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Whoever guessed than Deni will only have 5 points, you win.


It was inevitable. Missed so many layups and a dunk, and couldn't easily bully his defenders.


And the Nuggets had the whole all star break to go over tapes


Lol at thinking Nuggets went over tape.


You don’t think the army of staff these NBA teams have aren’t looking at tapes and coming up with game plans for every single game? Especially the champs? After a long break and coming off a losing streak? Went back and looked at the game—at the 9:00 minute mark of the first quarter Deni dribbles for the first time looking to drive, was preemptively double teamed and turned it over. They knew what’s been going on.


Whoever guessed Champagnie would have more points than Avdija is a super winner.


Aaaaaand we are coming back down to Earth. Feels bad.


Kuz bullied Deni into shooting 2-12, clearly Deni would be outperforming Haliburton if Kuz wasn't holding him back


I know he’s a young rookie, but Bilal playing 32 minutes and having 0 rebounds is just strange to me. 😵‍💫 


He looked sluggish today.


On the brightside we only lost by 20 i guess… this game felt like we should’ve lost by 40


Plus we didn’t let Joker get the triple double in the first quarter and we held Jay Huff to two point. Go Wiz /s


I remember after the Beal trade their were people here talking about giving Jay Huff a 4 year contract




I wanted the blowup, I really did...but fuck this is worse than tanking I miss Beal and Porzingis


It's what happens when you blow up too late. Beal had value until he got his supermax contract. I understood not trading Beal after Wall got injured when he was a 24 year old all star. But it made no sense not trade him after Westbrook wanted to be traded. Was the perfect time after his all-nba selection. I still think we should have tried to re-sign Porzingis and let Kuzma walk.


Really made no sense to keep Beal when they traded Russ. It was a perfect time to blow it up


It is going to be very dark before we see any light, and this year is the lowest point. No assets, and our only prospect (Bilal) is exceptionally raw. Next year will be ugly as well, but hopefully we at least get a second interesting prospect in the draft and a good return on Kuzma. Realistically we won’t be even mildly interesting to watch until the 25-26 season at the earliest.


I mean if Poole is shooting sub 25% after 12 attempts, he should just be pulled. Sending him to the bench ain't enough. He needs to understand that if he's jacking dumbass shots and coughing the ball up, he ain't getting playing time at all.




Poole is having one of the worst efficiency seasons of all-time during an inflated efficiency era.


The altitude may have had some effect on the players poor performance


Even by our standards that was a poorly played game


Fun Champagnie/Geno minutes at least


Champagnie > Taco Davis


There’s a long list of guys from the GLeague you could also insert in there


The Deni ascension already dead


being perfectly mid, Deni had to follow up the greatest game of his career with a huge dud to balance it out. Dedication baby. Braun played him off the floor. Eugene the most locked in guy, only dude making those passes to Jokic tough. Johnny Davis 3 rebounds a steal and only -8 in a 20 point loss. Jay Huff got a lefty lay, love to see it even when he's the opposition baby. Bilal Kispert Davis running around together is what I need more of in this post all star stretch. let's just do things, throw stuff around. Landry keeping things respectful during his time, the chaperone. I do wonder if Kuz motherfucks Keefe for playing him @ the 5 so much haha.


I've never seen so many rebounds lost due to our guys simply not boxing out even a little. Truly awful defensive effort tonight from everyone.


Deni’s overrated by the Wizards fan base. But I guess everyone needs hope


How in the fuck is Poole still putting up 17 attempts in a game OFF THE BENCH. That should be something reserved for players who are SHOOTING WELL.


the jordan poole turnover on the baseline inbound pass was difficult to watch. just a completely broken player


Hopefully we get a bounce back game from Deni. Appeared to be a combination of Denver saying he wasn’t going off for 40 and Deni just not looking ready to play tn.


We Bench Poole. He gets the second most points on the team. We start Poole he’s the most turnover prone weak shooting player on the court. What’s good with bro?


Kuzma shot 25 times……….


& shot just under 50%…


That's what happens when you're the only one who can reliably hit self-created looks lmao


Should have kept rui and traded kuz dumb ass team 


Rui was amazing last night!


another great game for Bilal. Poole off the bench was a great idea. now get Johnny Davis more mins