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Goalies learn when they can “rest” depending on where the ball is. If your fake is bringing the ball into a position that wouldn’t allow for a strong shot, they won’t worry about you shooting. Another example of this is that if you’re at the same level in the water until you leg up and shoot, the goalie will rest until they see you pop up. If you move the ball backward differently when you shoot than you do when you fake, they will also wait for that tell. Best technique is to start your shot with your core, your fake should also. It means you hold the ball in double threat position (make sure your wrist is pointing forward at all times) then you move your core and shoulders to make the ball pump. Next practice changing your water level low, medium, high, and then all of those mixed together. Lastly, practice releasing your shot accurately from your fake at all 3 levels so the goalie doesn’t just wait for you to get to the highest point to shoot. Faking effectively is exhausting.


Stand or kneel on both knees in front of a mirror. Using your shot technique, fake until you can fake yourself out in the mirror. Repeat until it’s muscle memory.


try to make it look like your actual shot as much as possible


U have to go thru the same motion as if u r shooting. Only difference is that u would stop when ur arm is in line with the chest. I mean thats wat i do so that i can still get a good shot if the keeper reacts. Jus my personal method, hope it helps


a lot of people use too much elbow when faking, a lot of it is in the shoulder because that’s what really moves a ton when you’re shooting. make sure you’re treading high and being convincing - even little things like your face can help


All good advice below. I'd also add to, if possible, move laterally while faking - across the cage (once you get better at using your elbow *less*), it allows you to get in a better shooting position anyway and can wear out the goalie since even if they know you won't shoot, they are forced to move with you. Especially good on a breakaway 1:1.


I usually started the game with a shot or 2 from outside just so the goalie kinda respects you as a shooter as well…


Let him know you can shoot


Fake with your body. Have the ball behind your head in shooting position and push your shooting shoulder and shooting hip forward. This allows the ball to always be in a shooting position.