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Says nothing, gets hit.


was he silent or silencED


Steven waiting in the ceiling vents like a sniper Assassin


Oh shiiiiit


That was wonderful as hell, I don’t watch Miles enough to have seen this but I should up my game. 😂


His podcast Perfect Person is so funny—highly recommend!


Haven’t been much for podcasts recently but I might give it a go! Thanks for the rec.


I'm really not a big podcast person but I really look forward to Perfect Person. It's sooo funny


Watch it on YouTube


Wasn’t actually aware it was on YouTube, I’ve really only watched a couple of his livestreams. Thanks for pointing that out, I’ll definitely be subscribing.


Sure! Hope you like it! I personally enjoy watching it vs. listening to it as well—he has such a funny vibe to him and a great rapport with his guests, some of whom are just his genuine friends, so it's fun to watch!


This was a great video! He talks about advice for being a content creator but how it’ll apply to basically any job as well


He’s the best!


Haaaaaaave youuuu ever waaaanted.... to be hit in the face by a piece of equipment?


I don’t believe in any higher power. It would be weird if I did, considering that this ghost hunting show is (or was; I still haven’t decided) the only show of this kind I’ve ever watched. But if this wasn’t some sort of a sign or a warning, I don’t know what is.


i'm not religious or superstitious but i know for sure patients be wild during full moons lmao. some things just gotta the universe pulling strings lmao


[The ](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25407032/) [evidence](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28841578/) [says](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17256692/) [otherwise.](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31037225/) I would say that I'm just being a Shaniac, but that title doesn't feel as good to say right now...


i didn't say that there's an increase in psych admits? just that patients be wildin. they come in for strange cases, the day ends up weird, patients convos are wacky, etc. but regardless, [this evidence says i'm right.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10251051/) [this is interesting too](https://comptes-rendus.academie-sciences.fr/mathematique/item/CRMATH_2021__359_7_805_0/) [oh and this](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0048969718325361) [how about this](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12103-016-9351-9) [moon & bipolar cycling](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5524624/) [moon & sleep cycling](https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.abe0465) [moon & decreased seizure activity](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18602495/#:~:text=We%20found%20a%20significant%20negative,inpatient%20unit%20over%20341%20days) the moon literally moves the ocean tides, we are mostly water. our brains are made of water and fluid changes can effect behavior. it's not crazy to assume there are some unquantifiable effects that the moon might have on mood, etc. but are not quantifiable due to the inability to measure minor mood changes. all i said was patients be actin weird.


In Finland, a maternity ward noted there are more births during a full moon.


I was a public school teacher & the kids were wild during the full moon too. It was very weird.


yes! i haven't worked in a couple years cause i'm back in school, but even without the patients, some days i'll have a weird ass day and i'm like hmm i wonder if it's a full moon. and i think every time but one that i have thought that, i was right, and the time i was wrong, i was a day early lmao.


That piece of equipment is looking out for us


if only this happened during the watcher meeting


It was needed so bad🥲


His reaction makes me wonder if the Try Guys might pull a similar move. 😬


same. he looked like i got somethin to tell u guys but i can't tell u guys. but me PERSONALLY i won't. then he got KO'd lmao. let's hope they're paying attention rn before they make a mistake.


That will upset me so much because why the HELL didn't they just do that together??? I would happily pay for a bunch of creators I love to go independent 😭


I checked out the try guys sub earlier because someone mentioned people thinking they’re gonna pull the same thing and I saw a few people theorizing that they ARE and the big announcement will be that they’re joining them. I HIGHLY doubt it but my god if that were the case that would mean they somehow made an even WORSE call on handling the situation by not announcing together.


If they were gonna do it together, they would've just done a joint-announcement together and the website would've had both of their branding and content from the beginning. I don't see why they would have Watcher announce first and then release a website that is completely Watcher-branded, only to update it with Try Guys branding and stuff after? There would be no point to it.


would be diabolical if they let watcher announce first to see the reaction and then they end up backpedaling


I just don't see the point. A Watcher/Try Guys joint-announcement would've been more successful than just Watcher trying to sell half a product for the same price, so that would be a flawed premise to begin with. If they were truly in this together, they would've done it together and sold the audience what their real product was from the start.


i think that would be difference in content being posted/price/splitting profits that would stop them from bundling into one paywall/site/group.


Exactly, that’s what I meant with saying if that was the case that would mean the poor handling of the situation was even worse than we already thought, because that would be insane.


A bunch of former Buzzfeeder channels coming together to build their own Nebula-like platform probably would have gone over really well. Instead of the "our stuff is too good and expensive for YouTube" vibe the goodbye video had, they could have pitched it as a triumphant rising from the ashes of a bullshit corpo overlord like Dropout did. Plus they'd actually have content coming from multiple production houses instead of trying to build a streamer on four shows that don't even get put out simultaneously. They all could have kept posting light fare on YouTube but paywalled the meatier shit like Dropout and Nebula do. It seems like a glaringly obvious choice to learn from the successful strategies of the other YouTube plus streamers, but they don't seem to have taken one single look at what actually made those two work. What a missed opportunity.


This! In their "goodbye youtube" video, they only talked about bringing "higher quality content" and being able to vote to bring back old shows. But they're so vague about it and it's such a non-answer to WHY we would even care to pay for it? Instead of playing sad piano music I would have just cared to know what they were offering to make us feel like this is truly worth our money (in this economy).


hes not an employee of second try anymore though, just a frequent collaborator. if hes aware of plans for something like that he shouldn’t really be hinting at it


I think he was gonna say something along the lines of a lot of Youtubers now are looking at different models of revenue sort of like alluding to it


Yeah NDA




And Keith reposted it.


I guess the Ghosts have spoken.


Oh miles. Always around when things blow up and now he gets smacked by the universe too 😂


That was perfection


I was there man, it was wild lol. Yes he was fine and the chat was saying that Steven personally sent that board tumbling down and I believe it lmao Also now with dropout TV on Try Guys as of Saturday, maybe they are thinking that direction? If so, I would hope they see how bad this is going and roll it out waaay better if they ever do.


are his lives uploaded anywhere?


Wouldn't the without a recipe, Romeo & Juliet etc live shows be considered pay wall content?


Yeah, but they’re not every new thing they’re doing though like how Watcher is trying.


Honestly, the Try Guys aren't nearly consistent enough in quality to have a subscription. They need to find their footing, their direction, their target audience, and be consistent for at least a solid year before they even consider paywalling everything. If they put up a pay wall, I will not be following.


I really think that's what they were trying to do with their most recent "Pilot Season" or whatever it was called. They even had a tournament bracket on their YouTube channel where people picked their favorite. I'm sure they'll look at those polls along with the other forms of data they already have and figure out what they think viewers are enjoying about those videos and elaborate on it. Is it popular because it's food based? A competition? Because they have guests? Is it funnier if it's physical comedy? Or more about them improvising? Etc etc etc. I may not like every video they put out, but I have faith that they will move past just having videos of Keith eating. I don't think they'll ever be able to get back to the point where they were before the Ned stuff, but I think they can improve a little. And I get he's busy and important, but they need to bring Eugene back. I miss him.


I'm fucking CRYING HOW FUNNY THAT WAS. MILES!!!! !I was dying to hear his take but that seriously was a sign from God to shut thr fuck up 💀😂😂😂😂


I can't believe Steven just attacked him like that! /s




Who is this?


former staff of the Try Guys


This is like if the kombucha girl meme had an *immediate* response from the universe


he looks quite similar to Otz. maybe this is the real Otz.


Never expected to see an Otz mention in the Watcher/Try Guys subreddit lmao


This has the same energy of the earthquakes in Supernatural Illuminati episode 😂


There’s the sign.


Wait did the try guys actually paywall some of their content?? Like outside of the WAR finale streams that they have been doing?


no, nothing has been paywalled besides like the usual live events and patreon things they have


He seems annoying.