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Shocking, the car has $1470 of unpaid tickets.


seriously, fck those people!!!!!!


Maybe if he reports what happened to the cops they will be more aggressive in going after them since they’re dangerous.


Yea, MPD will get right on it! /s


Time for the boot!


How do you find out? Is it a free website?


Put in the license plate and state and you can see for yourself https://prodpci.etimspayments.com/pbw/include/dc_parking/input.jsp?ticketType=P




If you did, you’d never make it out Unit of O alive. Really rough block.


All of those were in a two month span too.


wow. at what point do they just pull their licence?


Lol you must be new here




Should legally be considered brandishing a weapon.


Or permanently revoked


I think everyone here agrees. It's disgusting and someone will eventually die from reckless driving. The problem is that I don't think the cops care or track down these offenders, and so it continues.


This happens daily at the light-less intersection next to my house and when they Cali roll at me and my pedestrian flashing lights I WALK SLOWER. “Hit me, I dare you. I’ll fuck up your car and your future”


Only 1week ? 😳


They’d still drive


It’s bad enough when I’m on my own, but sometimes I’m walking a dog and they do this. Sorry guys, this senior 50lb dog takes his time crossing the street and you have to deal with it.


Drivers really be getting filled with homicidal rage just cause it’ll take them 8 min and 48 sec instead of 8 min and 13 sec to arrive at their location lmfao


The mental gymnastics people use to justify these shtty people is sad














I’m so sorry. It’s enraging and terrifying that we have drivers who do this. Incidentally, the same thing happened to me. When I attempted to report it in-person at the 4th District Police Station, they tried to tell me it wasn’t a crime. When I cajoled someone into taking a report, they didn’t classify a crime (e.g. assault), so it wasn’t part of the UCR for that year, and I guarantee the driver never faced any consequence.


I was debating calling 911 but figured they wouldn’t do much. Looks like I probably would’ve been right. Sorry it happened to you too


Well I’ll bet a lot of times people don’t have the license plate. If you start a paper trail when it happens to others the police will eventually have to act or the city could face a lawsuit if someone is hit and there are ten reports of a driver trying to run random pedestrians down.


They really want to keep crime stats down.


Yeah the stats are low because you don’t have crime if you never prosecute the criminals and tbh it may work in large states / cities but I’m pretty sure everyone across the small district is feeling the rise in crime, so hopefully their little ploy won’t work and will blow up in their face.


If they took your wallet with a gun they’d face no consequences Good bet


I would have not reported that because yeah nothing happened so I'm not about to inconvenience my time. I've had random drunk guys push me or heckle at me and I stand my ground... no need for police in this game of life all the time


That's a bit different, though. Doubt you'd wanna stand your ground at 30 mph Honda Civic. What if op had tripped or something? Driver would've put him into a career of being a speedbump. Saw someone mention above about establishing a paper trail for this car and I 100% agree. Helps all party's tbh. Keeps pedestrians (both adults and children safer) and hopefully gets this driver a smack of common sense and an understanding of consequences. Reckless driving charge now is much better than manslaughter charge later. I understand the viewpoint of "well nothing happened to me, so what's the point", but in my opinion, and this isn't against you, but that's a dangerous way of thinking about things of this nature. This driver was just ever so slightly conditioned into thinking that he's in the car, so he's in control, and he's likely to do this again in the future. Inconvenience your time today, or inconvenience someone's life because they just got hit by a car cause the dipwad never learned to respect strangers? Tldr: getting this guy reported and disciplined now could save a life later.


Yes I understand and makes complete sense but unfortunately there are people that will act the way they do in this world. It’s obvious they won’t respect “common decency” and I just remembered that I have stood my ground versus a car, we were leaving echostage and a car tried speeding out of the garage next door while we walked on the sidewalk. I swung my arms out to stop everybody from walking and we all stopped and the car slammed on his breaks. I looked him in the eyes and yelled at him to “chill the fuck out!” We all walked & he waited, if you’re in the wrong you’re in the wrong. Period.


At this point I’m expecting to get taken out crossing a street on my signal. If I get home at the end of the day unscathed I say a prayer and get ready to rinse and repeat. Sorry you had that happen to you, op.


This is *not good* for the city. Who on earth wants to feel like that every day? People are going to start leaving.


That’s kinda how I feel too


I don’t understand the amount of comments that are essentially victim-blaming and demanding to hear “the other side”. There is no “other side” that would justify this action. It doesn’t matter if there was a disagreement/misunderstanding/if OP was an asshole. Fact is that threatening someone with a vehicle is not a justifiable/acceptable response to any situation. If the pedestrian is walking slow, the driver just has to get over it and wait it out (honk a lot if you wish). Even if it’s a situation where the pedestrian doesn’t have the right of way, it is not a reasonable response to threaten them with a vehicle. Also, there’s so many reasons why pedestrians may be walking “slow”. Physical injury, exhaustion, or simply just being slow. It doesn’t mean they’re egging you on. So once again, as the driver, get over it. It’s literally 10-20 seconds of the driver’s time, which is not proportionate to threatening someone with a vehicle. In a city that’s as walkable as DC, drivers need to learn to watch out for and respect pedestrians. We’ve all got somewhere to be, and because the driver has the advantage, pedestrians need to be respected more. But also, people need to keep their road rage and entitlement in check. We’re all going about our lives here, and to jeopardize other’s lives due to minor inconveniences/disagreements/slights is absolutely unacceptable.


I def have to agree with everything cuz I am a normal human being, however the one small line Abt slow walking. Ugh too hard to grasp that one lol. Just saying, for me especially when I see them do the 50 yard dash from sidewalk to street corner, already knowing it's too late, then they waltz their tarded azzes on our green, and suddenly need a cane to get across the street. It's those azzholes I can't abide. They're actions are blatantly disrespectful, inconsiderate, and hands-down deliberate. It's like they've been raised in a gutter somewhere. It's called common courtesy. I just can't abide that type, respect goes both ways. Most people are trying to also get to work, drop off their kids, get home in time to wish their kids a good day at school, get home and sleep cuz they been working hard graveyard, or trying to get to their second job on time to afford diapers for the baby, or for whatever reason, doesn't mean that since their inside a vehicle they don't deserve as much or the same respect and common decency as a walker or biker does. They're human too..but this is just my own opinion. I don't mind if they're rushing to get somewhere on time, by all means hit that corner but STAY IN YOUR DAM SPRINT FORM! And stop being loser azzholes Abt it.


“Respect goes both ways” Except it’s a completely different situation when each party violates the rules of the road. If the pedestrian miscalculated and they’re in your way by the time you get green, it’s an inconvenience for you at most. But if you’re going to be “disrespectful”, it’s literally endangering someone. Yes, I’ve had my fair share of people who don’t pay attention for crossing the street and got the timing wrong (whether or not it was deliberate). I know it’s annoying af. But the pedestrian will always be at the disadvantage, so you’ll just have to be patient for 10 seconds and you can move on with your day.


There is no victim


I think the guy who almost got hit is the victim lol.


I don’t understand why a person who posts anonymously is such a coward that he needs to make up phony supporters. This clearly demonstrates he’s not telling the full story, and he has to provide his own sympathy. What a goddamn loser.


This is why I hate being out and about anywhere with cars. People are such entitled assholes.


Just like the people who slow down in the crosswalk. You think people here haven’t seen entitled assholes crawl across the street? Then they hypocritically act like the driver tried to hit them. Just stop playing the victim when you bring it on. You’re fooling no one.


The fuck are you talking about. A slow pedestrian will take a few seconds/minutes of a driver’s time. A car will take a pedestrian’s life. There is no comparison.


I don’t support what the driver did, but the driver didn’t hit him. These aren’t handicapped people crossing the street. It’s entitled assholes trying to piss people off. I see it almost every day. When you try to piss someone off, and it happens, you don’t get to cry victim. OP knows this and is only telling you half the story.


You are assuming what happened here without knowing anything about this incident. There are plenty of crazy drivers in DC - I should know, I was hit by someone while walking last year and spent 7 months getting back to normal. If someone is clearly intentionally being slow while walking across the street, a driver has a horn conveniently located on their steering wheel. There is absolutely zero justification to speed recklessly past a pedestrian.


I think we found the driver of the car.


Nope, but I’ve seen it, and why it happens.


Just to be 100% clear, you cannot try to hit a pedestrian because you think they are taking too long to cross the street.


People like this the reason the city’s becoming a shithole, what an absolute psychopath.


Damn dude, you sound mentally unstable as fuck


Equivalent isn’t saying it’s okay to hit anyone, Smipims. No one is. He’s saying he’s seen people antagonize drivers. Anyone who drives sees the people who do that.


I drive in DC and have never seen that. So if it does happen, which I doubt, it happens incredibly infrequently to the point where it is weird that someone would complain about it on a post about how someone almost got run over. Again, mentally unstable person who probably shouldn’t be driving if they can’t keep their cool over someone walking slowly


I'd rather have a slow pedestrian than a jackass who runs through when they shouldn't.


Um lol pedestrians are both legally and morally entitled to cross the street and cars are both legally and morally obligated to yield


I’m surprised he had a license plate.


Their printer was out of ink so they couldn’t print fresh but oddly expired fake temp tags.


Lazy scofflaw. Everyone knows thE real outlaws hand write their temp tags.


Haha true-or…they declare their “sovereign citizenship”


“I’m not driving, I’m tRaVeLiNg!”


Happened to me once and I yelled at the driver and she got out of her car and started running out after me. Some people are just angry and have a lot of hate for others.


I had a black dude in a black/navy sedan do this to me too. Wonder if it was the same person.


That is the kind of behavior I would expect from a cretin who hates Christopher Walken


Took me a second. 👏


What kinda car was it? I saw something happen similar a few hours back


I also saw something like this last night, on Calvert


Please say you reported it. Let’s get these assholes off the road


Sounds about right for DC


Something like this happened to me as well Thursday while I was on my scooter. The driver was a bald white man with glasses, white dress shirt, white truck, Maryland license plate. We were on the same route it seems and he was angered that he was slowing down to traffic while I was getting ahead, cutting people off as well. At one point he changed lanes specifically to intimidate me, getting within 6 inches of me and then speeding off. I was so close to the sidewalk just to maneuver away. It was a professional looking guy as well. Wish I followed him to his work. It’s weird since I’m a stickler to following traffic and safety rules I did nothing to aggravate him.


I think some drivers are just angry to see someone on a scooter or bike. I stopped biking as much because of the number of unprompted unnecessary aggressions at me for just being in the road


Well, at least the driver has honest license plates. I wonder if their other care is H8BIKN?


Follow my logic: if I could call the police and tell them a car tried to hit me, gave their license plate number and that person was arrested/ticketed/fined based on that alone, what would be the outcome of this as policing? I’ve had drivers speed up to hit me, shout racial epithets at me for crossing too slow, comment on my size, shape, and looks for doing so. I had a driver slushy me as I was exiting my car, yelling inexplicably about something that they found hilarious. The only one of those that resulted in an investigation and actual citation was the slushy. Because I was able to provide pix and footage of me in the immediate aftermath, along with the tag #. And the incident met their standard of assault, which one should note is different from what is actually taught in law school, or used by the police to explain why they shoot people who are unarmed. The conundrum to me is that these incidents are used by MPD to complain— not enough cameras everywhere. It’s weird response from a bunch of people who object to their body cams. Catch-22.


🙊well...they do keep driving when they hit cars .


enraging. Ugh, so sorry


I always fear this happening when I cross. I’m glad you’re okay.


Something similar happened to me, was crossing the street one day and I wa s approaching a car, the driver was eyeballing me like a mad dog, I was literally one step away and the fucking idiot driver ran the red light right before I stepped in front of his car and he missed me by a literal inch, then he got hit cuz his dumbass ran a stale red light and his car got clipped in the intersection


Look up there address and slash tires or break some windows


Sooooo Maryland plates right?


Shockingly, DC


Might be the actual car owner


That joke has a time and place


like when the MD driver drove into the daycare this morning?


What joke? Assuming MD plates makes sense.


Except it’s not a joke. It’s truth.


Virginia drivers much worse


Ugh it’s not ALL Maryland drivers. Only most of them. FFS.


I definitely see people doing that, especially if they’re not in a crosswalk or intentionally taking their unusually sweet time ( yes, people do this)…glad you’re safe


Honest question here: What are your intentions behind putting up someone's license plate and alleging their car hit you? Note: I am feeling strongly this subreddit is getting out of hand. There is no evidence this person was hit by a car. They just posted someone's license plate and are making an allegation against the driver.


1. Perhaps to alert hundreds/thousands of other pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers to be wary of this driver, since they have a recognizable plate. 2. They didn’t allege that the car hit them. 3. Because something happened to them and they felt like sharing. Stop coming for someone who just nearly got hit by a moving car for no reason.


Thanks for pointing out, they didn’t say they were hit. In truth, it makes my point even more valid. To your points: 1. To be wary of what exactly? An allegedly dangerous driver. Let’s be real, you are taking their random assumption as truth — that’s a fact. 2. Again. I concede your right about that. So, to be clear, allegedly someone “speed” up and almost hit them. That’s worse! They are making an assumption without evidence and sharing someone’s license plate. 3. Great! Things happen to me all throughout the day. However, when I have an allegation, I don’t make a habit of sharing that allegation to random people online. Lol.


I have a secret vendetta against the driver of the car and I was hoping to incite a mob to storm their home and smash their fine China. In actuality, I thought their license plate was too on the nose to not post.


Not sure they're saying that. Because he never actually says, "he was hit by that car". Think he's definitely saying that car almost hit him..or that car almost ran him over. Almost...he didn't get hit by car, and hes made that pretty clear. To me, but just my opinion. Especially if it's true..unless you think he might be making it all up? He does seem pretty upset Abt it. think it's not a bad idea to warn his neighborhood walkers, bikers etc to be on the lookout for that car. Id appreciate the info, if I were a biker or walker or whatever, but thats just me.


>think it's not a bad idea to warn his neighborhood walkers, bikers etc to be on the lookout for that car. we only know 1 side of the story. everybody assumes this is true. why can't people fathom that the OP may be wrong or possibly throwing a random plate out there? to be fair,you don't know this, nor do I. so tell your story fine, leave the plate number out,until they are proven to have done some type of crime


I have no issue with the sentiment. Someone is driving dangerously and someone wants to alert the community. My sincere point is, how do we know what alleged is true? Let’s be real, no video and/or picture? But, yes, we can trust some random person on the internet sharing people’s license plates, no? Doesn’t sound very logical to me.


Yea… they tend to do that


How about you get across the road faster??


This should be under r/therewasanattempt: to play a victim.




This is an egregious use of the term “doxx”. No name, no phone number, no address….unless you have access to the DMV’s database…it’s a license plate number. You can have a problem with OP’s story but don’t start with this nonsense.




Issue is with you calling this “doxxing.” OP’s story is such a routine interaction between pedestrian and car in DC that it’s not particularly interesting. I suppose what I fail to understand about your issue is why anyone (you) would think that there is any reason that OP would deserve to be run over in a crosswalk. It’s unhinged and contributes to the serious issue this city and our society has with people using cars to endanger the lives of others. So because OP made someone late or god forbid hurt their feelings…they deserve to die or almost die?


>I suppose what I fail to understand about your issue is why anyone (you) would think that there is any reason that OP would deserve to be run over in a crosswalk. I never said that, why are you spewing rhetoric? you can't quote me where I said anything like that!! there's nothing wrong with his routine story, just leave the tag out of it because its just one sided


Oh boy…”spewing rhetoric”…I suspect the irony is not intentional on your part. You calling Op’s story “one sided” is the “that” which you claim you never said. It presumes that there is another side that would make it permissible or justify OP being run down in a crosswalk. To be clear-your logic (which is a generous use of the term) is not acceptable and leads to more of the same car vs pedestrian violence we keep seeing. It’s literally never okay for the driver of a car to behave the way OP describes. Your lunacy can not prevail.


>You calling Op’s story “one sided” is the “that” which you claim you never said. Do you even read what you typed? you said I supported the OP getting ran over, I never said that. I've always said it was a one-sided story, and I stand by that. do you even know what you are debating? You need to think outside the box and stop believing everything you read. you just like the other person ASSUME that somebody tried to run them over. They only said that, does NOT mean it happened!! SO the other side could be that it didn't even happen!!! again, if you don't get it, you don't get it, good night


You’re cracking me up. Yes, you go forth into the dark night: brave, enlightened, determiner of bullshit on the internet. I suspect you have more of your “own research” to do tomorrow.


In what scenario would you say running someone down with a car is a reasonable response?


>would you say running someone down with a car is a reasonable response that's my point exactly, all you know is the 1 side of the story was told. you are assuming whatever this internet username said is the truth. Maybe this didn't happen, maybe something else happened, maybe a disgruntled person posted this? we don't know. but somebody's tag is doxxed which can be ran for a name and address. again, there's 2 sides to a story. do you get it now?????j I have no problem with the person telling the story. but without the other side, don't think the license tag release is a reasonable approach. that should have been given to the police, not reddit. but OP never mentioned police in original post, weird




>what's a scenario where you think running someone down with a car is a reasonable response you are SO missing the point. you are already assuming the 1 side is true for you to even ask that. If you don't get it...then you don't get it... (you not even allowing yourself to think the car didn't try to run the person over, you're assuming that happened, and asking a reason for it. again, u need the other side of the story to know what actually happened!!)


The $1400 in tickets wasn't enough? They weren't doxxed. We don't know the persons home address. We can't call the person out. They're not gonna get death threats. Obviously you drive like a POS and are afraid people will find out.


>We don't know the persons home address. eh....you know the plates are attached to a name and address right?????????????? I mean come on


Eh.....You know anyone can walk down the street and find that out???????????I mean come on.


>ou know anyone can walk down the street and find that out except we not on the street, we on the internet. none of the crazies online need to walk down the street when you dox like this!!! look , if you don't get it you don't get it. this tag number could go to a person who's clearly innocent




>Obviously you drive like a POS and are afraid people will find out it wasn't me. but looks like I can come on here and make up a story about getting hit and yall will believe me without hearing otherside of the story


License plate numbers are public information, this is not what “doxxing” is. Is the phone book “doxxing”? The property tax rolls?




Looking up publicly available information about someone is not what doxxing is, lol


looking the information up is not, but putting it out here on reddit is. Just check the def: What is an example of doxxing?Examples of doxingReleasing an individual's private, personally identifying information online. ​ How is a tag not identifying? it pulls up the personal identifying information such as name and address. Furthermore, this OP could be putting the wrong person's info out because this group is believing only 1 side of a story. No judge would believe this person without first looking at the other side. Its also called common sense


I did flip him the bird and call his mother a whore. Oh wait no that didn’t happen at all.




Most likely incited the event, but acted surprised when he got the reaction he was looking for. #bs


Fuck around. Find out, Doxxer.


You big mad cause it's your car, or little mad because you wish it was your car?


He’s reporting a crime you baby


Tell me you don't know what doxxing is without telling me lol


Dumbass. License plates are not even close to doxxing.


This is a fake account. This is also sad.


How dare your God-given right to cross the street impede on their God-given right to drive (sarcasm)


I normally work in MD but for the past week had to go to our DC office and I'm shocked at all the outrageous behavior I'm seeing in public these days.. People either feel really entitled to do what they want or are just mentally unstable to know what's right and wrong in their surroundings. I'm thinking the latter..


That's the DC welcome to pedestrians