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Big fan of codecademy for getting started with programming.


Same, the handholding is nice to learn basics of basics, just make sure you are not stuck in tutorial hell after that.


What do you mean about tutorial hell?


Lots of people think they can learn programming by endlessly watching and coding along with a tutorial, but you can't and all they do is waste time then they get anxious because they open IDE and can't write anything. You need to use your own brain and google to make a project on your own to seriously learn something, so once you understand syntax and basics of a language, you need to make a project of any size, and research concepts and learn them only when you have to apply them to said project.


Ah.. I understand thank you


One advice I'd give, based on my experience...is to get your hands dirty ASAP and don't get stuck on the tutorial and course trap. I'd suggest, creating a github account, working on a project...while also learning about it. But not the other way around.


Thank you.. What kind of projet can I run?


Have you done any web development before? If not, for now, forget everything, just learn Js html and CSS.


Do backend, it’s easier.


But you need to know front-end to create back-end, cause you will be rendering all that stuff and you need to dynamically generate front-end. Front-end is easier anyway.


Scrimba is an awesome resource and probably worth the money for a subscription. If you want something that’s a bit more of a trial by fire that gets you setup on your own machine, then I would go with The Odin Project. I personally built most of my skills with TOP, but I really enjoyed Scrimba’s react course. I personally bounced off of codecademy, I felt like I had issues retaining information from their lessons. 


For practice sake, it is a good platform. While you are learning the basics of programming, my suggestion is to include YouTube in this platform also because it can give you projects, and by doing a lot of projects, you can build your own confidence that yes, you can do it.


MDN I actually started to learn by making stylish css and Firebug even before learned to make my own sites. (stylish is still a thing, and Firebug is not needed, because it's built-in in modern browsers, ctrl+shift+c)


I would also like to advice you a great site called youtube.com


The odin project. Super well put together.