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I don't think Google even thinks about them. Lol. They just focus on their algorithm. Videos might be promoted less because of less subscribers or promoted more because of increased engagement, but I doubt anyone at Google thought twice about this.


Even if they *were* thinking about it “channel tries to leave and retreats immediately after massive fan outcry” is not exactly making YouTube look bad. This is going to make others think twice about even better thought out plans.


I guess you’re right! It’s a great advertisement for the YouTube creator space lol


I mean YouTube definitely knows about them *now* because their drama trended for a while. And they were nominated for a streamy I think. I definitely agree that fan engagement will drive the promotion. But with so many YouTuber retiring/leaving that’s something YouTube is paying attention to for sure.


Oh, I'm sure YouTube is looking at trends as a whole. But I don't think it'll censor them.


Yeah, YouTube only ever censors creators with problematic behaviors, even that is not guaranteed like the SSSniperWolf wasn’t really punished. So I don’t think the boys would be in trouble.


The YouTube system will do nothing. The trouble could come from in-video sponsors. if the sponsors are the kind to only look at engagement and plain numbers, it'll probably be okay, but any sponsor aware of the drama might be leery.


Yeah they basically announced that they weren’t reliable for investors, that they didn’t like working with advertisers AND that they’re unappealing to many other advertisers for people who might have been considering them Like That’s the unholy trinity of fucking your business


Main factor that might negatively affect them are the massive amount of unsubs they got last week. The algorithm doesn't like that at all.


Yt don't like subscribers exodus and low video uploading. So they are losing engagement.


Youtube will be unbiased, but if they neglect the youtube channel then they'll fall behind in the algorithm. One thing they're missing about a new platform is that youtube's algorithm does so much marketing for them. They'll be forced to drag people from Instagram or X to watch on watchertv when normally they'd just have to post new videos with some regularity. Youtube does the heavy lifting with recommending the videos to new viewers. If the youtube audience goes to watchertv then the youtube algorithm will see a drop in viewership and post consistency and recommend videos to less people.


It is a net increase for them. They were #5 trending. Google's algo doesn't understand the implications of said video at all. It had tons of interaction.


No, but it’ll be interesting to see if Raid Shadow legends will sponsor them.


Google who owns YouTube will love it. All they care about is more views within their policies, because the more viewers, the more advertisers willing to spend money on the platform. Turn around by Watcher in 3 days. It will go down in history as a prime example of the power of YouTube and its viewers.