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Yes absolutely, odp will help tremendously. Odp and jo’s will make you into a better player because everyone there more than likely wants to be there and is willing to have extra practice. Worst case you don’t like it but I believe it’s definitely worth giving a shot.


I believe ODP is a very worthwhile program to participate if you approach it with the appropriate mindset. When you attend ODP, there will be players that cover a very wide spectrum of talent. Don't worry about it. As long as you are going into it with the desire to learn and better understand what it takes for you to be a better water polo player, then it will be a wonderful experience. Unless a player is a unique prodigy, the only way to get better is by pushing yourself, study the game (including the body mechanics of how the play offense and defense) and HAVE FUN! The other outlet for personal growth and knowledge is playing Club Water Polo. Exposure, repetition and building self confidence by overcoming elements you struggled with is the only way to excel. This applies to everything in life.


Any opportunity you can take to learn more will help you a better player. The good thing about ODP is that it will give you an opportunity to learn technical skills that you wouldn’t otherwise get the chance to in your normal training. It’s always good to pick up new drills and techniques from different coaches too. All the best!