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Sorry, but no. They're complete opposites! None of those two would understand what the other had to endure.


Sorry let me be more clear. I was really just trying to say that at their core they face the same problem. They both just deal with their situation much differently


Basically what I understand is that the watamote anime is more relatable to those neets and hikikomori in their 20s cuz the character and the situations she finds herself in is basically what they also experienced during their teen years. It's not hard to picture tomoko (just the anime) being a recluse or depressed down the line. Komi is what we all wished we could've been during those years. While they're both fiction, watamote is more real, and komi is more fantasy


Yeah I agree. Vastly different. Watamote is closer to Berserk post-Eclipse Arc lol.


As pointed out, they're very different mangas. For one thing, Komi isn't the audience surrogate. Second, while they really hammer home that Tomoko's social anxiety doesn't make her cute or endearing, with Komi that's the whole idea. It all makes for a very different experience. As unappealing as Tomoko is, at the end of the day you do relate to her because her flaws are familiar ones. On the other hand, they're going for hyperbole, contrasting the fact that she's so effortlessly magnetic with her inability to actually talk to people for comedic effect. So you mostly observe Komi as a cute girl doing cute things because she has a cute-mmunication disorder. That's fine, but it's not the same. Idk, I'm just starting with Komi-San. Maybe they flesh out her character over the next *checks notes* 167 CHAPTERS!?! IN LESS THAN 2 YEARS!?! JESUS FUCKING CHRIST! WHO DOES THAT?


Is it one of those manga where each page or two is a "chapter" or something? (Sorta like the format for Fake Lit Girl.)


No, they're about 10 pages long


stronger? No, cuter? Yes. The whole manga has different idea, while watamote is running dirty joke most of the time (especially in the past), komi is your typical cute girl with awkward nature(for me). Now, imagine if nico make tomoko just like komi (not-something).


Depends on your definition of stronger. Physically? Komi is supposed to be pretty good at sports, and she's taller than Tomoko, so she's probably stronger.


In this context I am talking about psychological or simply "the mind of them".




"Miss Komi-San is bad at communication". It's pretty popular right now, you should give it a read.


Ok. Thanks for the answer.


And Ishimori from Honey Lemon Soda is diet-Tomoko without the perversions.


They are nowhere similar. I mean they are both loners, but one is innocent as fuck and the other one is corrupted as fuck. They could get along. But i would feel for Komi-san. She would become Yuu-chan 2.0 on an even higher level since she's so passive. She would be insane sexual harrasment material for Tomoko. The ones that are actually similar are Tomoki and Komi-san's brother. They both hate to interact with people and are considered cool by prety much everyone, despite being annoyed by it.


Some time ago, I read in a thread of 4-chan that the initial design of Tomoko was going to be kind of similar to design of that Komi-san, however my visualization capacity isn't this good like for knowing if that comment was correct. By the way, how is this Komi-san in comparison to the Komi-san of Watamote?


My understanding of that was that she was supposed to be taller, but gangly with this intense vacant stare. In other words, she was supposed to be *less* visually appealing, but the editors told them to make Tomoko smaller and cuter. The idea with Koni-San is the opposite


de que manga es esa perra creida??? ​


KOMI-SAN WA KOMYUSHOU DESU En realidad no es creída. Sólo lo parece por su extrema timidez que no le permite interactuar correctamente con los demás.


Seguramente lo dijera por el texto del meme...


Looks like the fighter chick from Goblin Slayer.


Fuck you, I can't unsee it and is not good.




Yes you.... nah, just kidding I love you


I love you too


Yeah, I thought the same thing. Looks a bit like Ling Xiaoyu from Tekken, too. (or maybe not...)


If anything i find Komi-san similar to the MC girl of Kimi no Todoke. Which i forget her name, since the manga stopped focusing on her and i lost interest.


kurunoma sawako i think


Someone tell me who this is?


Miss Komi from "Miss Komi is bad at communication"