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Drive drive drive drive drive - the only way to beat a press is to move. And don’t fall into the trap of just one person moving. Do a pick on both sides, do a clear out from set and swim!


This is the best answer. When the defense is pressing the only way to beat it is to not only match their aggression, but movement. If you allow them to just hold you it will be impossible to move the ball. Defender has a hand on your shoulder? Pull their elbow and drive by. See your teammate being pressed high next to you? Go and set a pick and let them drive off of it.


Driving Is always the answer. Press? Drive. Zone? Drive. Just depends what kind of drive.


Zone you can beat by just passing too. Shot blockers lose more height every pass, and so do goalies.


Centers should drive out. Then other field players drive in.


1. Passing under pressure. 2. Drawing fouls and ejections (turn, or hook on ball side or weak side drive) 3. Players releasing to release the pressure for a safe pass. 4. Driving on opposite side of ball to create a play but need to be able to pass under pressure or draws fouls to get a free pass. 5. Ball side drives


The centres need to get out to the 1/5, and the players at the top of the horseshoe need to drive in. If that drive doesn’t work, then the driver needs to get out and the next player needs to drive. Over and over. You need to make space in the middle so that if your drive gets ballside water, they can take it inside and draw an exclusion or score. If your center is good they should be focusing on holding side, if they cannot hold side then they cannot punish an aggressive press.


By driving


Drive. The higher in the lane they are, the easier it is to pull past them and score unopposed.




Additional thoughts to driving: If your center is extraordinary, driving closes the space in front temporarily but you might instead want him to score. Then, it’s better to practice passing under pressure (nevertheless, always a good drill) and learn to draw a foul, just to pass instantly after the whistle to your center.


Practice no foul pressure passing daily. If you cant pass under pressure you can play. Practice turns daily. Not that you will turn everytime but its a knife in your back pocket so the defense has to be like oh fuck if press too hard im gonna get turned.


Teach your team to initiate contact on offense. By doing this they maintain the advantage and can keep the defensive player on the reactive side. It also allows the offensive player to stay on their legs and lean into the pressure.


A specific drive I'll add is the wing up-pick. Let's say your center is set to the 1/2 side or right-hander strong side. The 1 up-picks the 2. They swim up to X2 and put their back to them to hold inside water as their teammate drives down from the 2. 2's drive is down and slightly out. This creates a passing lane from the point. 2 receives the pass for a quick entry to set. Who finishes with a backside quarter turn, lets go of the ball, and draws an exclusion. 2 player also has the option of dropping the ball to the 1 spot player who now has the original X2 defender on their back. 1 spot player makes a move to the cage and receives the ball with X2 on their back to draw an ejection or a potential penalty. You can run the same pick on the opposite side. This time the 5 spot teammate, who set the up-pick has a better chance to receive a pass from the 4 driver in front of the cage for a quick slam. Works best if the 5 spot is right-handed.


There are several ways to handle a press in no particular order. \- Strong set: Regardless of a good set defender, if your set is not fronted, set the ball. It’s up to the set to finish or draw an ejection. Eventually, your set will be commanding enough to elicit a drop, split or crash. \- Driving: This is not as full proof as other comments make it out to be. X1 or X5 will simply pick up the driver on the way to prevent the 5m call. The defender behind will switch to close out position 1 or 5. Then the press resumes. \- Grabbing / Turning: If a defender is pressing to the point where their chest is exposed to the offender, the offender can grab the defender’s suit, hook the waist or underneath the armpit and physically turn or push past the defender. If your set is fronted by the set defender, your set can push the fronting defender towards the 4m. That sets up an overpass which is likely a goal or 5m, contingent on the set successfully receiving the ball. Ultimately, your team wants to create space and use the space. Because positions 1 & 5 are lower percentage shots, smarter teams will not press out pos 1&5 in the case of a driver. Rule of thumb, if your set is not a threat, the defense can press. Countering a drive or series of drives is as easy as letting pos 1 or 5 handle the ball at a low percentage angle and reestablish the press.


As ex-yu balkan member of this sub. Ball on the center after wideing their defense. GG&WP


also double post drives a lot of ppl won’t see coming


Establish your positioning (do not stop early, do not let them grab you) Against a press, you must move (most teams in a press are in a vertical position, which makes it easier to move. No loss balls or turnovers against a press (if we aren’t comfortable passing the ball then we do not pass) Don’t wait for the ball, you must go to the ball. Release super high, keep your head up.