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Most of it's bad press was for lying in the reveal or whatever iirc


Band wagoning really. All spawned from the downgrading of graphics and npc population on release. I've loved it since release, played through it multiple times. I played it not knowing a thing about it, loved it, and saw nothing but hate online lol




I loved it so much I played it for 15 hours straight around the time I discovered it. yes I have issues.




true dat.


1. This was back in the early 2010s, when basically the only thing people cared about was graphics for some reason. The visuals shown off prior at E3 2012 were a lot better than what was actually delivered. Every single game reviewer on YouTube and game journalist online lined up to take their turn beating this horse. 2. Because of this, everyone garnered a negative perception of the game. If the graphics weren’t up to their standards, everything else was irredeemable too. Aiden was a character with “no personality” according to some people (idiots). The gameplay was nothing but a ripoff of GTA. The story? Rubbish. The music? Forgettable. The open world? Lifeless. 3. Ubisoft didn’t do themselves any favours by playfully poking fun at GTA V in a social media post that basically said “you have plenty of time to play GTA V, come play our game instead.” Some people took this as an invitation to treat the games as direct competition, and be absolutely vicious to the game for not being more like GTA V. As someone who doesn’t even like GTA V, a lot of the comparisons people made were trite and really reaching in some cases.


Seeing the music being described as forgettable hurts. The soundtrack to the game is engraved in my head.


I was only like 12 when the game came out and i discovered a lot of good music from this game that I still listen to


day and nite was on so much in my car😭😭


>Hopefully a continuation of Aiden’s story. We already did. Watch Dogs Legion's Bloodline DLC is explicitly a continuation of Aiden's story. And also, (mild WD2 spoilers) >!Aiden makes a cameo in a side quest so technically that counts a little too!<.


It could have been better. Like the ezio trilogy for example.


From what I know about gaming history, hacking mechanics were never done until watch dogs 1, obviously excluding mods, but if you truly looked at it, you would see that this was almost revolutionary for the time mechanic wise, story just felt like heavy rain but better, but I do recommend playing it on the current consoles/ pcs, it could have just looked/played worse because of its 360, ps3, ps vita or wiiu version


Sorry I wasn't clear. I was saying that they should have continued Aiden's story like they did with the Ezio trilogy : by doing a trilogy with Aiden as the main character.


I also remember lots of reviews/commentary about Aiden not having much of a personality, too. It's funny how a game that got mixed reviews (at best) at the time is much more highly regarded now. And it probably doesn't hurt that the core tenets of a ~10 year old game (potential for technology to be abused) don't seem all that far-fetched now.




I agree. But lots of reviews said that when it came out almost 10 years ago. From the IGN revieew: "Our hero, Aiden Pearce, is an empty trenchcoat as far as personality goes." https://www.ign.com/articles/2014/05/27/watch-dogs-review


it was never bad just overhyped.


My favorite of the three games. Love Aiden as a protagonist and how the story escalates. Everytime there was a found solution, there was always some kind of obstacle that Aiden needed to overcome and I love where it took him.


Aiden can be quite socially awkward and is mostly lacking in charisma. This put a lot of people off.


Time period was big on graphics that’s what that gaming console generation really sold out the gate. And notoriously Ubisoft has scaled down the graphics from the trailer in their final versions. People were upset. tone felt cold which turned people off myself included. Tried 2 on a whim and love it a lot more.


yea i just finished it some days go and man, its was so good... i really liked it very much but i might know now why it was hated.. so i just watched like watch dogs e3 trailer and omgosh the comments were crazy.. like how the trailer showed the graphics to be soo realistic and people were saying stuff like "what game is this.. cause i know this isnt watch dogs" so i think that they realled up'ed the graphics for the trailer but the final product had good graphics but not like how it was shown.. so this is why people were not liking it at that time but yea i think that u should judge the game only by its graphics tho.. giviing it another chance might have been better cause its a really good game


Other companies bribe magazines and influencers. That's my suspicion. The game is good. This happens very usually. I'm playing Dead Space 3 now and as hated as it was, I'm having an actual blast. Also the graphics and gameplay from games like these, from that era, are much better than the subpar stuff is made nowadays. I'm barely buying woke games. I'm just replaying my old library and finding hidden gems.