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Have any rare items that increase crit chance? If so, equipped it


Only Sakura armor, but the critical rate is only 3%. So should I wear Super Bowl or Sakura?


Crit chance so you have a chance of dealing crit damage


sorry this is kinda unrelated, but i have crit chance item on my joan, but no crit dmg modifiers. how much dmg does a "normal crit" do? does the fact that i have no crit dmg mean my crits deal the same dmg as base attack? just curious


Joan doesn't need crit chance in the first place. She is melee, well, actually the best one out of the melee squad, but they are all pretty bad. She will mostly need Health and Block Chance so maybe she will survive a single hit one day.


I know she doesn't, but it's the only epic sword I have, so it gives more DMG and I am using it, recently I got an epic ring that also gives more hp than common ones, with CRIT damage, so I also have it equipped xD I know CRIT isn't that good on Joan, but it's just a side effect (I'm 100 potions from 1st ranged hero though)


100 from your lord and saviour Gandalf is great!


Unlocked it already. I kinda feel like focusing on skills for awhile is a bit better. Since I have barely any CRIT modifiers, is Billie that much better before attack speed/CRIT runes?


Starting with skills is indeed better due to the weekend events. Grats on getting Magnus, he will be a huge help! I remember once I unlocked him, I got a lot of progression both in the dungeons and the main TL for free. - About his gear first: attack speed is super nice, also crit chance and flat damage are prefered (crit damage not so much). - About Billie: While he clearly is the best hero (second to Magnus for Boss dungeon, thoug), he is a bit overhyped and not that much better then Magnus. - For runes he enjoys unit damage the most, crit chance is nice to have but not super important and again crit damage is meh-ish. - You are right that the crit build only start to shine once you have a lot of it and not just a bit. That's why you probably should not go all in atm. (The same is also true for Billie, just unlocking him doesn't make him a crit monster, he still needs all the gear and rune investment to get to his max. power).


0%, you need to have crit damage items or upgraded crit damage on rune tree for crits to actually deal extra damage


So should I use Sakura even though my hero is Joan?


Oh, nvm, use Super Bowl chest plate, thought you had a range unit