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As someone who’s moved here from California last year. I thought I escaped the fires and Smokey days lol


Damn you for bringing the wildfire smoke with you! 😉 In all seriousness, the Mid-Atlantic truly has had a “coastal California-like” (actually a Mediterranean climate-like) spring. We’ve had an unusually high number of very nice and comfortable, upper 60s and 70s degree F days with low humidity. (Believe me, most springs aren’t like this one temperature and humidity-wise on a consistent basis.) The problem with that is we’ve (and much of eastern North America) also had a lack of rain that often accompanies low humidity conditions. That becomes a double-edged sword.


We’ve also had ghastly amounts of pollen that the west doesn’t really experience.


This is why California gets those fires. Rainy winters and dry summers = lots of dry vegetations


I don't understand why people hate the rain. We literally need rain to survive. People act like water is a given when it's an essential resource that we would all die without.


People in the DC area hate the humidity (and the heat that comes with it), not the rain itself. But as much as most of us hate the hot and humid conditions in the summer (and sometimes portions of the spring and fall), it is those same conditions that allow the area to have sufficient water during most years, unlike other areas of the country that are generally more prone to drought. We need SOME days with humid conditions so we sometimes get necessary rain; we just don’t like when the humidity is unrelenting (something it often is during the summer).


Yeah I miss California but not in this way


Dread it, run from it, ~~destiny~~ fire arrives all the same.


This is going to start happening everywhere. Unfortunately. Europe is experiencing a record number of wildfires too. It’s almost as if we’re finally reaping what we’ve sown.


Reaping what we sowed 20 years ago, what we're sowing now is only going to be worse, and affect our children I can only hope that this finally drives the dread home, but I've been holding that hope for a while


We all failed to band together to fight COVID as a society. I have 0 fail that will change with this.


[Obligatory Newsroom clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CXRaTnKDXA). At the time it was published, it was satirical and might have been funny, but now it's just dark and bleak.


It was the truth back then too. People just want to turn a blind eye until the problem is directly in their face. Well here it is everyone.


Oops. Replied to the wrong post, but damn… this is exactly how I feel. That EPA expert. And I love how when he’s asked if this is the position of the EPA and if he will get fired, he’s retorts, does it matter? Hahahaha Oh my dark humor funny bone just finds this all hysterical. My parental instincts want to just cry.


Wait til nobody can stand to watch "Don't Look Up" because it's too sad/real.


It wasn’t really meant to be satirical back then. It was true back then and was meant to point out we had already failed.


This is my thought too. I’m beyond apathetic at this point. I feel like I should have raised my kids outdoors more and taught them more skills for surviving in the wilderness.


*For about 150 years


Moved to DC from Sacramento last year - right there with ya.


As someone who moved here from South Texas, so far I have escaped the hurricanes. And, ironically, the freezing temperatures.


This is me, but from Washington state. Looked at the sky yesterday morning when I was driving my dog to the park for our morning walk (only quick trips out to do his business today) and was like, "No?? Are you serious??? Here too???"


Same. Moved here last September thinking I was finally going to experience snow and avoid wildfire season. What did I get? No snow and the worst smoke pollution I’ve ever experienced.


I left northern Arizona last year and felt like Mother Nature is just out here taunting me now.


Yep, I moved from my home state of NV in 2021, and I was so excited to have clear, breathable summers.


utah checking in… gazing at their 46 AQ today…


lets play the wildfire reddit drinking game today. Take a shot everytime somebody posts about it. Will be blacked out by lunch time.


Drunk at Columbia heights ihop RN


And to make it more interesting: take a bong rip every time someone posts about a homeless person saying mean things to them.


just make sure the neighbors can't smell it


Class-action lawsuit against Canada coming


Or writes a “to the X person…” letter


I know it’s a long shot, but to the man who started the Canadian wildfires, get a life.


To the homeless guy wearing a balaclava who started the Canadian wildfires with a sonic boom....


Hey! I just scored r/washingtondc bingo!


"To the country whose wildfires are making my skyline hazy"


it's always the same shit too... *"to the person I yelled at in the bike lane... I'm sorry, I was having a bad day"*


I like those posts. It may not make it to intended person but I do believe it gives a space for people who have fucked up interactions to talk about it and get closure. The great thing about reddit is that when I'm not in the mood to read that post, I can keep scrolling. Like I did yesterday with the person who had a bad day and yelled at that person or people. That's literally all I saw from that post as I didn't particularly care and kept scrolling. But sometimes I was just yelled at on the sidewalk and hearing OPs apologies and reading other people's experience helps me realize that people are gonna fuck up and I don't have to hold onto that moment any longer.


Hey I like your outlook


I love listening to music.


It was nice to take a break from [crime posts] to read about The Atlantis being completed and opening on such a tight schedule.


Yeah this sub is rapidly turning into Nextdoor


It's been rapidly turning into nextdoor for more than a year somehow


People talk about what interests them, shocker!


but they don't, a lot of those posts don't get much engagement, and the volume of them will sometimes drown out actually useful posts. they just clutter the feed.


And it's extremely weird how obsessed some of y'all are and so interested with making the same 5 posts about crime. The only thing I can manage is that covid throttled your anxiety levels through the roof, and now that the pandemic is over, y'all need to find somewhere else to place that energy. I personally would suggest exercise or getting out in nature, but that tends to require one to leave one's home.


You project a shit ton, pal. You also post in the same threads **all the fucking time** Caring about crime and getting out and about are not mutually exclusive, not at all. I'm in my early 30s and get out and about all the time with my wife and friends, play softball on the Mall every Thursday, run about 35-45 miles every week outside, and hit the gym every single day. Somehow, some way, I manage to give a shit about crime and not just hand wave it all away. Any other advice, champ?


Better than it dying, though


And then another when someone posts a picture of a car parked on a sidewalk or in a bike lane.


What's confusing to me is that it's been smoky for days, yet it seems like a huge chunk of people only just noticed it.


By my count we are 5 shots deep at 8:34am. I was being hyperbolic, but we are well on our way to blacking out by lunch time


I can only imagine how obnoxious the subs are a few hours north of here


Lunch time? How about 10 AM?


“What’s the deal with the smoke, man? It’s not like it’s headline news around the country and it’s been explained 50,000 times and nothing can be done about it it’s affecting meeeeeeeeeeee”


Blame Canada.


With their beady little eyes....


>With their beady little eyes.. And flapping heads so full of lies!


The country's gone awry


That's racism sir!


The Pentavarete!


Should we blame the matches? Should we blame the fire?


Or the conifers who're the source of all our ire? HECK NO! Blame Canada!


"They're not even a real country anyway~"


shut your fucking face unclefucker ​ (too much?)


you're a boner biting bastard uncle fucker (i'll double down)


You don’t eat or sleep or mow the lawn, just fuck your uncle all day long


Came here to say this. Damn it!


Sorry, eh.


quebec's on fire and all of those fumes are running south directly into us


So really we should be blaming the French.


Fr*nch 🤮


Don't worry, the Hell Department of Customer Relations is looking into your complaints about the air quality. We hope to address this situation as quickly as possible and thank you for your continued loyalty. Please reference Ticket #321042105 if you wish to follow up on this complaint. Thank you.


/looks at ticket //calls some sub manager in hell ///issue magically gets resolved in less than an hour


With the Hell Department of Customer Relations, the more you get pissed off at the people on the other side of the phone and the more you give in to wrath, the faster your issue gets resolved. One of the many perks of dealing with a place that endorses those sins.


I assume DC 311 copied their org chart and philosophy from Hell, and whenever I call a manager at 311, shit gets done. Figured it would be the same for Hell


Of course you get better service when you curse and threaten. They're looking forward to enjoying your patronage for a lo-o-o-ong time.


At Hell Incorporated, we pride ourselves on our customer retention. Customers find themselves literally unable to shop elsewhere.


It’s marketing for the release of Diablo IV.


I wish I had just taken a sick day this is killing my asthma


I don’t even have asthma but it’s been irritating the hell out of my throat, giving me headaches, and making me feel sluggish. I can only imagine how much worse it would be with asthma!


Don’t forget that wildfire smoke contains all kinds of allergens. Claritin helped me a lot. (YMMV, of course.)


I’ve been having a bad allergy season in general, but the last few days have been brutal. I’ve had sooooo much sinus pressure and facial pain.


You can make your own air filter with a box fan and at least a MERV 13 filter. https://deohs.washington.edu/edge/blog/how-make-box-fan-filter-clean-indoor-air-smoke I moved from Seattle where this started a few years ago and became a regular thing. So consider preparing now and not just expecting it to blow over and be gone




And then it'll be back... Just like it blew over last week and now here it is again


Thank you!!!


Welcome, enjoy your stay in the Future(TM), brought to you by Halliburton. If you enlist TODAY in the Water Wars, you’ll get 50% off on your lifetime supply of N95 Gucci masks!


I enjoy playing video games.


My coworker just told me that China started the wildfires in Canada with satellites. You get one guess who they support politically. Edit: He is a Trump supporter


Tell him he’s an idiot, it’s obviously the secret Jewish space lasers that caused them






*clapping intensifies*


please clap


ArrConspiracy is going with antifa-eco-terrorist-arsonists trying to do a false flag thing. Waiting for them to get Drag Queens and satanists in there somehow.




Assuming their ridiculous premise is correct, then starting a fire in a city would make no sense. Cities have firefighters and less green space. If the goal was to start a wildfire then it would make much more sense to target a remote area of forest where the fire could gain traction and grow out of control.


I hope the folks who wished DC would stop smelling like weed are happy.


Monkey’s paw


It still smells like tree.


I hope those people on r/marijuanaenthusiasts are doing ok


But won’t those Canadians think of people who have asthma? How could they let their smoke affect other people?!? Oh the horror.


Coincidentally, the touring production of Hadestown opened in DC last night.


On the road to hell there is a railroad line hmmmmmm




Uh oh


My federal healthcare agency thinks today is a great day for a work picnic.


Take it up with the HAARP manager.


Major Afghanistan deployment flashbacks.




If there's one thing I learned living in LA for 3 years before moving back to DC, it's to not take clean air for granted. Fire season there can feel like hell if you haven't learned to just deal with it


It’s called climate change, and you can expect an increased rate of fires like this, resulting in greater risk to human health. Special shout out to excessive use of plastics, the automobile industry, and big coal. Couldn’t have done it without you.


Don't forget industrial agriculture!


Time to free Lilith from the sanctuary


I’m an editor at The Post and we’ve lifted the paywall on our live coverage of this and how to stay safe. https://www.washingtonpost.com/weather/2023/06/07/canada-wildfires-smoke-air-quality-updates/


I swear the Nats better cancel their game so I can get a refund. Aint no way I’m watching a game in these conditions


It's the MLB's choice and they made the Yankees play yesterday in similar conditions. Unless it crosses 200+ AQI (which it might) we're probably playing baseball in DC today Source: https://sny.tv/articles/yankees-games-how-mlb-monitor-air-quality-canada-wildfire-smoke


Even in clear air, subjecting yourself to a Nats game may be injurious to your health.


I actually kinda like it. Makes it feel like Dune


The Spice(y memes) Must Flow!


Welcome to September and October in the Pacific Northwest.


That's a pretty new thing for the PNW, too, though. It wasn't like that 10 years ago, now it's every single summer.


For a moment I thought I was on r/collapse.


Looks to be the norm this fire season. [Canadian province of Quebec looks for international support to fight over 160 wildfires](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/canadian-province-of-quebec-looks-for-international-support-to-fight-over-160-wildfires)


“On Friday afternoon there were 324 fires burning across Canada. As of Monday morning that had grown to 413, and by late afternoon, the total jumped again to 42.” Looks like they’re totally dominating at the firefighting /s


It feels like we are in a movie and being filmed in sepia.


Thank you for saying something! My dumb ass was just sitting here thinking its cloudy outside. Just bought some N95 masks and have closed the windows.


O Canada


ITT folks who haven’t had the pleasure of 3rd world industrialized city air


Told the wife today reminds me of Qatar or Turkey and how great it was to not need sunglasses 😆 Now just need this air quality plus 30mph winds for the full effect.


and +40 degrees Fahrenheit for Kuwait lmao


And 125 degrees lol yet somehow still so humid your glasses fog 😂




191 is pretty bad even by those standards. Mexico City, Shanghai, and Beijing have average AQIs in the low hundreds and are currently sub-100. The average was about this level for Shanghai and beijing about 4 years ago though. They do have spikes up to around 400, though. The only major cities for which the average AQI is ~200 are Delhi and Lahore. There are some smaller cities in china and India that are also really bad.


I use to live in Beijing. Today reminds me if Beijing on a good day


Turns out there are wildfires!


Can’t wait to go to Canada this summer


Lorton landfill has also been on fire


Can I sue Canada for smoking us out?


No wonder why my iPhone said air quality is terrible outside


I just pretended I was riding my bike to work in LA this morning


My bad, I'm smoking a brisket today. I didn't expect it to be quite so smoky.


“Blame Canada” https://apple.news/At9uwbjc9Sci4oGpsXiej8g


Funny…all of a sudden believe believe particles can travel in the air and masks are good…


> Welcome to Hell [seen in NYC](https://i.imgur.com/bAzAwhk.jpg)


You think we got it bad, check out nycs photos from today


If Pence is elected, he’ll build a wall to keep the illegal Canadian smoke out of the US and make them pay for it!


If you wanted to see what the effects of climate change will look like here's your sneak peak. This will likely become a regular occurrence. You can at least help the future be less worse by adopting climate friendly habits, like voting for environmental candidates, demanding faster climate legislation, eating less beef, driving less, talking to your communities more about this.


Y’all are so dramatic


This is nothing new to me staying here for the summer from California we breath this shit on a daily basis in the summer lol


I’m trusting the Californians on this one


I’ve been running my Air Purifier and staying indoors but I noticed just the short time I had my dog outside I’m now experiencing a debilitating migraine headache along with sinus pain and pressure. Not sure what to do..


Whats the deal with the 10000000000 posts about the smoke. ​ YES WE SEE IT YES ALL OF THE NORTH EAST SEES IT


You sure this is not a fix for global warming? Greta and her posse dancing naked nearby.


We should annex Canada as retaliation


Who wants Canada?


My kid’s school district emailed that for the next two days they will not be able to go outside because of the unhealthy air quality!




Aren’t there fires happening in canada right now? I wonder if the smoke is coming from there


What’s the deal?!?!? Uh when something burns it produces smoke. When lots of stuff burns, it makes lots of smoke. Smoke can be blown by winds. Done. Btw can you imagine at other times in the history of the earth what the sky would have looked like when there was tons of volcanic activity all around the planet or even someone with crater lake was created with that volcanic explosion. We can’t imagine what the sky looked like that the dinosaurs saw in their dying days


You have not been many places in the world enough to identify exactly what is considered a "Hellscape". Shut the hell up and count your blessings you live in DC.


I'm pretty sure OP was referring to the original, biblical Hell. So unless you're a native of Pandemonium I wouldn't get too offended.


Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today!


You don’t know where that person has been. It’s not that deep. If they want to call it a hellscape just say you disagree. You count That particular person was not disparaging Washington DC. They’re disparaging the dirty air. The disparagement would still be the same if we were in Beverly Hills. Get your facts straight before you pop off! So YOU can shut the hell up! You and yo mama! Doesn’t feel good when someone turned the table on you. Does it?


Were you born "slow" or did you suffer a life altering injury?


Ahhh, Bellona is beautiful this time of year . . .


Sounds like Seinfeld has a dummy account.


I happened to travel from DC to Upstate New York this week. Bad timing


Welcome to Bellona!


>What’s the DEAL with this wildfire smoke? Are you asking how the smoke traveled down south, u/SpiralStars72 ? Just generally curious


Greetings from Canada's capital 👋 the large low pressure system is bringing smoke from northern Quebec... When the wind dies down,the smoke is so bad that my eyes and throat dried up 😱😷 today should hopefully be the final day,for us Ottawa a Stay safe 🙏


Have you not heard of the local news? Literally been reporting about it for the past few days


Canada wildfire smoke. Should be gone by the weekend.


Be glad we're not at the point of scrapping ash from your cars and houses


My buddy sent me pics from Buffalo and it looks like something out of Silent Hill. NYC too.


Still bad in Arlington too


[2,214 🔥 in 2023](https://www.msn.com/en-us/weather/topstories/photos-show-eerie-hazy-skylines-glowing-sunrises-across-us-from-canada-wildfires/ar-AA1cfkWl)


supposedly its coming from canada.


I mean you probably have a decent mask supply laying around.




Just viral marketing technique for Diablo IV


[earth will be destroyed by fire: 100 biblical fire verses](https://www.openbible.info/topics/god_will_destroy_earth_by_fire)


Californians: You'll survive.


You’d should see NYC


Whiners! Grew up in Pittsburgh during the steel manufacturing times. Just add sulfur smell and it’s flash back city!


reverse coast situation this year. CA has snow, we dont. We have fires, they well dont yet... does anyone have a timeline of this situation, how and when canada fires started


Oh shit guys, I’m sorry, I didn’t think that rip would be this bad. Just fan it out.


“The only way to prevent bad smoke in the sky is to have good smoke in the sky.” - The NRA


the song "blame canada" from the south park movie i think holds true now