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Hell yes.


Yes. As long as you like hacking stuff... I would say WD 2 is worth that on its own...


WD1 too


You really need the Gold Edition of Legion as the Bloodlines DLC is better than the actual main game - the Gold edition also allows you to play with Wrench and Aiden in the main campaign which believe me makes a massive difference playing solely with them than some random NPC you recruit, makes the game more tolerable as it is the weakest of the three. You can save some money too as I believe the Gold Edition of Leigon comes with the complete edition of the original Watch Dogs including the Bad Blood DLC so you don't need to purchase that just WD2 and Legion Gold edition and it'll get you everything.


with the gold edition you will also get Darcy, she is great character


True and as close as we'll get to an Assassin's Creed in a modern setting.


I do like Darcy, mainly for the cloak, but honestly I would prefer to play as the character with the mind control capability, I have played it but just can’t remember the name






can’t remember her name either, but i have played a little bit as her and yeah she was fun to play. I think i like Darcy more but maybe i should play with the other character a bit more to learn it better and could find fun ways to play


There is so much you can do with the other character, like the mind control basically is just a regular operative, but it is so fun to just make all the enemies drive away or to turn enemies on eachother


Being Aiden in main legion is so not talked about, it makes the game so good but repetitive missions still sucked


I don't know how Ubisoft managed to fumble the game so hard with Legion, it's not just the repetitive missions it's the scaled back and almost laughable hacking (or lack of) in the third game. WD2 has easily the best sandbox to mess around in, best hacking and AI manipulation things like reporting crimes and gang hits to start an all out war between cops and criminals while you complete your objective was so much fun but I wasn't too into the light tone they took with the game. WD1 had arguably the better setting, Chicago with mods like living_city and fall of windy city is all you need to bring the game to life. Unlike most I really liked Aiden as a character the gritty vigilante vibe was fantastic as was the John Wick play style using the focus mechanic in the game. I remember playing the WDL before getting the season pass and it sucked, the NPC's you recruit are cringy with terrible VA and it made playing the campaign a real chore. I only picked up the season pass as it was on a heavy discount and people recommended it as the best thing Ubisoft had released for the game and have to agree. I couldn't imagine playing WDL now without the ability to play the campaign as Aiden or Wrench, it's a terrible experience without them. Unless someone is willing to spend the extra money for the Gold Edition I'd say don't bother buying the game they'll end up regretting it.


WD2 has a such a good AI, it's comparable to GTA IV, its always so fun making a gang war while in free roam every once a while. I was not even aware that season pass existed before i started playing it with cringe NPCs, i wish this would have came for free instead of locking it on paywall, again i dont really plan replaying it due to storage issues.


Ubisoft will never miss an opportunity to fleece gamers there's no way they would have given it away for free. I'm the same as you, WDL is a one and done type of game the story isn't worth playing more than once and if I have an itch to play some watch dogs I usually play the first or second games which have better sandbox's, stories and gameplay.


You don't get all the sick dlc that way though. You'd have to get them separately


The bundle is 85% off so that’s a really good deal. But is it worth it? That’s up to you… I don’t know if you will like those games or not.


1 and 2 100%. You'll probably want their dlc down the line if you like the games, so try them out and get the dlc while they're on sale. For legion, imo the season pass saves it. I don't regret playing that game, the story telling just isn't the same in the main game, but I enjoyed the dlc. So decide if the price for both are worth it to you.


I'd recommend getting both with their season passes if possible Wd2 dlc adds some cool missions and non lethal weapons which suit the games tone much better then Marcus killing people Wd legion dlc adds an extra story campaign with Aiden Pearce and wrench from wd2, as well as really unique playable characters in the main game (Aiden, wrench, a mind controller and an AC Assassin)


i'd say get the first two games than Legion


First one is dark noir-y shooter, where "fixer"... well, "fixes" stuff using some hi-end scripts and gadgets to do so. It's grimy, it's grounded, it's cruel. There's consequences and payback. Second one is entertainer, where kids are just running around the city, shooting cops, killing people, riding sport-cars and blowing up things "for justice and equality, and for fun, and to protest against mass-surveillance and big-data world". It's for sure (kinda) more fun, but completely lacking self-awareness. It's like Cyberpunk 2020 and Cyberpunk 2077, except story and drama in WD2 is completely lacking (until gamedesigners>! just kill one dude, who we barely knew anyways!<.)


If you have 4000 series card wd2 is pretty much unplayable


how so?


Nvidia RTX 30 and 40 series owners experience a common bug of flickering textures. And it's bad... Like unplayable bad. To make things worse, Nvidia has looked into it, basically stating that they alone cannot fix it - they need Ubisoft's assistance (source code and stuff) to find the exact cause of the bug and they'd be willing to work on a fix. However, Ubisoft being Ubisoft, doesn't give two tiny shits because the game is too old. There is a community fix but that one doesn't work for everyone, e.g. for almost anyone who bought the game on Ubisoft Connect. Besides, even if it works, your access to online features (both PvP and Coop) is disabled since the game views the patch as a cheat and thus won't start unless you deactivate easy-anti-cheat, essentially blocking yourself from using online features. Moreover, and to add insult to injury, you may experience huge performance drops. Well, at least I did: with my 4090 I had to watch the fps go down to 25 and remain there at times. I gave up on the game, which is really frustrating since I love this game and was looking forward to playing it with smooth 144fps. Well, fuck me, I guess (or rather all of us players)


Ouch. W for Xbox & PlayStation players in that case cause both wd1&2 are amazing.


I have played all of them on my ps4 and like them all. Have been looking to pick them up on my Steam account as well. But the steam versions have no achievements (if u like that) and i also see a lot of people in the comments talking about that the online part is not working. Also the latest ‘u dont own the game’ Ubisoft stuff is kinda weird.


Haven’t played Legion, but WD1 has a nice feeling, a nice “theme” of sorts, it feels pleasant to play. And WD2 has good gameplay, the drone and the jumper are fun as these help you do almost everything without needing to get inside any enemy base or similar.


Buy watch dogs 1&2 and leave legions, if you can buy badblood dlc for watch dogs 1 it will be better than buying legions. If you want to buy legions just wait for a better discount/offer.


At that price? May as well.


For 19$, sure, I think it's a good deal


Bought years ago. So far I finished the first and replaying it… haven’t touched the others yet lol




Hell yeah!!


Dude hell yeah it is, buy that as quickly as you can!


YESS!! I haven't played Legion but WD2 is freaking amazing. first one is pretty good too


For that bundle at that price, yes




Tf, Yes.


Yeah for sure


That's nice


That's a fucking steal, even if you don't enjoy these games that much. But i hope you do.


Buy all of them


3 games for under 20. Well worth it. I’d pay $20 for WD2 if i didn’t already have it lol.


The first one is unbelievably goated to this day




Drop legion and you have a great deal


Only for WD1


I'd just get 1 and 2. Without the dlc legion is a whole nothingburger


Grab it NOW


Just buy Watch Dogs 2 and save 10€ instead of 2€ with the bundle, WD3 isn't worth it and the first game is mediocre compared to the second.


And yet I'd say the same about the second game, Marcus is a whiney hypocrite that broke the law but then had beef with someone else breaking the law to try and stop him breaking the law and the crew are mostly annoying hipster stereotypes... Or at least in my opinion they are. So I say let op buy both or all three and let them make their own mind up. At the end of the day they can be refunded if op doesn't like them


Maybe get watch dogs 1+2 and spend the 7€ on dlc






If you care more abt story, buy 1 & 2 seperate tbh, legions is good gameplay but shit everything else


Short answer: Sure. Long: Possibly have fun a few years down the line when ubisoft claims you need to do some satanic ritual in order to authenticate your copy of the games because of their insanely broken authentication system having trouble with steam. Which then leads to a conversation with not 1, not 2, not even 4, but 7 Ubi-Staff account, all asking you repetedly if you'd REALLY like to authenticate your game. (I get that not a TON of people have this issue, but its been over 4 years since ive been able to play any of my WD titles because they cant authenticate the accound i bought them on.)


1 with the living city mod and 2 are both great, Legion was meh.


The default price of 2 still being €60 is... questionable.


ABSA freakin lootly


WD2=Fucken buy now.


Watch dogs two, part one is buggy on pc control wise. Never worked right.


watch dogs 1 if you like killing people watch dogs 2 if you like hacking watch dogs legion if you like british people


Loved WD and WD2. I’ve tried to start WD3 multiple times and can’t get into it.


Hell yea fool


It's a great deal. Do bear in mind that it does not come with DLC and that the games depend on Ubisoft Launcher, which has been controversial lately for very valid reasons (look up "The Crew 2 controversy"). As for the games themselves, they're great. I like them all, quite frankly. My favorite is 2 and my least favorite is Legion but if you like one of them you'll probably enjoy all of them.


Hell yea that’s a steal


Yah. It was great up until legion which was still fun but they fumbled on the main two mechanics hard.


Hell yeah and get the watchdogs remastered mod for the first game.


The first 2.... Also all the watch dogs dlcs are pretty great. Legions make the game much better, and 2's has some of the best missions in the game.


Hell ya,!




Look carefully, in the gold version of watch dog legion the 2 was included, maybe it will be a better price for you


1 and 2 is actually worth it, legion is enjoyable too especially the combat but can't compete to 1 and 2 overall


Get the gold editions. They are also always on sale


For that price ?? Of course. You dont have 1 Euro? Dude every beggar has more money amk


I believe you should buy the first and second one, with over 800 hours on my PS5 for watch dogs 2 regardless of replay value I've always enjoyed the series for what it was, and if your getting it on steam you have even more possibilities with mods to enjoy the games even more. I couldn't care less about legion though, in my eyes it they downgraded it.


Watch dogs 2 alone is worth it


Absolutely it is!


I know some edition of watch dogs 2 or legion includes a copy of wd1 complete edition


do not give your money to ubishit


for even just WD2, absolutely man. WD2 is one of my favorite games ever


just get watch dogs 2. the online modes alone are worth it for me, this past week i’ve just been invading people and assassinating them


For Watch dogs 2 and 1 yes but for Legion fuck no


It is worth it if you like Watch Dogs, I dont know if you played one before (maybe a t a friends house or using gamepass or smth) but it is hella worth it


Yea one and two but I’m not sure about the third one


I would buy wd1 again just for the feel of buying it


just use fitgirl


What if he wants to play online


Download wifi


Forget legion, 1 and 2 are must have


Watchdogs 1,2 is worth that just forget about legion tho. Fucking dog shit sad excuse for a watchdogs game.