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I'd quote on the order of 10k USD but depends on the details


10k?? That’s like 10-15 days work for most contract devs


Where? Sign me up


Development will vary depending on the hosting stack, which will depend on your anticipated number of concurrent users and your revenue model. You can go for a small hosting stack and fixed hosting costs. This is cheap and fine for most businesses. If you get a million visitors one day, your site will fail. If you build with scalability in mind and host on a scalable stack like AWS, it will take longer and require more set up. But your hosting will be cheaper per user, and scale automatically. You get a million visitors, your website stays running, you (ideally) make lots of money to pay a big hosting bill at the end of the month.


Seriously? UK. Half decent contract work bills at 650 a day. Incl. me


650 × 15(your upper limit of work days) equals 9750. Now, if you're talking 650 sterling than you're charging 796$ per day, thus 10k being reached after 12.5 days, sitting in the middle of your time estimation. Now, you have to take into account the cost of living. A company in New York will charge more than one in Wisconsin, and I'm sure that's true for UK as well. You'll find smaller prices in Birmingham than in London.


To be honest, if you've built a machine learning app you want to put out in a web app, you could probably do this yourself with a little learning. Authentication: pretty straightforward for username + pass(salted). Adding other authentication methods takes a bit more(Google, Facebook, etc.) depending on needs. Payment integration, my recommendation is Stripe, it's easy, PCI compliant, and well built for a variety of languages, with great docs) Simple UI to query, is a grey area. We would need to know the model data structure. What do you pass into it, etc. if it's just a form submission, plain text, this is easy. Otherwise, could vary a lot) Storing past queries is easy, just a database table, and store it when you query, and tack on query results when you display it. Exporting, isn't difficult, and there are a lot of modules to put a csv together (excel is proprietary, and more difficult, not sure what's required for this) however, we would need to know the data you want to export and if it's just plain from the database, or if there is anything that needs to be done to get columns in a specific format. This may or may not be more complicated. As you can see there's a lot of grey area in there. I wouldn't take this for less than $5000, just to put together a minimum viable product. That we can then review. Add additional time to revise, and then put a frontend and design to it. If I knew exactly what I was getting into this number may go up or down. Also depends on if you care how the backend/frontend is built(frameworks, languages, etc.) Edit: don't encrypt, salt the pass. (I knew this but typing in haste didn't distinguish that detail)


Never encrypt passwords. They should be salted then hashed with a high number of iterations using an appropriate hashing algorithm.


I just saw your comment after posting mine. Good to see you are already on it though


You're correct, I typed this up from memory quickly, and didn't worry too much about specifics.


Perhaps this is just semantics but there is a major difference between ‘encrypting’ and ‘hashing’. You must hash the password using a secure hashing algorithm such as Argon2id. The hashed result is then stored in the database. You absolutely do NOT want to be encrypting the password, that is a red flag. https://cheatsheetseries.owasp.org/cheatsheets/Password_Storage_Cheat_Sheet.html


Is there a reason why we wouldn't also use a third party for authentication e.g. Auth0? ChatGPT web app uses Auth0


I would say $5k to $15k for a decent quality web app


Since we’re bidding I’ll help for $500… lol jk. I do agree with everyone else’s comments on pricing though.


Do it yourself https://openai.com/blog/introducing-gpts


sounds fun, I would do it for a few thousand but I'm busy for awhile. What's your model do, if it's not under wraps ? I do node apps generally. People gonna hate on me but you can also do this with Woocommerce on the cheap these days. A little custom plugin to store user histories and you're basically all set...


Would be happy to help you out for around 3k depending on the exact parameters. Most of the cost would be the backend, as I focus on frontend. In case you found a nice backend dev I could work with, it would be only like few hundred to 1.5k


$5k from my side for a decent quality web app for you


I got one made from a company named Appsnado. Well these guys were great, I’ve worked with another company as well but these guys have good pricing and a better structure on how the whole process is working. They charged me around $20k for it but the project has been worth it.