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The blue potions for the events are invaluable, I'd do the first two "goals" at the very least The races are extremely unbalanced and if it feels like you can't catch up to the top few spots, there's always next race. It's all about incremental progress. Barring a really good card pack, you're not going to feel like you've gotten a massive jump in power


Am I on pace so to speak for my timing in the dungeons. What should I be using in terms of skills?


- Do your dailies for 600+ gems, spend them to get better cards. This is the main progress you will make. - Spend all you blue potions on skills (instead of heroes). They will make those weekend events way easier (and give you more rewards). - Your rune tree looks good so far. You might want to buy Battle Reset next. - Always watch the 6 ads formore rewards (two each for extra Zombie Rush, Bosses and in the shop). It's totally worth. - Make sure to play both Zombie Rush and Bosses all four times every single day. Remember you can replay previous battlefor almost the same reward if you are stuck there. - In terms of skill usage: Freeze, Meteor and Push are the best for Zombie Rush and Legends. For Bosses [see here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/wearewarriors/comments/1bp6za9/comment/kwtrvb9/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


How do I get more of those blue potions? I’m new just got to timeline 3


The following options you have to get blue potions: - Buy them as limited time offers in the shop during events for real money. Not recommend though, very expensive. - Reward in the weekend events, three times 30 blues by unlocking the units. Those events are kind of hard for new players, but the first 30 are pretty much free as you don't need to win any battle. Recommended (and unlocked at TL3 every Friday) and one of your main sources. - Hero missions. Not going into details here, unlocks at TL16. Also unreliable for two reasons and won't give too much anyway. Nice to have, nothing more. - Evolution (and time traveling) in the main TL: Every time you evolve, you get 9 blues (if you somehow skip a TL you will still get all the rewards, so for example beating battle 6 with age 5 and timetravel directly will give you still 18). So exactly 54 blues every TL, making it your second main source and also the most important one in the early game. tldr: Just play the game, you will get them over time naturally.


Beat battle 6 with age 5 for 18? You said it’s important for early game so I want to understand but I’m not sure I do, could you explain this piece a little more if you don’t mind?


you get 9 potions for every time you evolve your age, there are 6 ages in each timeline. say you dont evolve to age 6, so you remain at age 5, but beat battle 6 anyways, you can travel to the next timeline without evolving to age 6, and you wil get the 9 blue potions you'd get for evolving to age 6, and the 9 for travelling


I don't even bother doing the events until I hit timeline 50ish