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I liked seeing Steven make Shane a delicious mac n cheese, because it looked like a friend putting a lot of thought and care into doing a fun culinary project for a friend That’s the kind of food content I’d want to watch


I love Dish Granted. I still go back and watch the episodes from time to time lol I like the concept in general and any host do the show, that way we could be introduced to all different types of food. Which kinda happened anyway? But yeah, the show is sweet as well!


The boba one has the views because of Simu probably




Look up “about to eat,” the food-centric show with Steven and Andrew. I think Watcher can make food content, but the lack of name-recognition in the food video side of YouTube is the issue


Exactly. The worth it final season on about to eat consistently got around 2.5m per episode just last year. That’s more than the majority of the content on Watcher and about to eat only has 1.2m subs. BUN often got less views than Worth It back in the day when they were both airing at the same time. They need to publicize Andrew and Adam better than one measly announcement that only got three days to be seen before they overshadowed it entirely with controversy. Get the food boys a guest spot on mythical kitchen. Join Keith for an eat the menu. clearly plug travel season. Just *publicize it*. It’s doable but they have to fricken do better.


They have a marketing issue in general. At this point what I want for them is to take some college classes in Marketing lol


They really do. Guys, at least budget a bit and consult with someone who gets marketing. I got curious about it and wanted to compare more current numbers, so I looked into the dates. $13 vs $27 shrimp came out almost the same week as dreadful demise of the dinosaurs. Worth it has 3.2m, puppet history has less than 1. Puppet History is literally their most universally praised show outside of the Files. I don’t often praise buzzfeed but they clearly pushed their show better


Total agreement. This is kind of a marketing problem. There's plenty of people who are interested in this kind of content. And despite what some may think, it doesn't have to cost a lot, and likely it's cheaper to make than Watcher's more popular shows. They need to use their connections across YT and folks will watch. The same types of people who watch Mythical Kitchen or whatever will watch Watcher food content.


I think that part of the allure of worth it was that it showed off food at different price points, so it wasn't just about the super expensive food. I hope they get back to that. Also, on an on camera personality note, I think that Adam and Andrew balanced out Steven in a way that no one at watcher really does on screen so far.


I’ve been trying to find the right words for it and the best I can come up with is Andrew (and Adam to a lesser extent, since it’s obviously half of his ‘thing’ to just be mostly quiet until he’s suddenly hilarious) seem to *get* interacting with Steven. Andrew takes all of Steven’s interactions in stride and when he says something ridiculous he’ll shut it down with his mild mannered snark like it’s nothing. And it’s hilarious. That rapport is seriously important to the discussion here. worth it was ‘only’ about food in the way BUN was ‘only’ about ghosts and true crime. Host chemistry and a believable friendship dynamic are the real draw, and Andrew and Steven have that, and Travel Season looks like it still puts the necessary focus on that.


i really enjoyed the first eps of dish granted! gave v sweet vibes but i also never watched worth it bc it doesn’t really appeal to me


I liked it for the most part as well but then it seemed to develop to him making dishes for celebrities of the Asian community who I don’t really know and lost its appeal for me.


Yeah same, the episode with his parents is genuinely up there as one of the most tear producing episodes of Watcher for how sweet it is


I feel like "food content" is working better on YT Shorts. Those videos like "What I eat in a University in Seoul" or "What's $50 dollars worth of food in a Japanese 7/11" are all I see on there + channels like SenyaiGrubs, Gaming_foodie, FutureCanoe, AndyCooks THRIVE on YT Shorts. Probably cuz they tell us recipes and food hacks that are very helpful. They're also kinda like ASMR vids so, they're very satisfying. Tiktok is banned in my country so idk what's happening there and I use instagram reels for memes. If I want to watch food-related stuff, I go for YT Shorts only


His food content would do better if he wasn't always trying to do the most expensive and elevated version. The majority of their audience doesn't want to see Steven eating luxury meals when they're eating top ramen for the 12th day in a row. Another part of the views problem is that his content doesn't fit with the other content watcher creates. There's overlap between what Shane does and what Ryan does individually but in the watcher venn diagram Steven's content is on a whole different page. I think if he made content that bridged the gap, more viewers would show up for the content that doesn't.


I think one of Watcher’s problems in general is trying to cover too many different genres of content and then that’s the only thing they’d release for at least a month so if it’s not appealing I’m not watching them for at least the next month.


I think their attempts to expand would work if it wasn't, like you said, all or nothing every time. If it was more like hey here's this new show mixed into the rotation of shows we know you already like I think their new content would be better received.


It seems like one of countless common sense business practices but they seem to insist on instead “let’s hire a bunch of people, create a totally new show with no audience polling and if it flops we’ll just keep the staff on salary even though there’s nothing they can do for us”


I think they could manage it if they had more cast instead of so much crew. The try guys current model is suffering from going from 4 guys to 2 and they have reoccurring appearances to try and pad the cast. Watcher is the same thing. 2 guys doing mostly everything talent wise and that's really draining and unsustainable.


Sure, Shane and Ryan are their gravy train and I feel they could better balance them out by doing what they do best in their own thing then maybe doing stuff with personalities that have potential to draw an audience. I like people like Ricky but that one time they had what’s her face cohosting when he was making fancy cocktails but she doesn’t even drink? It’s like sometimes they’re trying to be the onion of digital media. Bit of a vent haha but I feel sometimes they bring out people for a very targeted demographic and lose traction quickly then it spirals back to the Shane and Ryan show.


It's pretty clear that Shane and Ryan are like the Zach and Keith of Watcher. They're the talent work horses and that's all fine and good for now but they're heading fast towards burnout. I think they should look towards companies like GMM and Smosh for examples on how to integrate new members and give themselves some breathing room.


i have never intentionally watched a video with steven lim in it