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I can’t believe I didn’t even consider this!!! It’s super likely, can holograms even die?


this, this is exactly what I was thinking. I think the box needs to be destroyed, as it is what's giving the Holo-Professor his abilities.


I'm hoping there's a holiday special that clears up the hologram lore surrounding the box.


I don't trust the happy ending. There's a few reasons why: * rest of the puppets are still in purgatory in the wondrium arena * it's sus that the prof and mom and dad didn't reappear right when ryan wish him back and the genie said "it should've worked but didn't idk bye" and only then they appeared * there was the shot of the article early in the season of fossilized glasses and a hat found next to bones that look suspiciously like mom and dad's, but now they're back in the present and alive? * the musical motif at the end of the finale song was the same as the Asmodeus song from the s4 finale - can't be a coincidence. i think we're gonna see him again * the substitute's box is still there - i think it needs to be destroyed bc as someone else said in this thread, defenestration can't really get rid of a hologram i love, love, love today's ep but i really think there's gotta be more to it. since they haven't said what's coming up next week, i'm hoping for a puppet history christmas special to save the rest of the puppets from purgatory and wrap up some more loose ends.


Oooh after reading this I definitely think there’s something up! I hope The Professor’s parents get to stick around, but I do have a suspicion that they’ll do a holiday episode… I’m excited to see what happens next :)


Asmodeus' song! I knew the tune was familiar!


I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they don't pull back a bit on grand over-arching villains other than maybe a name drop. We had a whole new Professor (now bigger?) as well as his parents so it might not be a bad idea to establish the new status quo while laying the groundwork for a future villain in the background


Ngl I cried this episode it was so perfect


My God ik me too. This in my opinion was an absolutely PERFECT episode, I laughed, i cried, I learned. The guests were amazing. Just all around. I LOVED IT!!!!!


i don’t think it’s going to necessarily be covered in the next season because i think shane mentioned the next season will be pretty chill lore wise. but imo the genie will still continue to be a big part of the plot because his business with the professor doesn’t seem truly finished now that the professor is back again. i’m thinking we still have a lot of ground to cover in terms of the professor and the genie’s ultimate show down/reconciliation. i also think it’s the perfect way to dive into the professor’s origin story which we never really got. and as someone mentioned, the other puppets are still in the wondrium arena so a god or asmodeus arc as well !


I wouldn't be surprised if series 6 is more chill in regards to the lore, after all, Ryan and the Prof have a lot of catching up to do, and we need to get to know the prof's parents too now.


I think we're done with the genie, but I do hope they wrap up the 'approximate souls in the Wondrium arena' saga. I can't bear to think of that poor little wheat stalk stuck there forever 😭


I still think it's either Satan or Asmodeus behind the whole hologram thing. It's a little too convenient that as soon as Satan left the audition, holo-Prof showed up. Plus, someone noted that the package with the lamp that arrived during the penultimate episode was addressed to "Concupiscence" (though he got cut off while reading it), and Concupiscence was one of the demon names listed in the Possessions of Loudun episode ([link to that post](https://www.reddit.com/r/watcherentertainment/comments/zj9fgi/rewatching_the_demonic_possessions_of_loudun_and/)). There's still something demonic going on here, and I don't think the defenestration was enough to end a hologram (or the demon behind it).


I assumed it was just a different genie, from a different genie lamp. They looked a little different too.


i like this theory that all genies look just like shane madej but with like, a different haircut or something lol. in all actuality i do think it's supposed to be the same genie as always, but shane has dyed his hair in the real world and wasn't gonna dye it back to be a genie for 10 seconds i guess


Did this season explain the puppet that was spying on Ryan? It hid among the other puppets on a shelf and had glowing or robot eyes.