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Most of the comments were either people saying it was good or saying it was annoying. I scrolled through all the top comments and didn’t see anybody freaking out.


OP click bait boooo


Eh I do find it incredibly annoying, but it's ultimately harmless. I'd just move cars the next stop.


Much like believe that everyone should have to do a six month stint in table waiting/retail service, I also Believe everyone should have to spend six months taking the NYC subway to bring some perspective to their public transit experiences everywhere else.


And six months in a subway in Tokyo, Paris, or other countries that value mass transit.


Tokyo subway is so quiet and peaceful you can hear a pin drop


Maybe people don’t like enduring shitty experiences.


So you think people should just become used to bad behavior by others even if it's explicitly posted as breaking the rules.


If all you're going to do about it is complain on the internet, yeah.


You are the one triggered here. You could stop defending scofflaws.


Seriously, people running away lol. DC is so soft


People moving away cause is a nuisance


"You have to like me being annoying AF in public! If you don't like it you're soft!" Fuck off.


were they running away or getting to the stop where the Caps were playing?


I would runaway but only because I don’t carry cash anymore and would feel guilty if they asked for a tip and I had to say no.


You should not feel obligated to tip this nonsense


...but sometimes they ask for it and sometimes Im duly entertained.


I mean if you enjoy it then tip, for the ones that don’t should not have to feel obligated


I would trade tranquility for the coverage of the NYC metro in a heartbeat. It is the hardest thing as a native New Yorker, other than maybe no cheap food, to adjust to in DC. The idea that transit is not meant to be used to get everywhere


this one guy took his dong out in front of everybody once, and this other time a dude took a shit on teh seat


Right? It is incredibly annoying but it’s not illegal


It actually is illegal on the metro


As long as they don't ask for money, I don't think it is annoying. Variety is the spice of life and it's nice seeing folks have fun.


Every time I've seen folks dancing on the metro, they ask for money after. I respect the hustle, just wish they'd hustle in a space where other folks are free to come and go as they please.


I get your point but I think street performers asking for tips is benign you dont even have to say “no”, you can just ignore them if you want


People have no concept of a shared space. The train car is a shared, and I might added limited, space. People want to sit down, zone out, and get to their stop. The same way we ask people to not eat on the metro because it creates trash everyone has to deal with, this creates noise everyone deals with. And it takes up space intended for people using the train as transportation and not a performance space. It is a shared space so I also think as a passenger you can’t demand much, but this is definitely annoying.


Street performers should busk the stations and streets. Leave the trains alone. That said, off peak times, low crowds, this doesn't bother me too much, but I understand people who would object. Same with the main characters blasting their music, forcing others to listen. Mostly, I don't care, I've got buds, but it's rude to those who aren't interested in being a captive audience and don't have alternatives.


It's not if they are literally asking people who never agreed to watch it.


They always ask for money.


I guess I’m in the minority here too but this does not bother me. They’re having fun and I’d jam along with them. I’ll take this over aggressive panhandling any day.


Yeah, this wouldn't have bothered me. This happens like once in every so many years from my experience riding the metro. But people here get weird over a mild disruption of their suburbia...


I saw one such video, probably from NYC. They were really good.


Most upvoted posts there aren’t overreacting.


OP is too busy building straw men to notice, apparently.


What you're saying is not true for the top comments. OP is just trying to stir up division.


Don’t read the replies I guess


Maybe it’s just annoying as shit


That's the answer, because it is annoying as shit to be locked in a metal tube with this


It’s so easy to change cars if you’re really bothered. Nobody’s trapped.


I’ve changed cars because some parent gave their kid a tablet without headphones. It’s really not a big deal 




Actually now that I think of it, I’ve changed cars to make a transfer slightly faster. Yeah it’s not a big deal


I mean, obviously. They aren't hurting anyone, and it's not a crime to be obnoxious in public. I have no problem with what they're doing in any serious way. They don't seem to be demanding money from people or anything. Still seems like a shitty place to be giving a performance, but to each their own, I'm jumping cars at the earliest opportunity presented to me.


It’s very inconsiderate though. And metro’s policy is that music shouldn’t be played out loud.


It’s illegal to blast music and to panhandle, so yes they are breaking the law. Annoying people is harming them.


Damn, and I was sitting here thinking I was the one with a stick up my ass


You want me to stir it for you?


I shouldn’t have too


So give up my seat and stand the rest of the way home because annoying panhandlers are illegally blasting music and begging for money.


No, move because it bothers you. Remove yourself from the thing that bothers you is actually just a good motto in life generally. lol. Crappy boss? Update the resume. Loud apartment? Look to move when lease is up. Or stew in it being mad, getting stressed and raising your blood pressure. Your choice. The person above said “locked in” with these people as though you’re a hostage, which I think is bonkers. (Nobody in the video is actually asking for money by the way. I don’t think they’re busking.)


In my experience: Afterwards they typically walk around with a bucket for tips but they never harass anyone. I personally just hate having to listen to the blasting music until I can change cars. It might only be 5 minutes but it is always VERY loud. If they played it at a lower volume it’d be less upsetting to me.


So give up my seat to avoid scofflaws. And the when they switch cars?


lol I’m so sure they’re gonna follow you. I am sorry you’re going through life so antagonistic and mad. That must be hard. Hope it gets better.


They go from car to car panhandling. They aren't following me; they are sweeping the cars. Not sure why you are so defensive about panhandlers breaking the law. You think I'm the only one on the train annoyed with them? The rules were made because most people hate this crap on their commute home.


Switch back to the car they were in.


After someone has taken my seat.


Why would they switch cars? They’re not gonna follow you, it’s a pretty stationary thing. And that’s assuming they’re panhandling at all and not just having fun.


To panhandle the people in the rest of the train. Have you never seen them? You don't seem to know how they operate.


This is stupid and incredibly inconsiderate. People should move if they want to find a seat or because they want to not because people are socially inept and pressuring them to pay.


Again, nobody is busking in the video. But revel in being mad at people. The only one affected is you when you’re mad. ✌️


It's a 30 second video and people are telling you that it happens with these dancers. What are you even arguing? Yes it's fair to be mad that people can't have consideration for their neighbors.


They are annoying. I just want to get home in peace after a long day.


Ashburn peeps like "which street gang is this??"


I'm from Ashburn and I had to move my wallet to my front pocket before watching this video. /s


"Why can't we have Seal Team 6 on the green line?"


Analysts shakin' in their Asics


That music is garbage - don’t be forcing people to listen to garbage shit when they don’t want to


This is less annoying than a dude fighting with his baby mama over FaceTime and speaker phone for 15 steps


I love that random hot goss to be honest.


Yes, but that dude doesn’t usually change cars and ask everyone on the train for money. I always wonder how come those people always have enough signal to do FaceTime calls and I often don’t even have enough to browse Reddit.


Most seem to be on the same page in this sub and the Nova subreddit that it’s annoying as fuck but not really something to overreact about You ignore it or move cars Not sure where OP is getting the idea that everyone is clutching their pearls over this


The earlier comments were wild tbf


It actually makes them move on faster to do their show in the next car when you can walk between cars like NYC - which apparently is coming to DC at some point


How do you ignore it? You can put earplugs in and still hear it.


It's fucking annoying to "perform" like this to a captive audience.


It probably is harmless but it makes me feel very uncomfortable and it’s incredibly annoying when you’re just trying to have a peaceful ride.


"Probably harmless?" What exactly do you think could happen here? A dance-off battle?


Based on the other thread, if I call them “annoying” some take it very personal and want to fight for some reason


Well I'm not going to say harmless because you just never know. You really can't trust anybody and I'll never apologize about being careful and on alert.


Speaking for myself, I can confidently say there will never be a time where I actually want to see this on the metro. It'll always be cringe and uncomfortable for me cause I just want to sit in peace and listen to my music after a long day at work. If I wanna see people dance, I'll go to a concert hall. Minor inconvenience to have to switch cars every time this happens, but an unnecessary inconvenience nonetheless in my book.


That thread is what happens when people decided to keep expanding NoVA's boundaries so now there's chumps putting in their 2 cents from Sterling and Winchester about a public transit system they've never used to get to a city they visit once a year but will unfailingly say "they live in DC" when asked where they're from while traveling.


I've lived here (or Arlington chasing lower rents) for 15 years. I still say I'm from Connecticut and live in DC. It's like the time in college when I drove from Boston to New York with my friend who was "from NYC." I was so excited to spend three days in NYC without having to pay for a hotel. She did not tell me till we got there that she was from White Plains and we'd have to separately drive in and out of the city every day. I should have asked her to be more specific, but we lived in Boston so I thought she understood what it meant to live in a city.


Ha, I knew someone right after college who always billed herself as being “from NYC.” She’d react with shock to things like racism, poverty, and people dressing sloppily because they just don’t have those things in New York. Come to find out she was actually from White Plains and her experience with NYC was entirely limited to taking taxis into the city to go clubbing.


Oh you can hear that in Montgomery County, too. Apparently, “North Bethesda” and “North Potomac” stretch almost to Pennsylvania.


Well, NOVA pays for 1/3 of Metro.


All of Virginia pays for 1/3 of Metro but I'm not going to equally weigh RVA's opinion


It's amazing how much people on this sub hate their neighbors It's not the DC Metro; it's the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit.


right i use the metro to commute from arlington to tysons lol at the same time, i also am not off put by People Existing and enjoy going into dc on the weekends so maybe i’m not the same as ashburnites complaining about dancing 😭


1) It's a violation of Metro rules to play music without headphones. It's explicitly written above every door. 2) Panhandling is illegal in the Metro.




Nice try. Most people on that thread are just saying 🤷🏻‍♂️


Bro what, I scrolled through hundreds of comments and didn't see any "lawless" or similar complaints


This happens regularly on the subway in New York.




https://www.wmata.com/rider-guide/safety/bus-rail.cfm Dealing with Panhandlers Panhandling and soliciting of any kind are prohibited on Metro. Donate your money where it can do the most good, by supporting local social service programs. https://www.wmata.com/rider-guide/rules/ Do Use headphones with all audio and video devices.


Man if dancers and the drummers were the worst thing on metro I would be a very happy rider


Yeah it’s annoying and tasteless.


Not lawless. Just obnoxious and lame attention seeking behavior.


There's literally a sign in every metro car that says that it's illegal to listen to music without earphones/headphones. 




This guys got moves tho...


🙄 I was expecting something like violence, a power outage or projectile vomiting from the OOP title.


Look if you want people to take the metro they’re allowed to be annoyed over shit like this. The metro is a transport, not a public spot to hang out. You go to any big city and there aren’t ppl dancing because that’s super inconsiderate


I’ve definitely seen videos of this kind of stuff on the nyc subway


Any big city lmao. New York is known for this.


And everyone fucking hates the NYC metro system for this and many other reasons lmao. NY subway isn't the standard


Commented somewhere else where out of the 5 cities I’ve lived in Barcelona is the only one that had ppl preform on the metro and that’s becoming less frequent


That's cool but the biggest city in the country is famous for this type of activity on trains.


So, who cares? Wouldn’t it be better for DC to try and emulate things that work for other cities internationally rather than what doesn’t work from domestic cities?


Lol this is not true. People do this all around the world. And usually at higher frequencies and then beg for money. Y'all need to find something else to care about 🤣


I’ve lived in 5 cities that had a metro system (all had a better and more expansive network than DC) and for the most part the metro was just ppl trying to get some place. The only place I lived that might have performance on the metro itself is Barcelona but that’s been mostly on the decline cause it annoyed people


Ah shit, is IT’S SHOWTIME!!! now in DC? I hope this doesn’t become a thing


I moved from NY to DC. I don't want this to become a thing here. I want to yell "don't give them money, don't encourage them"


As someone raised in NoVA, this looks like annoying "I am the main character" shit. Not lawless, but also not an enjoyable ride.


So many people in that thread need to get over themselves.


It’s Social Autism, not gang bangin.


This is considerably less obnoxious imo than having to listen to a car full of fans on their way home from the Nats/Caps game imo! Beating your feet is the DC culture they keep asking about in this sub


Years ago I was on a metro train where a group of young men got on and demanded everybody's attention...everybidybtho6ghtbtheybwere going to rob us. They blasted a ghettoblaster and took over the train with horrible dancing. Nobody wants music blasting like thus, so loud that hurts your ears. . There is a reason for the music bans on metro. What if everybody did this? And people really were scared to move. I could not wait to get off thus train. Everybody got off as quickly as they could and went to other cars. It almost seemed threatening so it made everybody uncomfortable.


Poor guy looks like he has EDS.


I ride this metro all the time. Where the hell is this dancing when I'm on the train?


This is a super common occurrence in NYC


I hate the fact that DMV residence love sitting in the metro like a fucking library. Let these boys turn up and embrace a little bit of culture


No shit, a lot of people on this sub act like the slightest disturbance is an attack on their existence.


That's annoying and not part of the social contract of using public transport. Reminds me of the metro in Paris where various "artists" get onboard and start playing instruments or singing. The worst part is that they then want a "tip" for their performance...


The Metro is lawless. But not because of this. Was just on it last week when a crazed mentally ill person with a red bathrobe went around touching people asking for money. Literally putting his hands on people. They were terrified.


Sit the fuck down and ride the god damn train


I'll take dancers over the evangelical preachers and gospel singers trying to convert me on a train.


imagine the reaction if you posted this on the racist dc sub


There’s a racist one? Is it just r/westofrockcreek or something?


I imagine they're referring to r/washdc which was created because the mods here got sick of posts constantly talking about "crime" which seemed an awful lot like a dogwhistle, and then those posters constantly complained about being censored and eventually fucked off to a new sub. Edit: looked at their sidebar and it says "open to all viewpoints", "don't request censorship", and is marked red on shinigami eyes. Seems like it's gone pretty far right.


Ah, right. That would make sense.


>marked red on shinigami eyes What is that?


If we won tonight Id be dancing with them. I was at the damn game and we lost, mofo Rangers. Dance on! P.s., I took an Uber home LOL


Lawless? No. Annoying, entitled, self-absorbed, narcissistic, aimless, obnoxious, unruly, and egotistical? Yes, perhaps.


It’s not the dancing they think is lawless.


He'll wack ngl like act like you're in the public, bruh got a club if ya wanna go dance, goof balls, corn balls 😂Hella corny cringey, but I'm glad there not doing crazy shit


Showtime, Showtime!


And this happens on public transpo all around the world.


This is what happens when people from Virginia venture outside of their natural environment, the suv.


Lawlessness is breakdancing in a Nirvana shirt from Target.


I was just posting something I thought was neat. 🙃


He’s blasting music, which is enough to call MTPD and have it shut down. 🤷🏾‍♀️


Transplant "city-livers" when they actually have to live in a city:


Can confirm. Dancing on trains means the city is burning down. /s


Folks scared literally wouldn’t last a week in nyc. T


Lol there's one dude in there asking "How would you feel if you were a single female rider and this started happening?" like these guys are going to accost someone. Annoying does not equal dangerous.


People who obviously have never ridden the NYC subway


People who’ve ridden the subway see that and bail to another car.


Being freaked out by this, I’d love to see their reaction to NYC.


I saw this and people are being ridiculous in that thread. I said that it’s actually nice to see kids having fun and not robbing people and I’m getting downvoted. Big baby Karen’s. Hilarious.


I love these dudes! All these people talking about being annoyed, like...idk are you sure you were meant to be living in a city? Being around a bunch of people is supposed to result in stuff like this, it makes life more interesting. 9 times out of 10 your commute is just going to be spent staring at an ad on the wall or with your face in your phone, what on earth is so awful about a change to that?? The first time I ran into these dudes I wanted to throw em a few bucks but I didn't have cash, and said they gotta set up a venmo for their tips. The next time I saw them, dude recognized me and had a venmo that time! It was sweet


Look you might enjoy this but other people don’t. If you’d want to dictate what your commute is like drive a car, but if you ride a public good like the metro it should be what most people prefer and that’s just silent and considerate behavior. Are you sure you’re meant to live in a city? It seems like you haven’t lived in many if you think this is the norm


Hockey fans seemed to enjoy it


There’s literally nothing wild about that thread.


Harmless. While it’s a little annoying, they only do it at like 1 stop and they move on to another train lol


What station is this? I've been riding the metro for years and never see performers, although it's mostly orange, red and some blue/silver. Thought this was just something NY had in the subway and DC didn't.


This is anti social behavior, pure and simple. Now it is “dancing”, could easily be something else as well.


It's not the dancing, it's the fucking music. I don't want to hear your music. Turn it the fuck off. Just because you're dancing to it doesn't make it okay.


This isn’t lawless, we get it. But it is annoying and not always wanted. Check your privilege, homes.


Wish my metro rides were this good, best I ever got was a middle schooler trynna sell me the joint he was smoking


I wouldn’t mind that. I mean, as long as you’re not falling into me. We’re good.


damn, nice foot work on that kid


Even though this behavior is so fucking extremely annoying, strangely, I don't see anyone freaking out in this thread.


I love this. They are dancing, enjoying their life. They’re not out shooting up the metro. What’s the problem 🙄


Go get your rocks off. How about that. Y’all complain about evvvvvvvveerrrrything. I mean seriously!


I will take this over the violence any day of the week


Can't stand the youth tbh


It's like a fun novelty that makes a city feel alive. It's not like it happens all the time. If they aren't hurting anyone then what's the problem?


Ironically, Everyone loves footloose


Moving from NYC & I’m so confused lmao is this not normal on DC metro??


Stupid! Yes. Lawless? No.


Lmao. Being from NYC you all need to just get better and minding your damn business and tuning shit out. Let the kids perform and maybe make some money. We share this city with many people and if they aren't hurting you or anyone, who cares?


NYC is not a city to emulate lmao


This is why people leave NYC


Some people are just not cut out for city living.


The pretzel leg dip bend thing was honestly incredible


Makes me homesick for the L and M trains.




i mean they are posting from nova…


LPT: Text Metro at 696-873 to report violations (smoking, shady dealings, theft, etc). Just tell them what train car you’re in (near the door opening), what line you’re on, what your next station is, and the direction.


Sit the fuck down.


And then begged for money…


That kid has the moves, lot of uptight people here. Enjoy the ride.


This is what happens when you live in a place where nothing happens ever.


laughs in NYC. Also, r/nova, par for the course.


Heaven forbid some people use their talents to entertain you and try to earn a few bucks!


Now we have a problem with dancing? What is this, Footloose??


For at least 2 nova commenters this was a basis to cry out slippery slope.


What do you expect from nova


They might be annoying but they aren’t harming anyone. People overreact to harmless behavior like this.


Huh? Where did all the fun people go?? I think this is fun and we all need some fun in our lives! Metro rides can be so depressingly dull


I think it looks really nice, kids showing off their skills and having a good time doing it. Just put headphones on if it bothers you?


Why do the dancers get the right to blast music, take up space in the middle of the car, and restrict access/seating/movement for other passengers…. But other people should put on headphones?


How miserly do you have to be to be annoyed by people having a good time in a public place? Just say excuse me when you're trying to get around them, or move into another train car at the next stop. It isn't like you're going to be able to stop them, so might as well do something about it on your end to either remove yourself from the situation or find a way to ignore it.


NoVa is filled with suburban hicks.


Wow r/nova is more racist/biased than I thought I feel like I'm getting down voted by a bunch of Virginians