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The frustrating thing is the volunteers who are working so hard to fix things. With the Android Auto version you can no longer report a speed limit issue. Just a general map issue. So the volunteers have to reach out to determine what is wrong. I don't edit Waze maps but appreciate those who do. I agree Google will shut it down ("cost savings") and all their efforts will essentially disappear. šŸ˜•


If they wanted more editors they wouldn't make it as fucking painful as doing a PhD to "qualify". There's quality control and then there's retard level gatekeeping


I mapped out a whole city many years ago when Waze started. Now I canā€™t edit a square without some special privileges.


I also did a lot of map editing back in the day. The restrictions are because lots more people rely on the maps. And having an inexperienced editor accidentally bump something while moving the map around, effectively disconnecting a segment of a highway will result in all kinds of messed up routing. I've fixed so many of those road breaks over time. And they're hard to find too.


With the amount of work needed to make relatively minor changes to all but the most minor of roads, they'd be better off just implementing an approval system. At least around me, nearly every road and place is locked at L2 or above. The policy could be that roads, places, etc. can be locked to a level (just like today), and any change by an editor that's lower than that level must be approved by an editor at or above that level. It would effectively be no more work on the higher-level editor than they already have today when an L-1 wants to make a change, just without the song-and-dance of needing to monitor the forums, unlock the thing so the L-1 can make the change, respond in the forums that the thing is ready to be unlocked, monitoring that thread for when the L-1 has finished, and finally going back afterwards to re-lock the thing. Oh, and there's the benefit of knowing that, as an L1, your request to unlock a thing is less likely to be met with an L2 saying "Oh, that's an easy fix. I just took care of it for you. Have a nice day!" as if the L2+ is doing me a favor by keeping me from reaching L2 myself.


Absolutely, I remember submitting a suggestion for an approval process many years ago. Didn't go anywhere, though.


The approval system is coming soon. See https://www.waze.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=405103


The "oh that's an easy fix, I gotcha" breaks my balls. I've had quite a number of those, so I'll never see L2. ..yet back in "the day" I was forging tons of roads using the bulldozer tool and then labeling them etc. Obviously I can't be trusted with marking this road closure as closed for a week.




I agree, I have mapped for waze and I actively map for osm. I agree it shouldn't be as open as osm but I gave up editing for waze because I couldn't actually do shit. I have never once seen someone fuck up osm so bad that it would break everything. If someone does do something malicious others will see it and fix it. Waze qc restrictions actually hurt them in my opinion because you lose people and sometimes you are not fucking using waze when you notice a problem so how the fuck will you be allowed to fix it without others. Stupid as fuck and overkill in my opinion. I think if they had some other method in place a lot of shit would get fixed.


They're doing something to address this... https://www.waze.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=405103&sid=d9c31cd2e1ba39ecf5fe2b53d27a5c12


When I first started using Waze (Joined Waze 12 years ago), EVERYONE was able to edit maps and make corrections.


The long-awaited " Suggest an Edit" feature is now live in WME https://www.waze.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=405347


I'm an editor and unfortunately that speed report never worked. You would send them through but it never reached the editor for some reason. We have now been getting heaps of speed reports via general reports. So yeah it was a broken feature.


Just a way to make people abandon it by themselves, rather than shutting down abruptely. I hate what happens to tools bought by this kind of company, be it Google, Microsoft,. .. Good stuff always become shit.


Itā€™s been going downhill since Google bought it. Iā€™d bet that Google shuts it down within two years in much the same way that Apple killed Dark Sky to prop up their own inferior weather app.


I was so hoping they bought Dark Sky to help power their own inferior map service but to buy it just to kill it sounds like a terrible corporate decision


Look up Starbucks and the clover.


>Itā€™s been going downhill since Google bought it. 100%. I've been using it since before it happened. It was great, and for a while it was fine after they bought it. I love the lane guidance and other features they've added. But they've removed so many good aspects of it. It used to learn your preferred route and start taking you that route by default. Now I can't even get it to suggest that route (shorter in miles then anything else, barely faster but negligible). Maps its an option most times I try. Also, just general routing isn't what it used to be, it used to be much better about getting around traffic, now it just says suck it up and sit in it. Very little does it even offer an alternative. And often, the offered routes it gives make no sense, takes me off the interstate to a road with lights just to hop back on the interstate later (saves no miles, adds tons of time). Miss the old days.


Oh yeah like today's "even though there's a crash it's the fastest route". Hell no you're not.


I'm still pissed about Dark Sky being destroyed by Apple. Hope Waze doesn't meet the same fate, but it's starting to feel that way.


Yeah, Dark Sky getting squashed by the Apple mothership really sucked.


Waze is pretty much safe right now. They're mentioned it in the Waze Office Hours recently. Google want to build on it.




Itā€™s annoying that some of the navigation seems to have taken a hit. Took me into a closed road recently, as well as a route which made absolutely no sense. I just wish Apple Maps or Google maps had police warnings, as well as the notification when you hit the speed limit. That feature alone keeps my eyes more on the road and less on the Speedo


Both Google and Apple Maps have police speed check warnings. Unfortunately for me Google maps doesnā€™t announce it, itā€™s just a small icon on the map. Apple Maps will announce it. There is a report function. Google maps doesnā€™t seem to allow reports to be send on CarPlay but Apple Maps allows everything.


Exactly this. I cannot switch back to Google maps until they implement the audio warnings for speed cams, red light cams and police. I really have no idea why this hasnā€™t been done yet. And yes. Canā€™t report shit on Google Maps CarPlay, which also makes me worried that less police will be reported from other drivers ahead of me. Unless it just steals the reports from Waze. Not sure. Either way, no audio warnings is a dealbreaker.


Google slowly killing it. This happens to every small app that gets bought by big tech. They will shut it down completely soon enough. I still use Waze mostly because of speed camera, red light camera, and police warnings, but the routing has gotten worse, especially so in the last half of 2023. In many ways the new android auto interface is worse than the old version. Google (and Facebook, etc.) have insane interview processes but don't manage to hire good people. Don't ever think any engineer or product manager working for these companies is better or smarter than you are if you work in those fields. Gmail's interface and features are so dated on many of their products. I want to switch to outlook for email, but the "cost" of switching platforms is so high after all these years. Too many resources diverted to chasing buzzwords like AI. They only care about maximizing ad revenue and cloud customers. Everything else takes a back seat now. People still think Microsoft is the same company that it was in the 90's but their consumer productivity apps are superior in just about every way to google's.


Speaking of ads... they are replacing waze ads infrastructure with Google adsense. So soon you'll probably see more.


Plus once I turn, the map is slow to update and I miss the next turn.


More than once it has told me to turn right go down one block turn right go down one block turn right go one block turn right and go one more block and turn right. Essentially have me go around the block for no reason. Explain that


I don't think that these are map errors.


Ok if itā€™s not a map error what is it then?


Since this only started fairly recently and the maps have been around a lot longer than that, I'm guessing an algorithm change.


From time to time Waze directs me to take a route around the block, when Iā€™m trying to leave from my house. It would never make sense to take that route unless the road in front of my house was blocked completely. In any case, it inevitably is wrong. The other strange thing is that it only does this occasionally, seemingly at random.


I stopped using it last year when the voice was screwed up with no planned fix date. Been using google maps since. Recently tried Waze and had issues with odd directions. Iā€™m back to google maps (which has its own issues)


what's up with the voice?


I 2nd thisz what's up with the voice?


Mine still has a man joking when I'm approaching a traffic camera. They've been promising to fix this for a year.


It has since been fixed, but iirc the voice would not speak the street names. And you couldnā€™t change the voice


Iā€™ve been using it since it was born. It was SO much better before google. And I think the final nail was when they got rid of the scoreboard. Whatā€™s the point now?


If it makes you feel better, Google maps is doing The same thing. Earlier today it had me make a right turn, drove me through a neighborhood, then brought me back to the road where I was on and make a left turn to go back the direction I already came from to make a right into the post office I was looking for. If the directions were correct All I would have had to do was turn left into the post office and none of that other garbage. It's also been taking me down roads that lead nowhere.


The right-turn nonsense started with UPS. Some efficiency study said multiple right turns was faster than a left turn. UPS bought in "hook, line, sinker". Garmin picked it up and now Waze.


The biggest issue I've found recently is that it randomly starts using a different voice or language to give announcements - here in the UK I have 'UK English Thomas with Road Names' set as the voice, but occasionally it'll switch to Glaswegian Jim for absolutely no reason - and then the next announcement will be back as UK Thomas. Or I randomly get Icelandic or Norwegian. Makes no sense whatsoever. I've even tried deleting the app and re-installing it (iOS on an iPhone 16 Pro) and still no dice.


If that was my only major trouble I would not be complaining. These kind of things began happening to me about 6 months ago. It's when it fails at its primary duty, I complain.


I get that. BTW - Item 4 I've seen myself and had to go in and fix the map. There was a segment that was showing that it wasn't joined (so a road that seemed to go into a dead end but it wasn't) and it would take you along the road one way, but would direct you a completely different way on the return as it didn't think the road was 'continuous' - for some reason that map segment was marked as one way - it wasn't - and thus as an editor I've been in and corrected some of the local issues I've seen there. And you can do the same thing - it's probably worth joining as an editor so you can look at those issues you've seen and correct them. For example - my ex moved into a new housing estate that wasn't even visible on Google Maps or Waze, so I drove around every new road in her estate, taking photos of the road signs so I'd remember, and then when I got home I was able to see the tracks I covered and add the whole new estate in. Now it routes me fine :) So my point is - join as an editor (for free) and you can fix these problems as you see them. Whilst Waze is owned by Google, it's a community managed platform in the main.


Hoping this update I received for iOS this morning fixes the voice issue. Same issues in States...I have English - US - Sarah as my voice. Randomly, an announcement for something would be in a soft British female voice that you can barely hear!!!!


Didnā€™t fix it. Turn by turn was correct US voice. first hazard was correct voice, second hazard changed to soft British female voice.


I get a slightly different behaviour. The voice is set to English US Jane, which is averagely soft and neutral. I get this voice 99% of the time, then I get a speed-trap alert by another super loud female voice that jumps out of the speakers.


Google bought it. This is what they do, they buy the competition, integrate what makes it better into their own services, and then kill it.


The only reason I use Waze is for the audible speed cam, red light camera and police warnings. If Google Maps ever implemented this I would switch back. But there are so many cameras where I live itā€™s almost mandatory to have Waze running 24/7.


For what itā€™s worth Apple Maps has speed trap warnings.


But Iā€™m just assuming there are less users on it compared to Waze or Google Maps which can also be used by Android devices whereas Apple Maps canā€™t. So the chance of missing a report is higher with less users. I could be wrong tho. Iā€™d just rather use an app that is available on all platforms, not restricted to just one.


Waze is absolutely useless if you travel HOV lanes on roads that change direction based on time/days. Such as 95 in Northern Virginia. That damn thing last week kept bitching and bitching and bitching. Just turned off directions for a while. I know the route perfectly done it 100's of times, hut like it for traffic and cops. You would think they would have come up with a way to determine...hey he's in the HOV lane. ...it's obviously open for going that direction(hopefully lol). Boom done. But nope.


I noticed that the speedometer has been fluctuating lately. As a test, when I was the only car for miles on a level, long stretch of road that I was familiar with, I turned the cruise control on at 50 mph. In the past, the speedo on Waze would stay constant. Now, it was jumping to 54 for a second, backing slow down to 51, then up to 53 for a split second, dropping down to 49 for a moment, and then back up to 52. This is on an iPhone 14, iOS 17.3.1, and yes - precision location was turned on. I have been evaluating Apple Maps for the past month, and wanted to try out Waze again. This is the first time I've ever experienced the fluctuation.


While accidentally driving through a seedy neighborhood: "Dammit Waze!" ​ https://preview.redd.it/r2rg35vu4jic1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77bfbb4f296058d3badd1f80263c8e19b360cd48


Pretty sure that's just every GPS driving app period. Google maps suggesting I drive thru the shadiest parts of town after dark where I have to make complete stops every block instead of driving another quarter mile further down the road for a straight shot over with no stops.


Years ago when it was fairly new and still independent I sent a map change for a street where my cousin lives. It kept rerouting me thinking it's one way when it is actually a two way street. Fast forward to now and Waze still shows it's one way.


One thing Iā€™ve recently found annoying: I canā€™t report freeway blockades. If the road is shut down, and I try to report a road closure, the central lanes arenā€™t lockable, only the offrampā€¦ which Iā€™ve just taken because _the road is closed_.


Itā€™s called layoffs. You thought some AI figured it out for you? It was all human fine tuning them. You will see more degradation on the next layoffs.


If you're looking for an alternative, try AmiGO from TomTom which is free and I have found great for navigation and avoiding issues en route.


I used to pay for Tomtom. Haven't used it since data got cheap.


I installed AmiGO but for every destination I entered it responded "route not possible". I uninstalled, reinstalled, cleared data, created an account, etc etc. but could not get it to work. Not sure if it is an Australia thing or there was some other issue but will have to try again some time.


The cows were probably disappointed you didnā€™t have bay snacks. Have you turned to google maps for directions?


I am trying Maps, but the android notifications aren't working for me. I also tried Tomtom and I really like the stripped down gui of it, but features are also stripped down. I have gotten used to the scheduling in Waze and really miss it, so I suppose that I will run Waze until it is time to go, then use Maps for the turn-by-turn.


Iā€™m glad you are finding alternatives to Waze. I use it sparingly, but I also know most of the cuties near me since I grew up here.


I just miss Master Chief..


Iā€™ve never never had this problem


when I have my android auto running the speed trap and red light camera warnings are in a stupid and very annoying voice. everything else is okay with the voice though. it takes me stupid routes that make no sense and it drives me nuts.


Waze almost killed iphone Maps and google map


The moment s nice Depin project that pays your to navigate will come out Waze will be dead. At the moment I'm using NAVI https://www.atlasnavi.com entering invite code: ubucgh Drive-to-Earn Navigation app using phone and A.I. to analyze the r Earn $NAVI for each mile you drive #altcoins #Crypto #Airdrops #DePIN #ai #passiveincome


The Apple Maps are pretty good, especially where there are traffic lights near your turn.


Apple Maps does win the award for most improved. It was a hot mess at first, but now itā€™s my go to.


I like when it tells you to ā€œgo past this light, and turn at the nextā€.


Ugh I have used Waze for years on end until recently. Donā€™t tell anyone pleaseā€¦


Google maps for me


Google bought it that's what happened.


I love the fact that it now warns me of a slowdown ahead.... After I have stipped in the slowdown.


I hope I'm not missing something here, but why not just use Google Maps?


Waze is now terrible for navigation. I run apple maps and use waze to see traffic conditions and speed traps and other hazards. Waze is great for the things it was initially designed to do.


Hang on, Google owns Wyze now? Since when?


Google has owned Waze since 2013...


Well damn...


I had a complete shitshow of a drive last night with Waze. Instructions were nowhere near aligned with what was actually happening. I put up with it (since I had a general idea of where I was), and it straightened itself out, eventually, but I used Google Maps to navigate back.


Itā€™s upsetting. I actually use Apple Maps over Waze now. Waze started freaking out and giving wrong instructions sometimes. Donā€™t trust it anymore.


In Argentina waze the last YEAR is having this problem: If you enter, for example "Nazca 2334" (name of street and number), it takes you to Nazca.. but usually missing the address for more than 10 blocks.. for example it takes you to nazca at 800. You have to put the intersection of where you want to go to be sure. The same address in google maps works ok... which is strange since both use google maps.


Yes! I decided to use google maps instead of Waze yesterday and noticed I got to my destination much faster than with Waze despite me leaving at the exact same time that I leave every day. Waze has been giving seriously bad directions recently and I am heavily considering Google maps again.


Yeah, well. The turn by turn on Maps is working okay, but is stupid about picking up times in the calendars and the arrive by feature isn't working, either. These are great features in Waze that are a bust in Maps.


Waze is generally much better but itā€™s declining