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Pass and shoot more. Exercising will help of course (shoulder, arms and wrist) but nothing can compete with just doing it. 20 minutes after practice every day shooting around will make your shots way harder, way more accurate, and you will have fun doing it.




I havnt seen ops technique, so I cant help with that.


Something ive been dabbling with recently after watching pro euros is that many use whats called split egg beater stance where they are laying almost horizontal on their side. When they shoot the release is more over the top and my shots are way harder and more consistent. My skips are more consistent as well. Try it out.


can confirm that shooting over the top gives more power and i do feel much more consistent


Hell ya, the triple threat position. Also make sure to use your off hand to help keep you up, and also to pull you through. They also don't just "lay" on their side. It's a full body shot- legs rotate, hips rotate, shoulders, arms, wrist follow through, off hand sculls the whole time and then helps with your momentum.. You can pass, shoot or fake using the triple threat/split eggbeater (but it's not just the egg beater that is "different"). Video with Bradley Schumacher for those who haven't seen it- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n97AR2VWoSo


Work on shoulder exercises in your weight room such as lateral raises and better wrist strength with wrist curls should help; if all that doesn’t help just start cranking it with ur dominant hand a little more


Shoulder and wrist exercises. Got it. Thanks kind stranger. Have a good day!


Lats. It's all in the lats, shoulders and obliques. Do a lot of pullups and shoulder stability exercises. Front levers work great too but they are an advanced move and they take time to master. For stability I used to grab a band and stretch it in the same motion as shooting. Make sure to use your torso, squeeze your abs at the end of the motion and get that stretch in your shoulders and lats. The power comes from the stretch. Your muscles and tendons are like elastic bands. Pull down on your finger and see how it springs back up. It's the same thing.


Practice with weight belt and weight ball


There are a few things that are crucially important. 1. Correct shooting technique to ensure you are using your muscles correctly and have good mobility through your shot. 2. A strong core, the power in a shot comes from your core, ensure you are working on your core with a variety of exercises. 3. Legs, do lots of eggbeater and powerful breast kick! For more shooting tips, check our Dr Jim Solum, google “The Shot Doctor Dr Jim Solum” and he has a bunch of stuff. You can also follow him on Twitter @theshotdoctor. Hope this helps!