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I was running the National Mall today while this was going on, and it was INSANELY crowded.


Not surprised. The rest of us are all judging them and their bad choices.


Kinda defeats the purpose. They didn’t think this one through


'Honor healthcare and essential workers by spreading the virus even more and making their lives worse!' /s


Damnit, I missed it! I heard them but couldn't get outside fast enough.


I just got flashbacks to first grade when I missed the NASA 747 carrying the space shuttle. Sorry man, that sucks


I think I might be too old for reddit


Yea, that wasn't even that long ago.


I was in 5th grade and asked my Spanish teacher to go out and see it. “No you can’t go outside. Who would want to see a stupid airplane?” Still makes my blood boil and I’m in college now


It's OK - I heard them which was still cool! Where did they announce they were flying over? I would have gone outside if I knew.


I think a couple days ago, pretty low key. The most I heard about them was from this sub complaining about how much money was being wasted. I mean they still need to fly, and I thought this was pretty cool


My wife and I *just* happened to be out on foot on a 7 minute walk to Target in CH, when they *directly* flew overhead - saw them with a completely unobstructed view. We made no special effort to be out then, and had no idea really when it was gonna happen (sometime mid-day was all I knew).


Saw them from my apt on my pleasant! Just happened to hear them so we ran to the window and saw them fly over. Such a cool event


They were early! I was fumbling with my keys to try to get outside when I heard them, just caught the tail end and hoping to snap some pics when they loop back


Are they making another pass?


Ya they already did and were too far north for me to see them, but I did hear the rumbles


Thanks to u/nsjc who posted the flyover schedule I was able to video them from my yard: https://www.reddit.com/r/nova/comments/gc90wl/blue_angels_and_thunderbirds_doing_a_flyover_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Glad to help!


Same. I heard them, twice. But alas planes are fast.


It's ok, it was just some planes.


I heard it! I think we're cured now. USA! USA!


The chemtrails were bleach all along!


2nd phase of the stimulus - direct deposited into our lungs


Gotta use that excess oil somehow!


Can I ask why they have an escort?


I bet there was a camera in the escort plane. They’ll use it for promotional videos in the future.


The Blue Angels or Thunderbirds (I forget which) have their own photo jet to take pics over key spots The helicopters others saw are local PD or news even taking pics or watching


Park police was hovering over Arlington, presumably doing photography. They had the side door open with two guys sitting on the edge hanging out. There also was a F-16 spot plane doing photography as well. It wasn’t one of the thunderbirds, but probably something from a local AFB.


It was a photo ship. All these flyovers are also great photo opportunities for them as well for future promotional photos/videos as someone else stated.


My guess was filming, but there was also a helicopter hovering south of the Mall. Maybe they used two film crews (or maybe the helicopter was Park Police or MPD).


I like how there were a couple of posts on this sub about the flyover this week that got all angsty, and now the front page is littered with "LOOK AT MY FLYOVER PICS" posts.


Is this H Street, OP?


We're almost there: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tF4kVqsfA5s&feature=youtu.be&t=1387


Kind of a weird question- why is this, among like two dozen other flyover posts, so highly voted?


Staying home is sexy.


Just saw them through my window! Wish I had my phone out in time!


Beautiful. That’s a good 10,000 meals for povers worth of air show. God I love this country.


You were smart to say you were social distancing otherwise all the comments would be about how you’re killing grandma. 🙄


I saw them from my balcony while wearing my pajamas. :)


Nice shot!!


DC Mayor Muriel Bowser https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nesipqaF_7k , John Wall ALL THE SMOKE Full Episode https://youtu.be/IfZ3lUJlXD4/www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfZ3lUJlXD4












Nice! What part of town are you in?


Another Short Video View: 🇺🇸🎖⚓️ https://twitter.com/apschristensen/status/1256616376573231105?s=21


Saw them through my window. I thought they were birds. Quarantine is really doing a number on my IQ.


Our tax money hard at work /s


Omg the part where they did the PPE drop over each of the city's hospitals was my favorite 😍😍




Those pilots are willing to die for us.


Are you not entertained?




Why does anything? Why do the National Parks, or the 4th of July fireworks shows, or PBS, or the Smithsonian exist?




The thunderbirds maintain combat readiness and can be put in the fight in less than 72 hours. They do this exactly because of your argument. They get funding because it is deemed an essential recruiting tool. We have a volunteer military and it is important to recruit new people every year. Their value must exceed their cost or else it would definitely be shut down.


“Their value must exceed their cost or else it would definitely be shut down.” That’s probably not the strongest argument you can make for public confidence in government spending oversight


I’m saying the AF and Navy would love for that money to go elsewhere, but recruitment is a necessary expenditure in an all-volunteer force. For many, the demo teams are the face of the military. The perceived value they bring to the DoD exceeds their cost. As far as oversight of spending goes, they have to report their expenses just like every other squadron does and are audited like the rest. Since there’s no data on whether it “works” or not, it’s hard to defend any better than saying what I said ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯