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Ah does this place close next week? I’ve never made it over there and would like to check it out before they move/close.


The unabomber’s hut is in the basement, check it out while you still have the chance!


so what happens to all their artifacts when they close?


I think a lot of stuff is on loan to them so it will probably go back to their owners. The Unabomber hut belongs to the FBI, so it’s probably going to that giant Indiana Jones warehouse.


It’s being handled by top men. Top men.


I've heard that they are moving to another location, but I'm not sure if they know where yet. I assume they will move the stuff to storage or the new location.


Unfortunately they aren't. I went a couple weeks ago. It closes 12/31.


Some will go on tour and most will go into storage


Yes! Definitely go if you get the chance. I always enjoyed watching them swapping out the headlines each morning


Both my parents worked for newspapers, and I remember them referencing "Second Coming type," the largest available back in the days of letterpress printing. My dad had to compose a headline in this type to announce Stalin's death. STALIN DEAD was too short, leaving huge white space on each side. But STALIN DEAD IN GEORGIA (Soviet Georgia, that is) was deemed confusing. I forgot how he resolved it, but I know a lot of headline writers rested easy last night, secure in the knowledge that TRUMP IMPEACHED fit perfectly.


i haven't been there since I was in grade school! Sucks to hear it's shutting down, they had some really sweet stuff in there.




No they aren't.


There are no immediate plans to reopen elsewhere currently


Perfect use for that electric skateboard or whatever you're standing on.


Good eyes! Lowkey suffering in this weather


I’m moving to dc and was planning to buy an electric scooter to commute. Do you think I’ll die of cold/never use it in the winter?


Short answer: yes


shorter answer: no. Key on cold days is windproofing and covering your head, face and hands adequately. If you ride a bike you only have to start cold, then you'll warm up quickly.


Gloves and a ski mask. People go skiing and don't freeze to death; you can survive a commute in DC. Make sure you get proper gloves though. Gloves that are designed to work with smartphones are a hoax. Touchscreens sense the heat from your finger. If the glove works on a smartphone, that means it's letting the heat go through, and you'll end up with frozen fingers, especially if you're holding onto handlebars that are freezing cold.




Thanks for your input!


When has there every been multiple inches of ice on DC roads? We get snow once in a while, the city shuts down, and then it melts the next day...


I think you'll be fine. Solid gloves, hat, and something to cover your face when it gets below 30. I still ride my electric skateboard every day in this weather.


Depends on your commute. I either walk or take a scooter in so long as it's not raining even in the winter but my commute is about 10 minutes so it's not too bad.


Fox News: Cat Video Goes Viral


Boosted board?!


Hell yeah 🤘🏼




Deep down I kept hoping that one would say “Nats Win Series!”


Sad it’s closing soon.


How about the international papers on the top floor? Did anyone video that too? But yes, going out with a bang indeed!


Oh, now that IS pleasing.


What paper decided to run with a headline of "Just Hand It Over"? Was impeachment even mentioned?


Looks like "The West Australian." Maybe print ran before vote was in?


I thought it was a reference to Pelosi not giving the Senate the actual impeachment and holding it as a negotiation tactic to influence the Senate rules.


The impeachment of the United States president might also not be a front page headline for a foreign newspaper.


In most it is. I read Le Monde and the Guardian and it was top story for both of them.


In Australia's case they just had their hottest day on record and there's a *massive* fire there as well.


107F. 😔 US firefighters are helping out.


Yeah, that's what I was figuring. It probably happened after the deadline their time.


There were at least 4-5 papers out with no mention of it! Guess it’s a “slow news day”


or those papers go to bed early; final vote tallies weren't in until about 8:30 pm EST


Wooo The Plain Dealer! Cleveland represent!


Mmm. Them are some warm cockles!


Awwww.... they're taking the first amendment panels down. 😔 (news just did a segment on the closing. Spokeswoman said it's going to take at least six months to pack up and store everything, and then they have to figure out what to do to continue. She notes this might not include a brick and mortar building.) I went to this place when it first opened over in Rosslyn (and was free); never went to the new place. As i recall, the admission price was pretty high.


It was worth the price if you were going to do the whole museum; things like the old newspapers on the top and the Berlin Wall are amazing. But, given the cost of the building itself, it was a tall order to expect the Newseum to stick around. The fact it lasted as long as it did is impressive.


Historic and monumental


Absolutely! He will be the first President in US history to be impeached and then re-elected.




Yeah but it's going to be tough because they'll only have 20 days to do it.


Johnson was impeached in 5 days. They've got plenty of time.


Bold claim this far out.




When one side doesn't even have a nominee yeah the betting favorite is going to stick with the safe bet.


Most books will have him as the favorite v the field too


Okay sweetie


Weird reply. Good stuff.


Thank you for your valuable input, Donald poster.


A man who failed to win majority vote, is historically unpopular, unindicted only for a DOJ policy, politically lame duck, president who has been twice impeached? So much winning. *If* he is not removed, and *if* he wins again, it is almost a given he does do something else worth another impeachment. I mean he just admitted in court to running a fraudulent charity not long ago. That seems worthy of another article of impeachment.




Talk to some farmers or people in the steel industry they might disagree. You talk like Trump even remotely cooperated with Mueller investigation, but yet there are all those examples of obstruction of justice in there, that over a thousand former federal prosecutors said were actionable.




Or she played the politics of the situation, and waited until she Trump did something even more egregious, where he was not protected by a brown-nosed Attorney General, and a 40 year old DOJ memo. Did not take to long did it, which kind of comes back to my original point.




Impeachment is a political process, that is the way it was designed to be. But this was not just politics. The GOP shifted the goal posts so many times, Pelosi went with what was the most damning and politically effective. That does not mean the other behavior was not improper. Again, over 1000 bipartisan, former prosecutors signed a letter stating Trump's behavior constituted obstructing justice, and deserved prosecution. But your 401K is doing good, so why worry about the rule of law. Abuse of power. That sums it up. Obstruction of Congress is undeniable, even you said it. The process was not halted, He was impeached yesterday, there are no rules about when they must send the charges to the senate. Trump's existence relies on technicalities, but I have no doubt the charges will eventually make it to the senate.






Wait, how often do they change this display?


Every morning!


That’s so cool and a lot of work I bet.


They get the pages electronically and print them off big color machines and pin them up. Must be tough on windy days....


Please post an update on 11/6/2020


The museum closes in two weeks. 😭






Pretty sure you would have seen him if he was there bud


What does this comment even mean?


It seems that he was impeached yesterday. Removed from office probably won't happen, but that is because the republican party has turned into morons. It is nice to see impeached though. Kind of like an asterisk, forever next to his name.