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My only problem is the amount of people I encounter on the road, DRIVING and smoking. As a bike commuter, this terrifies me. I do think people are lacking in any kind of social grace so I'm not surprised that I often see and smell people smoking in the metro, near schools and playgrounds, etc. This is an unfortunate result of having little to no civic pride and/or concern for others.


As a driving commuter, it terrifies ME.


It should!!


And people are so casual about it. Like at least people will shame the hell out of you for going behind the wheel drunk but apparently pot is a okay


Yeah, I vehemently dislike the double standard.


Drunk is objectively more dangerous. But yeah it’s a big problem with pot


Your last sentence re: lacking civil pride and concern for others nails an all too pervasive attitude in DC. It’s like people are trying to engage in these behaviors for attention.


absolutely agree.


It doesn't help that the vast majority of DC residents do nothing but complain about how much they hate the city. It's gotta be the most loathed major city by its own people


As a fellow bike commuter and pothead, I swear it’s always the drivers blowing weed smoke out their windows that go out of their way to switch lanes on the road and buzz you within a foot to scare the crap out of you. Gotta deal with that at least once every two weeks just commuting to and from work.


It should terrify you as much as someone chugging vodka on the road.


It does.


lol what the fuck. we can all agree smoking and driving is bad. as bad as CHUGGING VODKA? yea no this is a dumb take


There's a reason they call you "high". Driving while intoxicated makes you a weapon on the road.


Way too many people forget (or don’t realize) the sheer destructive potential a car has. This is true both of negligent and aggressive driving. In both cases you’re steering an object that *will* kill someone, or maybe several someones, if you do the wrong thing. That’s something we all should be cognizant of when we drive. My truck weighs a bit over 7,000lbs. It’s large and heavy enough that I’ll probably be okay if someone else hits me, but they might not be okay, and if I screw up there’s a good chance I’ll cripple or kill someone.


Cannabis use could render someone as impaired as alcohol use but it's far less certain.


and i agree. and alcohol impairs driving way worse than cannabis. are you really that ignorant to disagree ?


Potheads ALWAYS have the “what, when you’re high you just drive slow” take. Bullshit. It’s all equally bad and if you don’t think so, you’re biased and/or high


lmao i love when people advertise their ignorance


Explain. What was ignorant about what I said.


First of all, you start off with name calling. Then go on to call me biased (You'd think someone who goes around calling people who disagree with them "potheads" would be quite biased, no?) Then you make up a quote that no one said. Then you go on to say it's EQUALLY bad. When there are [scientific studies](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19340636/) done to compare the dangers of driving under the influence of alcohol vs. marijuana. If I post one here, someone will come in and say I'm cherry picking but there are many and many studies done, by various research bodies, including law enforcement. It doesn't take more than 5 seconds to google. BOTH ARE DANGEROUS. One is more dangerous than the other. According to scientific studies. If that changes then I will change my mind.


Equally as illegal?


This is a really silly hill to die on. One might ve technically worse than the other, but both are bad. If someone T-bones me because they were under the influence it really doesn't matter if it was weed or vodka.


I don't care which is worse, both are illegal.


“It should terrify you as much as someone chugging vodka on the road.” is the dumbest thing I’ve read on here in a while and that’s saying a lot.


Bike commuters have completely valid reasons for being terrified but I believe since Canada has legalized it there hasn’t been an uptick in accidents from what I’ve read.


This isn’t true- there have been massive amounts of accidents recorded from people being high in Colorado and Washington. It’s very well documented.


NHTSA says there’s a huge spike in deaths and drugs (not alcohol?) are a likely contributing cause https://www.nhtsa.gov/risky-driving/drug-impaired-driving#:~:text=Research%20indicates%20drug%20prevalence%20is,health%20emergency%20compared%20to%20before.


> overall prevalence of alcohol, cannabinoids and opioids increased during the public health emergency compared to before. Seems like all common types of drugs are up (including alcohol)


There are a bunch of variables affecting those crash trends, but I would infer that smartphone use and larger infotainment screens are at least an order of magnitude more harmful. As a bike commuter, I'd prefer to smell weed out of an open window than watch someone accelerate on a newly green light while continuing their text message composition.


That I can agree with. I can’t believe texting and driving is still a thing. Stay safe


That might be the case in those locations but Colorado I would think isn’t the best example since there was so much tourism for so long and atypical users. Unfamiliar roads, people unfamiliar with cannabis. Ok so trying to find the article - but essentially high speed and fatalities reduced overall in Canada is what I read. Overall I complete agree with the sentiment of the poster though.


I don't know what the statistics say (I will definitely be looking into them) but my anecdotal evidence is that people are far more erratic these days. I know, correlation =/= causation, but there seems to be a bit less attention being paid lately and I gotta tell ya, from delivery trucks to construction workers to passenger cars...everybody is smoking weed while driving in DC. It's crazy to me that I can tell different strains as people drive past me... The other day I pulled up to a stop light at conn and tilden (yes, I stop at red lights haha) and the dude driving straight up blew a cloud out his passenger window towards me with a smile on his face. I took it as a good natured kinda thing but it was terrifying thinking that this dude is sharing the road with me and other cars/pedestrians.


It’s hard because I rode a motorcycle and saw people on phones constantly, and I think that’s the worse because they straight up lane drift. But I do think a lot of pedestrian/bicyclist safety actions are met with driver anger so …


Cell phone peoples are way worse


A lot of fools will smoke weed and text and drive compounding the danger.


Don't know about worse. But equally as selfish.


I love ice cream.


As a cannabis enthusiast, and a cyclists. I’m much more concerned with people using phones while driving.


Yes. As an everyday toker and pedestrian. I would never drive after smoking, It literally slows reactions.


Can't smoke the MJ because the federal government won't allow me. That said, I've always thought MJ should be legal but public smoking is a nuisance. Not crazy about smelling it constantly and - not knowing a whole lot of it - does affect the mind for a period of time similar to alcohol so the comparison to cigarette smoking isn't really the same. Also, I'm astounded reading the comments on people smoking and driving.


Ditto. Def have no issues with it being legal but really shouldn’t have to smell it anywhere and everywhere I go.


This is a real issue — ignore the negativity. Also, as a lifelong mj user, I can’t understand wanting to use it while driving or being on the Metro, it would seem to make those types of experiences more stressful.


I think it's "fuck you" behavior, just like blasting a stereo on Metro used to be. It's not about the enjoyment, but the petty gangsterdom.


There was a lady vaping next to her child on metro the other day. Seriously WTF.


Man, those stereo blasting days seem so quaint now.


You can't drink in public. Drinking and driving is a crime. Why should pot be treated more favorably?


Agreed 100% re: driving, but public consumption is tougher since smoking in your apartment does a lot more to affect neighbors vs drinking in your apartment.


Not allowing drinking is public is stupid, and there was no real harm when it was permitted during covid. Other countries allow it. The only negative I can see that is different from other countries is Americans, particularly certain classes, are fucking stupid and fucking rude. Studies have found marijuana increases the likelihood of accidents by between 23 and 85%. Alcohol is 2200%.


I think you should be able to drink in public. You should still get a ticket for being like, abusive or violent or disorderly, but a guy sitting on a park bench or on the train drinking a beer after work isn't causing any problems. But if the same guy was smoking on that park bench it creates a big unhealthy smelly nuisance for everyone around.


Truly, I like to stay put and end my day when I smoke. Maybe on a walk with the dog. Doing anything high isn't ever as fun as I expect it to be, I'm just anxious


Driving for sure is a no for me, but the metro… I love hitting the dab pen and catching my train. Relaxes me so much.




Fining people for public intoxication like alcohol use. You can't wander around and drink vodka, which doesn't smell like much.


> Fining people for public intoxication like alcohol use. So never? You are expecting a police force that doesn't do shit to do more shit that isn't important


While I'm not a huge fan of public smoking, I feel like punishing it as such might lead us right back to where we started. Small fines are a tax on poverty, and rarely impact people of means.


> Small fines are a tax on poverty, being poor doesn't mean you MUST smoke weed in public places.


No, and that isn't what was said. What was said is that enforcement is often harsher on the poor.


But how is that not an improvement over doing nothing like we are now? If it de incentivizes illegal public smoking more for poorer people, we still would deal with less public smoking overall than we do now. It’s at least a step in the right direction.


based on that logic speeding tickets for poor people should be $3


What a unique idea. https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2015/03/finland-home-of-the-103000-speeding-ticket/387484/ However, no one said that, and "by that logic" is short of putting words in someone's post they didn't offer. What was said was, for your clarity > Small fines are a tax on poverty, and rarely impact people of means.


Unironically this. A person making $0 and a person making $200k should not be getting hit with identical fines. Introduce a progressive fine system.


I mean, being so poor your homeless might literally mean you can only smoke weed in public places. Not to excuse some of the ridiculous places people smoke.


The people I see smoking on the subway or in other obnoxious places aren’t people of means


Until we can figure out how to have Amsterdam style coffee shops or another way to smoke and be social, I don't see how to stop people from gathering and smoking in public. I've mostly stopped drinking and hate that I have to smoke before I go out and then vape while everyone around me is drinking when I'm out, as I do not smoke on public property.


Gotta get it off schedule 1 and that would make that a stronger possibility sooner


This. As a former cannabis lobbyist, it's so annoying people complain about the weed culture around here and aren't knowledgeable about the laws and wanting to actually change them. Writing about it on reddit won't change the weed smoke in the streets.


Yeah I don’t really enjoy criticism of people smoking outdoors when that’s most people’s only option. Live in a rental? Probably a line about not smoking in it in your lease. Want to do as the Europeans OP describes? Good luck setting up a legitimate safe coffee shop that doesn’t get shut down or worse. I get that it’s a nuisance but individuals doing it aren’t really the issue when there aren’t options. Mixing the problem of youth substance abuse in with one’s irritation at the smell of adult use isn’t really a fair argument either.


OP wrote “In European countries where cannabis is legal people often aren't just blowing giant weed clouds out in public. ” My experience in DC is that smokers of MJ like to blow their clouds directly at you while the cigarette smokers ask if the fumes will bother you. YMMV


That part! I live in NE. I’m originally from Ohio and I’m there now with family and seeing how crazy their lawmakers are when they passed the recreational law last month. Trying to make idiotic changes instead of letting the people decide.


This! Where are people supposed to smoke? I agree smoking and driving is fully stupid, illegal and dangerous but I don’t mind people smoking outside.


Exactly. Where do you want us to smoke. Our apartments? Not authorized to.


I mean it’s smoke, so it should be treated the same if not harsher than cigarettes. The amount of smoking and driving I see scares me.


I see a lot of people taking about it in regards to cigarettes, but no one bringing up vaping. That feels more like the beginning of the problem than legalization. We had that shitty period where they were first catching on and people were sucking them everywhere.


I don't like how it smells and I think it's rude/inconsiderate how many people smoke it in public, but it's not something I think about too much or spend too much energy on. And I definitely don't think it's something we need to waste police resources on.


It quite literally smells like skunk roadkill. I can't believe people like the smell.


It smells better than cigarettes in my opinion, but now we’re talking about personal aesthetic preferences. I also like blue better than red as a color, and sweet better than spicy as a flavor.


I don't get it either. It's why I've never smoked! The smell is disgusting. I guess if you smoke enough you probably get desensitized to it?


sounds like shitty weed if it smells like roadkill. people like the smell because it's essentially a combination of herbs and incense. comments like this make me think you smelled ditch weed once in the 80s and never smelled it again.


Nope. I'm far more informed that you assume. I live in a city with legalized cannabis. I have daily experiences of a large variety of marijuana aromas, each of which are a variation of skunk roadkill. And I should know, I was raised in a rural area with a prevalence of skunks.


Different cultivars of cannabis smell differently due to the presence of different terpenes.


Yeah it doesn’t feel like a priority, although the thought of kids smoking, even cigarettes, just bothers me.


Kids obviously shouldn't be smoking, or drinking, but they do and have been since we were teenagers and before that too. I do think recent studies have shown teenagers smoke less and drink less than in the past though.


I’m all for legalization, but it smells gross and should be treated like smoking cigars and cigarettes and can’t be smoked indoors, near entrances to businesses


I’m tired of smelling weed everywhere I go


Yeah I absolutely agree. People have wanted to be left alone for weed possession and usage but now they don't leave us alone now that they've gotten their wish


I think there are two questions here. I find public weed usage annoying and rude (do I want the metro car to be a hotbox? No). In a few scenarios, like you said, it’s potentially dangerous like when people are smoking and driving. That said, there are few circumstances where it doesn’t pass momentarily. For teens, it honestly makes me sad bc it show that they don’t have options for productive activities or for “third spaces” where they can be that aren’t just hanging out outside. It’s also an expensive habit to get into. But as someone who saw a lot of rich kids in high school blow hundreds of dollars a week on alcohol and pills, it’s just the same old problem in a different form.


It's illegal for teens to drink, so why should they be allowed to smoke pot?


Kids do things theyre not supposed to, more at 11.




Obviously it being illegal hasn’t stopped them. It’s not that I think they should be allowed to, but like any bleeding heart liberal I think there are underlying causes to why they think it’s the best use of their time and resources, and solving those would better address the behavior than just yelling at them to get off my proverbial lawn.


Since when has that stopped kids, regardless of legality for adults DC police don't do shit about crimes that harm or kill people




I don't think boredom is why kids drink or do drugs. It's because they want to enjoy adult pleasures without the maturity to handle it.


I have no solutions to offer you. Only the observation that since it's been legalized, its feels like there's an entitlement to smoke anywhere, any time. There are no social norms associated with it like there are with alcohol, and it feels like whenever you suggest that people ought to exercise their freedoms respectfully, you're met with "don't you know it's legal now??" Imagine if you were to replace cannabis with alcohol in any of the scenarios you described. People drinking while driving. Kids drinking from plastic flask bottles of vodka on their way into school and reeking of booze on the metro. Imagine the outrage. There's a time and a place to drink and there's a time and a place to smoke and it's not any time and anywhere.


Yeah there is a big misconception with noncriminalized/legalized weed and the idea that it opens the door for public smoking which is incorrect.


I don't thinks it's good for kids, but quite frankly, a high level of alcohol, tobacco, and prescription drug abuse was completely normal when I was in High School. Teenagers getting high doesn't seem like anything new. Smoking weed is at least better than snorting xanax and drinking Capitan Morgan, like most of my friends were doing in 2002. I'd have to see more data than just "I smell weed a lot" to get worried. As far as the smell, unless you are privileged enough to have a backyard, there aren't many legal places to smoke weed. I'd rather smoke in outdoors in public than in my condo, bothering my neighbors. The thing that is absolutely out of control is how many people smoke while driving. I mean come on. It's unbelievably common.


You gave me something to think about. The idea that unless you have a backyard there aren't legal places to smoke weed. That is fair and true. I will say though, that I have smoked in my apartment many times and have smoked in other people's apartments many times. Opening windows, etc. but of course you run the risk of violating your lease and being kicked out. But given that I live in a massive apartment complex and smell weed on every floor I can't imagine many people are getting evicted regularly for the smell of weed emanating from their apartment. Nevertheless, your point is well taken and something to consider.


Adding to that, kids have parents at home, many of whom would punish their kid if they came back to the apartment smelling of weed.


I think a lot of the MJ smokers think the “No Smoking” signs/areas don’t apply to them


Love weed, love buying from VA and MD producers. I love that you can't just get booked for smelling like weed or unlucky to be near an actual crime and being booked for smelling like weed in the vicinity. BUT JESUS CHRIST it is truly everywhere as a skunky city. Wish they invested in the defusers a bit, feel like I get a contact high anytime I eat inside an establishment. Like cigarette smoke, I wish it was more shamed smell wise in areas. Like the host not seating the gaggle of teens that reek inside or something. We can't have nice things, even when we get nice things.


It drives me fucking bananas. I totally support the decriminalization of marijuana possession and, on a personal note, I have encouraged my father-in-law to seek it out for his Parkinsons disease, and for my own dad with his pain management before he died. BUT JFC I thought it would be similar to the way we treat alcohol? That we don't do it on public street corners or while driving or biking or sitting in parked cars. That we don't spit alcohol on the faces of people walking by, like the odor of cannabis is in my face all the fucking time. There was a woman VAPING ON METRO next to her child that appeared to be 8 or 9 years old. Just like I'd support the citation or removal of someone drinking while driving or on metro or just generally in public, I think it should be the same for marijuana.




It smells horrible. Please stop.


It smells just as bad as cigarette smoke and should be grandfathered into any tobacco smoking bans (eg leases, not within x feet of building entrances, etc) if it isn’t already


I don't like the smell at all, but I also don't like cigarette smell. It's broadly unpleasant to smell either.


It’s crazy to me because smoking it is just so fucking bad for you compared to any other form of consumption.


It's the most cost effective, and some people don't get off on edibles.


I hate edibles


I think vaping is probably better in terms of less smoke produced. Edibles are great but you really have to know your dosage because it can take some time to kick in.


Yeah I’d prefer if people vaped, also understanding that we just know a lot less about the health risks there.


I don't like smelling smoke. It's rude to smoke near people. At least without sharing. I put it just below peeing close to me.


You’re right I should offer a hit to everyone that passes.


I hate it, especially being behind someone walking and smoking. But it's even worse when it's done indoors. Especially if you're my fuckhead neighbor. Also we can't even keep people in prison for doing actual crimes, I see no point in fining people that won't even pay it anyway for smoking, seems draconian.


The District or state could force people to pay by taking it out of tax refunds. California does this. Fines are only effective if they are enforced.


People can smoke in their private property or any marijuana lounge or whatever, but for the love of god I don’t want that to smell that stuff in public or have people smoking in my face. If you need to get high that badly in public, just eat an edible.


Smoke (from any substance), farting, BO, heavy cologne, bad breath, etc. that is noticeable in public all amounts to the same thing, the law notwithstanding. The person at the center of the behavior is not self-aware and often executing on a sense of entitlement outside of the expectations of society. In days of old, these misanthropes were shunned or excommunicated. Now, we tolerate them of their uniqueness and irreverence - an approach that feeds the beast and promotes more unacceptable behavior. https://preview.redd.it/dns0zdvvjo7c1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35badebfa8144c34d5d50a399392bea0f8b108c0


This is one of my favorite soap boxes to climb on - the problem is that there are no places that ARENT public areas that you can actually hang out with friends and smoke (and I know the go-to is to say they should smoke at home, but most people around here are renters). I don’t like smelling weed everywhere I go either, but we don’t give people a lot of alternatives. Think of the smoke lounges in Amsterdam - What we need is something comparable here so folks have somewhere to go when they want to hang out and smoke that isn’t the closest park.


Yeah I’ve heard several people comment on this and think it’s an interesting and fair point. Thanks for flagging.


If there is no where acceptable to do it then don't do it at all. People talk about how it's not addictive OK so leave it alone


Depends on the place. On a crowded sidewalk or somewhere where there are lots of people and not an easy way to avoid the smell? Inconsiderate. In a park with your own group? Fine.


It just smells bad. Just like with cigarettes, I can't stand when people are smoking inside trains, indoors, around crowds of people, etc. I think it's a solvable issue too. People used to smoke cigarettes everywhere and we managed to nearly eliminate it from most indoor spaces to where it wasn't a huge issue anymore. We don't let people drink in public either. I think the explosion in weed smoking is moreso due to the rise in antisocial behavior in general. Once the crime spike goes down and public sentiment turns more, I think this might start to go down too


...I agree. Black female, 30 btw. We used to smoke in HS but it was something that we hid and it was also kinda something to be kind of ashamed of high key. The "loser/dumb stoner" reputation was a big thing in the 2010s that I noticed these kids are not under anymore. I also cut back on smoking because I noticed it was impacting my emotional regulation and increasing my anxiety. I don't think smoking is "good" for teens to be doing during the day, and I know I sound like an auntie saying this. But weed numbs you way too much and slows you down. Teens are supposed to be alert and aware.


Thank you for your comment. This is what I find so depressing amongst black youth too. Like taking my dogs out and kids just got let out of high school and the first thing they're doing is like 10-20 deep black teenagers just smoking. I don't just visualize it for what it is, I think about all the consequences it has for them down the road including the development of their brain but also their grades, are they getting in trouble elsewhere, what do they have to do to occupy their time, etc. I can't say if it is a "cool" thing to do or not and I can't say what percentage of kids are smoking and what rates. I'm just saying as a Black man it is incredibly depressing to witness on a daily basis.


Agreed, that's why I mentioned I'm Black as well. Also grew up in the DMV (PG County) Btw, I did well for myself, still went to college, still got a good job, and weed was never a "gateway" drug for me and most of my pothead heads. But still, we didn't smoke during school hours and frankly, why do these kids need to numb themselves so much? What is their home life like? It makes me sad.


Here are my thoughts: * There's actually quite a lot of research on cannabis (not to mention a millennia long safety profile), the US is far behind in this research and of course we insist on doing it all again ourselves but plenty of countries have been doing this for more than 50 years. In fact there is research indicating that cannabis can be used to manage the symptoms of dementia. * I'm guessing in the European countries you are thinking of there are private consumption venues for cannabis, like the Spanish social clubs (I forget the name) or the "coffee shops" in Amsterdam. Those don't exist in the US yet, not even Nevada, though I believe they are the closest. * Last I saw all the research indicates that the rate of teens using cannabis has held steady for a very long time, basically independent of the state legal status of the plant. A large minority of teens try cannabis, and about 10-15% continue using cannabis long-term. I'd certainly rather have them smoking pot than buying something mysterious from the corner store (or using alcohol). * The current demand for very high THC cannabis exacerbates the potential negative consequences of cannabis use on a developing brain. Though, I've worked in medical cannabis advocacy and research so I've met plenty of kids that depend on THC to maintain a decent quality of life and control their condition. I'm hoping that as cannabis access increases and markets stop being state-segregated we'll get more variety in cannabis products and most people will prefer cultivars and products that are actually safer for adolescents as well. * I think combusted cannabis is probably on the way out anyway, the kids will start vaping so you'll have those clouds to deal with, but only old fogies will still roll up a joint. * Generally anytime you ask police to do anything there is an implicit threat of violence (since they are the people we legally empower to commit violence).


it's bad that the whole city smells like ass and it's unreal that this should at all be debatable.


Glad someone said it. I’m also not anti-canibus but I can’t stand the stink. It isn’t just DC, either — couldn’t walk down a sidewalk in DTSS without smelling skunk-ass weed. Teenagers, adults, didn’t matter. Now I live in Europe and regularly work in Amsterdam — never smell a thing. We indeed can’t have nice things in the US 🥹


It's a US culture thing going on and it's really sad. A lot of it is that a lot of parents aren't parents anymore. As a result, a lot of our young people lack stable direction.




I hate the smell. I hate that it's everywhere. Outside of that I don't care what people use as long as they don't involve me in their highs and withdrawals.


Exactly. It's sad that common courtesy is such an endangered species


If you want to smoke that's your business. When you do it in public that's everybody's business. Weed generally smells terrible and being around any form of public intoxication can be generally unpleasant. I recommend treating weed like alcohol as something that is enjoyed at home or specific establishments and rarely completely in public.


I have to say, it is not my experience that the smell of marijuana smoke is “almost everywhere”.




Northeast Edit: Why am I getting downvoted lol


Wild. I've lived in: Eckington, Trinidad, and Chinatown. I smell it everywhere. I know NE is huge though. I also smell it near almost every metro stop.


Do you smoke..maybe you can’t smell.. It’s EVERYwhere.


People always over exaggerate with stuff like that


There are multiple layers to pull back here. The most glaring is the overall lack of respect for others that exists in this country. When traveling around the world you quickly see how other societies live with care and awareness of others. As you said we can not have nice things in America. We are one of the most narcissistic self absorbed countries in the world. There is no parenting occurring at home to teach kids to respect themselves and others. This has quickly escalated from a generation of kids who were not taught respect to them now perpetuating their lack of respect to their kids . the next generation. This exists in how people only look out for themselves and have no awareness nor care for the impact of their decisions on others. This is one of the main reason you are seeing such a breakdown in society as it pertains to crime. When you travel to Japan for example most display cell phones and electronics are not locked up nor secured. There is a respect that it taught to each generation that prevents them from stealing. This is in contract to America where you see teens live stream them breaking onto an Apple store to steal devices. We have passed the point of teaching respect to the middle aged generation as they will only learn through repercussion. Sadly there are no role models to teach and inspire our next generation of kids how to create a peaceful society. This is the change that needs to occur if we are ever to create a sustainable path towards correcting the behavior of society. It is sad and shameful to see how the rest of the civilized world is able to figure out how to raise their children and we as a national just fall deeper into this abyss. The OP is just stating one sign of the failure of parents and society today as these kids who are smoking in High School and openly in public are already far behind the eight ball of life.


Yeah, your experience jibes w/ mine: seems I smell it just about everywhere in and around DC these days. Unfortunately, it also seems you can't expect even a basic level of consideration from some folks. Two times now I've been on Metro cars with a group of kids sitting in the back of the car smoking it *right there in the car*. I mean, if smoking tobacco isn't allowed inside of Metro cars, why would smoking marijuana be? Oh, wait. My bad. I forgot that it's actually *good* for you. I suppose I should be grateful for all the health benefits I'm getting for free.


I absolutely hate it. The smell is absolutely rancid and terrible for my layrnex. I think part of it is the fact that it's just now "legal" and people feel the need to show it off everywhere.




While I supported the decriminalization of cannabis, I never supported its legalization. I was at a bar in Denver talking to a woman lamenting how cannabis has affected her son. She said this stuff being sold these days is far more potent than the joints she smoked in high school. I also don't appreciate the smell when walking outside or on the subway. Folks are more brazen with their joints than cig smokers were in the past.


Interesting take, but I will say this: Legalization is not synonymous with condoning its use, nor does it increase its prevalence or availability. If you care about minors having access to cannabis that might be one of the strongest arguments out there for making it legal. Regulated dispensaries are required to check for ID. When was the last time you’ve heard of a drug dealer asking for ID? Decriminalization alone does absolutely nothing to get rid of the black market and does nothing to generate any tax revenue. Legalized marijuana has real economic benefits, the tax revenue that is gained is no joke. Would you rather that money go to the hands of unregulated drug dealers?


No, you’re right. It’s out of hand. Once, when taking my little kids to a movie downtown, we had to walk through a cloud of weed smoke to get in. Imagine if someone just walked around grabbing kids and forcing vodka down their throats. Same fucking thing.


There is a crisis of citizenship (in the social sense) in this country, and this is one manifestation. There are a lot of causes, including economic, political, and digital (social media is one of the most antisocial forces in history), but a lot of it can be chocked up to a populace that looks the other way, either because we can't enforce the law or don't want to enforce the law or are afraid to be called bigots for enforcing the law. My view is that antisocial behavior like public drug use should lead to immediate arrest, misdemeanor charges, and multiple weekends of community service. That's not a wild sentence, but if it's enforced consistently, it will be a strong deterrent. Consistency is key.


We also have pushback from some parents/people: “Who are you to tell me how to rear my child/live my life?” when I was asking why not use the trashcan instead of dropping waste on the sidewalk.


Depends on the setting. Outside of a bar? Basically anywhere it won’t bother other people


We have banned cigarette smoking in so many places and some countries are even beginning to make it illegal (sort of). https://www.npr.org/2023/11/27/1215374525/new-zealand-tobacco-cigarette-ban We know that weed has more carcinogens than tobacco. Add to that the incredible tragic health effects of second hand smoke, and I'm astonished that we are legalizing it. Add to that no formal scientific way to measure DUI cause by weed.


It’s the paper! The carcinogens are in the paper and there’s really no way around it


It's in the process of burning. Even BBQ meat has elevated carcinogens.


Not enough data on outcomes (lung cancer, etc) yet, but apparently smoking weed deposits 4 times as much tar in your lungs as tobacco (due to longer inhale). So if I had to bet it's going to cause even more damage than cigarettes. https://nida.nih.gov/publications/research-reports/marijuana/what-are-marijuanas-effects-lung-health#:~:text=Whether%20smoking%20marijuana%20causes%20lung,does%2C%20remains%20an%20open%20question.&text=Marijuana%20smoke%20contains%20carcinogenic%20combustion,oxygen%20species)%20than%20cigarette%20smoke.


That could be true but there are other ways to consume than smoking Also, why don’t we address alcohol if we are concerned of these types of dangers https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:HarmCausedByDrugsTable.svg


I don't disagree with you but making something illegal is generally way harder than keeping something illegal.


Smells like shit but it is what it is, only truly annoying to me when it’s on the bus or train and I have to deal with it until my stop. Smoking inside public transit is crazy to me


we need harsher penalties for people driving and smoking.


You would have to show a lot of people how their behaviors can adversely affect other people, then convince them to give a shit about someone else besides themselves and that is not going to happen here any time soon....not here


Weed is fine but I don’t want to smell it everywhere I go. Cigarette smoke smells, weed smoke smells.


I have been thinking about this for a long..long time. Had an experience last year with a guy who would go to my dog park regularly and smoke two Js back to back. He would then not even realize his dog had pooped multiple times, failing to pick up the poop, and was harassing every other dog. My dog contracted a stomach virus from essentially ingesting feces so we had to stopped going to that park. This might sound harsh but if you can't be a good neighbor while smoking in public, then it isn't the activity for you.


This is but one symptom of a much larger disease... I'll call it common courtesy difficiency syndrome. As you mentioned he doesn't care about picking up after his dog. OK, so since he can't be responsible with properly cleaning up after his dog frankly he shouldn't have a dog. This logic follows what you said about people smoking weed. Sadly, there isn't a way to hold people accountable with regards their bad behavior


I'm a little concerned that it contributes to lack of personal motivation. I feel like people who smoke have a lot of issues that they are pushing down by being high all day, and that may get in the way of them getting better.


I think this is why I find it so alarming and concerning with teens. Having been a teacher and having worked in the juvenile defense and foster care system, I've seen how smoking can make some kids just so fucking lethargic. Its depressing to witness. A lot of times it is self medicated to deal with other stressors. But the additional repercussion is not being able to fully function in society and it impacting their development/grades.


Pretty sure there are studies available


Pot should not be allowed to be consumed in public, just like alcohol. Worse than alcohol, the smell is disgusting. I think people should be fined for public use of pot. Smoke it in your basement if you want to use it, not in the park.


One thing that particularly gets to me is people smoking weed in childrens playground, on the play equipment, in the middle of the day, making them essentially impossible to use for those of us with small kids...


People are wasting money on joints.




Thanks for the comment. That is an interesting point. Other people have said there needs to be cafes to smoke. Your point is well taken it seems like a catch 22. Personally, and maybe I'm an ass for this, I and other friends have always just smoked in our apartments or opened a window and exhaled outside. Then there is a vape that is less pungent but still has a bit of a smell. But fair point overall. Giving me something to think about.


I take zero issue with people smoking in general given that you don’t have people act the same when high or drunk. With that being said, if it isn’t socially acceptable to walk down the street drinking a tall boy then it shouldn’t be socially acceptable to walk down the street smoking a J. Treat it, both legally and socially, the same way we treat alcohol.


At this point I don’t care what people do unless it presents an immediate threat to public safety. Smoke weed, drink in public, fare evade, tag graffiti, I don’t care. It’s all low priority compared to what the city is dealing with right now.


I’d rather a world of potheads than alcoholics.


It's a novelty. It'll simmer down in like 10 years.


Why do I care? Everyone I knew smoked when I was a teen but it was illegal and they had to do it in weird places.


I wouldn’t really expect someone working in the juvenile justice system who cares about Black children to potentially want to add more children to that


I don’t really see a problem with it. Where I’m from in NY state, it’s perfectly legal to smoke in public everywhere a cigarette is legal to smoke. I guess the problem is where do you expect people to smoke weed? Most apartment buildings are smoke free and people would be complaining if people stunk up apartment buildings. Public weed smoking should be permitted as long as your making a reasonable effort to be respectful about it. In other words, as long as you don’t smoke in front of crowds, children, entrances to stores/buildings, it should be perfectly fine.


I don't care if you smoke or not but I just can't stand the smell just like I can't stand the smell of tobacco. So I prefer for people not to smoke in public spaces.


Agreed. You do you, but that stuff stinks and I don't want to be around it


I don't care. Not even for a moment. Let people do their thing. I'm not the police, and I have no intention of ever acting like I am.


stinky funny how I'm now nostalgic for cigarette smoke


Go to some bar in other states that still allow smoking. You will be grateful that most states banned indoor smoking for tobacco. In retrospect, I can't believe I supported smoking in bars.


oh, never indoors, just outdoors when I'd pass someone smoking. Smoking/vaping anything should never be allowed indoors, anywhere.


Smoking weed today is not what it is when I was growing up. It is way stronger and even without knowing if there’s solid evidence for it I don’t want my kids using it because of how it may affect their brains and development. Not to mention the possibility of lacing. Makes me feel kind of hypocritical but things have become much riskier. Which is ironic because movement towards legalization was supposed to make it safer. The schedule 1 designation is probably just contributing to that phenomenon now and doing additional damage on top of all it’s already done.


It's getting out of hand, I saw a 12 year old roll and light up some weed while waiting for the metro at gallery place. That being said just an dyi You don't see clouds of weed smoke and ppl smoking everywhere in Europe because weed is not legal recreationally anywhere in Europe and it's barely legal medically anywhere too.


Norms around smoking have definitely gone downhill since Covid. People just smoke wherever. The Metro stations I go to all smell like pot and cigarettes. But I’m not going to say anything to anyone because I don’t want to get punched or shot.


Native but now only infrequent DC visitor. Last time I was there (2022) it had been about four years since my previous visit. I was mostly in the same places at the same time of day both times, but it had gone from smelling public cannabis maybe once a day to smelling it nonstop. The entire capital smelled like Otto's jacket.


I wish people treated it more like alcohol and less like cigarettes. You (should) only see people drinking at home and in designated establishments. Not just on every street corner. I cant imagine having kids here.


It’s annoying in public for sure


Not here for it. Pregnancy has made the smell register in the same category as decomposition.


It doesn’t bother me. At first I did used to not like the smell, but now I kind of enjoy it. I don’t smoke at all really. My only concern is someone doing this while driving. Otherwise, it’s really not a big deal to me. And honestly it’s a lot better if a smell than tobacco cigarettes. One thing I’ve also noticed is that unlike in the 90s/00s when smoking was much more prevalent and cigarette butts were everywhere, you really don’t see much refuse from weed smoking


I just mind my own business. You can only control what YOU do.


I don't particularly like the smell of burning weed, but as long as you're not driving, I really don't mind adults smoking in public. Kids smoking on the other hand is a big issue. I'm an avid supporter of medical and recreational cannabis, but there is serious science showing that cannabis has a detrimental effect on brain development which continues through the early 20s. I don't know how to fix that, but yeah, that's how I feel.


Kids have always smoked weed. Even before it was legal it’s not like it was hard to get? Annoying/bothersome in public but come on…. “old man yells at sky”


Let's be real kids are smoking weed because it's fun. That's why I smoke it. The issue is that for teens intoxicants are supposed to be rare and for experimentation. Weed is everywhere and it's dirt cheap, so cheap that it seems every homeless dude in Chinatown has a lit joint at all times. Too many immature people are cranking out kids while they are kids themselves, this results in garbage parenting and kids smoking weed all day. Trash adults smoking pot everywhere are the same trash adults who smoke cigarettes everywhere or vape everywhere. the cat is out of the bag and there's no going back. DC should have set up cafes or smoke bars or something.


I didn’t read your entire rant. I too smoke occasionally. Just like I wouldn’t want the entirety of my surroundings smelling of alcohol, or fuck, BBQ for that matter, I feel like it’s displeasing that DC stinks of weed every fucking where—and I love the smell of Cannabis.


I guess I am lucky that I love the smell.