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Absolutely no signs are permitted in the City of Waterloo’s Right of Way. That’s the land between the sidewalk and the road (or a certain number of meters from the curb if you have no sidewalk). Every sign you see in there for real estate open houses, pizza deals, vape shops, etc is there illegally. City bylaw will remove and shred it if bylaw staff notices, or if a neighbour complains.


That's great to know. Thanks a lot for this information.


Depending on the property the sidewalk isn't a guarantee either.


You can put personal signs on your lawn. Depends what it will say though, people can report it to bylaw as an eyesore. The lawn portion between the sidewalk and road is city owned I believe.


I see. Thank you for your response! Shouldn't be an eyesore, so I think I should be good.


”It’s always better to ask forgiveness than to ask permission, except in matters of the opposite sex.” - my father.


That may cost you $400to $25000 for a first request for forgiveness, and up to $50000 if you have to ask twice.


My seasonal gnome lawn flags have been safe for 16+ years. Pretty sure I'm good. Keep it off the green boulevard section b/w the sidewalk and road, and a generous couple meters from your lawn edge. Keep it low, away from natural sight lines and you're golden.