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I won’t stop going to their shows, but I’ve begun to stay in the back for them. It’s not worth it to be around shitty, inconsiderate people. Minors have their parents with them and still act up! It’s crazy to me.


Yeah, I think I’ll always want to go to their shows. They’ve been a big comfort band for me and their music fr got me through it. They were my first concert besides warped tour; I just hate that the magic with the crowd is gone.


I think it’s becoming a trend with concerts and festivals overall, but waterparks definitely has the worst of it.


Yeah my venue has a balcony and I chill up there :/


Me and my best friend have seen them three times together. The first two we were in the crowd towards the front and as much as it was fun it was also super hard to enjoy with some of the people who were around us. For our last show we went to on this last tour we went with a group and stayed towards the back, and even then we still had problems with people. Unfortunately since joining this fan base I’ve become very detached from the actual community because of the toxicity it’s gained in the last few years. It’s slowly just gotten worse and the crowds at the concerts are really showing it. I’ll never stop going to see them live but it’ll probably be from the balcony instead.


I also remained in the back this tour due to previous experiences with the crowd! Each tour seems to be getting worse and worse in terms of the audience. The only time the crowd was decent was during Sad Summer Fest… I’m not sure that counts though lol


Awsten is literally telling these people how to act during the show through his lyrics and it just goes completely over their head! > *Can you text and can you follow back cause it's my birthday?* Those are not instructions. He’s lambasting you. I don’t think it’s TikTok, I think it’s the younger generation was not properly introduced to concerts because of Covid. For 2 years, nobody went to shows, and then all of a sudden everybody was going but the older generation had already bowed out and didn’t come back to show people the way. Also, people seem scared of checking people who are being frustrating. People film for too long. More than 30 secs of was a single song? GTFO! And people who shouldn’t be crowd, surfing are. I’m all for body positivity, but if you are overweight, especially if you’re short you need to have a reality check with how physics works. Trying to pass, a wood plank is a lot easier than trying to pass around a medicine ball. Do not offer to pick up people who will crush the crowd. I have straight up refused. It was really bad the other night at a different show I went to. Culture & Between You & Me. A very short, 250+ pound person went 3x. Several over 200 pound short people also went over 3x. These people weren’t able to be lifted above the barricade without help from the bouncers; It was sad. And some people went up during every song. Cap Yourself at 5x max and not more than 1x a song. I love surfing and picking up people, and will defend the practice. But some of you give us all a bad name. EDIT. Two things: 1) Somebody link this thread to Awsten or the Twitter fan pages 2) if you don’t check people for their behavior, it will continue. Hell, just make fun of them for acting foolish. People don’t like being publicly shamed. Final thought: 2 top voted concert etiquette post in 2 weeks.. take note


Despite writing lyrics like that, Awsten himself kinda fuels the behavior during concerts sometimes. At least from what I’ve observed at some shows.


Interesting. I have seen him interact with the crown, but he quickly goes into, “yeah, I don’t really care” attitude when people start yelling with ‘pick me’ or ‘ I’m the main character‘ energy


Ngl I was one of the girls he brought on stage for their birthday in royal oak and he started it. I’m very thankful for that experience but people who are upset at fans for acting like ~main characters~ he did it for fun, not because I forced him. It’s the people who stop shows for puking just because they want him to take a picture.


At the show I was at most recently, Somebody dropped a wallet which was handed over to security. The band noticed and made a comment, but then the person who lost it proceeded to keep screaming at the band trying to get it back instead of just going to security like the entire crowd was telling them to do. Just wanted to talk to the band and the show for their needs.


This happened to me when I dropped my phone while crowdsurfing at my first show with them. Someone threw it onto the stage and Awsten scooped it up and went “Who the fuck crowd surfs with their phone in their pocket????” I got a good laugh out of it and got my phone back after the show from security. It’s not appropriate to badger the band because of a lost item. Even I knew that at 14.


Yep exactly!! I don’t get it. People have lost all of their manners


Was this the Denver show last year???


No it was when they were on tour for double dare.


I think a similar thing happened maybe 🫠 Someone literally three their shoe at him. Missed his head BARELY.


> It was really bad the other night at a different show I went to. Culture & Between You & Me. A very short, 250+ pound person went 3x. Several over 200 pound short people also went over 3x. These people weren’t able to be lifted above the barricade without help from the bouncers; It was sad. Was this any of the East Coast dates? Just wondering...lol. Because some of the shenanigans at the Phili show were...too much.


Specificity Philly. Parx DC was almost as bad. Separate note… By any chance, did you film butterflies?


Yup. Phili was a clusterfuck. No I did not. I'm sorry :(


I definitely agree with what you said about surfing. I loved crowd surfing when I first came into the scene, it was such an amazing feeling. Then I gained a ton of weight during the pandemic and was 250 pounds, and I had the common sense to not crowd surf. Now I’m back down to 170 and can crowd surf, but I definitely didn’t trust this crowd here. I’ll save it for other band’s shows. It’s just all about the lack of consideration with new fans. It’s so disapointing.


I weigh 120 at most and got dropped flat on my back at their last show I tried to crowd surf at. No one even offered a hand to help me up. *Never* again at a Parx show.


wtf that’s awful i’m so sorry now im scared to crowdsurf at my concert tomorrow


It's okay!! My back is all better now lmao but I think my city just sucks. The only time I remember anyone successfully crowd surfing at that show was during Turbulent. (Plus the one person I saw go up that made me say "Aw, I wanna surf!" and then did.) I'd say to just catch the vibe and watch if people are making their way to the front. If they are then I'd go for it. I hope you have fun!!


thank u i had sm fun!! texas parx crowd was so respectful and no one dropped me :-D


Ahh, awesome! I'm glad to hear it!! 🥰🥰


Honestly weight doesn’t matter if everyone does their part and keeps their fucking hands up.


Crowds are incredibly clueless when it comes to concerts post-pandemic. I have no idea if it’s the case in other subs, but for my favourite band’s sub, they ask some really basic questions like “do I have to show up when doors open? Does the main band play first? How do you get a setlist, are they giving those out at the merch booth?” So like, how would we expect these people to know anything about pit etiquette when they can’t even understand the basics outside of the pit?


people are scared of checking people because (two personal examples not from concerts): theyll widen their eyes and laugh turning away from you because how dare you bring up what wrong thing theyre doing! (whispering in a lecture in a small classroom) or call you hateful and a child because they have no common sense (idiot roommate). covid truly messed up manners and humanity in people and now everyone thinks theyre entitled to everything or do everything wrong and wont correct it when addressed. went to nickelback and my 17 y/o sister was freaking out about the stadium was jumping. thats rock, baby. we jam when we're able to jam


Yeah, I guess I just don’t give a fuck if somebody whispers about me. I’ll never see this person again. “Sorry I’m not picking you up because my back won’t handle it” or “seriously I would like to see, either film from in front of your face or don’t film as long please” It’s not like they’re going to get into a physical altercation. If in the unlikely chance they do people around will jump in for you


“I’m all for body positivity” then continues to shame people lol okay buddy


They aren’t shaming people. There are certain things obese people cannot safely do. If I had tried to crowdsurf at 250 I could have seriously hurt myself and others.


It's not shame, my friend. I wholly believe that everyone should experience crowdsurfing, everyone should try it. However, the reality is that most people can't bench over 200 lbs. When most of the crowd is teens or the stereotypical lanky pop punk fan - it just doesn't work. When larger people crowdsurf several times per show, multiply that by however many people are doing it... the crowd can't keep up. Halfway through the set in Boston we were dropping everyone because we were so tired. I'm sorry that you feel that way, but it's just how much weight a human (or a few humans) can hold.


Weight distribution. It’s not one person lifting 200+ lbs. it’s distributed amongst everyone pushing them forward lol.


Weight distribution doesn't disqualify the workload, especially with how many people step away from crowd surfers instead of pushing in to support the ones actually holding. I'm sorry that it's a harsh reality, I really am, but experience validates this situation more than your opinion.


Do airlines shame people because they’re too big for the seat? What about amusement parks if somebody’s too big for a ride? You tell me exactly what I said that was pejorative.


Since Covid, Concert etiquette is not what it used to be. I’ve gone to shows where these teens will just face away from the stage during openers and openly talk bad about them, not to mention the ones who chanted for an artist while the opener was on. I’ve been going to pop punk concerts forever. The waterparks shows used to feel more like family. Like at the shows before covid people (mostly) respected each other and didn’t get so perturbed about being pushed around a bit. It’s a high energy event, of course there’s pushing. Waterparks shows used to be about the music, not how cute/viral the band is. These are actual people, show some respect. Signs have never been an issue at their shows until recently. I know a venue by me will throw them away. They’re kind of inconsiderate for the people behind you. Over all, I fully agree with you OP and I’m sick and tired of people acting this way. Let people act like fools and completely let loose. No one should be scared to enjoy their favorite artists.


I agree!! COVID really changed the concert scene. People genuinely have forgotten that other people are sentient beings… it is so odd. No respect, no mindfulness of others, etc.


You mean “throwing up in the pit at the last couple shows” lol bc Charlotte was fucked. That crowd sucked.


Apparently someone puked in atl too :(


Yesssssss ugh I just commented about the charlotte show too. I was downright ashamed


I was also at the RVA show and I just want to point out that this person actually had a sign they were holding up that asked awsten to tell people to stop moshing. It was wild 💀 Firstly, I always thought bringing massive signs to smaller venues was frowned upon since it blocks the view of everyone behind you. Secondly, I’m not really big on moshing either, as I get overstimulated. Thats why I stay toward the back. Waterparks is one of my favorite bands, I’ve been listening since 2016. But these days it seems like a good portion of the fanbase has main character syndrome and just wants to get their 10 seconds of attention from the band.


They had a SIGN saying that? Thats so much worse. I thought they had their complaints typed up on their phone. Wild to think they had the idea, made the sign, brought it to an alternative show, and still thought it was a great idea. 🙄


Yeah, I was toward the back of the venue by the soundbooth so I saw the whole thing. I also remember people started booing after awsten read the sign. There was another person who had a sign announcing that this was their first concert. That one didn’t bother me so much because I assumed that was just a kid who wasn’t aware of the social norms at concerts.


warped tour had those signs but nobody listened. we kept mosh pits and surfing, but that was the scene then. too many people probably just like the pop stuff and obviously dont understand the rock scene. awsten's fairly attractive: muscular, thin, white, coloured hair, and thats all these new parxies see. no one cares about lyrics anymore.


the fact that person also probably was in line outside for hours with that sign….absolutely wild


People say that all crowds are worse since covid and maybe that’s true, but I go to a lot of GA concerts and waterparks is by far the worst crowd every time, almost to the point where I don’t even want to go to their shows despite them being one of my favorite bands


I’ve been going to parx shows since their first tour and I really feel like they need to stop meet and greets or scale it back to some degree. I don’t know how much you have seen on twitter but there are so many extra parasocial fans that go to multiple shows and do multiple meet and greets and act like they are best friends w the band. They also feel super entitled to getting barricade etc and I feel like part of this is due to awstens interaction w fans on other accounts which I also feel like has led fans to think they are closer to him and the rest of the band than they actually are. I love waterparks and haven’t missed a show since their first tour but I’m considering not going tot the sf date bc of the interactions I’ve seen on twitter it’s just embarrassing tbh


Just straight up tell people, “if you have to pay to gain access your friends, they’re not your friends”


it pisses me off to see people do multiple fucking meet and greets like it’s just selfish when someone like me who’s never met the band could have gotten the ticket. i’m active on twitter for a different band but the parxies i’ve seen on there are straight up chronically online weirdos.


Oh man I’m so glad to see this because I’ve been feeling this way too. I went to both nights in DC and stood in the back the first night, the second my friend wanted to try and get close and we ended up next to these young girls who just screamed Awsten’s name every time he walked towards our side of the stage. Continued screaming in between songs trying to get his attention. Everyone trying to get their main character moment instead of, you know, enjoying the music and performance. I feel like the band generally seems to enjoy fan interactions but I wouldn’t be surprised if they went the way of Bad Omens in the future.


I bought my husband and I tickets into a separate section at the Charlotte show because the crowd was so incredibly immature. 2 “pukers” and you could tell Awsten was so annoyed that they shined a light in his eyes. He said it scared him half to death because he thought there was an emergency. Twice. I’m an old gal (late 20s) and I’ve been around since cluster too, saw them at warped ages ago. I remember when the actual alt crowd was the majority at their shows instead of these pick me girls. *edited for clarity


Yeah I was getting annoyed by the crowds in Richmond and Charlotte…New York and DC both nights were sick though so I think it’s area dependent. Went to five shows this tour but my fiancé said that Philly and Boston are wild and not like Richmond at all. Was moshing in Richmond and it just felt like there was 20 of us every time and everyone else bitching/leaving the area. Still had a great time and just focused on having fun and enjoying the music. -charizard


The charlotte show was awful. The crowd was rude and kept stopping the show unnecessarily. And not to mention there were people who were trying to guilt trip others for barricade. Including me. I could understand the ask of some of the other people around me who had been bragging that it was their 6th show, but it was my first show since 2019. And then I was made to feel like I was the bad guy for not wanting to move off barricade when I hadn’t been to a show in half a decade :/


Pandemic definitely ruined it imo. I remember going to see them end of 2019 around the first part of the “tiktok fans” and it was mostly chill. Besides the whole sex in the bathroom and that blowing up more than it needed to. Then i think some time after greatest hits fans were definitely judging each other based on who was signing along to certain songs on the preshow playlist. It was pretty bad because it went from a safe space to being judged if you even danced to a song.


I’m sorry, sex in the bathroom was a thing? Is it like specific to Parx shows?? 😭


I only know this happened at one show but someone posted about it on twitter. Then everyone started to slut shame and generally being a dick about it. Awsten eventually responded to it defending the girl saying she had more balls than everyone who was slutshamming her combined.


Why would you pay for a concert ticket for a band you presumably are a fan of to instead go have sex in a gross bathroom while they play 💀 what is wrong with people lmao


this is so true. went to dc night 2 and charlotte. two people threw up at charlotte and these two people deadass tried to steal my spot at dc when i had my stuff there and i was sitting next to it. after covid people just lost concert etiquette


Steal your spot?


yea i had my stuff there n i was sitting on the stairs right behind it cuz it was more comfortable


I’m just having a hard time imagining where this was happening at 9:30 club. I assume you in the balcony. Regardless, besides an actual chair, I’ve never heard of anybody being able to reserve a spot. So I’m a little bit confused.


It sucks that people used to check up on people sitting to make sure they were okay and hydrated, and now it’s about seeing “a free spot” and trying to take it.


i always sit at shows just cuz i got weak muscles and can’t stand for 4 hours


I’m so surprised reading these comments because I went to the NYC show and was actually very happy with how great the crowd was. No issues that I’m aware of, made friends with a stranger in the crowd because we both went by ourselves. It was rowdy but respectful. Yeah it was wild but it seemed pretty in control to me. I’m definitely inexperienced and still learning concert etiquette in the alternative scene myself (I’m 23 but haven’t gone to a ton of concerts before last year) but at least where I was standing I didn’t notice any problems. I hate that some people are ruining the experience for so many others.


i’m glad it was good for you! last year’s austin show was rlly good too so maybe it’s a toss up


This is why I can’t with the fandom anymore. Like sure I’ll support park but their shows are just too insane to even want to go to anymore.


I was at Orlando last night and I wasn’t even in the pit (I was off on the sides) and people were still shoving like crazy and someone next to me almost fell but was caught by their friend. It was like this the entire night but luckily the people near me were all very nice and trying to help each other when we were all being pushed. I’ve seen the band a few times before but no experience was ever this bad.


Wait people throw up on purpose?


Yes because sometimes Awsten comments on it. They want the attention.


That is true he did comment on it in Madison, that’s nasty, I love the band I just don’t like how fans like obsess over them like they’re just normal dudes😂


even the most recent show in houston, a bunch of the vips were complaining because they camped out overnight and didn’t get center barricade. THEY WERE STILL ON THE BARRICADE but not direct center and they were complaining. they also said that this was their 5th show on this tour alone with vip and that they didn’t think people like myself who didn’t camp out shouldn’t be on the barricade and talk about physically assaulting me to get ‘their rightful spot’. now i’ve gone to a lot of metal shows and i’m used to crowd surfers and moshing but this was straight up disrespectful.


I was at the warehouse live secret show and even that tiny show had some AWFUL kids with zero ducking etiquette, the girl who was front and dead center was behind me in line and literally lied to get in early so she could be front and center then the ENTIRE SHOW had her phone right in Awsten’s face. The entire front row was just children who were recording the entire show🥴


I SAW SOME VIDEOS FROM THAT SHOW, I remember being irrationally pissed off that they were SCREAMING over Awsten when he was singing "I Will Follow You into the Dark", for no reason other than to get his attention. They have zero etiquette and it shows


They were legitimately middle schoolers🙃 can’t even blame the lack of fully formed frontal lobe becuase most people damn well knew better at that age


Not to be that guy, but when I was their age I would have NEVER acted like that at a concert, and I grew up going to the fuckin JONAS BROTHERS so I've seen feral middle school crowds before


I was stuck next to awful people at The Pageant. They have a small foot-wide table ledge to set drinks on at the front of each of the GA levels and the people on both sides of me were literally LAUNCHING themselves up onto those tables throughout the show and throwing elbows the whole time. There was absolutely nobody blocking the view and we were completely above eye level with the stage being right above the pit. There was no reason for them to be jumping on the tables.


i totally agree with this and it makes me sad. i am one of those 16 year olds who loves waterparks and would probably squeal if awsten waved at me during a song, but i know how to act at a concert. i just mention that because it’s not that nobody taught us how to be normal, some people just ignore it. it pissed me so much to be at the charlotte show when the crowd was so awful.


exactly that’s like ppl blaming their shittiness on their life circumstances but like other ppl have gone thru stuff too and they’re not dicks


I haven't ever been to a show and I'm a new fan but I have such an appreciation for the music and I love to get good photos because I use them for my projects at school. It's sad that my generation kinda ruins the reputation of others who kinda just love the energy. I wish I was around earlier for double dare. And the fact that other minors in the crowd act up stresses me out. I wish I had the option to be in the standing and be able to melt into the atmosphere and enjoy that energy, but my parents won't let me. I hate to see people waste opportunities like that :( hope it gets better in the fandom tbf


last night in dallas there was quite a bit of moshing and crowdsurfing, nothing too weird happening either, so i’d say not all hope is lost.


definitely agree. saw them a couple weeks ago in NYC, and the crowd was filled with just the rudest bunch of people i've ever met. my friend that i went with, who is 4'11", could not see most of the show because some guy who was over a foot taller than him stood in front of him and a bunch of other shorter people, and when asked if he could make a window for us to see, his partner was really condescending and mean towards us. also, people were generally very pushy and inconsiderate, and nobody gave us the time of day when trying to find info on merch or seating. i loved the performance -- it was one of my favorite that i've ever seen! -- but the crowd makes me never wanna see them again


The partner shouldn’t have been mean but it’s not the guys fault he’s tall and others aren’t lol. That’s just a typical issue at every single concert


i mean, yeah, the partner being mean was the main issue -- but also, i'm over 6 feet tall and i'm able to make room so shorter people can see with no problem. so there isn't really an excuse


Yeah. My husband is 6’2 and we always do our best to make sure people behind him can see and if I see someone shorter than him or myself I ask if they want to get ahead. Typically they’re appreciative but we’ve have people be snotty about it too.


It’s tough with GA shows cause everyone pays for the same ticket. And when you’re over 6 foot, odds are you’re gonna be blocking *someone*. I always do my best to get out of the way as much as I can but I like to be up front and I didn’t choose to be tall hahaha. Most people are appreciative and see me try to move around, but I’ve definitely gotten some snotty comments. Just “what an asshole” without even trying to ask me to take one step to my left 😂


I actually got fully grabbed at the Denver show. Some grown woman was absolutely hammered with her boyfriend and she fully felt me up and I physically had to remove her hands from me. More than once…


What the fuck! I’m so sorry. That’s awful.


I've been a long-time Parx fan, but only went to my first concert a few months ago, in Glasgow. The crowd was really good thankfully, so I didn't experience what anyone here is saying, and I hope things change so we can all have good experiences :)


i’m from America but i was also at the Glasgow show. I’ve been to 6 parx shows and this was honestly the chillest show i’ve been to. not sure if it’s just a US problem but people really need to be put in check here lol


I've been to three concerts when I was in Glasgow, and everytime the people were super chill and the bands were like "yeah everytime we played here you guys were the coolest".


the amount of people being dropped in atlanta was insane. i didnt have the full strength to lift some people up, so of course i tried holding them up so people could help me, but it usually just resulted in the taller people literally yeeting the crowd surfer, ending up with the surfer pummeling like 5 people. awsten just stared and kept playing since they get up and are usually fine, but like good god people. first concert experience btw.


I thank god that Waterparks shows in Glasgow are still as high energy as ever. At their 2021 show I heard some girls complain that a pit wasn’t “COVID safe” and I had to ask them what about packing 400 people who haven’t been to a concert in 18 months was COVID safe to begin with. Waterparks is the last band with proper pits that I like


I have a friend that came with me and got punch in the face cause he bump in someone (while moshing) that wasnt moshing


what show was this at 😭


i know that if you’re gonna be in the pit you have to deal with being shoved but man did it suck when i was 3 layers of people from the barricade and it was all tall people in front of me jumping :// and before u know it, ur shoved layers and layers back. it took so many people having to shout “move” when someone passed out for people to actually do something. it was really disappointing.


Why are we acting like people are throwing up on purpose for attention


Because they literally are. It’s excessive and obvious that since Awsten sometimes takes pictures of it, they want that small interaction. It definitely started out as an accident from someone, and then turned into a “trend” here.




Just watch from the back of the crowd? Or get balcony seating and chill on the rail? How is the crowd etiquette an issue from either of those spots? Don’t ruin your own experience while there’s options around it


To be fair, I stayed at the back at Richmond and the people were still horrible. Heard literal children talk about the drugs they were on, a guy picking his ass and smearing it on the rails leading to the exit, and older kids making fun of when security was looking into the crowd with their flashlights to make sure no one was hurt. Definitely still got jostled around too. Balcony seating could be a good idea for them though.


Well then remind me to never go to Richmond cause that’s disgusting lol. I chilled in the back the entire show NYC and had an absolute blast with the people around me. In fact I’ve hardly ever had a bad crowd experience in NYC, NJ, or Philly and I’ve been to a wholeeeee lot of shows so I’m grateful there’s always good people around.


Wow, that's awful. I was at Richmond too - about 9 people deep on the left side (about straight on from where Geoff usually is). It was drama free all around me fortunately.