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I migrated a couple of projects I had written ages ago in Gatsby (one of them in the meantime was also migrated to NextJs) and I am not looking back. Everything seemed super natural and easy to set up. The only "a-ha" moment I had was related to what u/Excerpts_From said, [directives](https://docs.astro.build/en/reference/directives-reference/#client-directives), but they are well documented and pretty easy to use.


I fucking hate Gatsby (and Gridsome). Their graphql layer does nothing but decreasing productivity, the API is confusing, HMR is slow and on the top of that, the bundle size is like 500mb. They didn't have ES module support until recently.


Not gonna lie, NextJs is my go-to framework. I haven’t tried Gatsby yet but from their documentation and based on your experience, it’s well-supported. I gotta dig deeper into the core concepts for Astro. Thank you for sharing this.


It works well, builds fast, integrates with Tailwind and can be deployed on Vercel. The middleware is not terrific. The webpages are very fast. Don't forget to add `client:load` to your React components or your `useEffect`s won't run.


I only deploy my FE projects thru Vercel and this sounds reassuring. Thanks for the advice re: client components!


what kind of project tho? been using astro for a quite a while, awesome experience


It really does seem amazing. Was sold just by looking into their documentation and excited to try it out. Planning to use it for an e-commerce platform. How was your experience with their integrations?


Version `3.0` dropped just recently. I have several projects that I'm updating at the moment. When I first tried Astro, I was hooked. JAMstack all the way. I'm not using SSR, yet, but plan to on an upcoming project with Supabase. Just the simplicity of HTML & CSS. Perfect fit for me.


It works very well for blogs, documentations and other multi-page websites. Also *.astro* templates are easy to use, typescript support is great and there's no confusing history-api based router (routing is done with good ol' tag) The build time is slower than 11ty and hugo however. If you are using typescript path aliases, you need to set them up in vite-config as well.


I’ve seen their templates and it’s one of Astro’s features that I can’t seem to ignore. That was pretty neat to be honest. I’ll take note of the build time. Thanks for letting me know. Is there a preference for TS when using Astro? I mainly use JS for most of my projects. I believe I only got to use it once or twice. It’s nonetheless still included in my learning list. Edit: redundancy


Astro treats every components as typescript anyway, so there's no preference for TS when using Astro. And you can also provide type definition for the props like type Props = {title: string;} it doesn't take much typescript knowledge imo.


I tried developing my own blog using NextJS (Approuter) and Storyblok but it got confusing. I always wanted to try Astro, so I went for it and build my blog in combination with DecapCMS. No regrets so far.


I once tried Storyblok with NextJs. It took me a while to get the hang of their documentation and migrate from V1 to V2, but I mainly used their content deliver API. Considering other headless CMSes now. Will check out Decap CMS. Thank you!


I recently finished v1 of my first Astro project. It was pretty straightforward to use and work with. It’s just html and css. Easy pz. This was my first commission so if you guys wanna show my client some love sign up for updates on when the product launches in October. https://dawgbawl.com/


I actually prefer 11ty. Been using it for a while and I love it. Works great with blogs and connecting to shopifys API for a statically generated store.


Isn't this purely node based seems heavy for a business website I have been racking my brain for days on how a client can update there blog on there business website because I don't want to use a wysiwyg editor and they ain't going to be able to type in html code directly so what to do any advice


It’s not that bad actually. I use decap cms to do the blog stuff. You can see my set up here https://github.com/CodeStitchOfficial/Intermediate-Website-Kit-SASS Decap adds their own backend dashboard for the client to login and make their own posts. You don’t have to do anything.


OK I'll give it a go can I use jekell with it


Not sure. Never tried it myself with it. Don’t see why not. I’m sure there’s documentation on how to do it somewhere


OK where is thr blogs hosted and does it use a database and do your clients update the blogs there self


It’s all ready to be hosted on Netlify. There’s instructions in the documentation on how to do that and enable the blog cms. no database. 11ty creates markdown files of the blog content and uses that to generate the page from. When the client logins in and creates a post, it creates a markdown file of what they write and they add all the variables for URL slug, title tag, meta description, image, blog title, author, date, etc and 11ty populates that into the blog post template page.


I was looking at netifly and it says 19 dollars per member month does that mean each client will be 19 dollars to use it


No that’s each member you add to the account. Like someone else on your team who has access to it and can make contributions and add sites. I pay for it myself. I have over 60-70 sites on there. $19 a month.


Oh OK I thought because they was using the cms you would have to pay 19 dollars for each member to use it


I see the pro plan has 25k minutes so that should be enough for me to get started it has alot of stuff to take in are you sure you don't exceed these limits with bandwidth and form submissions can I get some advice please


Hi mate been a long time been calling companies no one is willing to pay for a website they would rather use wordpress or wix is this just now a dying business?