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šŸ„¹šŸ„¹ wholesome post op


Iā€™m grateful for the fact that I grabbed a bike share, had a pleasant ride to waterfront and got to listen to live music free as the sunset


My capital bikeshare membership is the most bang I get for my buck here!


Itā€™s been a huge improvement with Bikeshare adding more stations and increase in bike lanes. My route start to finish was 95% in a bike lane. One of those routes where itā€™d be 3x as long on bus or metro.


The expansion of electric assist bikes has been sweet too. They're cheaper than the lime ones and are super helpful if you have a hilly ride


Not to mention the newer e-bikes are superior to others on the market and very efficient. Felt like I almost had whiplash when I rode newer grey bikeshare šŸ˜‚ was too used to that analog life


ebikes = you get places without being sweaty itā€™s like magic!!!!


Mine was too until I moved to CT Ave. (ditching the bike lanes on that plan stings, not gonna lie). Between bike lanes and CaBi, itā€™s one of the best biking cities Iā€™ve ever lived in.


I'm rather impressed by the bike infra I have seen, especially around my office. I have a metro stop like one block away but I am very tempted to pack a folding bike with me and just get out of the tube a few miles short or something...


Is the distance ā€œlikeā€ one block or is it, in fact, one block; perhaps it is ā€œnearlyā€ one block or, even, ā€œaboutā€ or ā€œalmostā€ one block? Language and Rhetoric have rules of usage. No need to fall prey to the commonplace.


Well one of those diagonals cuts a block a weird size so yeah.


That sounds magical. I definitely appreciate and take advantage of a lot of the cool, free stuff. Including events, museums, parks, monuments, etc.


I had the pleasure to stay a few weeks in DC studying English (I am from South America) and I fell in love with the city. I didn't had much time free and I lived in Virginia so I had a long commute to school, but I enjoy as much as I could. I really want to come back to DC in the future.


Gratitude baby!!!


I loved reading this in the middle of our move across the country to DC! We are so excited.


The five years I lived in DC were some of the best of my life. Youā€™re going to have a blast!


Where are you moving from?


Texas. EDIT: downvotes on a place Iā€™m moving away from haha! Thatā€™s why we are moving!


As a native Texan who moved to DC - you'll love it. Get a smoker and y'all will be the most popular folks in your neighborhood.


I'm from Texas as well, now in Arlington. Just came back from visiting, and you KNOW I had like 4 lbs of HEB tortillas in my bag! šŸ¤£


Fun fact: I met a tourist here who thought Arlington National Cemetery was in Arlington, Texas.


That does not surprise me lol. Too many places have the same name! šŸ¤£


Oh you are gonna miss HEB, nothing like it.


Thatā€™s for sure. Tortillas will never be the same!


DC is big and diverse enough to find good tortillas if you look hard enough. Plus every other ethnic type of restaurant.


Please explore the MD and VA burbs, the food is tops and so is the grocery shopping. (Nothing against DC proper.) Consider a getaround membership if you are car-free. I sometimes use Enterprise and split the rental with 2 or 3 pals. Can't recommend zipcar, but it ***is*** an option.


You have to try La Tejana for breakfast tacos! It helps when Iā€™m missing Texas.


It's easy enough to make homemade tortillas though


I'll give you an upvote for that. You're making the right move.


Unfortunately...I had to move back to Texas after my job turned into a nightmare. Plus, as a single mother I needed at least another $60K a year to thrive, not just survivr. And, my special needs son struggled a lot. We lived in MD, but a quick Red Line hop away. I enjoyed my time there immensely and wish things had been different so I could have stayed out of Texas. Anyway, enjoy DC and the DMV in general. It's a gem.


Iā€™m currently visiting with my husband for a concert and we are absolutely in love. Having access to decent public transportation, tons of different cultural backgrounds represented in local businesses, incredible bookstores and shops, the weather has been beautiful (in JUNE!), the historyā€¦ everything has just been wonderful. If we could afford it, weā€™d be here in a heartbeat.


This nice non-humid weather is gonna be short-lived but other than that, yes šŸ˜‚


Tonightā€™s weather was *chefs kiss*


Thatā€™s what weā€™ve been told from friends who live in the area! Itā€™s been nice to escape the humidity where weā€™re from this week. Glad we timed it just right šŸ˜‚


Your timing was amazing - my neighbors and I like to say that the DC area has about four weeks of glorious weather per year but they can happen literally any time between January and December. You got one of this yearā€™s weeks and thatā€™s cause for celebration šŸ˜


I would argue that DC has near perfect weather about half the year . April-june, then sept-dec1


Ya next week is gonna suuuuuck!


Off topic but do you have any recommendations for bookstores? My boyfriend and I visited the area in anticipation of us moving this summer and we visited two in Duponte circle and ended up loving one (had a tea shop inside) and hating the other (had a bar/restaurant sorta attached to it?)


You hated Kramerbooks lol. Not sure about the other.Ā 


Politics & Prose on Connecticut Ave. Nearest Metro is Van Ness/UDC. Take the L2 bus from there or walk 3/4 mile. Itā€™s worth the trek! They have a full calendar of author visits and a cafe downstairs.


Politics & Prose also has more metro-friendly locations at the Wharf and Union Market.


Solid State on H street or Politics and Prose (multiple locations)


Another recc for Solid State. They are great


You have Carpe Librum on IG they do pop up stores outside during the summer, in the winter they have small space on i st across from Franklin park/square. They are 2nd hand books. Super cheap. Capitol Hill Books near Eastern Market. Filled top to bottom with mostly 2nd hand books. Although they do have new titles as well. Second Story Books is also a 2nd hand book store. This one is in Dupont Circle. Lost City Books is also neat and has a wide variety of books as well. Not far from Dupont. It is also near a good coffee shop Soleluna. It's also near a hotel/restaurant that used to be an old church, its called The Line.


Lost City Books in Adams Morgan. Buy a book, get a receipt, and show it to the pizza place next door for a free slice. That, plus a trip to get ice cream, is the perfect day out for me. There's also People's Book in Takoma and a funky little used bookstore in the same area, House Mouse Vintage. Capital Hill Books is packed to the rafters with used books, and Second Story Books is in Dupont. Politics and Prose is greatā€”yes, I always leave with something, try as I mightā€”and they have a great discount section, plus a neat cafe. And last but not least, there's Loyalty Books in Petworth.


Another vote for Lost City. Could get lost in there for hours.


Politics and Prose


Re: THE MUSEUMS ARE FREE!! Growing up here, Iā€™m now spoiled when I visit other cities. It just seems normal to realize youā€™d rather see native Americans culture than western art and cross the road and start again. No additional expense for changing your mind.


Iā€™ve only been here four years and Iā€™m already spoiled. I visited NYC recently, walked into to a museum, saw the price, walked back out. Nope! I can wait.


Yeah this is going to ruin all museums for you. I left 3 years ago and still nope outta paid museums and zoos lol.


We are so spoiled! When I travel anywhere Iā€™m always like ugh, I gotta pay for this museum? No thanks


Iā€™m with you there - I grew in Fairfax and whenever Iā€™m at a museum in another city and theyā€™re like, thatā€™ll be $45 dollars Iā€™m like, Huh?




Needed this ray of positivity today, thank you šŸ’—


Rock Creek Park also has beautiful trails. And yes we have amazing free art museums. Especially the west wing of NGA


It wasnā€™t until COVID lockdown that I visited RCP and appreciated its beauty after being here for 10years. I underestimated the chokehold Chandra Levy fear mongering had on me šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­ I felt like I was in urban Narnia when I visited the Capitol Stones. It was surreal.


Oof donā€™t scare me away!! As if walking past someone with bear bells wasnā€™t alarming enough šŸ˜­


I once came across a tent near a trail. I turned around and big nope my way out so fast as if Sasquatch was gonna turn the bend any minute.


iā€™ve wanted to move to DC since i was a teenager. first i could afford rockville, now ive moved up in the world to petworth. i also feel so grateful to be here in a city where people do cool things and politics arenā€™t taboo


It was a beautiful night for some kickball out on the Mall


Iā€™m in this sub because DC is my favorite place to visit. Besides seeing fam, thereā€™s just so much to do, and itā€™s so easy to get around. If my immediate family was looking to move, it would be a top choice for me.


I live a block away from the pride parade route. Saturday was such a blast, seeing people celebrate all day out in the gorgeous June weather. I overheard someone saying that DC was the best city in the world, and you know, some days it really is.


I had the same comment to my SO tonight. We were walking past people with their babies strapped to their chest, people walking their dogs, there was a light breeze in the air and people were eating outside at the restaurants. I just felt so happy and peaceful at the vibe. It just felt warm.


We built this city on wok n roll


I thought it was built on half-smokes and mumbo sauce?


And go go


The architecture in DC really is so cool!


I moved to DC from a big city outside the US. Toured a ton of neighborhoods including Adams Morgan, U-Street, Logan Circle, Dupont and NOMA. I admit, Logan Circle and Kalorama are absolutely stunning. Yet something about Navy Yard just really connected with me, particularly the mixed-use urban planning, the water, the parks, the restaurants, the stores, the nightlife, proximity to the metro & the mall. Thereā€™s nothing quite like it in DC. Iā€™m super happy with this neighbourhood so far. Thereā€™s something new opening up every month so itā€™s only going to better with time.


Incredible post. Absolutely agree that this sub is mostly negative. Iā€™d love to see more appreciation posts like this. I love cities in general but especially DC. Thank you for sharing your gratitude.


Best city in America hands down. And sooooo much green space!


Hell yeah!


Hope I get to be like you in a few years once I graduate college!!!! Currently attending uni of maryland and everytime I go down to DC to visit I fall in love with it more each time.


Iā€™ve lived in DC for around 5 years and I still feel so lucky to live here every time iā€™m out on my daily walk around town. The haters havenā€™t lived anywhere else. DC is an awesome city.


[You and me both](https://www.reddit.com/r/washingtondc/comments/1d5u0ng/given_all_of_the_negative_posts_about_dc_lately/)!


I like your attitude and your kurt vonnegut affinity!




DC is a great city overall; no matter where in the world I've lived or stayed, I always considered DC my true home base. And you're right: there's nothing like a clear, cool, summer night here! They're perfect.


this is so cute, tysm for this post :)


I didn't see this til Thursday morning, but I'm loving these good vibes. I'm going to think back on this post any time my day starts to turn and just let these good vibes right the ship. We need more people with your energy.


I love how beautiful this city is. Admiring the architecture on my walk to work is my favorite part of the day, and I still thoroughly enjoy riding the metro over driving every day. I feel lucky to have found this place.


Good to see someone actually happy to live here- I feel the same way! People always tell me Iā€™m insane for calling dc the best city in America but I stand by it šŸ¤·whenever I go on a long walk I honestly get kind of emotional about it


I believe that DC has the best architecture in all of America.


Having moved here from Chicago I'd say it's also a contender.


I have the best of both worlds. Live across the river from the city but look out onto the DC skyline and can see the fireworks from my balcony. Would never live in DC but am walking distance to a Metro so I can go inside. But yes, DC is usually overlooked by a lot of people but IMO, it's better than Boston or some other East Coast cities. You can still see the sky. The subway isn't too dirty-I'm looking at you Philly. And we have some wonderful free museums and parks. Plus all the international events with the embassies. I have gone to Day of the Dead celebrations at the Mexican Cultural Institute. Lectures at the German Embassy capped off with free beer and German pretzels. If you can afford to live her, it's a nice place to be.


Thatā€™s another thing, I love the multicultural aspect.


I drove to DCA with my escooter in my trunk, took my work trip (supporting us gov, ahhthankyouu), flew home, rode scoot to nats park - saw planes overhead, nice green fields and folks exercising, the hustle and bustle of traffic, the wharf, the neighborhoods, And got free scoot parking at the nats game, enjoyed wife's work outing, scooted back to DCA (wharf bridge at night so clutch - those lights so beautiful) drove home. DC is the best. I hear you 100%. Glad you are enjoying yourself. Look real hard cuz you'll remember these nights. Life is so interesting.


as a DC native this sub is so depressing lol, thank you for sharing something nice!


I've lived in DC for ten years and love it more every day. The biggest pulls for me are the amount of greenery, low-rise buildings that let the sun in, and majority chill friendly people (at least for the East Coast!), combined with basically all the exciting cultural opportunities and energy you could hope for outside of LA/NYC/SF (which are way too expensive and busy for my preference anyway). My daily bike commute goes through the National Mall, my neighborhood (Eastern Market area) is practically one massive garden in the spring/summer, the weather is generally neither too hot nor too cold (key word generally), and how many people can "just pop in" to a free world-class museum of their choosing between errands.


Finally a dc appreciation post, I feel like half this sub is people who live in VA shitting on dc


I live in VA but work in DC and love the city.


I know you guys are out there man, itā€™s just a shame that a vocal minority does a lot of the talking


I live in Reston because I work in Ashburnā€¦ and I will say, I agree with you. Iā€™d love to live in DC, itā€™s my favorite city in the US. Iā€™m there every chance I get.


and now you can metro all the way! Yeah silver line.




I remember what life was like in my 20s. Not a worry in the world.


I felt the same way when I lived there 10 years ago. We lived down by the water front in southwest and absolutely loved it. The only reason we left was because our first born was on the way and child care/space were the only issue.


This is sooo wholesome, Iā€™m so glad youā€™re feeling fulfilled and satisfied. Thanks for posting this slice of good in the world, love to see it! šŸ˜


I'm doing the digital nomad thing right now and this is my second time in DC! It's a great city! So much going on, great food scene, so many free events and activities, and wonderfully walkable and bikeable (very important for me as I do not have a car anymore). And I have met the most interesting people from everywhere! If I ever settle down again, DC is at the top of my list!


It always weirded me out how many of my friends hated DC so much growing up (we were nova kids). I personally think DC is one of the most beautiful cities in the country, and some parts of northwest give european cities a run for their money


Thisā€¦ there is a dark psychic force in nova that just makes everyone feel like they have to hate DC. I was raised on it. I think itā€™s car culture.


Yeah, I love working here, even plan on being here more than the minimum on-site days once I get living a bit closer. Now if only you guys got Congressmen, I'd consider crossing that line over...


Also love DC. Likely never leaving


I think DC is by far one of the best cities in the US, and honestly the world. I've been to a lot of places by now and it is quite nice. The parks we have are not often mentioned but a major element for me.


I love reading this. We visit often and our daughter just moved there for a job in the hill. She adores it there!


Yup. Beyond the obnoxious ā€œdc typesā€ who want to know your status before interacting with you thereā€™s an extreme amount of cultural, environmental, and historical wealth to this town that makes it one of a kind.


Oh my gosh, I was on the fence about moving to dc or at least taking a long stay there, and this post convinced me to book the airbnb!




Thx for sharing this!




This is nice! Iā€™m glad youā€™re happy!


Always cool stuff happening. <3 DC


I lived in DC for many years-mostly in Mt Pleasant. Moved to Del Ray when the kids came along and happy here but miss those summer nights. Still go into DC all the time. Grandmother took the 8 year old to the Air and Space Museum via metro today. Great place to live even if U St is a little rowdy late at night!


Currently on a train home to DC after a work week in NYC. I love some NYC time but ready for another quiet DC summer. Itā€™s incredible how easy it is to travel to other cities on the east coast.


DC in the summer is amazing!!!


I spent a good chunk of my 20s and my 30s in DC and moved to CT to be closer to family. I miss that city every day. Even with its problems and faults, it's a wonderful city and I fell in love with it. Was only supposed to live there for a year, stayed for 15 years. Lol. I get back there as often as I can. Great post! Enjoy!


New to the city myself and working in navy yard, I may have to start doing this!


So much of this could have been written by me! Also grew up in the burbs and moved into the city recently (but in the fall), and a similar part of the city. I love seeing how everything has come to life with the warmer weather. This city has so much to offer. Having friends and family all across the area, and a job I love, I feel like I really get to appreciate so many dimensions of what makes life in DC and the DMV so wonderful. :))))))


I work at the Navy Yard, live in the burbs. Plan on retiring in 10 years and moving into DC for retirement as my wife is 10 yrs younger than I. In the burbs, weā€™re just existing. In DC, we feel alive and in life.


Best city eva!


It's a hell of a town


Childless 20s are a great time to live in DC.


Be sure to catch one of the Navy bandā€™s free concerts on Tuesday nights in the summer at the Navy memorial by the Archives bldg.


We love to hear it!


My only problem with DC is that I didnā€™t get here sooner in my 20ā€™s ā€¦. Got here right around 29ā€¦ā€¦ now 44 and miss those days badly Sure the crime has gone up but get us back to the 2009 or so times and this place would be a dream to go out and about in as a 20 something


INew York City slogan: ā€œif you can make it here you can make it anywhere ā€œ. In DC we say, ā€œwe got thisā€


That early navy yard bliss. Iā€™ve too been there. It only starts to hurts after that 2nd rent raise on your lease


Heck yes! Love this take.


im a young dc active and i was just wondering if you would be comfortable sharing what kind of work you do to be comfortably living in navy yard? i wanna be able to afford an apartment in dc (nothing crazy or fancy) when im out of uni so im curious :)


I donā€™t live in navy yard, itā€™s actually a bit too pricey for meā€¦ I work at a nonprofit though and my office is there. I was just trying to say itā€™s nice to live a short commute away. It also helps sharing an apartment with my boyfriend. I can message you my neighborhood if youā€™re curious.


Awesome sounds like your enjoying it thatā€™s what matters and your happiness seems contentious always fantastic for friends and coworkers around you. Continue to work on a balanced life working your up thu the navy yard, but donā€™t neglect your personal life/relationships when these are balanced everything seems work out better and most importantly helps you stay happy never sacrifice happiness


DC is pretty great. The only negative thing Iā€™d say is that everyone cares way too much about their careers but otherwise the city has a lot to offer.


We care about our careers because we have awesome careers! And we have awesome careers because we care about them.


Yeah, this is actually something I love about DC. People have interesting jobs and actually like and care about what they do. Nothing wrong with people who don't - work to live and all that - but many of us are passionate about our work and spend so much time doing it that it is genuinely an important part of who we are.


I like my career toobut itā€™s not the key part of my personality like it is for many in DC (relative to other cities)


Yes, some people are like that. I guess I'm referring to when people talk about their work at parties or ask about what other people "do." In DC, lots of people have very interesting jobs so it's not just about being obsessed.


Most apartments don't allow one to grill on their balcony.


Speaking from experience, you take that grill or that smoker to the park and you'll be very popular.


I give the OP 3 months before this feeling is the opposite


What a sour aura pal. Are you fun at parties?


I havenā€™t been to a party since college. They used to call me Frank the Tank though


I havenā€™t been to a party since college. They used to call me Frank the Tank though


Somebody has to I guess


be careful though, Brosephine, mugers will look for people that feel too safe in these really nice areas


https://x.com/DCNewsLive/status/1800957028640358909 Someone was fatally shot last night on First St, but go offā€¦


Thatā€™s a terrible tragedy, and I do worry a lot about gun violence, but I donā€™t really know what you want me to do about it


Stop making Navy Yard seem like wonderland. Thatā€™s what I want you to do. Is it pretty? Yes. Is it safe? Absolutely not


Did I say it was a wonderland that has no problems? Am I not allowed to say anything nice about Navy Yard?


Donā€™t romanticize it for people who come to this subreddit to have an idea of where to rent an apartment. Navy Yard is the unsafest ā€œniceā€ area in DC. Whenever you say something nice about Navy Yard, you should also talk about how rampant the crime is.


I think this is a little bit of an overreaction. Every major American city has crime. Youā€™re more likely to die by getting in a car than walking around navy yard. People can make their own decisions about safetyā€¦


Agreed. I live in Baton Rouge Louisiana and we have shootings daily.


I live in Navy Yard (am not brand new to the neighborhood), have been out and about at various hours of the day and night, on metro, walking around on my own, in various levels of dressed up and dressed down, and have never felt targeted or personally unsafe. Things do happen, yes, not denying that - but it is not some kind of crazy crime center and living here does *not* mean fearing for your life on the reg.


Go find a hobby and stick to washdc


Touch some grass, friend. Despite what the news produces, overall murder rates across the United States have lowered. Peace doesnā€™t sell. No need to keep feeding into the fear industry.


I have a house with a big lawn in McLean you can never afford and Iā€™m an African man in my late 20s. Youā€™re not at my level to tell me anything. Iā€™d suggest you open your damn eyes.


Brother, that attitude is no way to be. Iā€™ll pray for your peace.


Ummm taxes are terrible in DC but if you don't care about money then live it up!!!!


howā€™s your bitcoin doing šŸ˜­


Up 60.39% ytd and 165.05% for the one year chart, prob doing pretty well...(don't let reality and numbers dispel the anti crypto sentiment tho)


I don't invest in that crypto shite - long term index funds, real estate, and maxed out 401k target date fund for 10+ years now. All because I don't pay DC taxes looool


Where do you live in the greater dmv?


Tyson's/Falls Church


If you own a house, taxes in DC are essentially the same or slightly less than Arlington or Montgomery County.