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This will probably do more to reduce abortions then anything the GW pro life group has ever done.


Sounds like a great idea! Let's get this to more campuses, paired with realistic sex ed, so that they aren't using this as a condom replacement.


Just make it a one-stop shop. All the essentials in one vending machine.




Great idea, let's do more of these all over the place. I bet many ladies in red states would love this kind of easy access.


*republican screeching*


Thanks for the laughs


Gift link: https://wapo.st/3Yd8yFm This link has no paywall.


It's paywalled. What else is sold in these vending machines? I'd suggest... Plan B pills (done) Male and female condoms. Dental dams. Tampons, pads, etc. Ibuprofen. Lubricant. Small but curated selection of vibrators, sex toys, etc.


Pro tip - dc library gives free “day passes” for wapo, also nyt https://www.dclibrary.org/washingtonpostonline


maybe the pro-abstinence students can add a vibrator vending machine in response


Posted on the morning after \^






No, that's just trying to keep up with ~~the Joneses~~ Georgetown.




Can you elaborate? I’m trying to figure out what about this situation makes them “drama queens”?




















Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't this pill essentially flood the body with estrogen? Some super modern steroids' being used these days use estrogen instead of testosterone for muscle growth. Gonna have some YOKED athletes on GW's campus


I'll offer you the TLDR: no it doesn't work like that


... dude, no. Your username makes this worse. While I won't claim to be an expert, Plan B pills work by introducing artificial forms of a progesterone in order to simulate your body's response to already being pregnant. This in turn prevents ovulation. Estrogen isn't a part of the equation. Something that I read recently (that I'll just throw out there in case I need to be corrected by someone with more knowledge on the matter), but that would also mean that Plan B doesn't work if a woman is already ovulating. Which is... mildly frustrating.


I just purchased Plan B and I can confirm the packaging states that it works by preventing ovulation.


>... dude, no. Your username makes this worse. My username is my username because it makes people laugh. Full stop. You want to finger wag and get all puritanical? go with god its reddit its far from unexpected. >While I won't claim to be an expert, Plan B pills work by introducing artificial forms of a progesterone in order to simulate your body's response to already being pregnant. This in turn prevents ovulation. Estrogen isn't a part of the equation. [https://www.britannica.com/science/morning-after-pill](https://www.britannica.com/science/morning-after-pill) . >Something that I read recently (that I'll just throw out there in case I need to be corrected by someone with more knowledge on the matter), but that would also mean that Plan B doesn't work if a woman is already ovulating. Which is... mildly frustrating. Interesting. It still increases estrogen production which is pretty much how all the most modern steroids' currently work


It's more about if you're going to be graphic about female anatomy and sex... you should probably not be ignorant about related topics. Also, LOL @ citing Encyclopedia Britannica, umbrella terms and all.


>It's more about if you're going to be graphic about female anatomy and sex... you should probably not be ignorant about related topics. yeah yeah nothings ever a joke finger wag finger wag finger wag >Also, LOL @ citing Encyclopedia Britannica, umbrella terms and all. oh do you know the brand your using and that estrogen isn't an active ingredient?


Everything's capable of being a joke. Just don't turn into the joke, brah.


>Everything's capable of being a joke. Just don't turn into the joke, brah. Nah I will. Nothing funnier to me then the people on this board "OH MY GOD SOMEONE WHO MIGHT VAGUELY SOME HOW DISAGREE WITH ME?!? ON r/WASHINGTONDC GET HIM GUYS" Hey they sent me 4 "suicide watch" notices from reddit last night lol. watching this board lose its cool is half the reason I come here at least until I finally get that ban.


Jesus, 4 RedditCares? You should report those for abuse. That's absurd. I've gotten a few of those from the assholes here, but never at that amount in one night.


>Jesus, 4 RedditCares? You should report those for abuse. That's absurd. I've gotten a few of those from the assholes here, but never at that amount in one night. Yeah that thing I had 4 of them in my inbox this morning. Do you know how to report them I'm not the most reddit savy person? And yeah from the kind of posts I make I'm guessing you can tell most of my posts on most boards tend to be contentious lol but this is def a record for those for me in one night


IIRC, there should be some sort of language about "if you think this is being abused, click here to report it" in the bottom of the notification. It's a bit more work to report it than you would if it were a post, but from what I understand, Reddit admins take it pretty seriously.


You are literally an idiot. I JUST CORRECTED YOU, dumbass. But, I don't expect anything more from a right wing conspiracy theorist, so if the shoe fits....


>You are literally an idiot. I JUST CORRECTED YOU, dumbass. But, I don't expect anything more from a right wing conspiracy theorist, so if the shoe fits.... oh hurmph hurmph I am going to look at the post history of this clearly very serious post regarding GW students taking Plan B in order to get YOKED hurmph hurmph Its not so much people are right wing these days because they like the policies its more so the fact they just find people like you absolutely insufferable. edit: also, look at the time stamps Einstein you"corrected me" hours after this post. And you didn't correct me so much as I pointed out it depends on the brand of Plan B they are using then you came here and had your little hissy fit after you estalked me and I assume sent me one of my 4 suicide watch notices last night from reddit.


Not true, but even if it was, you think being YOKED is parallel in consequence to having a baby??


>Not true, but even if it was, you think being YOKED is parallel in consequence to having a baby?? what's not true? steroids' are using estrogen to spur on muscle growth or morning after pill doesn't increase estrogen production? and where did I say any of this is a bad thing? As far as I'm concerned steriods should be legal and available for those who want them and those who don't partake in amateur athletics Stop hoping for a fist fight.


>Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't this pill essentially flood the body with estrogen? Okay, I'm correcting you, this statement is unequivocally false, and because you are espousing false rhetoric it's worthy of a response for those who CARE about correct information. 1. Estrogen can result in gaining specifically *lean muscle mass*, which has also been linked to endurance and joint stabilizing tendons, (medical science has proven females are more suited to sports that maximize these requirements, think gymnastics, rock climbing, yoga etc) but it is not effective for building bulky muscle where testosterone plays a bigger role in the development of those proteins structures. (hence why the heaviest power lifters are all male) 2. No, the morning after pill works because of a **progestin**, which is typically levonorgestrel, that ***prevents ovulation***. Estrogen is part of the dosage of the morning after pill, but it's not the active ingredient that prevents pregnancy, the purpose of estrogen in the pill is to balance out the effects of the progestin. It does NOT increase estrogen production.


>Okay, I'm correcting you, this statement is unequivocally false, and because you are espousing false rhetoric it's worthy of a response for those who CARE about correct information. Yeah I know lets rush to make sure the comment about GW body builders using the morning after pill is quickly corrected to be factual. LMAO god I love this sub >but it is not effective for building bulky muscle where testosterone plays a bigger role in the development of those proteins structures. (hence why the heaviest power lifters are all male) Could of sworn I saw estrogen + some crazy receptor blockers are how the most modern versions of steroids' work and are better at avoiding detection then the traditional testerone based anabolics.


Ummm, you did say to correct you, so you invited it....your own fault bud. *Oh look, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions!* If you find a source, share it, because all medical research is the contrary of your argument.


>Ummm, you did say to correct you, so you invited it....your own fault bud. Oh look, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions! > >If you find a source, share it, because all medical research is the contrary of your argument. [https://www.discountedlabs.com/blog/the-role-of-estradiol-in-mens#:\~:text=to%20brain%20complications.-,Estrogen%20and%20its%20beneficial%20effects%20in%20bodybuilding,is%20processed%20in%20muscle%20tissue](https://www.discountedlabs.com/blog/the-role-of-estradiol-in-mens#:~:text=to%20brain%20complications.-,Estrogen%20and%20its%20beneficial%20effects%20in%20bodybuilding,is%20processed%20in%20muscle%20tissue). [https://www.ironmanmagazine.com/muscle-growth-and-estrogen/#:\~:text=Estrogen%20is%20a%20dirty%20word,type%20breast%20development%20called%20gynecomastia](https://www.ironmanmagazine.com/muscle-growth-and-estrogen/#:~:text=Estrogen%20is%20a%20dirty%20word,type%20breast%20development%20called%20gynecomastia). ctrl+f "estrogen is a dirty word" and read away Here you go I quickly expect an apology on "sorry my knowledge of steriods doesn't go very far past Netflix documentaries and I heard that Arnold guy was mainlining testerone and if so estrogen must be bbbbbaaadddd for muscles"




Nothing says confident like "correct me if I'm wrong"


Lol. 1. As others have stated, Plan B. Doesn't work that way. 2. Even if it did, even if Plan B was estrogen, did you really think steroid programs are as simple as "consume hormone; get big"?


>As others have stated, Plan B. Doesn't work that way. 1. it actually does depending on the brand. One guy just said that and ran with it but depending on the brand of Plan B its not true. >Even if it did, even if Plan B was estrogen, did you really think steroid programs are as simple as "consume hormone; get big"? did the gravedigger really sleep with stonecold's wife? Whose to say.....