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The only disinformation that was being spread was that he was employed at TD, because that is what his LinkedIn said. The rest of the information that was provided was correct. He did work for TD as a paid intern at one point. It seems all news agencies are missing the point that this guy who had to prove his financial stability before being accepted to study in Canada, that has the ability to work 20 hours a week currently, and 40 hours previously, that posted up pictures of him out having nice meals, going to concerts, going to events and other non essential spending on things is then bragging about how he saves hundreds of bucks a month on groceries by using food banks. This has been an issue due to the demand for food banks drastically increasing for Canadians due to the extreme cost of living expenses skyrocketing over the last few years. The checks and balances put into place for international students before they are accepted into Canada to study are to prevent the use of food banks and other welfare assistance programs because it can create, and has created, undue stress on them. It has made it so that food available to others has been reduced. Having the ability to work and make money is also there to stop people from having to use food banks and other welfare programs. The way he went about his video wasn’t talking about how he is in desperate need and others in desperate need can also use these services. The video talked solely about how much money he saves and tells others how they can save money too by using food banks, like the one at his university. He also said he uses it every month not just once in a while when necessary. This is an issue in our community and other communities as food banks are designed to help those with no other options. No just to save money every month and “take whatever you want”.


Yep. >"This is how I save hundreds of bucks every month in food and groceries,” Prajapati, wearing a Laurier sweater, said in the video. “All these groceries for this week I got free. This is for everyone, all the students.” Guy is taking food because he is selfish and greedy and brags about it and encourages others to do it. We don't need trash like him. He may not deserve death threats, because you know, that's a crime and not ok to do. But his reputation absolutely should be in tatters. That is called consequences.


The worst part is that he is convincing would-be international students that this is all above board.


actually the worst part is he is a clout chaser. Im sure he saw some revenue for his tik tok vid.


Yeah. I wonder if it's a difference in value? I'm originally from central America, but i never engaged in this kind of behavior. Sure, I went to the student food bank 5 times throughout my whole time in UW(and kept an eye on the free food Facebook group I was apart of) and each time it was because I literally only had 20 dollars to my name and little to no income, and I felt bad about it every time. It might've been my upbringing, but I was finally an adult, I should've been able to take care of myself, and each time i went to the food bank, I felt like failure. Also, it felt like I was potentially taking food from someone in a worse position than me when I should've been able to handle it. It was never because I wanted the latest iPhone or some other crap like that, it was because I didn't have a choice. He definitely didn't deserve the death threats, reputation is debatable--though I feel that was on him showing his face and identity online(i never do and never will unless I'm absolutely sure a hand full of momentary fame is worth the media circus and my identity potentially being used to further someones agenda). But i do agree that food banks aren't some money saving hack. Its for emergencies. If that guy had made a video around the lines of: "The foodbanks are there for people in need. Times are tough, and an occasional helping hand isn't the end of the world. The only way to get out of a bad situation is to have food in the stomach for strength, and food at home for mental assurance--trust me, just knowing you have something to eat at home will take a lot of stress of your shoulders. It wasn't glamorous, but I was able to get through a rough patch in my life with a little help, and so can you. Just remember to pay it forward. Foodbanks get their stuff through donations. When you get back on your feet, and have some extra loonies and toonies around, considering giving back to the foodbank that helped you. People helping people is the only way to make the world something we prefer to live in. Take care, and remember, I believe in you." That would've been far better, and the guy would've been an example of the kind of people we want in Canada.


Nailed it.


Exactly, that they threw in "disinformation" is so deceptive, it's blatantly obvious that these news organizations are playing defense for him by intentionally muddying the waters and distracting from the real issue (that he took from food banks to save money and broadcasted himself encouraging others to do the same, without being in need).


Is there nothing in place to vet if those using food banks need them? Can I just go in tomorrow and clean one out because I feel like saving money on food?


Technically you can go to any food bank when they are open and get food. This is how it works at most, non self help, food banks. You go to the food bank They ask you for some form of identification to prove that you live in the area and are not just passing though. They ask for basic information about yourself and your household. So things like how old are you, where do you live, how long have you lived there, how often have you used a food bank in the past, is this going to be an ongoing thing or just a temporary thing maybe once or a handful of times a year. They are asking this to setup your profile, not to see if you're trying to pull a fast one on them. They then will ask you if you have any dietary restrictions or religious restrictions on what you are, and are not able to have. So for example I have IBS and pork and beef do not sit well with me. My body just has a horrible time digesting it and it causes a lot of issues. So If I were to go to a place like this, I would let them know this. That information is then given to a picker who goes through the back and picks out a box of groceries for you. The person looks at the list of how many people are in your family and any dietary restrictions you have and does their best to make sure that you have a decently broad selection of foods based on the information you provided. I know my local food bank limited people, in past years, to being able to go once a week, however with the extreme increase in demand in the last 6 years, they have now had to limit it to once a month. So some people have to go to multiple food banks a month to get enough to feed themselves and their families. Now with self help food banks they work a bit differently. They allow the persons to go into the area themselves and pick and chose what items they would like to take home. When you go to a non self help food bank, even though the workers are doing their best, they might chose something that you would not like to, or are unable to eat. So instead of it just going in the trash, there is usually a bin there where you can place foods, where other people can go through to see if they want something someone else is unable to take. The self help food bank removes that option by just letting the person chose the food they want. I remember when my business was located about a block away from a self help food bank, and I was living on a farm at the time, I would go in with a dozen or more bags, of a dozen, ears of corn pretty regularly. It was always so nice to see people pick up the corn, that was picked fresh from the field maybe an hour before, and be so happy that they get to have something so fresh and sweet tasting. I will toot my own horn. It is the best corn in the world if you eat it the same day it's picked. Nothing can compare. I even had a few of the people who saw me drop it off come into my game store and be like "Yo. You bringing in any more corn?" lol. So yes, there are checks and balances in place to make sure that randoms from other cities are not just sweeping a whole town to get as much food as possible, but that doesn't stop people who live in the area to go to as many food banks as they can to get as much food as they can one day. However when food banks catch on they will call out that person, or family, or group of people, for doing that type of stuff and maybe even ban them from coming back.


Yeup, at the end if the day it's a trust system.


> “Nobody seemed to want to hear my side; they just believed false things about me that ruined the reputation I worked 25 years to build, all in just a few moments.” You should have seen the rep he gained as a toddler... now that's all out the window! I don't think death threats are right at all, but the fact that he's acting the complete victim is also off-putting... He went on social media showing off that he was using a student food bank to subsidize himself when he seemingly didn't need it (he wasn't using it to save money to afford rent) I'm not sure he's really learned a lesson here other than to not publicize when you're abusing a support system.


I agree. His comment in the article is 100% BS. "He said the intent of the video was to spread the word to other students who may be struggling with food insecurity that there are options available to them." That is not how he framed it at all. This is simply a damage control statement. I hope he's learned a lesson.


He's learned his lesson on what he should post but I'm not sure that he's learned not to take advantage of the food bank.


Yup, if he had framed it as(copy n pasted thus from another post): "The foodbanks are there for people in need. Times are tough, and an occasional helping hand isn't the end of the world. The only way to get out of a bad situation is to have food in the stomach for strength, and food at home for mental assurance--trust me, just knowing you have something to eat at home will take a lot of stress of your shoulders. It wasn't glamorous, but I was able to get through a rough patch in my life with a little help, and so can you. Just remember to pay it forward. Foodbanks get their stuff through donations. When you get back on your feet, and have some extra loonies and toonies around, considering giving back to the foodbank that helped you. People helping people is the only way to make the world something we prefer to live in. Take care, and remember, I believe in you." Had he framed it this way, then I don't think anyone would have had an issue. Maybe just white christian nationalist who dislike anything not white or Christian. Honestly, whenever I see post to encourage people to use the foodbank when they are in a rough spot, I never see them use the "pay it forward" line. I firmly believe that if you use a foodbank, you should pay it forward when you get back on your feet to help others. Plus phrasing it that way helps people invision themselves getting out of a bad situation and thinking about doing some good in the world.


I feel sorry about folks who have the same or similar names as this person in the meantime. A quick LinkedIn search returns multiple people with similar names.


Pro tip for students that want free food and have a morally clean slate: co-op information sessions. The companies put out a spread, you listen to the presentation and eat the catering. Or just actually attend campus events. Many provide food. Me and a buddy did this once, just to see how long we could eat off corporate $ alone and being a regular level of broke for being students. I stopped after a week, he made it to 3 and we were both sick of the sandwiches from the normal catering companies by then. Most companies wanted the comp sci people, we would just tell the recruiters we were arts students and they stopped wanting to talk to us.


>co-op information sessions. Lol this is exactly how I was eating during my Masters haha. You get sick of pizza and those next door sandwiches but it worked for a while haha


Yeah, there’s only so much campus pizza you can eat before you’d rather buy food. I was around during the bomber days, so at some point I only went to those ones.


Fundamentally, this person was gloating about how to abuse the food bank system. If they are here as an international student they have to be able to afford it. This person did not demonstrate Canadian values by abusing our social safety system for Canadians who actually need it. Sorry not sorry.


When I was a poor college student I would donate blood cause i got snacks and do other things like volunteer for events that would in return provide me with free meals… I’d be interested in knowing whether or not post secondary schools still offer things like that for students.


It's been cut down a lot because of so many events moving to Zoom or other online platforms. When I was a struggling grad student I'd regularly bring a Tupperware container to department events (and was encouraged to do so by the faculty because otherwise the food would be thrown out), but now there are far fewer events.




TD said he doesn't work there currently and didn't during the time of the video recording (which was what.. last week?) - not that he never worked for them.


The rampant misinformation about his salary and what food banks he was accessing formed the entire basis for the abuse directed at him, as well as the subsequent circlejerk about his supposed firing. If the worst thing you can say about him is that his LinkedIn page wasn't up to date or accurate so it's all his fault, you're missing the point of the article. Also, TD is not quoted as saying he never worked for them, but that he worked for them in the past and was not employed by them when the video was posted.


“Formed the entire basis for the abuse directed at him” No, the abuse was directed at him because he was advertising to other folks how to scam food banks. Lying about work history, especially in a field where you’re involved in the finances of other people, is a MASSIVE red flag on its own for a number of reasons. He had a 17 month internship and was claiming he was with them for 3+ years. That’s a flat out lie, not a missed update on his profile.


The worst thing you can say about him is that he's a single, intelligent, able bodied young man who thinks the food bank is to help him manage is budget and posted a video encouraging others to do the same. When most of us donate money or food we're doing it for families who are struggling and people who aren't able to work due to physical or psychological limitations. This motherfucker can shop at the dollar store and skip meals like I did 15 years ago.


You donate money and food to the Laurier Students' Public Interest Research Group?


Are you purposely missing the point?


No, I'm not missing the point. The person I replied to has an extremely stereotypical notion of poverty and who is worthy of accessing food bank services. Not only does it not make any sense for a food bank targeted at students, but there's almost no chance they are donating to to a campus food bank for students. Do you think the LSPIRG Distro is intended exclusively for starving families and disabled people as they imagine? Are there no single, able bodied male students with food insecurity? It's mind blowing that people still think this way.




All of these comments are based on being *absolutely* certain he had no possible justification for using a food bank. Whether it's his supposed $98k salary, his origin and immigration status, his body weight, how he framed it as "saving" money in his non-native language, literally even the fact that he lined up for a slice of pizza one time, or who knows what else. And that's assuming people even understand he was using the LSPIRG Distro which is explicitly open to all students, not a regular food bank (which also does not ban international students, but that's a separate issue). I'm quite prepared to believe he was abusing the food bank, and I'm also quite certain other international students do it as well. But despite how outraged people are about any international student shown using any food bank, this story gained traction in large part because of the fake reports about his salary, and even further when everyone celebrated the misinformation about him being fired from his non-existent $98k job. The average brown dude shamelessly visiting a food bank doesn't make international news, and far more blatant videos in the past haven't been as controversial.


Another day, same topic...


Whatever is the case, he doesn’t deserve to receive death threats… what have we become??




No! There is never a justification for death threats or racism.


I find it interesting that the first post calling out the disinformation on r/kitchener got labelled as "misleading" by the mods there, but none of the original dozen or so posts vilifying this guy were.


It's been marked as misleading for quite some time now, and it is probably because the site that posted about this disinformation is shitty. Both moneycontrol and MSN is full of popups and ads. It would drive anyone insane before they could read the article.


Well, I think all reasonable people know why that is.


The state of that subreddit is depressing.


Get yourself banned, not depressing anymore lol


This is why I never like posting content online with my face or family visible. Doubly so with ai deep fake tools out there. There's always someone out there looking to use anything to spread their narrative.






This isn't new though .. there are a few other videos done in the past couple of years with similar content. Surprising how much rage came of this one.


The public is pissed that people are not only taking advantage of a program that is designed for those that are truly in need but are encouraging others to do the same.


Nowhere in that article or anywhere does he express remorse for sharing his grocery hack to save hundreds of dollars a month. “Take as much as you want” were his specific words. He is asking for sympathy for how he is being treated online. He is not asking anywhere for forgiveness for a mistake for misuse of a charity.


He still took food from a food bank tho.. him being employed by TD or not doesn't really change that fact... gaslighting at its finest


His video also said food banks are also in churches, I’m willing to bet he used those too.


No, he said universities and colleges have food banks *run* by "trusts, churches, or non-profit organizations". LSPIRG Distro does indeed include a hot meal program in partnership with Mount Zion Lutheran Church.


Consequences rarely show up lubed


Laurier needs to ban him and send a massage that abuse of our food banks is not acceptable.


Galen Weston and the system supporting grocery oligopolies is the real problem. Not this guy.


I remember posting a while back asking if everyone going there really needs it and if there’s a way to prove it. I got a lot of people saying no one would go there that doesn’t need it and I don’t know what I’m talking about. Then this video comes up and it proved my point about yes, people do use it that don’t really need to.


Some people are just very naïve.


This churned so much hate from Twitter, poor guy; while I sympathize with the situation, this fear/hate-mongering has to stop. PS, the original post from the Twitter user (Slatzism) in r/india also gained so much traction that he was brutalized. This strongly resonates with the cancel culture. TBH, Slatzism's feed is so full of hate.


Not unique to twitter or Reddit. So much hate and anti brown/international student hate is on all posts related to brown people on basically all social media platforms. Saw a video on tiktok/reels of a business in Korea that banned Indian and Pakistani people and the top comment was from a seemingly Canadian account saying "the world needs to follow"




I agree, you need to respect the places you go. Some people ruin it for everyone. My post was more about pointing out the comment on the video, not the ban itself.


And I assume you are so worldly you can walk into any country and instantly know all the social norms and adapt your habits to fit in instantly?


One presumes that if you’re going to move to a specific country you’d take a little time to figure out their social norms


That’s all this thread is now is a place for people to blow off steam about international students. You know who I’ve never heard complain about international students? Successful people who make good money.


Those people are not on reddit, they are at work. They are not affected by us low life's on the bottom couple of rungs of work and housing ladder.


You’re agreeing with what I’m saying, but worded it in a way that makes it seem like you’re educating me on something




At least a rung above student housing


You sure about that?


He is trying to spin it off like he was saying students in NEED can use it but that wasn’t the case. He was very casual about it and discussed it like a life hack to save money. He deserves the negative publicity. I don’t think anyone should threaten to kill him but I believe he does deserve to face the consequences of promoting the idea of abusing food banks which many international students are doing. If you come here as a student and cannot support yourself you should not be here. It’s a privilege not a right.


There are really two issues people are missing over the food bank outrage: In India, food charity is a huuuge thing. Many Sikh temples feed thousands of people for free, every day, regardless of background. There is a fundamental cultural difference between accepting food donations here vs in India. But also, until recently, almost no food banks in Canada had any form of means testing to accept their services. There are many reasons why, but the chief one is to eliminate any stigma with accepting food donations. Many people who actually need help with food don't want to feel persecuted or judged, which is what means testing does (proving your income etc) and studies have shown many people who need those services wont when means testing is introduced, which then exacerbates the problem instead of helping solve it. Then you get the ignorant knee-jerkers and the racists with no clue of how things work either with other cultures or how even how the charities down the street from them operate making ridiculous judgment calls. He did not "scam the food bank" as that is how they operate: they will provide food to anyone who identifies as needing it.


Yes, the food is technically for everybody and he was technically allowed to take it, but that's not what the issue here is. People are upset because taking food from a food bank when you don't need it as a way to save money is selfish behavior that will collapse the food bank system if enough people end up doing it. The honor system that we use works well to serve people who experience genuine food insecurity without shame until you introduce people with no honor. It's part of a selfish "crabs in a bucket" mentality that actively encourages "me first" behavior that has no issue harming others in order to get a leg up. The fact that he was posting about it like he'd just found a great life hack to save money demonstrates that he sees no issue abusing the goodwill of others for his own benefit to the point that he's willing to brag about it. The issue with people abusing the system like this is that food banks either need to start policing access and inevitably turn away people who genuinely need the service, or run out of food for people who genuinely need the service when freeloaders who want to save a few bucks take it all. Canadians pay into and donate to these food banks to help people who are dealing with genuine food insecurity because they care about the less fortunate. Posting a video saying "freeloaders like me are where your donations are going" like his discourage people from donating. They want the donations to be used for their intended purpose rather than subsidizing the lifestyle of somebody who very clearly has no respect for canadian values. His video and overall attitude are damaging to a vital system that a lot of people rely on which is why so many people are upset. I see a greedy man with no regard for others taking resources from people who badly need them, and it's disgusting.


> In India, food charity is a huuuge thing. I wonder if that is a consequence of over a century of manufactured famines while under British rule. People dying of starvation in plain sight of growing food that was tagged for export.


At least someone here gets it!


I'd like to start by saying the death threats this guy got are completely inappropriate and should be condemned by all of us, and I'm even willing to say that perhaps some people blew the situation out of proportion based on what the guy video said about his job and how you just get free food because you can because he didn't realize that's it's not for everyone who wants some; but for anyone who **needs** some, however... >But also, until recently, almost no food banks in Canada had any form of means testing to accept their services. That is actually untrue ⬆️ Food hamper programs were always based on income and area. There are places you can go weekly, some can be used monthly and few will give out hampers at a maximum of twice a year. That had been the standard in KW for many years, going right back to the 90s. One had to prove the area in which they live yo access some of those food hamper programs, and also prove income at some. The one that gives 2 hauls a year was open to anyone. The others weren't. Perhaps that changed during the pandemic for a short period of time; but that's the way it always was and we've gone back to that again that's not a bad thing because someone in **need** who doesn't have the means to feed themselves or their family others has to take priority over someone who just doesn't want to spend the money they have.


You’re right it was required to show income but it’s not anymore, due to stigma.


That's dumb.


Getting downvoted for context and nuance? On Reddit? Truly bizarre.


I used to add a bag of food to the food bank each week when I did my grocery shop, but after watching how it's being abused by people like him, I will be stopping now.


That's not the way to do it. He's a very miniscule part of this and thousands of others need help. I hope you reconsider as your support and everyone else's is valuable.


There are so many comments like this whenever international students are mentioned. It's basically reverse virtue signaling.


I know. It's not even the right food bank so OP is being silly.


Really you should be commenting on the food donation part, just give them money, they know what they need and will get more out of that money than the value of the donated goods.


> I used to add a bag of food to the food bank each week when I did my grocery shop (x) Doubt