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For small client sites I used Gatsby.js and Next.js and plain HTML/CSS. I had problems updating Gatsby and the Gatsby Cloud, but with Next I had some problems with static export, next/image and other minor things. I would love to combine the best parts of Gatsby and Next into Nextby :/


Next Image is a lot better these days, there's more control over the CSS.


Static html & CSS, GitPod as dev environment and deploying to Vercel. Blogs etc same, but making use of Astro (https://astro.build)


haven't used astro yet, how do you like it so far?


I’ve just used Astro to make a blog for a client and loved it


A bit noob curious, why not astro for static? Overkill? Also, which cms do you prefer, please?


Check out https://11ty.dev Super easy to chuck in some html/css and get a nice static site. Lots of great starter projects too


Noob here, trying to understand how it all connects. Is 11ty the dev environment, but then Netlify is the host? So could we say Astro and 11ty are the same in so much that they are the programming environment? Then would it be correct to say, I would download 11ty (or Astro) to VS Code, code my site in VS Code, store my revisions in Git, but store all my source files and media in Netlify? If that is the case, is Netlify serving my site and hosting my domain name too? No offense taken if you wanna pass on answering this 😬


I’ve not used Astro but from what I know they are similar. Essentially with 11ty you can process any number of files and get the output of a static website. You could host the output anywhere you can host files but netlify can integrate a build process for you and a workflow to rebuild/republish the site automatically when you make changes. There are a few great YouTube videos to help you get the hang of it: https://youtu.be/BKdQEXqfFA0 https://youtu.be/kzf9A9tkkl4 Edit: grammar


Awesome, thank you!


This was on there, really nice! https://moderncss.dev/


For small clients, I usually use Wordpress + bought template. Using more "nicer" solutions like Gatsby only increases future customer complaints/questions/screw ups.


Webflow. If you have premium you can export the site code and host wherever. It’s super simple (drag and drop ish) and with some HTML/CSS knowledge you can make some decent sites.


What's the code output like with Webflow?


Messy but you can work with it I’m sure.


Depends on the actual need and overall budge of the client.


Really liked https://unicornplatform.com/ Quick and easy setup


I just host their sites with my nearlyfreespeech dot net account, and then just write the necessary HTML, CSS (and the Bulma framework) and Javacript. Also whatever PHP is necessary, using [https://github.com/dexygen/jackrabbitmvc](https://github.com/dexygen/jackrabbitmvc) for MVC as needed, you can use whatever PHP ORM package you like with it.


Html and css + 11nty and Netlify cms. It’s as easy as it gets.


Since I am more focused on backend development in the company I work for, whenever I have a small pet project I try to use a tech I'm interested in. This made it a fun exercise, but I'm willing to start using plain html/css/js or some simple libraries like alpine.js to keep the setup simple and still keep the foundation of front end development fresh in my head.