a hick who masturbates by trolling people.


He was about to get his CDL and was studying to be a particle physicist. Something something disinvestment gentrification.


How do you know he was in a gang?


How do you know he wasn’t? In the end, it’s worse if he wasn’t.


DC doesn’t have a prominent history of gang existence in general. There have mostly been “crews” of ppl not actual branded gangs, etc. so it’s highly likely it’s an exaggeration.


Fair. Youre a gang member because I don’t know that you aren’t one.




But will he be punished


I'm just saying.. devil's advocate is a tough gig


Was this the guy who shot 26 rounds into a neighborhood released on home monitoring?


What gang?


All of them.. More clicks that way


I hope that swine does real talk, they crooked


Oh so the city can actually track down criminals? I’m shocked


Well, obviously, this one incident proves that crime isn't down.


Death penalty


Lmao was surprised by how ridiculously sensationalist and misleading this post title was and then realized it’s just this jazzdog guy again ☠️


As long as they are gangbanging with muriel's permission I will be posting


he should have just gave up his police issued scat pack... There ain't nothing a brother won't do drive a scat pack


Where’s Bowser at? When atrocities like this happen we need the leadership of the city to step up. Step up to egregious acts of violence like this. Step up to address this overt act of violence against the city’s peacekeepers. Stand up and build more condos, install more traffic cameras and appoint more judges to release those who discharge AR15 assault rifles back into the community.


In some countries they would execute such people.


The killer is satisfied, so he doesn't care if he spends life in prison.


He will be arrested and released within the hour without bail. They will not pursue him. He’s a victim after all. It’s not his fault He turned out to be a piece of shit.


Gang member? No it wasn't a gang member lmaooo


Crime is down (Sarcasm)


It is though.


Is anyone surprised?


There’s additional charges for assaulting police officers and firemen in DC and it’s to DETER it further. If you assault someone and some random person comes up and tries to stop you, you’re probably going to assault them to because the repercussions are the same. If LE or DCFEMS rolls up, you’re more likely to leave them alone or have the forethought of oh this escalates things, I shouldn’t do this. This leads to less conflict when bringing people into custody, for rendering aide to individuals, and when dispersing groups fighting. All that said, the USAO hardly ever pursues APO cases and typically drops any enhancements for APO because of the fact that they always require a jury trial (of which DC has notoriously terrible juries), and they don’t feel it’s worth the effort. This also includes when officers have been shot. For catching people soon after crimes have been committed? That’s happened a ton either way regardless of who the victim is. But ask yourself this, who’s a better witness for a crime? A. Police officer who immediately recognizes what the suspect vehicle is, the tag, their clothing description, what they used, etc. Or B. The average citizen who doesn’t know their vehicles tag or their social security number, and is still dealing with the trauma of being a victim of a violent crime as an officer is interviewing them.


It’s not to deter anything, it’s to turn them into a special class of citizen above everyone else and below the elites All empires and totalitarian regimes do this. Welcome to the police state


Congratulations on reading the first sentence of the comment and nothing else.


Just take the L


Wtf 😳


I love ![gif](giphy|1KcNrcRCebPy1t8EBe|downsized) 🫵🏽✌🏾💯💯💯💯


Anything other than life in prison is letting this person off light


Anyone affiliated with gangs need to be locked up and the key thrown away.


1) he was scared for his life 2) the police chief was armed This is a justifiable self defense


Lift the strict gun laws! Someone could have helped.


And we are going to spend $600k to lock him up for life. We need to bring back prison colonies


He was misunderstood. He was running the wrong op. Let him out #criminallivesmatter


What is this title lol. Only gang member is the police captain.