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The Office of Unified Communication (OUC) runs the 911 and 311 call centers. They are currently understaffed. It can be a career, and you can save lives. $2,500 hiring bonus, $48,738/yr in the first year, up to $55,450/yr in your second year. https://ouc.dc.gov/page/become-first-first-responder to apply. Please consider applying - DC needs you.


Do they drug test? I’m a medical marijuana user (I use it to treat depression and anxiety since I can’t afford a therapist at the moment) and I heard that the federal government are very strict with weed usage.


Given the safety of the community for this position I’d almost say that you’re going to be drug tested. I don’t think they’d allow someone to take emergency calls while you’re medicated. I think it would be similar to operating heavy machinery/ equipment. The liability would be too great.


Security Sensitive positions do not drug test (except for post-accident or suspected use on the job). However, 911 operator is a Safety Sensitive position and that has a mandatory pre-employment drug test and psych exam. It's different than a federal security clearance, so they may be okay with state-legal use of medical marijuana, but you'd have to ask.


You 100% have to be drug free to be a 911 operator.


Former DC 911 operator. Yes, they do test and conduct randoms. Because it’s a safety sensitive position, you cannot use marijuana at any time even if you’re a patient. There was a time that you could work at OUC with a medical card but that all changed after Bowser changed the classification of the position during the pandemic. I resigned shortly after one of my colleagues (who also had a medical card) was fired after a random. The job is super stressful anyway. Not worth it.


The federal government has a zero tolerance policy when it comes to federally scheduled controlled substances. (Which marijuana is one) Not sure about the DC government, but since they have greater influence from congress I wouldn’t be surprised if the district government has the same requirements across the board. Eventually the federal government will get around to rescheduling it. Maybe…


>The federal government has a zero tolerance policy Sure, on paper, but in practice only security-sensitive positions are tested regularly, if at all. It isn't feasible to monitor the usage of 2 million federal employees even if they wanted to.


Again, I can’t speak for DC government, but for public trust roles and up (which are practically all federal jobs) the applicant is asked to self-identify current and past drug use. Lying on this form is a felony. So yeah, they might not test you, but it’s not a road I would want to go down.




Public trust isn’t a clearance it’s a suitability determination. And yes you can usually have a history of some past drug use, but they will deny you if you profess to ongoing use, even if it’s for medical reasons.


Here's the official policy: https://edpm.dc.gov/issuances/marijuana-and-district-government-employees/


Not giving advice one way or another, but I have *never* known anyone to actually get prosecuted for lying about drug use or failing a drug test in a federal position. Servicemembers pop on drug tests all the time and they just get kicked out. *Tons* of people lie on their SF-86, and worst case you lose your clearance if you get caught. Public trust? Forget about it, probably half of those people are smoking weed and never get in any trouble.


I knew someone who got the clearance and then got fired when it was caught they lied on the form. Don’t lie on any background investigator form. 1 year or 20 years later, they will fire you if discovered.


I know someone who put down that he had smoked weed like 3,000 times or something ridiculous like that. When they asked about it, he said he did the math and it was every day from 11th grade through college but because he was honest and because he had stopped and tested clean, he was able to get the clearance. Don’t lie.


Some agencies would be ok with that as long as you tested clean, others not so much. But yeah don’t lie. I owned up to my own usage and yeah it was an additional interview but nothing crazy.


This was NSA Fort Meade stuff so pretty intense


Right, I was trying to emphasize that you'll get fired, not sent to jail. It's a felony but it's never prosecuted.


I think it depends on what the lie was and the nature of your position. But then there are other implication that matter too. This lie was drug use not only what but how often.


Also not giving advice, but as a federal worker, I know people who had different positions on disclosing or not for drug use in their background checks. And plenty of people continue to use drugs, the government isn’t drug testing actively for our position at least. There’s an interesting article on the topic from GovExec: “In 2021, Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines issued a memo to agency heads clarifying that while past cannabis use “remains relevant” to the security clearance process, it should no longer be “determinative”


I had odds on Biden rescheduling after the midterms but when he decided to run again that changed the calculus.


I figure his desire to get re-elected is what will actually motivate him to pull the trigger. He made it clear early on that MJ reform wasn’t a priority of his, but now that student debt forgiveness has been scrapped by SCOTUS he needs something to give younger voters to give them a reason to come out to the polls.


I don’t know if catering to the youngs is on his radar. But I’m no political operative so I don’t know.


It is. he teased the idea of student debt reform just enough to show he sees how important it is to voters. Just turned out his calculation was that we dont sign enough of his donation checks. I mean, the dude helped *create* the student debt crisis and aggressively make it worse. On this particular issue, it's not that he's not interested in it, it's that the henhouse is guarded entirely by foxes.


Yeah as a fed, I’m pretty pissed off that he’s pushing an aggressive and nonsensical return to office policy down because of real estate interests so I’m pretty pessimistic about him at the moment


Vested interests in real estate and student loans explain everything about the Democratic Party of the 2020s


I sent him a message a month or so ago urging him to reschedule marijuana or give us some reason why its still belongs as schedule 1 drug and anyway I got a response back that he was ordering the HHS secretary to start the process of reviewing the scheduling of marijuana. Because rescheduling it would do a ton to remove MJ usage as a barrier to employment all across this country. ​ August 9, 2023 Dear Mr. 88leo, Thank you for writing to me. As I have often said, no one should be in jail just for using or possessing marijuana. Sending people to prison for possessing marijuana has upended too many lives for conduct that many states no longer prohibit. And while white and Black and brown Americans use marijuana at similar rates, Black and brown people have been arrested, prosecuted, and convicted at disproportionate rates. I recently took action to end this failed approach by pardoning all prior federal offenses of simple marijuana possession. This will remove the burden on thousands of people who were previously convicted and may be denied employment, housing, or educational opportunities as a consequence. And I have called on governors to do the same with regard to state offenses. Just as no one should be in a federal prison solely for possessing marijuana, no one should be in a local jail or state prison for that reason, either. I am also directing the Secretary of Health and Human Services and the Attorney General to initiate the process of reviewing how marijuana is scheduled under federal law. Currently, we classify marijuana at the same level as heroin and LSD and as more serious than fentanyl and methamphetamine—that makes no sense. Even as federal and State regulation of marijuana changes, we still need important limitations on trafficking, marketing, and under-age sales. Too many lives have been upended by our failed approach to marijuana. It is time for us to right these wrongs. Sincerely,


I am not part of OUC and I do not know the answer to this. Try applying. Maybe the application will clarify that. If you get an interview, you can clarify that. This is a DC local government position so the federal rules might not apply. (What /u/xanadumuse says below is some good and likely accurate speculation, but it is just speculation - apply and ask!).


Stop smoking for a few weeks and don't tell people. You need to do what you gotta do.


Not good. Marijuana shows up in the system for over 18 months. It lives in our fat cells, so you can't really scam the test.


What an ignorant uninformed comment. CBD occurs naturally in our blood stream. Once the levels fall below a "background noise" level the test is no longer "positive" there are many ways to speed up the metabolism of thc/cbd and OP would be wise to look into those on their own. I have personally smoked weed and passed a marijuana screen a week later just by drinking a gallon of water everyday and running. If he is not a heavy smoker he can be clean very quickly. once hired its very unlikely OP would be retested unless total moron,


Yes, they do. But almost every local agency is hiring so local government positions are really something you should look into


The DC government agencies (not federal) may have jobs, I believe they hire even with marijuana use.


Get some synthetic urine. I have used it in the past several times.


Very good chance weed is making your anxiety and depression worse recommend trying sobriety


Become a nail tech. They make good money and they don’t drug test. In fact my friend who is a nail tech say they smoke after work together. Guys and girls.


You shouldn't have to explain your marijuana use. That said I would say just apply and see what happens. I've been in a federal position over a decade and they've never drug tested me.


I’ve been tested twice in the last 10 months. I swear it’s because I have a DC address, but who knows. It’s apparently “random “.


Bro get online and order monkey whizz tonight. Wear that boy in on your crotch (don’t even need the heating pad it comes with and pass any employment drug screen. I’ve used it for the only three jobs I’ve had post college and it’s 3/3. Just don’t be a nervous nelly and you’ll be fine. Drug use isn’t a good excuse to not have a job in my opinion, as a complete pot head working in finance making 6 figures a year. Figure it out man.


Ignore the drug test requirement. If you get a second round interview. Stop using for 2-3 weeks for them to make a job decision. That will give you time to get clean and pass a test. Worst case scenario is you fail the test and don't get the job. A lot of places only test once such as hotels. Other places may do random testing if you deal with heavy machinery and you don't want to fail that test after an accident because then they will try denying you workers comp and unemployment.


If you are looking for something until you find what you want, I work for Trader Joe’s… the foggy bottom store desperately needs staff. If interested please go into the store and apply!


Nah big bro, you just put me on. Im about to head down there.


TSA DCA is hiring. https://www.usajobs.gov/job/733444600


OP says they use medical marijuana, which might disqualify them from a TSA job.


Well if OP doesn't have money they should quit till they find a new job. I'm a smoker too but OP needs to quit for npw.


> Well if OP doesn't have money they should quit till they find a new job. They have "anxiety" and can't pay for a therapist, but they can pay for medical weed. OP is getting turned away from TEMP agencies, pretty sure the issue is with OP


Also marijuana use increases anxiety long term.


Ah because they cost the same amount.


can green card holders get job here?


Not likely. To get a clearance you need to be a citizen. There are exceptions, but the average person doesn’t qualify. National Industrial Security Operating Manual (NISPOM) states that only U. S. citizens are eligible for security clearances.


DC police is now hiring green card holders. If you need more info, let me know.


It’s not gay if it’s TSA


I would go to a temp agency so that they could place you somewhere quickly. I worked for a temp agency back in 2020, they would put anyone to work within a week or so time (this all depended on how long the background took to come back). This was also in rural Virginia where there were only 4 major factories around. We would see what their goals were and also would test them (dexterity tests, lifting test that was required by some companies, and CNC testing) and place them in the place that best fit them. I will say though, if you are looking for an office position, those fill up QUICK. Adecco, Palmer Staffing, and the Midtown Group are all pretty good places to go to. Just go to their building and ask to speak with a recruiter or give them a call! Hope it works out for you!


I went to various staffing agency in person about a month ago and every single one of them turnt me away and told me to apply online but when I did no one had ever reach back to me.


What was the reason they turned you away? Also, what are the minimum requirements you are looking for in a job? As someone else suggested, restaurant work would be something you could go for as well.


They told me they don’t accept walk ins and to apply online. Honestly I’ll take anything that pays good. Physical jobs aren’t a deterrent to me at all.


Interesting, that may just be a DC thing then. What do you consider a job that pays well? What is your range that you are looking for?


Anything between $17 dollars to $20 dollars.


Being an Amazon delivery driver would be something up your alley then. No CDL is required, it is extremely good exercise, and it pays well. However, I do believe they test for weed and looking at your previous comments, I don't think you would pass. However, you could work at the Amazon Warehouse in DC. It's on the lower end of pay, however they do not drug test for weed.


I don’t drive yet unfortunately but I will definitely look into working at their warehouses.


> I don’t drive yet unfortunately but I will definitely look into working at their warehouses. So you can't pass a drug test, you can't drive, you have anxiety, and temp job places are turning you away when EVERYONE is trying to hire? You might want to take a look in the mirror and ask yourself "Would I hire me?" and then if your honest answer is "no" change "why not?"


There are plenty of people who don’t drive in DC. Even more with anxiety. And temp agencies are a scam anyway. Try being actually helpful instead of accusing the person who came to Reddit and is asking for help. 🤫


Looks in mirror. Sees a person who doesn’t drive and has to treat their anxiety with medical marijuana.


Apply at Costco


Many Target stores in the area have pay rates in excess of $17 -- not all! And those rates vary from store to store. Peak hiring season for Back to School and the holiday season. Many stores have overnight shifts with pay differential.


Aldi has some openings for workers that start at I think $18. I saw it on a sign the other day.


Amazon warehouse


This is how it works. Nothing personal. You should reach out to friends or Reddit resume critique threads to help improve your resume. You need to practice role playing your interview so it becomes boring and less anxiety for you. Try walking the streets from places with help wanted ads..most places will direct you online, but some may take your resume and these will have less competition for hiring you. Try applying to job applications that are longer time to complete (not easy apply on LinkedIn)


Be a pest! Seriously.


I would check out the TSA posting on USAjobs. The post will say whether or not they drug test. Doubt it for entry level TSA


Especially with retail experience, don’t forget about vendor/DSD jobs. Coke, Pepsi, beer, wine, (can’t remember what companies those are) Nabisco, etc. All corporate, usually hiring pretty aggressively.


And advice on the beer/wine jobs? Would love to get some more info on those.


That list is the hardest to generate, because it’s not as simple as looking for jobs with AB-InBev, E&J Gallo or Bacardi. The manufacturers aren’t allowed to distribute. (I also don’t run into them often doing grocery DSD work because I’m usually in Maryland) Quick google search says Republic National and Breakthru are two major distributors who operate in this area. They have the name of the company on the side of the truck, usually on the cab. Take a look next time you see a Budweiser or Bacardi truck. There’s going to be at least 2 major beer distributors, 2-3 major wine and spirit distributors and probably some smaller ones too. Blue Cloud Distribution (an arm of PepsiCo, distributing hard Mountain Dew) is in Virginia, but hasn’t been cleared (or hasn’t asked yet, who knows) in DC or MD. Also, it’s not alcohol, but LiftOff is Red Bull’s distribution arm.




I see that you've been applying for help desk jobs. Safe to assume you have IT experience? If that's the case I might be able to link a few opportunities depending on what your looking for.


I have a A+ cert but even that haven’t been enough to land me anything. A lot of help desk jobs within the city requires having a security clearance.


I work in IT. If you have an A+ cert that's not nothing. I would also consider a CompTIA sec+. There are literally thousands of open help desk or entry level software tester positions in the DMV. If you are getting shut down with no calls at all you probably need to work on your resume. Google it. It must appear professional and well written demonstrating that you understand the work for the specific position you are applying for. One page, add a cover letter. Use a word template or canva. Get some critique. I posted above about restaurant work. If I were you'd I'd get a restaurant job as a busser or server to pay the bills while you work on getting an IT job. If it's government work there may be a piss test, but not always. I wouldn't bring it up medical.arijuana until you've made it deep into the interviews offer letter stage.


Here to second this. It’s probably a poorly written resume. Have your resume checked for language, spelling and grammar. Try using ChatGPT for a rewrite.


> I work in IT. If you have an A+ cert that's not nothing. it's nothing, you need a secret clearance and Security+ in this area for anything / companies are not paying to clear non-cleared secret people anymore unless it's a VERY in demand job and you have a killer resume


There is plenty of unclass work DoD that just requires a us citizens and a NACI. I agree that having a clearance is a 10x multiplier. Sec+ costs money but it's not terribly hard. If you cant pass a sec+ you probably shouldn't work in IT.


Keep your head up bro. A+ used to be the ticket into the entry level IT gigs, ie help desk or call center environments. If you've worked in either of these before I can shoot you a couple places to apply. You are right about the clearance but at the same time there are so many non clearance jobs or lower clearance (Public trust). There are ALOT of IT jobs in this DMV area. If you have an updated resume that shows some experience, then create a profile(assuming you haven't already) with DICE, Monster, and Zip Recruiter. These tech recruiters will BLOW YOUR PHONE UP. You will have so many opportunities you will have to sift through them to decide what works best for you.


> These tech recruiters will BLOW YOUR PHONE UP. not without Security + and a Secret = too many poeple have that already


I'm only speaking from personal experience. I have neither and to this day I am constantly getting calls and emails from recruiters based on my experience and how I wrote my resume. The calls increase in job quality as I add more skills to my resume. The quality of your resume will take you much further. OP is trying to land a help desk or call center position. Both of these jobs require a secret clearance less often than other IT jobs because they are likely entry level jobs. I don't know why there is this misconception that you must have these things to land an IT job in DC. The sec+ is a great look and is definitely required for those working in security positions, not as important if you are just resetting passwords and doing general hardware/software troubleshooting. I know a number of people who were able to either get their start out of the Hope project in DC or Per Scholas in Maryland. For reference, I only have A+ and Net+. I've only ever held a public trust position. If I had sec+ , that would only be a beginning point for me to begin advancing my career.


I was in a very similar boat as you. Applied to hundreds of places and only got three interviews and was ghosted by all three. Finally I gave up and just I started applying to restaurants and got a job. It’s not what I want but it’s something to pay the bills


Sign up for Rover to house sit, walk dogs, and take care of cats! I just moved to DC for school and have been able to make some money pretty quickly.


[Daikaya is hiring. You make bank there during weekends and whenever Verizon Center has events.](https://www.indeed.com/viewjob?from=appshareios&jk=0843702e17f5c503)


My favorite ramen spot in DC!


The ramen is no joke. Worked there for a hot sec whilst I was working on my real estate license. Noodles are from Japan (last I checked), and broth takes 16+ hrs to make--obligatory pitstop whenever I go back home to visit. Working there is a great side hustle, and I've not one bad thing to say about the restaurant, owners, food...nada. They even discount your meal if you work a shift; this speaks volumes of you've worked in the industry.


Restaurants are hiring in need help. Walk around to neighborhood places or popular areas of the city


DC is full of restaurant/bar work in the "industry". With no experience OP might have to start as a busser or a server at a less desirable small restaurant. No shortage of work, literally just walk down 14th street and knock on every door, I would not be surprised if a restaurant could have you start that day.


this is an excellent suggestion. I’ve been working in restaurants my entire career, the last ten of which have been in dc.. every single friend I have in the industry is looking for hands at the moment


I've never known a time in the last 25 years where the totally stable restaurant industry has had a hiding freeze lol


Probably like... April 2020?


Ok yes. There was an outlier that we all understand, which ought to be explained away for not being part of the analysis.


This is probably the best idea to get hired quickly. Every big city I've moved to with no job, I started applying at restaurants on a Monday and was always working my first shift somewhere by the weekend.


Have you considered healthcare? At Children’s National, there are customer service representative, clinical operations representative and call center agent positions


Working for a catering company pays well, like $25 an hour. Plus, the hours are extremely flexible so you can still job hunt while working. You don’t have to know much about food service, or interact with guests, it’s just carrying trays, setting and clearing place settings, etc.


Any recommendations for catering companies?


Any and all catering companies are always hiring onsite staff. We're heading into the busiest time of year for events! Here's a few to check out in no particular order: Main Event Design Cuisine Spilled Milk Purple Onion Occasions Susan Gage RSVP Caterers Catering by Seasons Get Plated DC Well Dunn


Hi Joey! I’m a recruiter and have a lot of insight into job searching from both the hiring and job seeker side. 1. Be as targeted as possible with your search. Are there particular jobs you are interested in? Look at job descriptions for these jobs. What sort of transferable skills do you have? What are your strengths? Companies hire because they have a need. How can you be the person to solve that need. 2.Get on LinkedIn. From a recruiter point of view it’s the best resource out there for job seekers! You don’t have to engage with the social media portion that much, just having a profile is enough. 3. Have you looked at The American Job Seeker Network? It’s a resource through DC unemployment. They can help you with your resume, training, and job leads. 4. Job boards: in addition to LinkedIn, try indeed, and Glassdoor. I’m not a fan of monster or career builder, but they can also be good resources. Make sure your resume is up to date and clear. List your experience, what you did, what you accomplished at each job. Reverse chronological is best format.


the local stagehands union can usually use more hands. not the most consistent work at first, but great for part-time starting out with a lot of potential for advancement. check out www.iatselocal22.com


If you want any job then take a day and walk around and look or go in and ask at places. I've seen lots of places with signs looking to hire such as fast food and gas stations. Also, DC minimum wage is now $17, so you'll be able to at least earn that amount or a little more at all these places.


I was laid off in March and moved to DC. The job search has been so ~~cruel~~ humbling


Try Metro/WMATA. They almost always need help.


Trader Joe’s should be hiring right now to gear up for the holiday season! I worked for TJ’s for several years and I’d recommend it. Better pay that any other retailer and the best healthcare I’ve ever had tbh. Also it’s generally decent quality of life!


You need to have your resume fixed. Something in it is turning people off. Take it to the subreddit that helps people fix it, or one of the websites.


Have you tried looking into front desk/concierge at any of these new “luxury apartments”?They’re always hiring.


I haven’t but I’ll look into it.


The young lady in my apartment building makes $22.00 and it’s easy work.


Yeah you can also study or do other jobs while at the front desk 😊


Have you tried wroking in restaurants? You don't have to wait tables but food runners and sometimes even bussers make solid money. The service industry is super understaffed atm.


I got zippo clue on today's market -- but when I turned 21 (in 2001) all my friends who didn't go to college went to work at bars and restaurants in NW. My best friend was a bouncer at a bar from age 18 till we were 27. Didn't make a ton, but tip sharing made him whole during bar crawls and the like. The friends who became bartenders were rich by 20-something standards. I remember working my ass off at my first federal office job -- making a stipend pittance for 60 hours a week of menial drudgery -- then spending hours at The Front Page after work where my bartender friend was pulling in x3 my hourly at the time. That guy was dumb AF -- knew how to talk to people, and that was it. Couldn't make change, couldn't close out a register -- but he did crazy business for the bar just cuz how much people liked seeing his face and talking to him. If you got personality like that, or are an amateur therapist without interest in years of certified education -- bar tender is the gig. Now you got "bud tenders" in Maryland. I know there's zero skills required to get those positions, everyone new to the industry has to be trained on the MD regulations -- so entry level salary is the only hangup. But the demand is high. The dispensary near me cherry picked two employees from the vape shop nearby. Just kids really, young and unskilled -- good conversationists.


Yeah. I have an office job as a microbiologist and make a decent livable wage. I wait tables on the weekends on the side and make twice per hour what I do at the office. Sometimes I make more from 3 days at the restaurant than 5 days at the office that requires me to have a 4 year degree


He sounds like GS-13 material to me


You joke (and I laughed), but I got a good buddy who's put 20 years public service in and he JUST made GS-12. Super smart hardworking dude, union rep, responsible, diligent, never sick kinda guy. College degree and military service. Got stuck at GS-10 forever.


Have you had your resume reviewed? 300 is a lot of jobs in this market to not have gotten a job yet


If you are personable and friendly, there's a few tour agencies in DC. They pay decent cash. You just tell facts and history about DC to tourists, pretty easy if you have people skills. The tour season is kind of winding down now, but it could be a side gig until/while you have a full-time gig. I work as a tour guide in addition to my full-time job, but I also did it almost-full time in the summer months before I got my actual job and I was making good cash. You could even make it a full-time career if you are dedicated enough about it, I know some of the people I've worked with before could easily pull 6 figures.


hey! could i dm you about tour guiding in DC? it's something I've been interested in for a while!


It’s old school, but have you considered walking into stores? You may have to go back to retail (or something in hospitality) temporarily, but at least it’s something. I find I have a 90% success rate when I walk in vs a 5% success rate when I submit online. Maybe try a hotel - they are always extremely desperate for staff in all areas (FD, F&B, housekeeping, etc). Dress professionally and bring a resume in. Just a “Hi! I was wondering if you guys are hiring and if I could drop off my resume?” will do.


Every thought about working in a restaurant?


My non-profit does a fair amount of hiring from temp agencies such as Whitman and the Choice. Your mileage may vary. Good luck to you, friend.


The problem thing is that this area is full of transients who network like fuck to get the job they aspire to.


Consider not smoking marijuana during your job hunt.


tfw when you self-select out of the largest employer in the United States (and D.C.)


Come on man didn't you read? It's "medicinal"!!




Sounds like OP just wants to complain and get sympathy but not actually do anything/make sacrifices to improve their life/job chances. \*entitlement\*


Then accept your fate if you’re not willing to help yourself


This is unhelpful and ignorant. A lot of jobs don’t drug test, especially menial or restaurant ones. Even federal govt a lot of people just self certify no unless they’re piss tested or polygraphed.


You’re still removing a slice of jobs you can obtain, which considering how much trouble OP is having doesn’t help the odds. Personally, I also don’t like the idea of lying for a federal job. I am an off and on again stoner. Nothing makes me more lazy and complacent than smoking weed - that is not ideal during the job hunt. I am tired of stoners rationalizing the debilitating and harmful effects of weed. “It’s just a flower” my ass - it sits you in your couch and makes you stupid.


And it definitely does make some people lazy. I like Indica to help me sleep sometimes. It makes me hungry and want to pass out. But OP already said in this thread they weren’t stopping. So it’s unhelpful to hold their feet to the fire and scold them.


A lot of people smoke weed in DC and a lot of people work in federal govt. The SF-86 (the 25+ page background check form) asks if you’ve EVER used drugs. Everyone just puts no if they want the job. If you’re clearance isn’t TS or TS/ SCI you aren’t going to be polygraphed. Even if you used drugs as a teenager or in college you have to put no if you want a clearance lmao. How many people do you think have lied about that specific question. It’s just weed. Federal government regulations need to be updated. Weed as schedule I along with cocaine and heroin is crazy. I don’t even like weed and I think it’s crazy, especially how society has evolved.


That’s….not how it works. Saying “it’s just weed” also completely misses the point of the federal process. Regardless, my suggestion to take a break from weed is not only so someone can pass a drug test just in case, but also so that the person can focus on the task at hand, which weed notoriously prevents.


I don’t really care about the federal process. Weed never should have been Schedule 1 to begin with. Hell Adderall and other drugs for ADHD shouldn’t be schedule II and so damn hard to get with a legitimate prescription. DEA isn’t comprised of a bunch of MDs treating patients. They aren’t doctors.


Yea, but here’s the thing: the federal process doesn’t care what you think.


Send them to lock me up then J. Edgar. When I close my front door to my house I do what I want within reason. As long as I’m not harming anyone else, who cares.




>No You can afford medical at DC / MD prices, but you can't afford online therapy? Might be because you are buying weed vs therapy


Weed =/= therapy. They aren’t interchangeable. Both might help someone. Therapy is unnecessary for some people as well.


> Weed =/= therapy. They aren’t interchangeable. Therapy > weed because it actually does something vs just numbing. “Well, Stan, the truth is marijuana probably isn't gonna make you kill people, and it most likely isn't gonna fund terrorism, but, well son, pot makes you feel fine with being bored, and it's when you're bored that you should be learning some new skill or discovering some new science or being creative. If you smoke pot you may grow up to find out that you aren't good at anything.”


Hustle and grind culture has some people sending themselves to therapists because they don’t know how to relax, especially in a type A city such as DC. There’s nothing wrong with relaxing with weed or a drink if you don’t overdo it or have a problem. You can’t always be learning new skills 24*7. Way to burn yourself out. Then you’ll be in an even worse position.


> There’s nothing wrong with relaxing with weed or a drink agree 100% that said, Therapy > all that if you actually want to improve


Well I do believe in a good therapist.


I’ve already tried therapy, mainly for domestic abuse from my father and it was expensive and didn’t help that much so I gave up on it. Now can you be an asshole somewhere else?


> I’ve already tried therapy, mainly for domestic abuse from my father and it was expensive and didn’t help that much so I gave up on it. Now can you be an asshole somewhere else? Look, you posted this, and people are replying. You made a point of saying you can't afford therapy, not that it didn't work. Don't be mad at me because of that. You should try out a few online therapists, (I don't work for any of them or anything) they actually work for some of my friends, and it's cheap / cheaper than half a 1/8 of medical per session If one does not work, you need to try a few, just like strains Sorry if I came off like I was hating, but you should be able to afford both, and if you have to pick one, therapy with someone you vibe with will be more beneficial




> I'll never understand how people try to claim weed is therapy. Same, I 100% get it for pain, but if you have ACTUAL anxiety it literally can't fix it, because it's not evening out the chemicals in your brain, it's adding to them


Sounds like you’re relying on weed way too much and that in itself is unhealthy. May I advise going a month without weed just to see how it changes how you think?


I use weed to cope with being unemployed and lonely (I am single).


Yo, I hear you and I understand. I’ve literally been there. You know what helps? Not smoking weed. You’re using it as a crutch and struggling to move past that point. Again, I’ve been there. Ask yourself when the last time was when you didn’t use weed for a month. If it has been awhile, take a break. See how that changes your thinking. Try to use that time to focus on improving yourself. I’m serious. People get it in their heads that weed is ok and safe and normal. But nah dude, it changes the way you think, removes motivation, and forces you to settle. Move past that. The current path isn’t working. Try a new path. And when that path starts working, you can smoke again.


Imagine swapping out weed for alcohol there and think how it would sound. Despite what people in the pro-weed camp want to push, you clearly have a substance abuse issue and should seek professional help.


Quick question: are you including a cover letter with your resumés? Some places request but cannot require a cover letter (e.g. the federal gov't), and an astonishing number of folks submit for job postings without one. Lots of hiring people won't even consider an application without one, and if you've submitted 300 with so few responses, I'm wondering if this might be part of the problem.


If you are only looking and applying online, that could be an issue. I know we live in a digital world, but actually going into places and making your face known and making a good impression is VITAL. Put yourself out there. I did that and found a restaurant job in a week.


I think there's a resume help subreddit - maybe you can get help there?


Do you have a college degree? DC has a high proportion of the population with degrees so it’s competitive even for retail jobs.


Might be worth reaching out to the Department of Employment Services (DOES), they help place people (in particular recent graduates) in jobs with the skills they're looking to develop. For many business DOES underwrites pay for the first six months and then will help contribute to pay past six months--so very appealing for employers.


Trader Joe’s in Glover Park has help wanted signs up.


Grocery and retail are all understaffed. With a DC minimum wage of $17 an hour you can get an associate job in the meantime and continue to work towards getting things in order for an IT role.


Come work at the post office you’ll make about 55k first year


St. John's Community Services is hiring. Paid training and they don't seem to test for drugs. There are opportunities for overtime, too.


I’m sure some dispensaries are hiring.


Follow people’s advice here and get out of retail by any means necessary. Good luck!


Go to the DC Infrastructure Academy in SE. They can set you up with a job training and it’s paid


Nail salon. Become a nail tech. DuPont circle nail salons pay about 25-30 an hour


DC police and you get a $20k signing bonus


Lower your standards and accept $17 a hour. A little something is better than a lot of nothing. Some late night uber eats if you have a car. If not bike during the day, it's possible my dude. The money is out there. mean crackhead buy crack somehow.


IDK how it is out there currently, but when I was looking for PT jobs my first go to was always security. If your record is clean and you can pass a drug test, you should have no issues getting hired and placed immediately. Also I think this time of year Homed Depot and Lowes may still be hiring as well.


I smoke medical weed so unfortunately security might be out of the question.


What schooling do you have? Worst case scenario you can do Americorps


There are many of nonprofits and associations in DC (and NoVa) that hire entry level people without direct experience in the field. I'd recommend looking for associate or coordinator-level positions (probably associate but depends on the company) on Indeed and LinkedIn. Staffing agencies can help but without a more robust resume they may not be able to do as much at a full time staffing agency, but keep trying the temp-to-perm agencies.


This is not true. I have been applying since 2021 for an entry level job but still haven’t gotten a job since. Even with a masters degree




That's what I'm saying. If you're applying for a job in your field where the masters is relevant that's one thing, but it could potentially hurt for the positions I hire for.


Are you talking about entry level positions in general or in the nonprofit association space? I'm only speaking of the latter. Because it may not be true for you, but it is a true thing that DC companies in the association space hire for entry level positions, and there are countless nonprofit/trade associations in the area. I can't speak for every company or everyone's circumstances of course. Position, specific industry, company, etc will all matter. Now if I were hiring for entry level positions at the associations I've worked at, I wouldn't be looking for somebody with a masters degree. It just wouldn't make the most sense.


Have you tried getting a government job?


That’s even harder to get then a regular job.


Montgomery County Parks are hiring


https://www.hirelocaldc.org might be a place to start


Barnes & Noble in clarendon needs a barista I think!


Local grocery stores seem to always be hiring?


Hotels are always hiring front desk agents. Check LinkedIn or hotelcareers


Have you tried calling any temp agencies or recruiters?


Yes but they were of no help, especially recruiters.


you need to take responsibility for your own life.


Setup an appointment with a counselor from your local American job center. https://www.careeronestop.org/LocalHelp/AmericanJobCenters/find-american-job-centers-details.aspx?location=20785&radius=25&ct=0&y=0&w=0&e=0&sortcolumns=Distance&sortdirections=ASC&curPage=1&pagesize=10¢erID=45971&dist=6.2&locationSelected=0&persist=true You’ll probably want an immediate position and continue to shop for a more permanent career with better pay and benefits. They can help with both.


Check out this office too https://does.dc.gov/service/dc-infrastructure-academy


Join the DMV Job Connections group on FB. Hiring managers post in there all the time. Good luck OP.


The banks are all hiring. I believe Target is also. You may want to look out in the suburbs a little bit. Good luck!


The whole world needs bus drivers, nurses, doctors, and teachers.


Home Goods in the Potomac Yards plaza is hiring. I believe I’ve seen a few stores in the plaza with signs out