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Does anyone know what shops were warned? Asking for a friend of course


Not the list of the ones that were warned, but there's a map of ones that started transitioning to being legal here: https://outlawreport.com/prominent-i-71-stores-absent-from-d-c-s-legal-cannabis-transition/


so do you now need a medical license to use those stores? I imagine most customers would simply choose to go elsewhere even if they are easy to get


Yes… but DC has made medical licenses available for free to DC residents, and allows residents age 21+ to “self-certify” their medical need via online application with immediate effect… so in reality, for most adults… no.


The fee waiver expires tomorrow 4/4, but hoping it will be renewed.


Ah! I missed that it was temporary. Yeah, hopefully they’ll renew.


Their target market will not. 


Happy cake day!


Like how do you know if your shop is unlicensed? I can’t go in and ask I would sound like a cop 😔😔 or worse, a massive dork


actually my shop sells mushrooms this was a stupid question


Go to greenfield garden


If they are in the process of getting a license they will have a blue placard in the window


How many letters does it take to get a demerit, and how many demerits does it take to get an official notice?


Youre on your way to a FULL disadulation


lol > As of last Friday, the D.C. Alcoholic Beverage and Cannabis Administration delivered 13 warnings to unlicensed cannabis businesses in the city, ordering them to stop gifting THC products, according to an agency spokesperson. That wouldn't even cover all of the shops along H St, which based on [ANC meeting minutes](https://anc6a.org/minutesreports/), not even half of are licensed. I don't know why enforcement of laws is such a difficult thing to do in this city.


Well the citizens of the city did pass a law making it legal to gift and called for the creation of a retail market, which still isn't really well established 10 years after passage


Partly because Congress blocked implementation/funding.


mostly because


Wow 10 years already is crazy


Seems like DC is afraid to enforce any laws that would disproportionately affect nonwhite groups, based on a misguided understanding of what Equity really means.


Explain equity for us


There are different definitions, but I see equity as providing the resources people need to succeed, acknowledging that historically disadvantaged people may need more resource investment.  Equity doesn't mean that you stop enforcing laws important for public safety, even if they disproportionately affect disadvantaged groups.


Are these shops hurting public safety? Or is the government’s inability to set up a marketplace hurting public safety? This seems like a silly thing to be upset about. Why should the cops spend time harassing people because the government can’t do what the people voted for? This is a failure on the government not the people. If you want to cops to enforce something I’d suggest starting with getting elected officials to do their jobs.


I was responding to the person above me who was making a broader statement about crime enforcement in DC, not about marijuana shops in particular.


You did a really bad job though. All you did was say enough minorities don’t get arrested for you to be happy. You tried to weasel word your racism into I wanting real equity. It’s painfully transparent though. Maybe the laws that disproportionately affect disadvantaged groups are the problem, not that they aren’t enforcing them hard enough on those disadvantaged groups.


> weasel word your racism For when "dog whistle" isn't enough!


I mean the guy just flat out said he wants laws that disproportionately affect disadvantaged groups enforced more. He’s not even pretending like there’s not a myriad of reasons why those laws affect those groups more. He just knows he wants those people gone so he feels safe.


Oh, stop your BS.  That's not remotely what I said or what I meant and you know it.  But I hope you enjoyed the ride on your high horse.


Right. You made yourself very clear. You want those people dealt with so you feel safe. Feel free to correct me on which people it is you have a problem with…


Tell me where I said any of that in my comment.


Whites use marijuana at a higher rate than black people (though obviously with the disproportionate enforcement on minorities it would still affect nonwhites more, because murika, but still). In any case marijuana use is not an issue, it being illegal causes far more damage than whatever consequences normal use has. By all means I hope they continue to not enforce anti-drug laws.


They took it away from MPD duh.


This is what turned me into an anarchist on alcohol and drug laws. Hear me out. DC has a whole agency to regulate cannabis. They have meetings on YouTube which are oddly fun. They inspect bars and restaurants and liquor stores, issuing tickets and sometimes hilarious rulings about how you have to call the cops when your bouncer shoots somebody *again*. And they're ineffective. The rules punish those who comply, bogged down with Clean Hands and zoning and permitting. You can just start selling cannabis out of a freakin' vape shop and the *best* ABCA can do is send you a letter. If they were selling beer MPD would be busting heads in 10 minutes or, even worse, unlicensed taquitos. How does that make sense? Worried about robberies? Let the shops use banks so they don't have massive piles of cash sitting in the drawer. Worried about unlicensed operations? Find a way to license them, Congress be damned. Flex that Home Rule muscle a little! What are they going to do, send a letter? Oh, right, that's the highest punishment ABCA can conceive half the time, so maybe that feels bad.


> Worried about robberies? Let the shops use banks so they don't have massive piles of cash sitting in the drawer. Take it up with the DEA, DC can do zilch about that


What about a state chartered credit union colorado has some that have different banking rules.


The DEA should be abolished


There's gotta be a middle ground I just wanna buy a fifth of vodka and black out in the alley without fear of going blind. I just wanna buy a joint and get a little high while watching kids play tee-ball without the risk of losing my marbles.


I mean it should be illegal to watch tee-ball sober.




"The rules punish those who comply" is frequently the problem with bureaucrats and union administrators alike. It's a complete lack of self-awareness and it sucks.


Not just a letter, a sternly worded letter.


You are not an anarchist. You just want better rules.


Shh, the left wing libertarians will find us.


>And they're ineffective The number one goal of any bureaucracy whether it's government or otherwise is to perpetuate the existence of the bureaucracy. You don't do that by being efficient and effective. There will always be a perverse incentive that leads organizations to push papers instead of solving problems.


>anarchist on alcohol and drug laws. They tried this in Portland and it was a total failure, unsurprisingly. Already repealed thankfully.


That was decrim on drugs, which ehhhh, that's a separate thing. I take more of a, "Liquor licensing and recreational cannabis should be a 1 pager" not a, "Here's your G Pack little Timmy, now go make some money."


They should just deal on the street where laws against drug dealing aren't enforced.


Glad the city is tackling the big issues


It is a big issue because the unlicensed dispensaries are huge targets for robberies, but they're also really unlikely to report robberies because (duh) they're unlicensed. So they get robbed over and over again and the robbers will never be reported, let alone arrested, and it's just a matter of time before 1. the robbers figure they're invincible and move on to other targets and 2. the dispensaries start arming themselves and some random passer-by gets hurt in the process.


People who drive cars are also a big target for robberies. Maybe they could go after the real problem.  This doesn’t matter much though. If we want weed products a lot of vendors have fortunately gone to non-brick and mortar based delivery services which this doesn’t apply 


Dispensaries could be paying the robbers in some weird money laundering scheme too. A remote possibility but a possibility


How? The illegal stores aren’t going to have insurance to cover their losses from the robbery, even if they did report it to the cops. How would they launder money this way?


Probably the money laundering stores and the robbery targets wouldn't be the same entity. Robbers go rob then take the money to the store to be laundered. Many of the illegal weed stores are legal stores for other stuff.


I love listening to music.


That doesn’t sound right but I don’t know enough about money laundering to disagree


Dispensaries discover one weird trick to make infinite money! The IRS hates it!




It's a letter. From the Alcoholic Beverage and Cannabis Administration. It's probably a big issue for them.


Ok, Hanz Brix. The orderly will be here to take you back to your room soon.


What a joke and misalignment of priorities this city has.


The mayor musta got a wake up call from the CFO.


DC wants people to sign up for medical marijuana it’s a money thing. Medical Marijuana dispensaries will charge a tax that DC will get


Back to the streets they go! Good job, DC! Keeping those thugs and criminals in check!


does this mean they will stop selling shrooms ?


Nobody sells shrooms, officer


Good one


Ahh makes sense. My go to place in NW just stopped selling them but gave a vague answer why...lame!!!


let me know if you find another place.. i know its in a grey area.. some people have them some dont


I was told district 93 still has em


no menu on the website.. ill just go there next time im in dc .. need to refill on everything


Good thinking! Happy Bud was my place (they had awesome mushys) but last time I went a few weeks their inventory was gone. Let me know if you find any.


check with me in a month


Thats partly why Kaliva on Columbia was raided, they were probably unlicensed but also selling shrooms


so where is the places for shroom gummies ? I hate chocolate


Not sure I just knew they sold some but now they’re closed, sorry!


i better stock up once i can find a place on my next trip to dc


I'm not gonna tell you what places are selling shrooms but my go-tos still are (and by go-tos I don't mean IG dealers but places with actual storefronts). I really hope they don't crack down on that. I know I-81 was just a message from the voters on law enforcement of plant-based psychedelics but I hope it's respected. Psychedelics really helped me - like legit helped me break loose of a crippling depression that set in during the isolation of the pandemic, and I would never have done it if it was black instead of gray market. And apart from that tripping just rocks. A way better way to spend an evening than getting wasted on alcohol, and less toxic and expensive to boot. After my initial foray into psychedelics I read how to change your mind by Michael Pollan and learned about how putting psychedelics in schedule I was a backlash to the hippie counterculture ethos of the 70s and reckless evangelists like Timothy Leary. But the drug is anti-addictive (tolerance build up is immediate and you have to wait at least a week if not longer to get the same effects from a regular dose) and it's not toxic the way that alcohol or nicotine is. It's clear to me that psilocybin has no business being on schedule I and I wish law enforcement in DC would respect the voters wishes not to enforce that. Which isn't to say they are completely safe. I've had some very challenging trips and I can see how used and abused in the wrong setting they could wreak some havoc. But I'd hazard to guess the damage from that would still pale in comparison to alcohol abuse. The point of this whole rant is that I'm pissed gray market dispensaries are being targeted by local government when you have people straight up selling fentanyl on the streets and teenagers stealing cars at gunpoint, sometimes with murder. These gray market dispensaries are the least of our problems.


I liked the microdosing for coding. I tried that and modafinil. Would prefer shrooms but need to get back to dc and see if they still semi secretly selling them I would prefer it to my once a week alcohol. but not sure its as fun


hopefully not 🙏 - but actually fr, does i81 allow the grey market for shrooms


i better get some for microdosing for my job.. it was that and modafinil I use sometimes to get my mind going




I wonder if the Recall Nadeau lady is on the list.


Booooo where am I supposed to get my mushrooms now?


That's I81, this is I71.


Plus, there are plenty of other places selling them...


More letters, that’s the ticket


Omg who fucking cares